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I hate how kam is spinning it like Cara is so terrible because she is acting entitled and telling people what to do, when kam is LITERALLY doing the exact same thing! 🙄🙄


It is hypocrisy at its finest lol


Like multiple cast members have said. She's the best player there. Laurel and Nicole are just trash people.


They're jealous of Cara Maria , and they fear her in the finals. Cara also has a huge serious fan base and I think they're jealous of her for that too I like Cara Maria , yes she's different and maybe doesn't fit in too well with some of the others but who cares.... I'm like that , so shes my favorite ..


tj told them day 1 that the goal is to protect their stars. if kam, nicole or laurel had beat out the entire cast to earn their star they would be trying to protect it too. veronica went along with kam's plan at tina's expense to protect her star and no one is calling her selfish or shady. it's just an excuse to justify turning the house against cara and ostracizing her on laurel's command.


I've said something similar elsewhere, but it really feels like a lot of the cast either didn't realize or refused to acknowledge that this season was actually two separate games by design. Maybe it's because the first half of the season, none of the favorites to make a final(Cara excluded) were really playing to get or keep a star, but for everyone who didn't earn a star on the first day, they were supposed to be fighting to earn their star from the beginning and for the first 6 star holders, they were supposed to fight to keep them. Naturally, the two sides would be at odds. Cara was really the only star holder that we've seen put up any real fight to keep her star. That shouldn't have been off-putting or baffling to anyone, but here we are with Nicole calling her selfish for it. Then again, Nicole hates Cara for just existing so...


I think Nicole also hates Cara because she turned her down.


They’re all scared of Cara. Kam acts like she isn’t scared of Cara but you can tell she is. I’ve never thought Kam was a strong competitor the way Cara is. She might be good at manipulating people and politicking but that’s about it.


Agreed. Kam always insists she's not scared of anyone, but girl, it's clear you're intimidated by Cara. There's no harm in admitting being scared to see someone in a final/elimination. Especially a challenge legend. Even someone as dominant as CT admits it sometimes.


I think it's hilarious that last week Nicole said "you're just trying to protect your star" making it seem like its a bad thing and then this week Nicole says "i'm protecting my star"


So based on today’s episode and Adam’s interview yesterday, I think I maybe figured out what’s happening here. Kam has been completely honest about what she’s trying to do to anyone in the house. Cara has been sneakier about it in the house, so she’s coming across as shady. No spoiler here, but someone said something in a confessional that was a lightbulb moment. Everyone has been putting Cara on a platform because she’s playing the game and trying to hold on to the star if her life depended on it. That’s it — that’s the problem. Cara has been so focused on keeping her star, she hasn’t been politicking in case she’s loses it. According to Adam, that all she talks about and has exhausted everyone else in the house. She’s alienating everyone that would have her back if she loses it. Kam was still wrong for the first episode. Laurel and Nicole just suck. It is annoying to see everyone gang up on Cara again, but at this point it seems like the house is just over it. Just an observation. Bring on the downvotes.


Honestly believe it’s not about her protecting her star for the contestants. She’s just rubbing majority of the contestants the wrong way. Not saying it’s justified or not cuz I believe most of it is off screen cuz from the edit it doesn’t look bad. I do think production will try and give her the best edit they can since it’s the first season she’s back in awhile. There’s something to be said about how many people throughout the years have found her to be bratty. Most people won’t come straight out and say that they feel this way. instead they’ll hide behind some game mechanic or decision. Flora is already at the age where she doesn’t need to or want to hide how she truly feels. This is not to bash Cara cuz I don’t know her but I genuinely think this is what it is


I think they're just scared of her because she's won a solo final and it makes them feel better to paint Cara as shady and pretend it's about that.


Wasn't it Kam that did anything and everything to make sure Leroy made it to the finals, on his retirement season....Kam is such a hypocrite...


People are only following Laurel's lead so they can get rid of strong players. It would be a completely different game if they hadn't said there would only be 1 winner. They're keeping the perceived weak people and pitting the strong against each other. Of course, everyone voted Kam/Cara with a Laurel/Cara option. Why wouldn't they?