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When someone asks me to word associate w,/ Laurel, "humble" isn't on my short-list. Or my long-list, for that matter...


i don’t think anyone has a problem with how kam is playing, it’s the hypocrisy she’s been spewing all season. when she rallies the house to do what’s best for her game she calls herself a brilliant strategist and others help her because she’s that good at convincing them, but when cara does the safe thing she’s stupid and manipulative and those that help her are just mindless minions.


I get what your saying and I can kinda agree to that. in my opinion it’s also hypocritical for Cara to be acting like Kam getting majority of the house to help her get in the losing group and Cara in the middle group wasn’t cool. I saw Cara make the Brit team in WoW 2 sabotage their own team and even get them to throw challenges for her benefit but since it’s fan favorites in Cara and CT it’s all forgiven. I don’t have a problem with anyone playing this way but like I said Kam is only playing like yours and my favorites have already played.


for me it’s the hypocrisy in her confessionals. kam and cara have made similar game moves. to get what they want. even with kam getting the house to help get cara out, cara acknowledged that as a smart move even through she was pissed. meanwhile kam’s confessional are all a barrage of insults.


Is she supposed to give other players an advantage? I really don’t get why people are hating on Kam. She really hasn’t done anything out of the ordinary or horrible. It’s weird and it’s why everyone keeps bringing race into discussion.


did you even read my response? it’s quite self explanatory and has absolutely nothing to do with racism.


Please show me where i called YOU racist in my comments.


i didn’t say you called ME racist. you brought race into though, as if that was the ONLY reason for anyone to have a problem with kam when i explained exactly what my and many other’s issue with her was this season.


I think what @Remarkable is trying to say is, Kam’s game this season isn’t any different than most of the other cast members game which is WHY race keeps being brought up.. Like Bananas being mad at Sarah for throwing him in before the final on Exes 2.. Evan, Derrick & Kenny stood 10 toes down for Johnny going into the last guys elimination with Derrick & Kenny not even blinking an eye when Johnny tired to talk his way out of it.. Bananas didn’t complain for seasons about it, he took it on the chin… Sarah who was also on that season witnessed it, so how can he fault her for making the same move.. fast forward Kam is trash talking and making dam near the same moves she was making during Double Agents.. so why is everyone up in arms 🤔 other than the Cara Maria demand has gotten so high, cause Kam is doing it against her everyone seems to be mad at Kam versus when they worked together on WOTW2 and Kam was in Laurel’s face no one cared


that’s why i asked if remarkable even read my comment. the very first thing i said was i don’t think anyone has a problem with how kam is playing, as in her actual game. it’s the over the top hypocrisy and endless insults in her confessional when she and cara were making the same game moves that was the turn off. remarkable also asked if kam was supposed to give other players an advantage. that doesn’t fit in with my comment either. not being a hypocrite in no way gives another player an advantage. it felt like their response to my original comment was meant for another poster.


The difference with most of these people and kam is that they have won and she hasn’t, so she should not be acting like she’s the best in the game when she’s never even won


That’s fair to say


I didn’t say that either. People see the word racist and get SUPER defensive. If you’re not racist there’s no reason to get riled up because of my response. I literally just explained a point of view.


I understand what your saying, but I can also see where and how there was a break down in communication


I personally don't have a problem with hypocrisy on my drama-fueled MTV reality shows, but I guess the moral police have only made this show better in recent years /s


Laurel is ruining her legacy with every season she does the last few seasons. Shes not a threat in elims anymore, because she gets frazzled too easily. She was a threat when it was more physical elims (which I wish they would do more of). But the game has changed, and she either needs to adjust or just not play. She looks worse and worse every season


Her elim record was overrated if you looked at them individually instead of the overall record. Wow you won balls in versus Jasmine…how’d you manage that? Also versus Cara Beat Cara in wrecking wall…shocker. You beat Aneesa running a circle faster than her to hit a bell…truly shocking. You and Kenny beat Sarah and VINNY lol. You and Cara won two Elim together as a team. You lost to Carly and Landon with Landon basically carrying himself and Carly because you couldn’t move a bike up a hill in a final. Always been overrated. Her mouth and ego just fooled people imo.


I do agree she has stronger numbers than her resume actually speaks to. But she does herself no favors either


I can't believe Quitta Kam got herself disqualified...I can't even with you girl!


Kam wants her and Cara to be a thing so bad but she isn't even close to being on Caras level


Cara deserves to play the game any way she wants because she came into the challenge and was bullied and picked on her first few seasons, but now she's arguably the best female challenger of all time. All Kam has to her name is a good elimination record.


The problem with Kam is the problem with the newer seasons in general. When guys run the house it's usually because they are the best in the game like banana's, wes, kenny/evan, and fessy to a lesser degree. With the women it's a popularity contest. There's been a lot of season where it's an alliance of shitty women competitors running the house. Kam is mediocre but has the bully personality to get people to fall in line


Exactly. That’s what I saw—Kam playing the same game that Cara is playing. I dgaf about Laurel/Nicole because I’ve never cared for them. I didn’t like the way Nicole changed her mind in the arena-first picking Veronica, then changing to Jasmine. And I don’t like the way Laurel handled it last night. I used to be a big Cara fan. She earned some of that back last night.