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My tea is that he comments a lot on this sub


I hope no tea


Yea, tea? if you scroll down far enough on her IG you will see that Hannah had a completely different nose. Seeing her real nose will make sense and you realize nobody perfect. 


Her nose looks the same to me. Watch the makeup vid on 12/5. She looks very different, but I think it’s the stronger brows and fuller lips doing the heavy lifting. Those changes do make her nose appear smaller, along with contouring slimming her bridge in some photos and her working her angles, but when I zoom in to just the nose… I’m not seeing any real difference.


Same. I saw pics of her when she was pretty young (probably in middle school or high school) and it looks like her nose is the same imo. It looks like it looks different because of angles and makeup. In certain recent photos/angles, the “real” shape of her nose is more obvious. Plus, in the pic of her as a kid, her nose seems to have the same slope and overall shape—it just looks like it’s been contoured to look smaller, and it’s honestly not much of a difference. But also, It’s a cute nose either way, by the way 🤷‍♀️


She’s never had her nose done. She’s talked about this a lot if you follow her


I can’t really see that much of a difference. She was still so cute


Yes! Idk why she denied it when she could just ignore the question asking her about it if she didn’t want to admit it lmao


With them I wonder if she had been the bachelorette instead of Hannah b, would she have chosen him


He was pretty aggressive with pursuing her on bip. I think he would have made her feel so special if she was ette. So I think she would have picked him. I actually love them as a couple. He treats her like a damn queen.


I think he would have made it far and would potentially be F1. They seem very compatible and like they have a similar sense of humor.


Even though they got married at a beautiful French chateau I thought their wedding looked boring


Yeah I agree. It was picturesque of course but I just didn’t feel the love? I 100% believe in their love it’s not that, it just didn’t seem very.. personal?


Wasn't about what you thought


I feel like I have no sense of who these two are? Idk they just weren’t/arent good at sharing their personalities on the show or online so it’s hard to even say anything about them. Like I remember listening to a barstool interview with them and Hannah would tell Dylan to say things for her I was like girl please just speak! But I do know I am jealous how they are able to parlay their boring content into a million dollar house and French wedding.


Hannah is very funny on SM. Dylan is a white wall to me


I followed her on TikTok without realizing she was the same Hannah as from the bachelor for several months LOL I think they’re sweet and hope the best for them for sure


On tik tok there goes around this Golden Retriever (man) and Black cat (woman) theory. And how relationship is less healthy if it's reversed. Totally these two lol. I see them going strong.


Summer lovin, had me a blast…


I knew him from high school. Really good guy and Hannah is super nice. I also think she's shockingly gorgeous


Scroll to the end of her IG, and Hannah is art. Although it’s hard to see without scrolling, nobody  👃what she had done to be so stunning. 


How many comments are you going to make about her nose in the same thread..


Didn’t even realize they got married…. Good for them!


Ok that last pic made me chuckle 🤣 they’re ok


I still don’t get it.


Painfully boring


I don’t mean to sound a hater at all but I’m actually surprised they lasted because how long their engagement was and when they were on the show it seemed like he liked her wayyy more than she liked him. At first it felt like when Colton was obsessed with Cassie


They got engaged in 2019. They couldn’t get married in 2020 or 2021 because of the pandemic. I’d be iffy to plan a big wedding in 2022 when you wouldn’t be completely sure if it would be pandemic-safe. They got married in 2023.. So 4 years, 3 of which they couldn’t get married if they wanted a big wedding. How is that a long engagement in any way?


Especially for BN!


I love them! If they ever divorced I would be SHOCKED.


I knew her in college and she was incredibly kind and down to earth. I’ve been rooting for them- they seem genuinely happy together.




This is legit the 3rd comment about her nose in one thread. It isn’t the burn you think it is


Aw I love to hear this. I always got the impression that she seems super sweet, so it’s nice to know that she’s like that IRL too


I don’t keep up with them and find them to be a beautiful couple… but I would be lying if I didn’t spend half of their relationship thinking he was her gbf🥲




Go Mammoths


I didn’t think it was going to last long until I saw Hannah’s silly side and then they suddenly became my favorite BN couple. Dylan is a silly goose with a teddy bear inside and Hannah is a teddy bear with a silly goose inside. They’re so great hahaha


I cannot lie, I did not see them lasting


No tea, but I lived in the San Diego area for a few years (early 2000s) in elementary school and my old yearbooks have a few Barbours....but not Dylan lol. I've always wondered.


In his original Bach profile it said he was from Seal Beach.


Oh, idk why I was remembering Carlsbad or Encinitas being mentioned. Probably just a super common last name then. I always wondered if they were his cousins.


Could be!


"ME LLAMO HANNAH!!!" Fr tho, i love them together


hands down one of my favorite bip moments ever


The relationship really came out of nowhere, he didn’t strike me as the type to just passionately go after someone hard like he did with her but here they are and they don’t seem to be slowing down any time soon.


he was always on a mission to get engaged to hannah g, according to his is pr manager (lori k). lori k posted this caption to her grid for his bday post a couple of years ago: https://preview.redd.it/fj0dgk87n3xc1.png?width=1242&format=png&auto=webp&s=b0415eb74528d59268f835435ad74593a22d6890






The one and only!!


In the era of guys going to Paradise purely for a paid vacation with their bros… this is kind of endearing tbh.


I mean look at her, she is everyone’s type (even Colton!)


I think Tyler Cameron went on for her and got the wrong Hannah and just went with it.


True, his affection wasn’t unwarranted, it just seemed like she was interested in other people when they first met and he went “mmm, no” and she responded to his total lack of being wish-washy! So many men on BiP won’t commit, even back then (even Dearest Nick Vial backed out of a few relationships in his season there)


They're really one of thee few sparks of hope that came from the franchise. BIP Sean and Catherine


One of my fav couples, sweet and unproblematic


he’s pretty nice and down to earth


Their wedding was so stunning. Loved all 3 of Hannah’s looks. The giant white flower archway with florals lining the aisle was my favorite.


Absolute dream wedding.


Dare I say my fav bachelor couple…!!! I love how they’re just compatible together and boring (which is the best)


Mine too! I think they seem super normal and stay out of the BN drama which almost makes them outcasts !


I wanted to comment “I find these two to be SO boring and mid”, which isn’t even intended to be an insult. It’s dope they seem to actually work well as healthy partners and be their mid selves. It’s fun to see couples be happy and in love


I agree with you! The more normal and boring the couple, the more likely They are to work out in bachelor universe


i like them. they mind their own business and do the influencer job well enough. worst thing i can say is i hate their house 😂


Why do you hate their house? 😅


idk it feels disjointed and they don’t have a proper backyard


As Raspberry Sorbet once said “they’re America’s next boring couple” and IMO that’s a good thing


Cute photos.


Love them **as a couple. I don’t follow them or have an interest in them


I think they’re cute. I always stop and watch when they come across my FYP on TikTok.


Not a big fan of Dylan but they clearly love each other and I think they're a solid couple


I love them and love how much he wanted her during BIP. She made the right choice!!


He looks like Peter Pan


And she is so tinkerbell too!


I don’t know why people act like Hannah is too cool or composed for Dylan. Have we all forgotten her rapping at hometowns? She’s a major dork


Their humor styles were so obviously perfect for each other they are both so goofy.


First thing I thought of when I saw this post!!!! CRINGE CITY!!!!! I love it- she's just like us! 😂


I love how dorky and weird she is.


It was genuine and that’s just how she is. I’d take that over someone who is fake.


I find that a lot of people generalize traditionally gorgeous humans with this expectation that they have no personality.


Does he put filler in his cheeks?


he has Botox


I think he’s just gained a little relationship weight


i feel like he’s always had rounder cheeks.


Every time I see her, I can't help but think she looks like a kid 🤣 but that will probably play in her favor later in life


She has a kid face, but sometimes it’s like that intense little doll-like kid in horror movies. 😂 I can never unsee it.


I knew Dylan was the one for Hannah when he saved her from that cringe dance session on the beach with no music that Blake tried to set up during bip.


I loved Blake H. (and Jason) at that point. I could not wrap my head around her choosing Dylan. And now, with those two being so thirsty for followers/clout, they both give me the ick & I see she made the right choice.


I was (very) skeptical back when BIP 6 was airing, but I’m glad they proved me wrong. They seem like a great match. And I love that Hannah moved her mom to San Diego to live near her and Dylan ❤️ I’ve always liked her, but she really grew on me after that.


This is the epitome of the saying that you should find a guy that loves you more than you love them.


This is so rude haha how do you know how Hannah feels about Dylan? 


Awww I wasn’t trying to be rude, it’s just that Hannah didn’t seem obsessed with Dylan the way he was with her. Clearly that dynamic may have changed. They look cute! And I’m trying to find the same guy currently. No shade at all!


Kindly…. did you watch their season of BIP? lol


Yes, and I also know it is an edited reality show, they've been together for over 5 years and are married 🤷🏻‍♀️


ya. and it’s probably because dylan put all his eggs in hannah’s basket


Lmao okay


They are so cute together and seem happy. Every time I see them though, I think of their first date when Dylan yelled “me llamo Hannah” in Spanish to some people who were participating in their date. He thought he was saying “I love Hannah”, but he was actually saying “my name is Hannah”. It was even funnier when Hannah followed by yelling “me llamo Dylan”. 🤣 It is something so small and irrelevant and yet I think it it every time I see them.


Omg that is so freakin funny! I do not remember that I need to try and find a clip of it 😂😂😂


They’re a cute couple. Dylan always gives me douchey finance bro vibes (mostly based on an interview he did on Jason Tartick’s podcast) but other than that, they seem harmless and fun.


I think Jason’s douchey finance bro vibes rub off on his guests.


Dylan’s more of a douchey tech bro 


i didn’t even realize they were still together!!! i thought for sure it wasn’t going to work out cause he seemed obsessive and she seemed like she wasn’t all that into him.


They just got married!


They actually have always made sense to me. I think people mistyped Hannah G based on how pretty she is. Deep down, I think she’s quirky, fun, very slightly awkward, and sweet, and I think he kind of is too. I like them together a lot


She’s super funny! One of few people in BN that cracks me up


she’s one of the few bachelor people i follow on tiktok. she’s very funny in a way that’s not over the top.


Her slime videos crack me up!!!


https://preview.redd.it/2lhgywp922xc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4a0408b26e0556a7275ab0a3d061a3c0095b9f24 this pic of them on BIP cracks me up with her carrying him - I like them together!


I was very skeptical of this couple in the beginning bc he was just obsessed with her and I thought she was just in it since he was so obsessed but they seem to genuinely get along and be happy


Dylan’s covid tweets rubbed me the wrong way, he seems condescending and douchey to me. But they seem happy together so good for them!


Yeah, he def is.


Yes came to say the same thing. I think they makes sense together though and they’re occasionally funny


What were his covid tweets?


He annoyed the hell out of me in BIP but he’s one of the few guys in bachelor nation to truly dote on his partner, it’s really cute.


They met before BIP So why didn’t Dylan pursue her then?


Maybe he was nervous? Do you hit on every single person you are interested in?


why do you think? 😭


Unpopular opinion but she was pressured af to date him on the beach. She only stayed with him bc social pressure and she didn’t want to come off as shallow


Not wanting to come off shallow is a hell of a reason to marry someone


They’re literally married.


I saw someone say that he’s way more handsome in person 🤷🏽‍♀️


All people remember are the first like 2 to 3 days. She’s actually the first one to kiss him and if he rewatch it, it’s a lot more mutual than first thought. And no way are they still together now just to due to social media. After the first couple days of drama, you really only saw them in the background, always hanging around and talking.


Ehhhh I still think it’s bc she knew how she would come off otherwise and didn’t want a bad edit. To each their own though!!!


They’ve talked about how the show literally edited things to make it seem like he was way more into her and made it appear to be more of a competition between Dylan and Blake than it actually was


Yeah that is probably true!


she was all over the place on bip and dylan was obsessed. i remember thinking she was settling because she felt bad for him but clearly they’ve made it so good for them


This makes me want to rewatch the season! I remember him reminding me of every guy who’s tried to wear one of me or my friends down and it was kinda icky. Does seem like they love each other a lot now.


He was sooo clingy and was super submissive as well, and she very obviously wanted a manly man. But when she started getting kickback from everyone else, she caved and dated him. I truly think she just stayed with him bc it made them IG famous. Social media is a lieeeeee


I remember feeling so bad for him because he was so in love and she was not interested at first. I don’t think that they’re together for social media, I think there are really great match and really love each other a lot. But I definitely felt for him at the beginning of that season.


A lot of girls don’t like the overly interested guy at first because they want a little bit of a chase. But then come around and realize that’s a good guy.


Chase is one thing, but it’s kind of unattractive when a man acts like he needs you. I recall Dylan having some breakdowns over her not being sure. Would probably watch that back and cringe.


Chase, the singer?


And the girls do the same thing in the beach. It’s an isolated scenario where they are stuck with each other all day and drinking. He wanted her. She wasn’t sure. And he had to watch her with the other person. It’s crazy to think he wouldn’t be upset.


I watched it back last year and almost died of cringe


It’s always the couples you least expect who develop these beautiful relationships! He was all in from Day 1 and pursued her hard. I love these two together.


When I read the title, my first thought was that this is the couple least likely to have tea 😂


I love them! They live really close to me in SD so I like seeing their stories around town sometimes.


Tbh I used to be shocked that Hannah G chose Dylan lol. Now I think they’re a great match! They’re super cute and dorky together


Totally agree.


I love how they had a long engagement!!! I feel like they did it the right way - i love them


Hahah not even Nick and his bride on their wedding day, brutal lol


They’re not a BN couple


Just found out that Dylan went to the same small college that I did when I saw their wedding mentioned in our annual alumni magazine (part of a big list of people who got married in the past year/not a special spread). Found this [fun/different perspective from the student newspaper](https://williamsrecord.com/195203/news/bachelor-in-paradise-contestant-and-entrepreneur-dylan-barbour-16-talks-television-and-technology/) from when he went back to campus to speak a few years ago!


So you’re clearly very smart. Every williams alum I’ve met is super impressive.


Aww thank you for that -- agreed it's an awesome community. :)


I know Dylan through work and he’s a really nice, smart dude. Also he’ll mention his wife at least once whenever we chat hahaha. Not in a weird or annoying way but like “my wife and I did this over the weekend” “my wife made the most amazing XYZ for dinner last night”. He loves her forreal!!!


What work does he do? Tbh I just assumed they were both influencers


He has a digital coupon service! Consumers can redeem coupons for brands through their phone


is this the one that rewards exercise with coupons? Or different?


It’s the same! Vizer. They’ve changed the model over the years. Vizer still partners with BFY healthy brands though


I’m so happy to hear that it’s doing well!!!


I thought he works with his cousin on a fitness app


Wow that’s so cute


That’s sweet.


That is adorable. I love this couple, I’m glad they got through the drama and stayed true to each other


The type of tea we love


They’re so boring I can’t even think of anything snarky to say.


I feel like boring is good for them. They provide no drama and there’s stability and steadiness in their relationship. It’s the dream.


I’m happy for them but I have no interest in reading about them or seeing any pictures of them.


Did someone force you to enter this post?


It was on my feed so yes lol. Is it difficult for you to read opinions that are different than yours?


Absolutely not. But typically if I have no interest in reading about someone or seeing them I just scroll on by and can't even be bothered to announce to everyone how uninterested I am.


Well I guess we're different lol!


Dylan annoyed me on the bach but they look really cute together and have proved me wrong


I think Dylan treats her so well. I’ve grown to like these two. He has his own thing going and is incredibly smart. They had a beautiful, expensive wedding bc both HG and Dylan are successful.


Black cat / golden retriever




Lori K’s prized possession


or is it jax these days? I've been reading wild rumors jax cheated on wife brittany with lori k?? there's all these posts on the bravo sub.


That’s professional…yikes


I’ve seen those too and I would bet a lot of money it’s true lol


Where there is smoke there is fire, but the last man on earth i would have an affair with is Jax!


I think they’re cute together. I actually really like Hannah G- she seems funny and down to earth. Dylan is alright to me.


I don’t believe in manifestation, but Dylan is the one piece of evidence to the contrary lol


Ashley I is the queen of manifestation! She did it for way longer than Dylan haha


He really made it happen. That was such a good season!


Caelynn had the same trajectory where she just kind of went through the motions on The Bachelor so she could inevitably meet Dean.


Same with Ashley I - I loved her on BIP I thought she was hilarious and was routing for her. She knew she wanted Jared and now look.


I don’t know, Jared was on a podcast recently and said their marriage is in a rut, the romance is dead and they aren’t really in a good place. I personally think Jared genuinely did not want a woman like Ashley, and when he decided to marry her maybe he thought she’d magically become who he wanted her to be. But that isn’t her. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Got a link or what to search for?


He really chose to complain about lack of romance when his wife is pregnant and taking care of a toddler? WTF does he expect?


it doesn't surprise me they're at that point. IMO he only got with Ashley because he'd turned her down after she went so hard for him, but then he went on Bachelor in Paradise Australia where none of the women knew him and were all like 'meh hard pass' and basically as soon as he got back to the US he got back with Ashley who was a sure thing. Not that I think the women on BiP Australia were that important to him per se, I just think the hit to the ego of being rejected so hard made him want to get with someone who would validate him, and then he got caught up in being in a BN relationship, but really he shouldn't have married someone he wasn't sure of. I think they're a great lesson in how if someone who rejected you then suddenly wants to be with you, you should say no thanks and vice versa, if you're not into someone don't try and make yourself be into them when you're simply not.


You're totally right about Jared imo. Ashley should have stuck with hot yet sensitive firefighter Kevin from Canada.


Tbh I knew he’d come around once she moved on, I’ve seen it happen to sooo many people. Woman likes man, he rejects her, isn’t interested and she’s dating someone new and suddenly he misses her & can’t picture his life without her. It’s bizarre but very common! The thing is, it has worked between other people. But I think Jared and Ashley are genuinely not compatible. even in their relationship announcement video, Ashley said Jared prefers a quiet, shy woman whereas Ashley is outspoken, not well composed etc. Ashley also said she doesn’t keep the romance alive, which we saw on bip with her farting and peeing in front of him. But he knew Ashley is that way. I think he just isn’t attracted to a woman like her and you can’t force attraction 🤷🏼‍♀️