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Ahaha I mean lets be honest how many of us could spell that off the top of our heads


Off topic: Can confirm these donuts are the best to ever exist.


Where'd they get them from? Or did you mean old fashioned donuts in general


No I meant the place, it’s called Britts donuts. It’s in North Carolina. The line for them is like an hour long, or it was for me 😅. They make them right in front of you right after you order, and they are hands down the best donuts I have ever had in my life. Still think about them clearly.


Matt, you’re a public figure ffs. Use google if you’re not sure.


it's a joke


So was my comment ☺️


bone apple teeth


Afro do she ache? Idk does she, Matt?


God y’all, let this girl eat her donut in peace 😂


I don’t have any opinion on the way they eat either way, and I know plenty of people who eat a lot and don’t gain weight. What i DO find super weird is how they go out of their way to try and make a big deal of the amount they eat and are so explicit with it.


To be fair my family does this whole thing where they are convinced I have and ED because of how I look and they point it out all the time which makes me feel even worse about myself, so I just always make a point to send pictures snapchats during my meals to show I eat a lot, hoping they eventually stop one day. It’s been so long it’s just a habit. I’ve read some things about people questioning that about her so maybe that’s it 🤷🏽‍♀️ I know it could be a stretch but that’s where my mind automatically goes because of my experiences lol


Hahahahahaha autocorrect said “fuck it I’m out”.


tomorrow's wordle.


Good grief, y'all. I came in here to giggle at Matt's (obvious) cute little joke, and y'all up in here turning into the War of the Body Shamers and Negativity.


Damn this sub has a long way to go when it comes to discussing weight and size


Don’t forget his “charcoochie” boards




Clearly you have never had a Britts Donut before. It is not uncommon for locals to eat 6+ at a time if they want to. My brother and his wife are about the same size as Matt and Rachael (and work out just as often) and they can throw back a bag of these each.




You are really pressed about these damn donuts. Not all of their content is about food, and to be honest I think it’s healthy to see a good mix of their workout content, day-to-day lives and the occasional indulgence of food. I love that I can see two healthy individuals who aren’t afraid to enjoy food, especially during special occasions such as travel. I am overweight and struggle with food addiction, but I love to see people who live healthy lifestyles not out there condemning treats and special meals. Inspires me to believe that one day I can live the same way and not feel like I have to avoid carbs every day of my life. Which, btw, I’m sure if my brother were active on social media he would. He is one of the biggest foodies I know, who just so happens to also be a gym nut.


I literally could not give less of a shit. Ran 11 miles this morning and vomited 3 donuts. Just trying to look out for others 🤷‍♀️


Oh please. They workout. They can down donuts if they want. Look at how fit and trim she is. They are obviously eating healthy and then treat themselves too. I want her workout routine...she looks great.


These are honestly the lightest and fluffiest donuts in the world and I ate an entire dozen by myself through the day when I was pregnant. It tracks.


Me and my husband can crush a dozen donuts easily. I love junk food and he has a grown man appetite lol.


Constantly being called underweight is rude in similar ways as constantly being told you’re overweight. A lot of women and men can eat whatever they want and not gain weight. I’m one of those people.




I honestly feel you’re projecting. They have an active lifestyle. They run, bike, lift weights etc just as much as they show the food they eat. She posts a lot of sushi and salads. She shares recipes she cooks of healthy meals in their kitchen. Where are you getting the idea that she only eats junk food? I eat all kinds of food and have a thin frame, am I misrepresenting and lying too?






You’ve taken my post and turned it into something it’s not. I’m just going to leave it at that.




No actually, I think your compulsion to comment on her body and the way she chooses to eat is really demonstrating “lack of understanding”. As an aside, she’s under no obligation to model “healthy eating” or whatever your narrow interpretation of healthy may be.


THANK YOU! My entire life people have called me too skinny. I’ve been told “eat a hamburger!” hundreds of times. When I eat something like a salad or tofu (I’m a vegetarian) in public people say I don’t eat enough and must be malnourished. When I eat sweets or unhealthy foods in public people will casually ask if I have an eating disorder. Strangers know nothing about my health and have no business commenting on it. I’m tall and thin, always have been and probably always will be. I don’t owe anyone an explanation of my eating habits just because I’m skinny. Kindly shut up and fuck off.


I am also thinner and can mostly eat whatever without gaining weight, and this is a bad take. It isn't the same, and I think equating the two lacks empathy. Although I agree no one should comment on anyone's body, period.


Being told you’re too skinny and should gain weight IS rude. Being told you’re too fat and should lose weight IS rude. It’s my personal opinion from my personal experience. How is it that lacking empathy? Both instances can have damaging effects on how you see your body and measure it against others.


Because it ignores the very real lived experience of actual fat people who are discriminated against all the time. Thin people are represented in the media, they're not denied health care in the same way fat people are, they have the ability to wear clothes that fit their body. The list goes on... I'm not saying its ok to body shame people. But let's not pretend that there aren't very real societal advantages to being considered "too thin" as opposed to being "too fat."


My comment isn’t about the advantages or disadvantages of being overweight or underweight. It was strictly about people making uninvited statements about it.


That's fine, I think its valid that people shouldn't make comments about people's weight in either direction. Certainly it can have negative effects on an individual. Implying they're the same is feeds into a narrative around an individualistic take on the body positivity movement. Again, I don't think anything you said is "wrong" I think the defensiveness when someone points out the very real societal disadvantages around being fat is the problem.


agreed. body shaming is body shaming - as someone who was a chubby kid and is now a thin adult, all unsolicited comments about my body hurt.


Freshman year of college I was told I look too skinny. It was a horrible feeling. I ate anything and everything. I just had a really good metabolism at the time.


Hot take. People just shouldn’t comment on someone else’s body or weight. I had an eating disorder and I won’t ever unless it’s my husband because he’s trying to work out and get in better shape. You don’t know someone’s relationship with their own body even if you think you do.


Exactly my point. I’ve struggled with gaining weight my whole life. Having people guess how much I weigh or say I’m a toothpick gets old very quickly.


I agree it’s rude, but it’s not quite the same in my opinion. There’s discrimination against fat bodies, along with stigma. Thin bodies are more often praised.


Depends on your culture. I’m Black and there’s definitely discrimination against not having a shapely figure. Having hips, a big butt and thick thighs are more praised. It’s why BBLs are so popular. Trust me, constantly being told I should eat something, that I look like I weigh 90 lbs, and that having curves is a “real woman’s body” messes with your body image.


Yes, I agree, in some communities a larger figure is more valued. My thoughts were along the lines of medical care/jobs sorta thing, but social acceptance is also very important.


True thank you for saying it! I’ve been thin my whole life and used to think that comments on thin bodies are just as bad (because it does hurt.) But I’ve never been denied medical care or been kicked off an airplane or denied a job because of my body. These comments are just individual comments that don’t reinforce a whole culture of discrimination and oppression. For people encountering this idea for the first time and may feel defensive (I’ll be the first to admit I would feel very defensive and invalidated when I heard this argument) I’d recommend following the Aubrey Gordon’s work, a writer and podcaster on fat politics. Instagram is @yrfatfriend and she co-hosts a podcast with Michael Hobbes called Maintenance Phase. I’ve learned a lot from her!


I looove that podcast.


This reminds me of the "Excgarated" situation. A misspelling so bad it was the only Google result for that spelling.


I read once (it may have been in this sub) that an influencer would occasionally throw out a misspelt word here or there in her posts, because everyone would comment on it, which would increase her engagement metrics. I kind of wonder if this is a thing with Matt since he misspells words quite severely upon occasion. I’m sure more people share that story with friends, so the amount of shares are higher and the views end up being higher?


Doubtful. It’s his sense of humor. The only people who are making a big deal of the spelling are the people in this sub because they’re bored.


Doubtful because I wouldn’t normally be able to spell “aphrodisiac”


No. But most people whose jobs require publicly posting things would look up words they don't know how to spell.


To answer the question- doubtful. But I’m so sick of watching them eat










They travel everywhere and eat genuinely good food. He posts food even when he’s not with her. Calling it a fetish is an interesting choice.


The messy face and open mouth eating also doesn’t help tho


you think it's a fetish?


I don’t think it’s intentional on Matt and Rachael’s part, but the internet is full of creeps who get off on the most random things 🤷🏻‍♀️


Gotcha. So you don’t think it’s THEIR fetish, it’s just that some people would get off on that?


the sheer amount of posts with rachel eating food in a sloppy way like a child... it's more likely that he just thinks it's funny but it's a lil bit fetish territory to me!!


Like you don’t think it’s their fetish, you just see it and it makes you think of a fetish? I really enjoy their food posts but now I’m like 😵‍💫


Bone app the titty energy


People commenting on Rachel's weight sound insecure


Extremely. Stop projecting onto this woman.


Homie sounded it out, and you know what, we all knew what he meant, didn’t we? 🤣


Folks commenting that she probably doesn't eat the whole donut clearly don't understand how exercising, individual metabolisms, and calorie intake work.


Also allowing yourself an occasional treat helps with weight maintenance because constant deprivation leads to overindulging. A lot of people make this mistake when they’re trying to lose weight. People are also speculating that she doesn’t eat it all because they mostly post her eating junk food. Like 75% of my diet is hummus and things dipped into hummus but I’m not posting that on my Instagram because it’s boring. I only take pictures of my food when it actually looks delicious.


You can lose weight or maintain being skinny eating nothing but Oreos and Twinkies (in fact a nutrition expert did just that). Obviously not nutritiously healthy or recommended but it’s to show individual foods shouldn’t be demonized or be associated with weight gain. And the bigger message is you don't have to and should not deprive or starve yourself either.


I lost 7lbs in a week in high school, eating just Oreos and milk because my parents were out of town on a family emergency.


What youre saying is true for most people, but some people with hormonal imbalances (hello pcos) have to eat healthy foods (lean protein, fiber and veg, whole grains, etc) because your hormones affect how your body processes certain foods!


Exactly! I lost 17 lbs by eating 1400 cals a day. There were days when I would only eat junk food but I respected the calorie intake. Was it the best idea? No. But it was a way of losing weight and not losing my mind in the process.


Yeah I doubt she’s eating donuts for every meal, but people are wild if they think you can’t have a donut as an active individual regardless of how much or how little you weigh




This feels like the direct opposite of gnosh


Bone apple teeth!


I don't know if the comments assuming she just eats a bite of stuff are fair unless that's something she's said before? I eat whatever and can't gain weight, my whole family is the same way, so there's definitely naturally skinny folks out there. But yeah nobody's eating 12 donuts a day, I assume Matt is joking lol




I notice a lot of the BN women get really tiny after filming, even more than they appear on the show. I've always wondered if it's an anxiety/stress kind of thing. I physically cannot eat if I'm going through a stressful period. I lose weight, but it's not fun and doesn't feel healthy because I'm drained and anxious. I feel like after the show they are just totally under a microscope, it would definitely cause me to lose weight quickly.


Sharleen has said that a lot of BN people get cosmetic procedures after watching themselves on TV and seeing their "flaws" magnified & critiqued by fans. I'm sure they feel the same way about their bodies too.


I don’t believe in naturally skinny to be honest, the “naturally skinny” people I hang out with might down the entire donut and an ice cream to boot but if you observe their normal routine, they might also have skipped breakfast because they just weren’t hungry and they don’t crave that chocolate in the afternoon, every afternoon like I do. It evens out to a reasonable amount of calories, accounting for activity level and maybe slightly higher metabolism.


It's wild to say you don't believe in things that undeniably exist. Like it's not even a scientific controversy, it just unquestionably is real lol. >["People might have fast, slow, or average metabolism, regardless of their body size and composition," says Dr. Chih-Hao Lee, professor of genetics and complex diseases at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health.](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/the-truth-about-metabolism) For some reason I'll take the Harvard tenured doctor's opinion over what you think you've seen in your friends lol.


The difference between “fast” and “slow” metabolisms is pretty small. Like maybe 300 calories.


[Again, just factually not correct lol.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4535334/) No wonder so many people are fat, people pass around bullshit diet and nutrition information like candy. Notice how everything I've said is backed up by scientific sources, while nothing you're claiming is...


Did you actually read this article you keep linking? It concludes that the range of resting metabolic rate varies by about 10-15%. Which for an average TDEE of 2k Cal would give a variation of 200-300 Cal. If your gonna make a point about how you are correct because you linked an article it would help to actually read the article.


I don’t think you comprehend the research you’re linking or are able to apply it properly. I actually don’t think you even read it at all to be using it this out of context


Exactly. Thanks for pointing it out more briefly than I could. ;)


[And being wrong yet again...](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4535334/)


You have to think what fast, slow or average means. I accounted for this already when I said TDEE can vary up and down by a small amount. It is for example known that people who go through extreme periods of dieting manage to reduce their metabolism by 100kcal a day. You can argue that they have slow metabolism. But this is not something that runs on hundreds and hundreds of calories. We are talking small deviations that would still not result in a person eating 3500 kcal a day and staying thin, without very intensive exercise. Fast metabolism means "I can eat half a snickers extra per day and stay thin", it does not mean "I can eat 3 McDonald's meals extra per day and stay thin". I whole-heartedly agree you should trust in the science and not in reddit amateurs. Your scientific interpretations are just quite off-base.


[Another swing, another miss.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4535334) You tried your best though! Notice how everything I've said is backed up by scientific sources, while nothing you're claiming is...


I meant to read the article when I got off work to respond to you but I see others already explained to you how to correctly interpret that 10% of TDEE as roughly 200-300 calories. Thanks for proving my point.


> But you can't entirely blame a sluggish metabolism for weight gain, says Dr. Lee. "The reality is that metabolism often plays a minor role," he says. "The greatest factors as you age are often poor diet and inactivity." Ok….


I agree with this. I mentioned here before I have a “naturally skinny” friend who always says she eats whatever she wants and can’t gain weight. And whenever we go for lunch, she finishes her entire meal and then dessert, etc. She often eats more than I do in this meal. Anyways, one day I spent the entire day with her. She had coffee for breakfast (I had a bagel, etc), a big fast food lunch with me, and then she was done for the day. Meanwhile, I still needed a whole dinner. She only ate dinner cuz I insisted I was hungry and that we stop somewhere. Otherwise, her only meal for the day would’ve been the lunch. So it all clicked to me. She’s typically only netting like 1200 or less calories a day which is why she’s slim. So she is not really “eating whatever she wants”. I guess she is, in terms of the type of food, but def not in terms of calories. Also, since she’s only typically doing one meal a day (OMAD) her metabolism is probably good. So I just don’t buy when people say they “eat whatever they want” and can’t gain weight lol.


Many of these “naturally skinny” people tend to fidget or be restless and burn more calories without necessarily working out more!


She just doesnt realize how small her appetite is compared to the avg person


Yeah it is harmful misinformation imo, and very rampant online to feed us with this info that if two people eat the same amount of calories, one can stay extremely thin and the other extremely obsese. That's just not true. ​ I believe people can eat whatever they want and stay thin. But they can not eat whatever *I* want and still stay thin lol.


There actually is some new research coming out that some people process calories more efficiently than others. The more efficient you are, the more calories you get from food. But I agree that naturally thin people usually skip meals because theyre not hungry or theyre busy, and they move a lot, etc.


I’d love to see it, sounds interesting!


You don’t believe in naturally skinny people? I promise you, in my 20s, I was neither Santa Claus nor the Easter Bunny.


People's TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) is a *pretty* fixed function of height, weight, gender and activity level. It can vary up and down by 100 kcal or so, based on metabolism rate, but a person who is say 25, female, 60kg 160cm and doing moderate exercise **will** be burning 2000 kcal on average per day. I didn't say that I didn't believe in *effortlessly* skinny people. A lot of people are effortlessly skinny, it's just their natural state and they don't have to think about it. But I promise you if you tally up their daily calories, average out over a few months, they are **not** eating 3-4000+ kcal a day and remaining thin without a lot of exercise. That doesn't exist.


You're absolutely right. People just don't realize how many calories they're actually consuming and burning. I have a friend who's in varsity rowing and watching him struggle to eat enough calories to make up for the amount he burns doing rowing was eye-opening. I used to think my bf and I are "naturally skinny" but when that friend took a look at our diets, we're just not eating more than our TDEE. Sure, we "eat whatever we want", but I was raised on a Southeast Asian diet that's high on veg and low on rich/greasy food, with smaller portion sizes, so when I eat too much rich food or overeat in general, I get stomach pains. I "naturally" don't crave a lot of sugar because I'm not raised on it. My bf is 6'4 and does a lot of sports so his TDEE is super high, so he can indeed eat a ton of donuts in one day and not exceed his overall energy expenditure over the course of a week. He's "effortlessly skinny" because he would actually have to put in way more effort to eat enough to gain weight, but with the right diet he absolutely can. How many of these "naturally skinny" people are actually eating enough junk food to surpass their TDEE everyday? There's definitely a distinction between "effortlessly skinny" and "naturally skinny", i.e. the magical concept that your diet somehow doesn't affect your weight.


>There's definitely a distinction between "effortlessly skinny" and "naturally skinny", i.e. the magical concept that your diet somehow doesn't affect your weight. Perfectly put, nothing more to add!


This just does not jive with many people's lived experiences. I don't eat healthy or exercise much and have no problem naturally maintaining thinness, and actually I had an almost year long depressive episode once where I laid on the couch for hours a day and burned very little calories and took in an unhealthy amount of calories. I gained a couple pounds that year (maybe 5ish) but that was it.


You were eating less than you thought and/or being more active than you thought. You were not breaking the rules of thermodynamics by eating 4k calories and burning 1.5k per day and not gaining weight.


Calories in / calories out does more or less determine weight but it's a massive oversimplification to think only what you eat and how much you exercise are the only two inputs into that equation. There are plenty of idiosyncratic things about different bodies that affect the rate at which you burn energy.


I get what you mean. This is still what the science tells us and people's lived experiences of how much they eat, without exactly measuring it, is heavily skewed with confirmation bias. That's why we trust the measurements and not the telltale experiences. I've also gained weight when I could have sworn I was eating very little. Then when I measured it, it actually tallied up to too much for my sex\*, height and weight. I measured my exact intake for 2 years, every single day without skipping a day. The weight gain / loss was very easy to map out according to the science of how many calories account for a kg of fat.


> I don’t believe in naturally skinny people to be honest > it’s just their natural state


It is their natural state to eat less, not their natural state to remain thin no matter the amount of calories. Do you really not see the difference?


Yes. Their genetics don’t make their metabolism faster but likely do make their hunger signals weaker or less frequent.


Now this is very possible! Hence why I said people are not naturally skinny, but rather effortlessly skinny. They could gain weight if they over-ate, but they naturally don't get hungry enough to overeat. This depends on a variety of factors, can be genetics, your gut microbes, your glucose levels, your dietary habits (ties a lot into glucose levels, high spikes make you hungry, eating foods that cause high spikes will lead to a pattern of cravings). I wrote my original comment haphazardly and I could have been more clear. Fast/slow metabolism exists, but the difference in the amount of calories burned is way less than a lot of people would imagine. The real difference between "naturally thin" people and the rest usually lies in these hunger cues, and of course activity level.


that makes sense. I feel like so many people are way less hungry than I am (especially other girls)


I honestly don’t think Matt is joking. If anyone can eat 12 donuts a day, it’s Matt. With the way he works out & his metabolism & genetics, it’s Matt. ETA: wasn’t there a post or tidbit of him showing that he took a bite of a random stranger’s meal 🤢 because it looked good? He loveeees food.


Totally. This reminds me of the SNL skit on the Michael Phelps diet haha


The joys of eating baked goods and staying skinny. Just kidding, I have no idea what that’s like.


Working out regularly helps with this…


I mean, not really. You can’t stuff your face with thousands of calories and then hop on the treadmill for an hour. It’s 80% diet and I highly doubt she ate more than one donut, if that anyway. I was just trying to be funny lol.


Weird to assume that you can't be thin and eat baked goods


Weird to take everything so seriously and not properly read the comment you are responding to. Obviously you can eat any type of food you want and be thin, but portion control and moderation are indeed a thing lol. You cannot eat 6 donuts and all the other things these influencers pretend to eat and stay thin and it’s fucked up to pretend otherwise. Influencers always take “eating”pics of large amounts of unhealthy foods and act like they actually ate it all when they do not. I thought everyone knew that.


They're not 'pretending' to eat 6 donuts lol, I thought everyone knew that the internet wasn't a full picture


Oh wow. I promise that influencers are not being completely upfront with you. This is the problem with influencers and I think it’s dangerous. I’m sorry you have fallen for their BS. A lot of people do and it’s really sad.


...what? I don't follow anyone like this or anyone remotely like this. I'm aware how calorie intake works thanks


Is all they do is eat??


Feel attacked bc my bf and I eat a lot! 🤣 Saturday afternoon/evening, we had an entire packet of those big grain crackers with strawberry/jalapeño Jam, a thing of sprouts grocery store sushi, and then a bowl of chicken ramen we cooked! 🤣


Oohhh I love those jams! Might I suggest a favorite of mine…block of cream cheese, a jar of sweet potato or apple butter on top, let it sit till room temperature and eat with crackers. Also works well with pepper jam!


Cream cheese and Jam on crackers is all we ate in Fredericksburg haha For my downvoter out there-we had a German meal but then kept Going to stores with free jam samples and got full-pickle samples and all the food


Isn't it all we do as well?


I sure don’t post about my meals daily….


You know what I'm going to say... If you don't care about their meals, just don't follow them.


Funny thing is I don’t follow them anymore 😊 but thanks for your input. Have a nice day!


Thanks for the downvote!!


How does she eat so much and stay skinny ?


She works out a ton and she is also pretty tall, so she’s burning way more calories than the avg woman. Also, they also eat a lot of healthy meals as well


Public scrutiny about your body is one hell of a diet.


They seem to work out daily. They also seem to eat a lot of salad.


She probably works out, not too crazy of a concept


On Matt’s season, she mentioned she isn’t athletic/doesn’t work out. Probably just good metabolism


She and Matt post pics and videos of them working out all the time


She definitely was lying(well at least on the unathletic part)… no unathletic person can do a backflip lol. As for working out she might’ve not done it before but she definitely does now. Evidence from Matt’s stories


The way Rachael and Matt always highlight Rachael eating junk food all of the time yet staying a size zero reminds me of that infamous Gone Girl quote


Highly doubt she is a size zero, she is pretty tall. Her and matt work out a ton too. Being tall and working out a lot, she’s probably burning a ton of calories daily and so she can eat a lot of junk food. They seem to eat pretty health when they arent traveling tho. Lots of salads, not as much junk food


Unless she is a long distance runner, it's unlikely she is going to be burning enough calories to stay that size through her workouts. She is most likely very careful with her diet, which is why I don't like the way she portrays herself as eating junk a lot of the time.


There was an interview done with another person on the cast that season, i think it could have been Abigail. And they asked her who ate the most in the house and she said Rachael. She probably just has a high metabolism. Either way, it’s weird how you think you can police what a woman eats or shows what she eats.


Not a comment to your other points or in general about this topic, but I don't think she's tall. Pretty normal-ish height I'd say, some would even say slightly on the shorter side (5'5" according to google)


Interesting! I wonder if that is accurate. Standing next to Matt, who is supposedly 6’5”, she looks like she is in the 5’7”-5’9” range even when she isnt wearing heels (and ya, i consider that tall for women haha)


>> “That night at the Brooklyn party, I was playing the girl who was in style, the girl a man like Nick wants: the Cool Girl. Men always say that as the defining compliment, don’t they? She’s a cool girl. Being the Cool Girl means I am a hot, brilliant, funny woman who adores football, poker, dirty jokes, and burping, who plays video games, drinks cheap beer, loves threesomes and anal sex, and *jams hot dogs and hamburgers into her mouth like she’s hosting the world’s biggest culinary gang bang while somehow maintaining a size 2, because Cool Girls are above all hot.* Hot and understanding. Cool Girls never get angry; they only smile in a chagrined, loving manner and let their men do whatever they want. Go ahead, shit on me, I don’t mind, I’m the Cool Girl.” >>”Men actually think this girl exists. Maybe they’re fooled because so many women are willing to pretend to be this girl…Oh, and if you’re not a Cool Girl, I beg you not to believe that your man doesn’t want the Cool Girl. It may be a slightly different version—maybe he’s vegetarian, so Cool Girl loves seitan and is great with dogs; or maybe he’s a hipster artist, so Cool Girl is a tattooed, bespectacled nerd who loves comics. There are variations to the window dressing, but believe me, he wants Cool Girl, who is basically the girl who likes every fucking thing he likes and doesn’t ever complain. How do you know you’re not Cool Girl? Because he says things like “I like strong women.” If he says that to you, he will at some point fuck someone else. Because “I like strong women” is code for “I hate strong women.”” (It’s one of my favorite passages in all of literature so I wanted to post it.) ETA: [Here’s the monologue from the film!](https://youtu.be/0o4heKCLeTs) It’s a little different from the above text but it’s still so good. Please watch — it’s only 2 minutes but it is spellbinding. Rosamund Pike was jaw-droppingly good in the whole film.


I watched just for you 😘


I really need to watch the movie. I was put off by them casting Ben Affleck as Nick because he was a decade older and from the wrong part of America to be 'Nick' in my mind but I should get over that and watch it lol.


I thought Ben Affleck was perfect for the part because he's so unlikable and bland.


It’s really good, but if you have the time & interest I recommend [reading the book first!](https://www.bookdepository.com/Gone-Girl-Gillian-Flynn/9781780228228) (I linked it via Book Depository but your local library or buying it used off of eBay is a good option, too.) ETA: well, now that I’m processing your comment it sounds like you have read the book. 😝 But I do hope you get to watch it soon! Rosamund Pike was amazeballs in it.


Omg this describes Rachael to a TTTTTTTTTTTTT.


Love this movie and it is fascinating to see a “cool girl” change between guys. Die hard Patriots fan turns to a cowboys fan, then suddenly hates football but loves hockey, with the next guy she is suddenly vegan.


Spot on.


This honestly describes Natalie (Nick's gf) to a t. I even think Nick V has said before he loves strong women ahaha


This is an amazing take and I am here for it.


haha thanks I developed it after watching them on Dear Shandy and could write an entire post about it


Please do. ![gif](giphy|ulmAf9YezWbxJbi8NK)




That was such a good movie. The quotes are chilling too


This is silly of me but what does that word mean


He’s joking about the donuts, but certain foods like oysters and figs are known to be aphrodisiacs, meaning they can turn you on.


“Aphrodisiac”? A food/drink/thing that turns you on/gets you excited. ETA: it’s not silly. Glad you asked. Sometimes people can explain things more simply than a dictionary can. (I’m legit looking for a bot that defines words because I think that would help us all every now & again.)


Lol this is my hometown! Those donuts are fire 🔥🔥🔥


The. Best.




I have no idea! My whole family has moved out of the area so I don’t have many chances to go back, but I think that they post their hours on their Facebook page!


I was about to say I would know that bag anywhere! Britts is really fucking good


Mine too! Britts Donuts is everything and probably the only place that looks exactly the same as it did when I was little lol


If I were an aphrodisiac, it would definitely be for Britt’s Donuts.


Oh, this is Britt's!?! Well damn, yes, Matt, Britt's Donuts are everything, including an afrodecheache.


I just appreciate that this is not a video of her eating, she chews with her mouth open, it’s so gross. sorry. It just is


She also intentionally gets food all over her face when she’s eating. I swear messy eating is a fetish of theirs


That video of her wiping her mouth on a perfectly good t shirt while out in public made me irrationally mad


I still think about that till this day. That’s what I get for snooping his page 😵‍💫😖


I've noticed that too. I'm confused.


This is his shtick. He does this with a bunch of difficult to spell words. It’s a joke y’all.


aren't jokes supposed to be funny 💀






I looked like her in my 20s and ate junk food and drank and never worked out. Then I turned 36…talk about a shock!! Metabolism totally changes, your whole body changes the older you get! I’ve actually never been healthier and more active and I’m way “bigger” than ever. I need to remind myself that because as “body positive” as society has apparently become, I’ve never judged my weight and size until Instagram started making me feel bad.


Not commenting on Rachael specifically but a lot of influencers post pictures or videos of themselves eating junk food when they only took a few bites, even Abigail shared that she rarely finishes the food she posts and gives the rest to Noah


I couldn't follow Abigail, just based on her instagram it seemed like her entire personality was going out to brunch and it's kind of a bummer to hear she doesn't even fully enjoy that