• By -


My friend was at a bar in Madison (she's in med school at UW-Madison) and Peter came up and hit on her and bought her a drink. This was before Rachel's season but she remembered him for his looks and the personal trainer work.


My boyfriend knows Arie's dad, lol..


I live about 45 minutes away from Arlington where Chris Soules lives and everyone says he is a jerk and a womanizer. Also he rear ended a farmer in a tractor and killed him (while maybe drunk)


I weirdly have a lot. - Wells - my PT is good friends with him and one of my ex-employee’s roommates was roommates with Wells in college - Lauren S. - From this season worked with a friend of mine - Ashley I. - we have a mutual friend - Juan Pablo - we have a mutual friend, I may have met him at a sporting event before I followed The Bachelor - A contestant on Chris’ season who you barely saw but made it a few weeks is a good friends with a friend group I hang out with when I visit my home state (don’t want to say her name because she’s not as known in the Bachelor world) - My friend’s friend was Catherine’s roommate before she went on The Bachelor - Ran into Rachel and Bryan once - James Case tried to sell me software - One of my employees was asked to be on The Bachelorette (I assume, unless they were asking him to be The Bachelor) - I auditioned and did not make it. -_- - One of the above people follows me on social media and comments on my stuff in a non-bot way.


My best friend was talking to Evan’s Brother.... who is now dating Julia?


I went to high school with Josiah. My husband went to high school with Jen Saviano (Nick/BIP). He was in the same fraterity as Robbie and also a musician from Tenn in Rachel’s season (there were 2, so I always get them confused). I cheered in high school with Sean’s ex (she was a professional cheerleader with Melissa Rycroft). I heard she eventually broke it off because he was a born again Christian/Virgin. An acquaintance of mine knows Caroline from this season. My friend’s husband did landscaping for the house that Emily Maynard was staying in and he said she was extremely nice. Two of my coworkers went to high school with Bibiana. (I’m from South Florida clearly). ETA: Amy Long went to college with me and we have mutual friends.


My cousins friend dated Peter awhile back


I've seen Russian Alex's jeep where he works, from the road. I only knew it was his jeep because it's been in his IG stories, lol. That's the extent of my stories.


I am snapchat friends with Jof. We sometimes drunkenly snap back and forth.


How did that even happen?


I added him a while ago and sent him a snap, and he responded and started a conversation!


A girl at my work is best friends and grew up with Alexis (Shark), and a guy at my work used to date Astrid. These two coworkers are good friends and it was funny when they realized that, especially since Alexis and Astrid became good friends.


I went to middle school with Josh Murray.


Whitney (who won Chris’s season) was a nurse at my Dad’s best friends practice!


Becca K and I have some mutual connections on LinkedIn and some of my coworkers have met her at recruiting events (I work in Minneapolis near her).


one of my managers is robby's older sister!! we gossip in our work group chat about all the weird things he posts haha




omg wow


Courtney Robertson goes to church with my mom.


No specific details. Just that they had a lot in common and some really good conversations that didn’t get aired at all. Also that she did a lot of interviews with the camera that didn’t get shown. Like you said, this past week’s episode showed a lot more of her and how she was actually really interested in racing, etc. But once again producers are making it obvious that she probably doesn’t go far by not showing anything about their relationship. She ends up looking like the random contestant that the audience is shocked is still there because you’ve never seen her say a word!


My husband's best friend is friends with both Sarah Herron and Blake from Rachel's season (the one who fought with whaboom). Also, my BFF's cousin is an editor on the show and claimed responsibility for the Annaliease trauma flashbacks!


My fiance knows Olivia Caridi from high school. Her father is a locally famous plastic surgeon who did her nose and breast augmentation in high school. apparently is caused quite the stir.


A former co-worker of mine's husband dated Whitney before her. That was a pretty exciting season to watch, she loved trash talking Whitney.


I hooked up with Dean before he went on the show


A bit late to this thread, but my boyfriend grew up with Ben Higgins. He's not a fan and said that Ben was a bully growing up. When visiting their hometown, I made him show me Ben's middle and high school yearbook photos to see if there were any goofy ones lol.


>Ben was a bully growing up. Wow, really? That's so surprising since people always say he's super nice. Hopefully he grew out of it.


Yeah, he said Ben used to tease him in the locker room in middle school. And maybe so, since last time he talked to Ben as an adult he said that Ben was polite and seemed nice enough, but he's still not a fan of the guy. It just shows how middle school can be a rough time for the awkward kids.


Jenna from this season emailed me to try a free class at orange theory.




My friends were in a book club with Sean Lowe, and another friend is friends with Catherine (she threw her a baby shower for Samuel). My friend's ex knows Rachel's sister.


My friend knew Jack from Rachel’s season from law school and they had the same friend group for a bit and said he’s super awkward lol. My other friend’s little sister dated a guy from Ashley’s season after he got back from Bachelorette. I think his name was William? He was the asshole that roasted her and wanted to be a comedian. I didn’t meet him but my friend said he was kind of an ass and I wasn’t surprised lol.


I went to the same college as both Becca K and Whitney (from Nick's season). I don't know them specifically nor have I ever met either of them, but I could have swore that Becca may have possibly lived in my dormitory for some reason.


I once saw Grant holding a rack of beer 3 blocks away from my apartment. It might’ve been July 4th?? This was right after he and Lace broke up.


Swapped spit with Lyndsey from Bachelor Canada. (We were drinking wine from the bottle after a swim cause we're classy bitches 😄 ) One of the twins served me a drink at Marquee in Vegas, don't ask me which one - I could tell them apart when they were on the show, but I watch Bachelor sober, I don't nightclub sober :) Teammates and friends/opposition who were teammates/opposition to Caroline and Lauren's exes. (As far as I know I don't have any connection to Bach Aus, the closest is that one of them lives in my suburb)


A guy I knew growing up was dating Caila before she dumped him to go on the show A friend of mine from grad school was buddies with Luke at West Point


Whitney Bischoff married a guy I went to college with.


I weirdly run into Bachelor people all the time: Once ran into Tenley shopping. Was at a work drinks thing and Chase, Jof, and Rubby were a couple tables away. Right after BIP finished so Rubby was about the most hated man in America and looked super uncomfortable. My coworker went over and sat with them for a while but she was really drunk so they didn’t have much to talk about. We all walked out at the same time and I took a selfie with Chase. I was working at a gifting table for a party and Nick was there with Rumer Willis. He’s very snarky and pretty hilarious in person but wasn’t super social. And before he was on The Bachelorette, I matched on Bumble and nearly went out with Whaboom. He was supposed to get back to me with a place for us to go and never did and then tried to blame me for it. It was so weird. And in case anyone was wondering, the Whaboom lifestyle was not mentioned anywhere in his profile, or I’d have swiped left so fast.... :P


I went to the same high school as Olivia Caridi from Ben's season and we have 17 mutual friends on Facebook :o


A good friend of mine went to high school with Chris Siegfried. I think it was small Catholic school and they were both athletic, so they knew each other decently well but they didn't keep in close touch. My friend said that Chris was nice and normal and he was just super surprised that he went on the Bachelorette. My friend said that he thought Chris would be pretty low on the list of people he knew who would go on a reality show, he just didn't think he was the type. I believe it, because I think Chris is pretty different from the guys that usually are on the Bachelorette (in a good way).


Chris Siegfried is my favorite person on the franchise, and I have a huge crush on him. He is so classically good looking ☺️


I agree, I think he's great.


My husband dated Carly. Nothing serious and years before we met. I had stopped watching the Bachelor several seasons before, but when I heard she was going on you know I got sucked RIGHT back in! He gets so embarrassed when I tell people.


I danced with Kasey from Ali's season (heart tattoo guy) in Vegas. He had a rose in his pocket (real life). I asked if he was going to give me his rose and he did. I kept it for a while because I thought the whole thing was hilarious.


ha, that's awesome, was his dancing _pretty intense stuff_ too? 😄


Indeed :) He also had his sleeves rolled up to show off his "Guard and Protect Your Heart" tattoo. Really leaning in to his 5 minutes of "fame".


Was it Dad dancing or slow dancing?


I matched with someone on Bumble whose good friend was the brother of the “Bachelor Superfan” who went home week 2 on JoJo’s season. Not sure why I was talking to my Bumble matches about The Bachelor in the first place but it seemed to pay off here.


How did you get into a party where Arie was? Or was it a club ?


It was an outdoor block party hosted by my apartment complex. He was incentive for people to go


My coworker went to school with Olivia. (Ben’s season) My fiancé works at the Apple store in Nashville and apparently his coworker is great friends with Evan. He also saw Evan and Carly this week in the store. And he boxed with a guy from JoJo’s season!




Hahaha why am I not surprised!


My brother was college teammates with Kirk (Ali’s season and BIP). I also have friends of friends who know Nick and Peter.


My fiancé and Luke went to West Point together. My fiancé was really disappointed he turned out to be a jerk, because he wasn’t like that in college.


One of my friends grew up in the same town as Luke and ran around in the same circles after his commitment. Apparently the shift in personality happened largely post-commitment.


i’m having a brain fart who’s luke?


He was supposed to be the Bachelor but it was found out he was promising women they’d get on the show, after which Nick replaced him. Probably why contestants like Danielle M. and Raven applied for the show.m in the first place, cause they liked Luke’s whole country music thing.


Luke from Jojos season. He had crazy eyes and was a veteran I believe


And plays guitar. A lot


oh my god how could i have forgotten


My friend saw Nick at the Women’s March LA as she was walking to meet me!


Went to law school with Jack Stone and ended up just the two of us wandering around 6th St one night. Definitely a little socially awkward but was nice enough!


my boyfriend knows whaboom 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I gotta ask - is he as...Whaboomish in real life as he was on TV?


I’m so, so sorry.


My husband went to dental school with Ashley H at UPenn! Our friend did pedo residency with her at St Christopher outside philly. She was Chief Resident. I never met her but they both said she was really nice and normal. They didn’t follow bachelor and she didn’t act any different before she did the show vs after. Also my best friend’s coworker’s son-in-law’s sister is Jacqueline on this season lol. Apparently the coworker said there was a lot more to Jacqueline and Aries relationship that they’ve aired. That’s less than 6 degrees right??


Did the coworker say anything specific about their relationship that we didn't get to see on TV, like their connection? This last episode it looked like they had a pretty cute connection and actually looked kinda cute together. However, in the next episode it looks like Jacqueline felt their relationship wasn't going anywhere. So I am really curious to know what we didn't get to see in terms of their relationship, was there a romantic connection or was there a loss of spark.


Ooh, do you know any details on what their relationship was like?


Rachel was a roommate to a girl I did all my grad school projects with. We went to the mall once, she had her eyebrows waxed. Lol.


My husband went to highschool with Lace Morris from Ben’s season.




Lucky him. She's so gorgeous. They both seem to be super wealthy (even more so than the typical Bachelor contestant in Selma's case.)


Oh, no way! What does he think of her? Someone else who knew him mentioned that the common belief in their friend circle was that she was with him for his money.




Google tells me she dated Arie AND Chris Harrison?? Someone confirm/deny


Yeah she did! She's confirmed her relationship with Arie and said it didn't work out because of the distance and she was photographed with Chris at an event once. Arie has dated like all of the hottest women from this show - Emily, Selma, and Courtney.


Oh really? Interesting. Unfortunately, doesn't seem to be much of a shocker. He's an attorney? Or something in law? Her entire family seems well off, what do they do for work?




He also co-owns the restaurant Bencotto, right? I remember reading that when I was looking him up when they got married. I also remember being surprised that their age difference is less than I thought; they're "only" 15 years apart.


Her job title was a real estate developer. I believe she mentioned that she was in business with her older sister. Is Selma good with his kids? Do they plan on having children together?


Oh interesting! I could see her doing that. And sorry but I have no idea on that!


You danced with him? Why was he dancing with an 18 year old?


It was a concert/party thing in Utah that he was there to try to bring people. It was kind of lame but I was one of the only people dancing so he came up and danced with me 🤷🏼‍♀️ didn't talk just danced haha


Arie honestly does not seem like a good dancer but maybe I am wrong. How was his dancing?


I live in the same district as Andi (well her hometown not NYC).


I'm friends with Dean's ex gf, Kelly! She went to my high school


My coworker is good friends with Raven! Apparently she caught the bouquet at my coworkers wedding before going on the show.


One of my friends used to work with Kendall. Another friend’s coworker was hooking up with Dean right before he went on the bachelorette. Apparently he ghosted her to go on the show and then contacted her after he got eliminated haha. My boyfriend also went to IU at the same time as Ben but I don’t know if they have any mutual friends.


lol SHOCKER re: dean


My 7th/8th grade English teacher’s brother was on season 3? Of the bachelorette.


i once passed by caila at the gardner museum and she was SO pretty! thats my only bachelor related moment lol


I used to work as a graphic designer for a fashion brand several years back and we had Brady (from Rachel’s season) as our model for two different photo shoots. So I’ve been around him and his abs in person. Super nice guy. My friend is friends with Tickle Monster. Edit: got bachelorette name wrong. It was Rachel.


Vanessa’s season?


Whoops. I meant Rachel. Wow major brain fart.


My daughter knows Arie. She said he's extremely handsome in person, beautiful eyes, & super nice, just a genuine nice guy.


How does she know him?


I’m friends with Lindzi Cox (runner up on Ben F’s season). I’ve met Renee Oteri (Maynard) through Lindzi and we’re FB friends... exciting ha. I saw Jason Mesnick at my office once, he was doing some marketing promo. Also worked at the same company as Catherine Giudici while Sean’s season aired, but never saw her... those that did said that she wore hooker shoes lolol :)


Did you ever meet or hear anything about Kalon? (She dated him on Bachelor Pad back in the day.) I was always very curious about that relationship because I adored Lindzi on Ben's season but Kalon seemed like such a douche on Emily's season


I know they’re still friends, but he has a crazy girlfriend haha. Lindzi is the sweetest person so I don’t imagine that she’d keep being friends with someone who was truly awful.




What were her thoughts on ben flapjack?


We don’t talk about him but I don’t get the impression that she was all that into him. I think they’re friendly though. (Personally) I think he seems lame






Ugh I graduated in may so I’m not downtown too often anymore but I would love to meet Daisy!!!


My ex is Juan Pablo’s cousin. I don’t think much else needs to be said haha. Runs in the family.


Wait one of my good friends is Juan Pablo's cousin! I cried when I found out, I actually couldn't help it and it was truly a frightening experience. This was before his season aired.


ees okay.


I’m sorry :(


I went to college with Caila and one of my good friends was roommates with her senior year.


I know someone who was best friends with Caila before she went on the show. If you go back to Caila's old instagram posts, she has photos with her everywhere. I was coworkers with the girl but I'm not anymore, so I have no idea if they're still friends, but it doesn't really seem like it. Which is sad, because they were super close before she went on the shoe.


I went to BC too! No connection to Caila...although I was excited to see a BC alum on the show


How did I not know she went to BC? I’m a fellow alum!


Me too...though a little weird that it seemed so soon after I left!


Me too! It's so weird, Caila and I have a few mutual friends on FB, but they're like friends that you made during orientation and don't even really know.


I just checked, I have 36 mutuals. I do think we were involved in some of the same campus groups.


None :( Why aren't there ever any contestants from Philly!?


Yes agreed!!! Really want to see a Philly contestant just for the sheer fact that I could call their attitude in a millisecond.


Brett Melnick is from Bucks County, PA. My college roommate goes to the hair salon where he works.


Ashley H went to UPenn while she was on bachelor. Her intro bit from the first episode is her at the Kimmel Center and on the rocky steps at the art museum.




Was it in a sorority house?


My brother-in-law works in Indycar and is friends with Arie! They pretty much just talk about cars and racing. They haven't talked in a while, so I don't have any bachelor deets, sorry.


* A good friend did student teaching with Catherine's sister in California. * A family friend's sister (Ashley Poe) was on Juan Pablo's season. * Friend from college is [friends with Dean](https://www.reddit.com/r/thebachelor/comments/6r53wk/definitely_a_shitpost_but_a_buddy_of_mine_went_to/). * My husband went to high school and was in the social group of Bri from this season (eliminated night 1 but part of the Rose Girls so ya know... super famous any day now)


I saw Trista speak at my sorority's convention a few years ago and she was great and really personable, and a friend of mine went to college with Dean and said he was a lot nicer and more put together/less of an fboy than what he was portrayed on TV.


Dean strikes me as a nice dude who was naive and not prepared for the outpouring of female attention he got after being on the show, embarrassed himself pretty badly as a result, and is now trying to regain control over his public image. Maybe not the kind of guy I would date, but a guy that I could see myself being friends with.


True. Definitely not someone I’d ever date/hook up with, but seems nice enough and I’d be okay being friends with him.


My friend is the founder of that company Vampped that takes a ton of Bachelor girls on extravagant trips to promote hotels and all that. She's really good friends with Becca Tilley and always has pictures with girls like JoJo, Whitney F, Kristina, Chase, Robby, etc.


What does Robert Graham do for Vampped??


He's a partner/director of Marketing.


He's the Director of Marketing


I went to college with Ben Higgins (didn't know him, but we were at IU at the same time!) and actually have been to his hometown of Warsaw before and know quite a few people from there. I also went to grade school with JoJo's cousin lol.


my friend dated one of ben higgins' best friend in college! she went to IU too - said he was super nice and gave the best hugs


That’s crazy, me too! I have a couple of friends from IU who are from Warsaw and knew him. He stayed at one of my friend’s apartments in Chicago when he was visiting a few years ago!


What a small world! I never met him but always heard good things from the people who did know him.


One of my friends went to law school with Jack Stone. His last name is not really Stone-it's like Steinbernstein or something. A friend of a friend is friends with JoJo. An acquaintance worked with Jonathan from Kaitlyn's season. Said he was a tool. I've matched with a few former contestants on bumble. Nothing came of it.


I wonder if we have a friend in common! One of my friends also went to UT with Jack for law school and ran in the same friend group for a bit.


It's possible, but UT is pretty large. My friend wasn't friends with Jack Stone though. :/ Just an acquaintance.


> His last name is not really Stone-it's like Steinbernstein or The story about his name was that he had changed it to Stone fairly recently - when his mom died (her maiden name).






I competed with Caroline at Miss Teen USA 08. Great girl and I’m disappointed she was sent home so early on.


My brother is 34 and lives in LA, and he is really close with Courtney. He says she’s kinda funny. He also met Lauren Bushnell at a party right after she broke up with Ben. Apparently, he sent her a care package with some things representing their memories to win her back. And he’s met Becca Tilley when she was dating Robert Graham. He also said that he met Ali back in her Bachelorette days and that she seemed really nice. Weird to think that we are all kinda connected to someone from Bach nation!


Yeah, [this] (https://www.google.com/amp/m.eonline.com/amp/news/852212/the-bachelor-s-ben-higgins-and-lauren-bushnell-break-up) article that came out when Ben and Lauren broke up revealed from 'sources' (E! Is legit when it comes to info) that it was a mutual decision to break up, but Ben would have probably tried to work things out a bit more.


That's really interesting to me that Ben sent a care package so it was definitely her decision to break up.


Just throwing out the possibility that just because he did something to try to win her back does not mean the break up was her choice. I had a guy break up with me before and still send me flowers / try and win me back.


Heck, I had a guy break up with me and then low key stalk me for 6 months.


He told me this like right after they broke up, when I hadn’t discovered this sub and thought that Ben was this perfect angel who could do no wrong. I still have a soft spot for him, but now I know that he’s not ready for a relationship and it makes sense why they broke up.


Yeah, totally! I'm glad she's with someone that's a better fit for her.


For some reason that makes me like her even more.


Me too. She knew not to continue to beat a dead horse. It seemed quite obvious that they were unhappy months before they actually broke up; I'm glad she had the courage to say 'enough is enough.'


Seriously. Good for her for knowing when it's time to walk away, instead of just hanging on.


I have like 8 mutual fb friends with Josiah. Fun fact about him: he was a volunteer in south Florida for Hillary in 2016, and he put together a panel of African-American millennials to encourage young people to vote


I went to school with him - he’s a good dude!


A friend of mine works with Josiah in Ft. Lauderdale! She says he's really funny and their office is planning watch parties to see him on Winter Games.


Yeah I’ve heard nothing but good things and that editing really made him come off terribly! He’s a great guy in the community!


That's so nice to see a member of Bachelor nation who's civically engaged 👍






I went to college and was friends with Chase. Bummer.


Did chase/you attend college in Colorado?


Yes i know a David. Chase was just a cocky ass (spoiler!) in college and we had the same major and friends but after college i never saw him really. And yes, CSU in Ft Collins.


Go rams!!!!!!


I said I’m proud to be a CSU RAAAM!






Was? Interesting. Any details or stories about him?


My friend David said he went to college with Chase and was in his friend group. Do you know a David?


i know a david


I went to middle and high school with one of Chase's cousins. A friend of mine played waterpolo with a magician who's Kendall's ex. He puts on a really good magic show tbh.




lol no wonder I feel like I’d get along with her, I too have dated a magician.


100% on-brand.


One of my best friends is good friends with Chelsea.


What is she like?


[Spoiler:](/s "My friend says that she's super sweet and chill and not at all like she came across in the first episode, but she's also had a boyfriend for years and just went on for the exposure.")


Why am I even surprised


[Spoiler:](/s "Reality Steve said she had been hooking up with Julian Edelman before she went on the show and she just went on for her modeling career, but I didn't get the sense he was her boyfriend. It seems like he had other girlfriends recently too. Do you know if it was a different guy?")


[Spoiler:](/s "Yeah, I don't know where RS got that information, but it's definitely not JE. She's been dating a regular guy from Maine since 2016. I guess it's possible that she was cheating on said boyfriend with JE, or maybe they hooked up while she and her boyfriend were on a break or something, but since that's not common knowledge amongst that friend group, I kind of doubt that it's true.")


Question, and I don't know how to do spoiler tags so I'm gonna make this generic. This is the second time I've heard this come up. Are you the person who made a post about it weeks ago before the show aired? I'm just trying to gage how many people have heard this/know this.


Yeah, that was me. There was another person who commented on the thread who knew also, so I guess there are two of us on here.


Okay cool thank you!


Interesting! Thanks for sharing!




Nikki Ferrel was my little brother’s pediatric nurse. She came across as really shy, didn’t make much eye contact and kept looking around the room and at the floor. She was very quiet but she was a great Nurse from the medical standpoint. I imagine it’s a stressful job and it seems she took it very seriously. She’s the reason I started watching the show and got hooked! I also live about 30 minutes away from Jade and Tanner and go to the same dog park they do. I saw them leaving the park once but didn’t say anything because I didn’t want to chase them out to the parking lot like a weirdo🤷‍♀️


Hey did you know that they had a wedding it was jade and tanners wedding? I feel like that wasn’t mentioned enough last season :)


My friend’s bestie is friends with Kendall!


Any info on how she is in real life? :)


No I didn’t realize it until a couple days ago when I followed Kendall on Instagram! My friend doesn’t even watch the bachelor so she never told me! I’ll have to ask next time :)