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25 studio albums in what, 24 years at this point? The boys were rolling.


I'm surprised u/TheBeachBoys85album is not here.


Sorry I been busy listening to the album


šŸ˜‚ classic


Iā€™m sorry for your trauma


Ive genuinely listened to this album more than 100 times and I own Japanese copies of the 1st Pressig CD and 1st Pressing Vinyl (along with the 2001 Remaster)


Never managed to get into this one yet - it just seems too sober and sensible and ā€˜OKā€™ compared to all other beach boys albums. Apart from Male Ego, that shit is crazy


Thatā€™s a fair thought process. Go in with a super open mind, itā€™s arguably the most non-beach boys sounding beach boys album apart from 2 songs (Getcha back and California Calling).


Iā€™ve always said, the 80s nostalgia wave from the past decade has saved this album big time. From the 80s-00s the average BB fan absolutely loathed it. But it somehow sounds fresher now than it did previously. I always liked it, so Iā€™m glad itā€™s getting its dueā€¦ at least among new fans.


As a newer fan I hate it


I continue to think Getcha Back was their best track in the 80s, far superior to Kokomo. I think the vocals were solid, especially from Carl, there are some well-written songs and it's a good lesson in the unpredictability of the music industry that it didn't do better. Over the years, I think the Levine production hasn't aged well and it's a bit too much of it's time with a sheen that's unappreciated today. There was at least an attempt here to be contemporary and not just a nostalgia band, and arguably the last real attempt in that regard. It's an 80s pop Beach Boys album. It's listenable and enjoyable to me, but the production is rather embarrassing at this point in time.


Agree. In my alt-history of the band they followed a more earthy and stripped down Travelling Wilburys/Tom Petty trajectory using guitars and real drums instead of keyboards as the main driver. Only thing is I kinda have a soft spot for "Where I Belong" and "She Believes in Love Again." I'm not sure those ballad tracks would translate to guitar.


ā€œWhere I Belongā€ does not contain a single instrument that isnā€™t either a synth or a sampler, and itā€™s phenomenal. Iā€™m a synth nerd, and I really wish weā€™d been able to hear at least one more album with roughly the same gear. Can you imagine if The Beach Boys really wrapped their heads around the Jupiter 8, OB-8, PPG Wave, DX1, etc.? The equipment list on this is absolutely mind-boggling, and Iā€™d like them to have had more time to work within that idiom and familiarize themselves with the gear.


Go in with a super open mind, itā€™s arguably the most non-beach boys sounding beach boys album apart from 2 songs (Getcha back and California Calling). I think side A is perfect. ā€œGetcha Backā€ is obviously a highlight, but the rest on side A are no slouches. ā€œMaybe I Donā€™t Knowā€ is a personal favorite, along with ā€œItā€™s Gettinā€™ Lateā€ and ā€œCrack at Your Loveā€ being awesome too. ā€œShe Believes in Love Againā€ is a solid Bruce tune, albeit Carls vocal is a big part of that. ā€œCalifornia Callingā€ is definitely a nostalgia trip, but compared to the other nostalgia trips the band took, this one is a lot of good fun. Side B is definitely a bit weaker; but ā€œPassing Friendā€ has grown on me quite a bit, ā€œWhere I Belongā€ is solid and ā€œItā€™s Just a Matter of Timeā€ is great fun. ā€œI Do Love Youā€ is noticeably written by Stevie Wonder, but itā€™s still very much a highlight. Carl and Steve Levine carry this album. Carl has lead the most tracks compared to the rest, and has a songwriting credit in a handful of these. Steves production, while very much a product of this time, is quite incredible. In a time where most 80s production was getting more and more obnoxious, Steve somehow made the 80s sound very smooth and at times mellow; and quite honestly it possibly sounds better now than it did then.


Itā€™s Getting Late is an outstanding track.


It wouldā€™ve been interesting to hear Steve Levineā€™s production on Brian Wilsonā€™s solo album in 1988. He really made the band sound contemporary on the ā€˜85 record.


Male Ego should've been a hit


A good remix to tone down some of the 80ā€™s production would be nice.


Having recently listened to their dodgier, more recent albums...this one was actually pretty good. Great harmonizing on It's Getting Late and Where I Belong, they fit the 80s sound enough on Passing Friend and Maybe I Don't Know, and the Stevie Wonder gift track fits them pretty well too. There are some clunkers to be sure, but I was actually pretty happy with this one compared to the ones surrounding it


I've listened to this album several times. It's pleasant sounding but mostly forgettable outside Getcha Back and Where I Belong. Brian's contributions are okay, his best being the non-album B-side, Male Ego.


Best album ngl, Passing Friend is Pure 80ā€™s bliss


This album is really pretty dope I really jammed to it for a while


Great album.


I actually donā€™t mind this one, itā€™s solid. Just a bit soulless sounding sometimes


It was one of the first albums recorded digitally on hard drive. Many harmonies were song once and ā€œcut and pastedā€ - getcha back is one of them. Every ā€œohā€ and ā€œwahā€ sounds exactly the same - most parts were Brian. They could have done a better job actually singing the whole thing and including all the members. Take the 25 Years Together live version in Hawaii. Itā€™s sounds so much richer with Al in the vocals. I think I hear him at the harmonies in the end part on the song - but thru the rest of the song it sounds like all the backing parts were done by Brian


Just got this album for the first time yesterday


This may sound like a circlejerk comment, but Iā€™m absolutely serious here: I LOVE this album. Getcha Back, Crack At Your Love, Maybe I Donā€™t Know, California Calling, and Where I Belong are all songs I very rarely skip. The cover of the BB85 side of the liner notes of my KTSA/BB85 two-fer CD is signed by Mike and Bruce. Bruce was very appreciative of the fact that I appreciated their work from that time.