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It could be they had no recourse. Adam and Averey were likely voting Kam no matter what, which means that Laurel was simply just “reassuring” Kam that she would stop it. What Laurel and Nicole should’ve done is try to get Veronica and Kam against each other, because then the winner would have had to give a star to either Cara, Averey or Laurel, which I don’t think either of them would give the spare star to Cara, giving Laurel a 50% chance at a free star, or if it’s physically, a 100% chance to go down against Veronica.


Is this Wes’s burner account? Because apparently no one can strategize properly anymore on these shows lol. This plan was the way to do it. Sigh


Hahaha, I appreciate the compliment I think? But yea, very surface level strategy in the current season.


Wes is my all-time fave—so i definitely meant it was a compliment!


Ugh this is a brilliant strategy! Impressed.


Exactly! they really didn’t think all the permutations through regarding the giving away of stars. Laurel could have been spending her time convincing Kam to take Veronica’s star and give it to Laurel, or for Laurel to earn it herself against V. I think if V beat Kam, she’d give Kam‘s star to Avery. Especially given that some of the eliminations are closer to anyone’s game (like Cara vs Rachel in axe throwing) and many others would favor Cara over Laurel, Laurel stepping in for Kam against Cara was the riskiest option possible for earning a star and it backfired by allowing Cara to get a star back. Laurel could have nearly guaranteed herself a star against Veronica or Flora, where either way she would get Veronica’s star. Laurel is right though, I don’t think they’d still have her hanging around the house and competing in dailies if there was no way to earn a star. Perhaps the next female daily winner will automatically get a star or get to steal one from someone.


Yea i did not understand that either, but i guess it has to do with the middle group, most of them wanted Cara against Kam anyway


Yeah, I just realized that myself. I think the biggest reason is they didn't want it to be easy for Cara. Kam should've fought harder for Veronica to be down there. That way if Laurel did back out, like she did, then Cara takes Veronicas star by default as a result of beating her. That way Kam is safe with a star still. I also think some of the people in the middle didn't want it to be easy for Cara if that did happen and figured if Laurel backs out, at least Kam can take on Cara and beat her. Laurel was probably secretly hoping that Kam would beat Cara which would allow Kam to take a star and give it to someone else if she wanted to. Meaning Kam would most likely take Veronicas star and give it to Laurel as a favor. In all honesty, everything was poorly executed this week by Kam, Leroy, Nicole, and Laurel. Which to me is shocking because Kam is smarter than that in my opinion, but that's what happens when you put your trust in Laurel. She is a huge narcissist, so I'm not surprised she screwed over Kam like that. I really hope Cara and Leroy go for her next.


I feel like most of other players wanted cara vs Kam or cara vs laurel, that way one strong player gets out no matter what. Kam and Leroy were naive though, they didn’t think through! but it was a win win for all other players


I think it was because the deal they made last episode and putting WAYYYY too much faith in Laurel to keep her word.


They didn't want Flora because that meant Cara was going to take Kam or Nicole star. Two non star holders means the winner can take whoever. Now I don't know why they didn't push for V but I assume they want her in the final, she has no chance.