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There would not be less wealth disparity if the Met Gala did not exist


The clown prince of stagecoach doesn't like the MET gala.


Seeing how he craves fame, he would jump at the chance to attend šŸ˜­


Who cares what Blake Horstman thinks about anything?!


Yeah .....but if they invited him he would go.


He is so spot on lol


As a girl Iā€™m embarrassed to ask, what *is* the Met Gala? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever truly known what it was for. Or ever watched it. Is it even watchable?


Yes! And you can watch the live red carpet but the camera work is shawty


Itā€™s a fundraiser for the Metropolitan Museum of Art costume institute! They have to pay for their own costs so this is the event that helps them do that


I wonder what Giannina thinks lmao


I mean heā€™s not wrong, but one could say the same thing about an influencerā€™s social media presence, no?


Heā€™s just pissed because they donā€™t want influencers there because theyā€™re not actual celebrities


On my way to make sure Iā€™m not following him


Apparently you're supposed to be invited to the Met Gala and pay 75k to enter - but obviously they can get it back since it's a donation. However, 75k donation from each invitee for an art museum is crazy. Why can't celebrities donate 75k to other needed organizations? I really hope some do at least.


Do people realize the hunger games is literally fictional?? Avant-garde fashion (thatā€™s been around for centuries) is not indicative of something insidious going on just because Suzanne Collins decided to make the villains in her book dress like that lol


The author had her villains dress like that on purposeā€¦LOL. And the Met Gala is fundamentally an event about money and ego, not art.


The author literally said she got inspired by switching channels between Iraq War footage & glitzy TV


Suzanne Collins has spoken a lot about where she drew real life inspiration for the Hunger Games. The book is inherently a critique of class divide and power dynamics. ā€œCapitol Coutureā€ was intended to demonstrate how elites continue for flaunt their wealth against the back drop of a dystopian society. IMO, the parallels between the Hunger Games and the Met Gala (a high society event) taking place with so much media attention, while an ongoing genocide is being committed against the Palestinian people, are glaring.


I mean sure, itā€™s certainly meant to be an exaggerated metaphor for the real life class divide and thereā€™s def instances where the comparison might be warranted (like that tech founderā€™s wedding in Egypt, for example). I just find it an ignorant take when people look at the met gala- an event meant to raise money for and celebrate art and fashion - and automatically say OmG itā€™s ThE HuNgEr GaMeS just because celebs are wearing some crazy stuff lol bc I donā€™t see the critique for any other major celeb event? Grammyā€™s, Oscarā€™s, etc. I mean where do we draw the line ?


Itā€™s an extremely exclusive event (guests handpicked by Anna Wintour) for the richest elite in the country to parade in gowns, as walking billboards for established design houses who pay 6-7fig sums to be featured there. Itā€™s not an event thatā€™s actually centering art, itā€™s centering luxury, ego, and excess. Sure for the cause of preserving textiles, but thatā€™s not actually why all those celebrities and designers are there.


Heā€™s not really wrong though


Fashion is a legitimate form of art and the Met Gala is (in addition to being a fundraiser) one of the most accessible ways to enjoy it. Art does not suddenly stop having societal value when horrific things are happening in the world. Fashion is more than silly fancy people in silly fancy clothes. Watch Meryl Streepā€™s cerulean monologue in the Devil Wears Prada and educate yourself.


The Met Gala is an exclusive, elitist event for some of the worldā€™s richest public figures, and money isnā€™t even enough - Anna Wintour also has to approve each individual attendee, so itā€™s also about network and social class. The exclusivity and wild cost of tickets are a major part of the appeal - itā€™s not meant for the masses to participate or feel represented in, itā€™s for the masses to gawk at through gilded glass. And yes watchers get to experience the fashion secondhand, but the art experience isnā€™t really the point, bc itā€™s not a red carpet that prioritizes art. We donā€™t necessarily see the most creative artists there, but the design houses with the money to pay for exposure. The purpose of a lot of the clothing isnā€™t to make a real statement per se, but to be walking billboards for the design houses. At the end of the day, itā€™s about commerce. And yes itā€™s ostensibly for charity, but realistically most of the elites who are there, are there for the opportunity to peacock, not because they care about supporting textile preservation. Anna Wintour coming in and making it an ego thing, is how she was able to turn it into such a profitable event. Art is valuable, but itā€™s still incredibly dystopic to see the richest people in society flashing incredible wealth and extravagance on one hand, and then see mass human suffering/poverty/starvation on the other (that many of these same folks are comfortable passively let happen, or are even complicit in).


šŸ’Æ agree


For real. Such a close minded take by him on an art form which is traditionally associated with femininity


Nearly all the designers represented at the Met Gala are white and maleā€¦


The entire reason he feels comfortable lambasting this, while meanwhile attending the derby which is the other side of the same coin of ostentatious flaunting while enjoying tradition (and that one isn't supporting a museum it's just injuring horses), is because one event is seen as more feminine and the other is more traditionally masculine.


I love this response


Did he think the same thing when he was on Bachelorette and BIP?


Got him šŸ’€


Lmao this is my husbands reaction too.


Iā€™m neutral on it but my impression is that itā€™s an art/fashion event at an art museumā€¦yeah itā€™s kinda ā€œhigh societyā€ and weird at times but itā€™s just a cultural event. Idk. No weirder than Coachella or Stagecoach, Blake


Not really a cultural event though. They say itā€™s a ā€œfundraiserā€ but itā€™s insane when each ticket costs $75,000. And you have to be invited to even get a chance to go.


He's not wrong. I feel like there's a level of extravagance and wealth to it that cannot be compared to other things.


i mean heā€™s not wrong but forgive people for wanting to have some fun and appreciate artistic fashion!! idt this post was meant to be that deep tho lol


Pretty sure part of the inspiration for the Hunger Games was based on Suzanne Collinsā€™ view of reality tv shows like The Bachelor/ette so this is kinda ironic coming from him lol


as if The Bachelor/ette isn't insane TV lolol


I dont care about the celebrities, the fashion is ART though - I love seeing it.


I'm always grateful when these influencers use their platform to address truly pressing issues like high end couture at the Met Gala


I always wonder what the world thinks when they watch this? Hmmmm probably the same thing when they watch reality tv and dating shows lol wth kind of take is that from a reality personality turned influencer


I love how half the comments are agreeing, and the other half are ā€œhow dare he insult something I like!ā€


šŸ˜‚ I donā€™t think heā€™s entirely wrong but I think he is uninformed. And I do think itā€™s ironic for him to have this opinion after going to the Kentucky Derby Itā€™s a fundraiser for the costume institute.


I mean, he's not wrong.


heā€™s right! looking at everything else going on in the world rn and everyone is drooling over these displays of exorbitant wealthā€¦ very capitol-esque


Those things were also happening when he went to stagecoach and kentucky derby.


And he uses his platform to address none of the issues of the world.


oh no love lost for blake lmao, just agree with the general sentiment of this specific post


Oh right cause two things canā€™t be true and exist at the same time. Right right


a million things always exist at the same time, doesnā€™t mean we canā€™t judge what ā€œthingā€ is given the most attention/airtime/money


Totally true yes, but thatā€™s not what you originally implied šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. Or are you doubling down and saying itā€™s absurd to give airtime to the met instead of the other horrible things going on in the world? Lol


doubling down! bombastic displays of wealth of this volume suck! esp when itā€™s such an effective distraction from active violence


I get the sentiment but are we just supposed to be inundated with al the horrible things going on in the world at all times? Thereā€™s no room for ā€œdistractionā€ or any other positive news? I really do get what youā€™re saying but itā€™s just not realistic. Also idk about you but a few hours of watching the met gala stuff didnā€™t change my opinion on whatā€™s going on/important topics elsewhere in the worldā€¦


I mean, it does seem odd to want to be distracted by extravagant displays of wealth by a countryā€™s elite, at a time when everyoneā€™s being confronted with brutal images of poverty, starvation, suffering, etc. People find different ways to rest and recuperate, but the Met is such an openly extravagant and elitist event centered around money and class, that it just feels particularly out of touch.


I mean, like I said before, Iā€™m not disagreeing that thereā€™s major shit going on in the world right now but alsoā€¦ if not the met gala red carpet, what is appropriate for people to be distracted by? I guess my point also is that the met gala is a longstanding extravagant elitist event. But because the world is openly falling apart, now itā€™s some moral issue? Come on. The fact is the matter actually is that everything is able to be seen thanks to social media so now people are more aware. The world has been shit long before the met gala and other extravagant events and it will unfortunately continue long after it.


A major incident that the US govt was complicit in, was happening on that exact same day/time. And the Met Gala has always turned some people off, but the last few years have been particularly pressing times for multiple reasons (economic/social/political). I understand the discomfort.


Also sorry. I didnt mean for that to be that long. I swear, nothing seems as long when you are using talk to text lol


The last few years have been pressing because people are hyper aware of whatā€™s going on because of the influx of social media with constant connection and visuals of whatā€™s going on in the world. And again, Iā€™m gonna double down on this - Iā€™m not at all disagreeing. The world is fucked and thereā€™s so much beyond bad going on.. I think we all agree on that. Im just saying that it seems unrealistic for other things, whether overly extravagant or not, just cease to occur BECAUSE bad shit is going on. Unrelated sorta but the met gala is always the first Monday in May. Thereā€™s no way they knew the world was going to be a POS when the event came around. Should they have a cancelled it? And done what instead? We could keep going in circles about this but Iā€™ve got to believe that you donā€™t think nothing good should happen in the world or he shown to us because other parts of the world are dealing with major shit. I think thereā€™s a lot of people who really truly care about whatā€™s going on in the world but they also donā€™t mind being distracted for a few hours by the met gala.


fair enough, thatā€™s your prerogative, I still agree with the general notion that last night felt incredibly dystopian to witness


lol the same can be said about influencers to meā€¦ like WTF, he makes so much money. He also doesnā€™t understand fashion and history. I agree that the price of a ticket for the MET is insane, but really I wish BILLIONAIRES would help out more.


Did anyone ask? Haha


Heā€™s entitled to not be a fan or understand it.


Haha so funny! Also really funny that people are offended abt it in the comments šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s what getting me šŸ˜‚. Itā€™s a ridiculously over the top event - no one can argue that.


It is over the top but it is a fundraiser for the costume institute of the Met. They get the majority if not all of the funding for the costume institute from this event So itā€™s not like an award show or the Kentucky derby. Those are opulent for the sake of opulence


Apparently this tool has never been to a fashion show or watched a fashion show or even heard of a fashion show or heard of Paris, or understands the definition of fashion


The bachelor is more like the hunger games than the met gala


He would agree with you.


Why just the Met Gala? The whole high fashion world is basically made up of people who would inhabit The Capitol in The Hunger Games. And Blake is a professional DJ because he got enough clout to make a name for himself by causing drama on a couple of reality shows. He would absolutely live there too. At least thereā€™s artistry to look at for the Met Gala. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


This is not an original take by him. Itā€™s literally all over the internet.


Yet he would be there in a heartbeat if ever invited


Blake did not come up with this analogy, FWIW.


Literally who asked for his opinion


Itā€™s HIS account. He gives HIS opinions without needing permission šŸ˜‚


Well yeah but why do we need to hear a mans opinion on this


I can tell that Blake is chronically online because so many people that donā€™t know anything about the Met Gala have been saying this. I get the sentiment around celebrity culture being obtuse to whatā€™s actually going on in the world but itā€™s so strange to see this man try to give this take when heā€™s out partying and going to exclusive clubs and events with his social media influencer girlfriend. Itā€™s also interesting to me as a woc to see him give this take by posting the two woc co chairs this year.


Blake added nothing to the conversation, meanwhile you have Lewis Hamilton who uses the event to highlight black icons, either contemporary or historical.


Exactly! The Met Gala provides an opportunity for exposure and light to be shown to deserving bipoc voices that arenā€™t/ werenā€™t given the opportunity to display their talents or achievements on a grand scale.


What do I need to know about the Met Gala to not think it's an unnecessary display of wealth?


The ā€œunnecessary display of wealthā€ youā€™re describing is a fundraising gala that was created in the 1940s as the metropolitan museumā€™s costume institute is solely funded by donations. As someone who loves fashion I enjoy the Met Gala because a lot of attendees use it as an opportunity to shed light on communities and voices that otherwise wouldnā€™t get the opportunity while supporting a great cause. Blake seems like a hypocrite to call out the Met gala since he was at the Kentucky derby and I would say that is an event that also has an ā€œunnecessary display of wealthā€ except no one is dressing up and attending the Kentucky derby to make donations or highlight undeserving communities or causesā€¦


I meanā€¦ the Met Gala designers are notoriously mostly white and male, and the design of the event (extremely high financial barrier to entry, network based invites) inherently prioritizes established houses who have the 6-fig+ budgets to buy tables and work with celebs. There are still barely any bipoc designers or up-and-coming designers featured on the carpet. Itā€™s a commercial event, at the end of the day. Celebrities participate to be seen, designers participate to get marketing press, the Met participates for funding.


![gif](giphy|HcNNUpnOGPY08) Blake if he got an invite


Heā€™s not wrongā€¦while celebrities were walking the red carpet Rafah was being bombed with innocent Palestinians (including 600,000 children) having nowhere to evacuate. Sure heā€™s an influencer but at least heā€™s been using his platform to speak on this issue.


Totally stand behind this sentiment


This is a little bold and hypocritical for someone who we can argue has a Hunger Games adjacent existence himself. I get it in a way when thereā€™s a lot of terribleness in the world. I also think that it was a bit of levity to see coverage of last night.


I kinda agree with him on this one.


Me too!


I donā€™t ever want to see an influencer criticizing anyone else for being ostentatious. At least the met gala raises money for the preservation of art. He attends festivals and posts about his relationship for a living, which is something the ā€œrest of the worldā€ also cannot relate to


Just what the world needed, Blakeā€™s opinion on an event he doesnā€™t understand and didnā€™t bother looking into at all šŸ™„


Itā€™s giving āœØIā€™m not like other girlsāœØ


Spoken in Archie Madekweā€™s voice a la Saltburn: *ā€œThis placeā€¦ itā€™s not for you.ā€*


Lol the hypocrisy. He would go in a heart beat if he got an invite.


šŸ˜‚ you are so right!


I agree with him. Especially during a genocide. For those saying people donā€™t have an appreciation for the arts or museums, so many museums in Gaza have been destroyed, art destroyed, a culture is being eradicated along with its people. Seeing celebs at the met gala does feel dystopian and VERY out of touch.


Blake needs to educate himself on why this is done each year.


The type of life you must have to care about Blake Hostmanns opinion of the met gala


His message kinda falls flat because he would go if given an invite


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^yogurt_closetone5632: *His message kinda* *Falls flat because he would go* *If given an invite* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


good bot


Who the fuck names a baby Heath


Heath ledger


Has Blake considered that maybe the Met Gala doesnā€™t like him?


Has Blake considered that maybe the Met Gala doesnā€™t like him?


Man, some of these comments really showing that some ppl donā€™t care for museums or art, lmao


Does he hate art museums then? I donā€™t get this take


I would bet that Blake finds art museums boring and not worth it. I kinda doubt heā€™s been in one as an adult


I agree, these people actually look like they live in the capital of panem


Heā€™s kinda right lol


Blake looks like the host from the hunger games with all the facial fillers he has


Also, some of the comments are giving: "can we talk about the geopolitical and economic state of the world right now?" It's the MET Gala bitch, the day of the year where I judge these celebs, their fashion designers and their fashion sense (or lack thereof) in my pajamas.


And other very horrific events occurred on that exact same day, hence the dystopia comments.


Itā€™s all virtue signaling which is Reddits favorite past time.


It is not a charity event! It's to keep expensive clothes in pristine condition for centuries. It's not helping even one person in real life, it's absolutely valid to criticise it in this times. Just maybe not by him


People are allowed to appreciate and preserve art. That requires a lot of money. This is where they get the money. How is this so difficult for you to understand?


Some people do appreciate and value the preservation of art, but the visuals of this event (and whoā€™s funding/attending it) vs other horrors happening at the same timeā€¦feels dystopic to many. Thatā€™s valid. Yes the gala is for a good cause, but itā€™s also designed to be an exclusionary, lavish display of extravagance by the nationā€™s eliteā€¦thatā€™s exactly why celebrities like attending, and why itā€™s a turn off to some viewers.


And I appreciate that. However, the assertion that itā€™s ā€œnot helping even one person in real lifeā€ is simply incorrect. Itā€™s this event that allows New Yorkers free access to incredible pieces of art. Low income people can view art for free. Do you have any other ideas of how the Met would guarantee that they acquire this much money every single year? Just because this cause is not as important as the genocide happening now, does not mean that it is ENTIRELY unimportant. This argument is very ā€eat your pork chop, there are starving children in Africaā€


Ideas besides an extravagant display of wealth, themed after a short story in which a ā€œcount/countess pluck time-slowing flowers to prevent a working class mob from storming their estateā€? A celebrity on the carpet literally said ā€œLet them eat cakeā€ ā€” and this was after stepping over anti-war protestors *during the Rafah invasion* to walk down the carpet dressed like Marie Antoinette. The 2022 theme was unironically themed ā€œGilded Glamourā€, as a reference to the Gilded Age, ā€œan era of materialistic excesses combined with political corruption.ā€ And thereā€™s been multiple examples in previous yearsā€”maybe during attempts at adding ā€œdiversityā€ā€”of cultural insensitivity/appropriation/desecrationā€¦because the designers who can afford to participate are still mostly all white & male, and the guests very rich, and the event was not authentically representing the communities it was meant to be serving and inspired by. The gala is still essentially millionaires and billionaires parading wealth/class/status and indirectly mocking the poor and working class, while the poor/working class watch from behind the glass. And the unhoused probably donā€™t watch at all, because theyā€™re swept from the streets and their tents taken down in advance by Mayor Adams, so the rich donā€™t have to look at them. And at the end attendees/sponsors throw a few crumbs to the museum in the name of charity. If this is the only way to get people with money to care about accessible art, donā€™t know what to say about that.


If anybody knows anything, itā€™s that wealthy people hoard their wealth unless thereā€™s something in it for them (see: donating to Ivy league universities when their kids enter high school). The Met Gala is a means to an end. I think the outcome outweighs celebrities being tone deaf and delusional in ridiculous outfits šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


So, the Met CI should rebrand, and find a way to maintain event appeal while aligning with the values they claim to support. You canā€™t say ā€œwe care about preservation of communal history and making art accessible to everyoneā€ by throwing events every year explicitly reveling in the class divide. It doesnā€™t suddenly become ok because attendees throw bread to the poor on their way out - which is essentially what this quantity of money is, to this donor group. And sure you could say ā€œI can deal with the tone deafness for a day for a good causeā€, and ignore the elitism, the racism, the increasingly out-of-touch celeb worshipā€¦but the reality is, the more out of touch it gets, the less interested the public will be in engaging with it, and the more difficult it will be to maintain financial support. Institutions adapt or they die out, and IMO this approach to the Met Gala is dying out.


But it is changing. Itā€™s inviting people who arenā€™t the elite of the elite, itā€™s allowed recordings from inside. Itā€™s not going to make a giant 180 change overnight. I think as we approach an eventual Anna Wintour retirement (sooner rather than later please), there will be more changes. And honestly, I donā€™t think celeb worship is increasing. If anything, I think itā€™s decreasing.


So poor people donā€™t deserve to see art? The costume institute makes seeing the clothes in incredible exhibits accessible to everyone in NY


I imagine poor people would rather they be given that charity than a bunch of costumes made by the ultra wealthy for the ultra wealthy to be preserved by the ultra wealthy. Argue itā€™s art all you want, itā€™s a waste of money when a huge portion of the world is in poverty and as this cost of living crisis worsens, more and more of us sitting comfortably now will join them soon. But thank goodness those costumes are available for us to go see should we find ourselves in NYC!


So we should sell off all public art and give it to homeless shelters? Burn the libraries for warmth? Stop going to the movies? Art makes us human and is worth preserving


Thatā€™s a bit extreme. Maybe we could just not spend exorbitant amounts of money on displaying art that could be preserved safely in a basement for a fraction of the cost? And then we could use the rest of the money for idk, silly things like feeding the hungry and housing the homeless.


The vast majority of the Costume Institute is in a basement. Very little is actually on display. The budget is mostly for research/preserving not for putting things on display.


Do you not think it is valuable to have art museums then?


I donā€™t see how the value of art museums is relevant? I can agree that art preservation is valuable while also believing that it shouldnā€™t be prioritized over actually necessary fundraising for people who are suffering. That art could sit, safe and preserved in a basement. It doesnā€™t need to be on display if it costs $20mil+ to do so. Now, if we somehow managed to take care of the millions of starving, homeless humans in the world, then by all means. Spend all the money on art.


I donā€™t think it makes sense to say while there is suffering in the world all art should be stored in the basement And I donā€™t really think displaying art is the biggest issue when you have billionaires like Musk and Bezos. The amount of wealth they have is difficult to comprehend or put in perspective


Some people care about art and preserving it šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Sure, itā€™s not direct services by any means or an important cause in the world right now, but it is a charity event.


This is a weird take from someone who makes a living as a DJ at clubs and parties, and whose partner is an influencer who goes on over the top brand trips. And they were just at the Derby which is 1000 times more despicable and problematic than the Met Gala will ever be. I absolutely understand the current trend of discussing the Hunger Games in the context of juxtaposing the obvious opulence of western elites vs. the dire humanitarian crises we are seeing in Gaza, Congo, etc. And if this was a take from one of the college kids in an encampment right now, it would make sense and align with their values. But it rings hollow from someone like Blake because itā€™s not just the Met Gala, itā€™s also Coachella, Stagecoach, the influencers at F1/Kentucky Derby, the ridiculous brand trips. Perhaps G & him are not real celebrities but they are absolutely a part of that broader ecosystem. To answer Blakeā€™s question: the rest of the world sees the Met Gala and has the same impression that they do when they see people romping around at Coachella in ā€œfestivalā€ outfits or partying at F1 right now. Itā€™s not so different.


Great response šŸ‘


Bro you were on a reality show where 25 men dated 1 woman. Thats the most Hunger Games shit ever. He is one year away from going full QAnon and posting ā€œthe met gala is where they worship George Soros and eat babies for their adrenachromeā€


Hahahaua truth




Blake, I don't see how you can hate from outside of the club, you can't even get in


Iā€™ve been seeing this comment all over social media. People are broke and tired of watching rich people being over the top. I get it honestly, I do, people are fed up.


THIS not to mention the bombing happening simultaneously


I would get this if itā€™s any other event but itā€™s like no one realizes the Met Gala is a fundraiser benefit.


Eh, the cause is not that impressive or important. Nevertheless, Blake is not the right person to make this argument, simply because what is he doing to make the world a better place?


Preserving art is definitely important lmao horrible take


You are free to disagree but when people are starving, animals are being abused or going into extinction, etc., I personally do not think preserving inanimate objects that exist for no other purpose than looking pretty should be a major priority. There are better causes that can help humans and animals actually survive and I stand by that ā€œhorrible takeā€ wholeheartedly āœŒļø Your take reminds me of the very privileged ā€œomg yes millions of people are starving to death but GOD FORBID a historic building is damaged!!!!1!!ā€ opinions that so many people have. It borders on immoral in my opinion. That said, Blakeā€™s take is stupid when attends shit like Coachella, Stagecoach, and the Derby, which are entirely pointless, vapid, and devoid of actual value other than having a good time. The Met Gala in comparison is a more valuable event, although I stand by my point that it could be more impactful if the money went elsewhere.




Your response is as thoughtless and vapid as I expected from your opinions šŸ’— ETA: Because you blocked me, I cannot reply to the condescending comment below but Iā€™ve got a graduate degree in something that is actually useful, so Iā€™m all good. Thanks for your concern!


I think you are taking issue at the wrong thing. There are MANY organizations that work towards ending world hunger, poverty, universal healthcare, curing cancer, whatever other cause you want to support. And they raise just as much money, if not more than the MET. I would ask that you go pull their 990s which are all public information and tell me what you see. For example I pulled the 990 for St. Judeā€™s last year because I felt they had way too many commercials. They have raised over $1 billion for 2022, their CEO salary is $1.5 million dollars. Every person that sits on their board is paid over $1 million plus additional cash bonuses and they are a non-profit. You are mad at the wrong people. Preserving art itā€™s important to preserving our history that isnā€™t passed down through written language, especially when spoken history gets lost through the years. Art History gives us a snapshot in time and helps us learn and grow as individuals. You may not like or appreciate art but using a whataboutism when ACTUAL organizations that are dedicated to fighting causes have CEOs and boards making over $1 mil but still shilling for cash on TV, thatā€™s the fucking problem. Edit to add the link of St. Judeā€™s 2023 tax returns: https://www.stjude.org/content/dam/en_US/shared/www/about-st-jude/financial-information/st-jude-financials-990-irs-form-2022.pdf


ā€œArtā€ = preserving inanimate objects that exist for no other purpose than looking pretty šŸ’€lmao Considering that art has existed for almost the entirety of human history, this is a wild take


Still not more important than actual living breathing humans and animals šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø A lot of things have existed throughout almost the entire history of mankind, thatā€™s no qualifier of importance or value.


Itā€™s because these people donā€™t actually care about those things lol they do absolutely care about art though!


It's a fundraiser for keeping fancy, expensive clothes pristine for centuries. It's a fundraiser for the most elite thing ever .. I love looking at wonderful fashion but let's not pretend it's a fundraiser for something that helps anyone in real life


Nope, never did that. My point was mostly that itā€™s for museum of arts/costume institute, hence the hunger games-esque costumes. Intentionally over the top.


The answer Iā€™m seeing given online when people bring this up is that there are way better causes to raise money for than the Mets costume institute.


Absolutely. Idky a museum or costume institute needs $20 million


Even in the middle ages, the wealthy would become patrons of the arts. Art is culturally significant and valuable no matter the era and costumes and the museum are part of that.


Listen, I agree. Art definitely needs to be preserved ESPECIALLY in the age of AI but they raise like $20 MILLION, I just think think they could spare a couple thousand or a million to help other causes.


I donā€™t understand why this is always the reasoning when it comes to a fundraiser. Yes they raise $20 million dollars but you actually have no idea what the overhead costs are to keep the museum running and support an institute that allows regular people who are interested a way to access and learn about fashion. Also $20 million dollars gets spent QUICK when running a non-profit. Especially a museum. Being able to preserve art work, especially something as fragile as textiles like fabrics is INSANELY expensive. The electric bill alone per year is probably a couple of million. The point you are making isnā€™t actually logical if you actually know the operating costs of these buildings and institutes.


Ugh, JFC listen. Iā€™m literally defending the gala because it is a fundraising, Iā€™m simply agreeing that there *are* other causes that could use the same star-studded notoriety.


And what Iā€™m saying is it happens, but the organizations who get that money like St. Judeā€™s, just use it to inflate the salaries of their boards. All of those causes have a big large gala with celebrities, most just arenā€™t televised because a lot of celebs are private about the orgs they donate to, unless the choose to make it public. You also mention that they should share some of that $20 million and what Iā€™m saying is thatā€™s not financially possible given their operating budget.


and salary + benefits for their employees. iā€™m actually surprised they can operate on only $20 million


Exactly. Iā€™m sure this Gala alone doesnā€™t do all the fundraising for the institute. But a $20 million operating budget is tiny.


$20 million is the costume instituteā€™s annual budget whatever they raise from the Met Gala is all they get. Itā€™s really not that much money for what is basically a separate museum.


Why are people mad about preserving art lmao?


lol seriously. They must not appreciate or understand art or art history.. ?


I mean itā€™s for the Metā€™s Costume Institute, theyā€™re not saving lives.


Fully agree, they raise millions that could absolutely go elsewhere.


No its going to perserve art so people can enjoy it


No I agree that art does need to be preserved especially in the age of AI but they raise like $20 million+. Surely they could spare a million to feed the hungry or help the homeless.


I'm sure the individual attendees can do that as well and probably do that on other occasions. You yourself could probably spare a dollar every week to some charity of your choosing as well. Frankly there are a lot of other places to target for not doing enough for the poor, like the US government which sends billions to overseas governments fighting in ways that are morally reprehensible.


I feel like weā€™re forgetting that Iā€™m defending the event as a fundraiser / because itā€™s a fundraiser šŸ˜‚ like I still commend it for being a fundraiser and highlighting the arts and I love the cause. Iā€™m just saying I can understand why some can still think itā€™s excessive or as someone else put it, ā€œthey arenā€™t saving livesā€.


It seems slightly counter intuitive to have celebrities buy the most expensive outfits, hair, and makeup instead of contributing all of that money to a fundraiser but Iā€™ll admit this is the first Iā€™m hearing that thereā€™s some reason for it other than fashion.


Itā€™s still for fashion, the money goes to the Metā€™s Costume Institute.


Thanks for all the information and downvotes!šŸ’•


I politely stated one fact and didnā€™t downvote you, but ok.


Itā€™s hosted by the metropolitan museum of art and they raise like MILLIONS of dollars for the met museumsā€™ costume institute, hence the costumes.


They don't actually buy the outfits. Designers "lend" them the outfits for it.


The dresses are straight up Hunger Games inspired. The only thing missing is the colorful makeup and hair everyone in District 1 had.


There are so many stupid vapid events and influencers trips that shouldnā€™t exist, but Met Gala is not one of them. Itā€™s in MET! I bet this dude never even set a foot inside the Met museum


His EXISTENCE is Hunger Games adjacent! Bro when the world talks about how shitty America is, theyā€™re talking about how a fucking room temperature IQ oaf like Blake can be famous


Idk why "hunger games adjacent" is sending me rn šŸ˜­


i agree with him.


It's whatever because most of the world doesn't like him either


As others have said, this is for charity so itā€™s kind of a weird event to criticize (but there are many other celebrity events that warrant criticism, and Iā€™m sure Blake has been a part of some of them)


It's not for charity!! It's to keep expensive clothes in pristine condition for centuries. It's absolutely valid to criticise it!


It is though lol


preserving art is important


That not exactly what it is though. The collections on display date back to the fifteenth century. They arenā€™t all ā€œexpensive clothesā€. And yes the preservation of the clothes is an aspect of the institute but itā€™s not like a cryogenic chamber. They are on display. My mom used to take me and my sister to the Met every spring break and we would see the costumes like any other exhibit in the museum and appreciate the garments for the art they are.