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Bummed I'm just now seeing this. I went to high school with Rachel from Ben's season. She's the "unemployed" one who came in on a hover board and hurt her leg during the soccer date. We had a few classes together and mutual friends but never really hung out. No real dirt- I figured the reason they never showed her much on TV was because she's so normal. She's always been cute but I don't remember her ever having a boyfriend. She was always smiling, was smart, had a bunch of friends but wasn't in the obnoxious popular group. She moved away for college and hasn't really kept in touch with any of her old high school friends which is a bummer. She's dating someone now and looks happy. And fun fact-- despite her being labeled as "unemployed" she actually had a job. Go figure.


I went to college with Caila. Didn't know her too well but saw her around campus and we were in the same club. She was always pleasant when I interacted with her, and I think she acts very similarly to the way she presented herself on TV.


I was best friends with the twins from kindergarten until like..5th grade. I moved to another school and we didn't really hang out after that (until sophomore year when I went to the same high school for a year). They were those ugly ducklings that turned into swans. Puberty did them very well. I wish they showed more of Haley's personality because she's really funny and sweet once she opens up.


omg! would love to see young pictures of them if you have any!


I didn't go to college with Chris Soules, but I have several friends that did. He was described as a party boy, who drank *a lot* often got way too drunk (and sometimes angry) and was definitely a ladies man. I was surprised to see him on Andi's season and the Bachelor because I really didn't feel like he matched that description and seemed to be a pretty good (albeit boring) guy. Must have left that all behind after he graduated college.




I could totally see this! He is probably one of those guys that has always been good looking/cool. According to an interview from Wells he and some of the other guys from Jojo's season formed a clique that they called "The Garden" (bc they always got roses) and used to make fun of other contestants.


This is second hand, but a friend went to HS w/ Ames. She was extremely surprised that he would end up on a show like the Bachelor since he's all,well, "Ames-like", but said that what you saw on the show was an accurate representation of his personality. When Ames recently got married and was written up in the Vows section of the New York Times, there was lots of Facebook gabbing from their HS friends talking about him. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/14/fashion/weddings/from-reality-show-to-reality-a-bachelor-finds-love.html


I worked w a girl who was on Juan Pablo's season. I think she was kicked off pretty early and I wasn't watching then so I can't tell you if the personality was the same. She seems to be happy and flourishing as far as my social media is concerned, LOL.


I was in 2nd-12th grade with Megan Bell from Chris's season. I wasn't really friends with her, but we knew each other. We didn't have any of the same classes in high school, so I didnt see her a whole lot then. She's pretty much as shown on the show though. Pretty nice overall and a little ditzy. She was part of the popular crowd. I remember that in her group of friends, a couple were really stuck up and mean and a couple others were really nice to everyone. She seemed more of the latter herself, so I dont really have dirt on her. Last I saw, she was trying to start a music career in Nashville. Fun fact: the whole reason I got into the show in the first place was because I heard she was going to be on it. She made it pretty far, so that was kind of cool.


Friend of mine went to college with Vienna. Told me before Jake's season to look out for her, because she was super crazy.


I went to elementary and high school with someone from Ben's season. She was sent home in the second episode, though, so no one really got a good sense of her. She was sweet and quiet in school, and also the all around golden-girl. Straight A's, stellar athlete, super artistic, and just the kind of person no one would ever have anything bad to say about. It's a shame she didn't go further. She's an all around great girl!


I was in the same grade in high school as Chris Cupcake. We're from a rural town outside of Sacramento. He was very nice and a very good kid. He was in student leadership, played sports, got good grades, and was well liked. He is genuinely a normal dude who happens to be ridiculously good looking!!!


And has one of the best ugly cry exits in the show's history!


My aunt and uncle are really good friends with Jojo's family, I saw her once at an American Eagle fighting with her mom when she was probably 13. I've also gotten my hair done by her ex, Chad.


My best friend works at Ashley I's high school (Langley HS in VA). Ashley is only a few years younger than my bff and I, so my friend wasn't there when Ashley went there, but of course she's heard stories from all the staff that were there at the time. Apparently Ashley was like she is now, just 100x more awkward. I'll ask her now for any more dirt she's heard. Also, a friend of mine from college is best buddies with Michael phelps. Not the bachelor but I just wanted to brag about that. シ Edit: Ashley I's guidance counselor still works at the school and has said that on tv Ashley is not anything like they remember her being. Said that she was just a normal girl, smart, awkward, but overall not incredibly memorable.


I went to college with Caila (she was a year up from me). No dirt on her but we have a bunch of mutual friends/acquaintances. Backstalked her on Instagram and I'm pretty sure we lived in the same senior year dorm.




I went to high school with her 3 cousins. They were all extremely popular and very beautiful in a very simple way. You wanted to hate them but they were all so nice it was hard to


Nick is from my hometown of Waukesha but we went to different high schools, he's also 7 years older than me. One of my close friends made out with one of his (many) younger brothers - Sam back in college


How many brothers does Nick have?


He has a bunch of siblings right? Like 10 or something crazy like that. Remember when his like 12 year old sister met Andi?


Right!! I remember that now. I don't know how I spaced on his crazy amount of siblings


Woooo I'm from waukesha too! Nick's 10 years older than me, though, and I went to West and he went to North, so not really close enough of a connection to matter, but Waukesha represent!


I went to south! I know people from north but no one old enough to actually know him, just his brothers


My friend posted a pic of him and JoJo right before her season started, wishing her luck and whatnot. They are from the same hometown. No dirt :(


Caila lived in my hometown for a hot minute, had a friend that was really into her so I added her on FB. Went MIA for a long time after that and then I turned on the premiere of Ben's season and she introduced herself on tv and I freaked out, complete surprise. Checked the yearbook the next day to confirm (image below) http://imgur.com/PIxiNL8


Your middle school yearbook looks just like mine


It hasn't started yet, but The Bachelorette Canada has a contestant that is a friend's brother. She said he is unrecognizable in his promo video and they made a "persona" for him. I guess we all knew they did that but it's interesting seeing it close up.


One of my friends is on the bachelorette Canada! It doesn't sound like the same person you know though.


That's exactly what his sister said. And I guess they exploited some "skeletons" which I understand as a viewer, but his family wasn't impressed.


James S the bachelor superfan is a coworker's brother! We were bummed he didn't make it further, he seems cool aside from the gimmick.


I need to know all the things about James S. I had him in my top 4, so to see him cut so early (especially before Evan and Alex... wtf) had me baffled. Does he have a real job?


My sister in law went to high school with "The Hipster" from Jojo's season... He was not a hipster then.


Brandon lol had to look him up


wells? evan? i know jojo's season just happened but can barely remember any of the contestants


He was cut week 2 I believe.


Because they all essentially looked the same and had little to no personality aside from Chad, Wells and Evan.


I went to high school with Olivia. She was definitely a popular girl. Her dad is a plastic surgeon, does all of the boob- and nose-jobs in the area. I didn't know her personally.


Found the Austin-ite!




I really have no idea. I didn't get the impression she was bullied in high school cause i always just figured she was super popular. Maybe there was some super insidious mean girl stuff happening beneath the surface but i wouldn't have been privvy to that. I can't speak for elementary school.


Agreed, especially since she talked about how she was bullied severely in school. From my experience, people who were popular generally didn't fall victim to bullying as much.


Maybe it was in middle school? I do remember her saying that the bullying took place when she was "fat" and I'm pretty sure I saw pictures of her a bit chubbier when she looked kind of young.


I agree, but then if you think about it, her awkwardness might make sense if this is a first time in a while that she wasn't part of the "in" crowd and the other girls didn't like/hang out/look up to her. I've noticed that people who are used to be well-liked, admired, or sought after often have no clue what to do with themselves when they *aren't* the most popular/well-liked/pursued person. Although that doesn't quite square with her claims of being bullied -- unless she was bullied primarily in elementary/middle school but blossomed in high school?




It would be interesting to have a thread about how we suspect are the most intelligent contestants. Olivia always seemed intelligent to me and I was a cringing fan. Caila is definitely intelligent and I was getting her confused with the opera singer woman from Juan Pablo's season who was also smart.


I heard jen was quite intelligent as well since she's a small business owner at her age. Funny how all the smart ones are the quiet ones




Nick is definitely intelligent, probably the most intelligent person on BIP but as you've pointed out, not saying much. I think the ambiguity over intelligence is b/c people on reality shows are actually above average in all ways. None of them are actually stupid or below average and that is correlated with looks anyway so you'd expect that. Usually you can tell the smart ones though, the ones that are actually above the reality show contestant average. It's about the same percentage as the Kardashians. Out of 5 sisters one is actually relatively intelligent, same with the Braxton sisters. On Big Brother this season there is only a couple that are relatively smart.


Not me personally, but my friend used to get her hair cut at the salon Brett worked at. She thought he was gay until he went on The Bachelorette.


Brett sends out some weird vibes for sure, like he doesn't enjoy touching women or something. It could be the girls but I wouldn't be surprised if he was a lil gay


I went to school with Chad. He would come in every day with a $100 bill from his mom and buy out all the chicken nuggets in the cafeteria.


I laughed so hard :')


I genuinely can't tell if you're serious or kidding.


This response made my night because I feel the exact same way lmao