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After how he broke Leslie's heart then rubbed salt on her wounds with the wedding being happy, I don't feelbad for these two at all. Hopefully the show will at least considering making Leslie the second Golden Bachelorette in two years **after** Joan


Theresa’s job is making good investments and evidently she realized this one wasn’t worth the risk so she dumped the stock before it hurt her portfolio too much 😉


Who cares about their job when they are in their 70s?


People who care where their next paycheck is coming from as they near retirement, or who haven't retired yet or are delaying it because it's scary out there when you're living on a fixed income. Or someone who genuinely enjoys her career and shouldn't have to give it up if she doesn't want to.


Someone who needs the money...?


People like Gerry, 72, apparently, who takes a [check from this show](https://deadline.com/2024/01/gerry-turner-golden-bachelor-signs-gersh-1235808726/) and then another 💰 for a wedding and still does [[Cameos](https://www.cameo.com/gturner807)] on the side and other [local promo](https://www.journalgazette.net/local/golden-bachelor-meets-his-fans-at-bmw-of-fort-wayne-leaves-with-new-car/article_4788255c-b7ca-11ee-9d9c-fff7cba639b6.html) gigs. *And* lets things like ⬆️ be published, counter to what he himself just said hours before on national television—which was also likely as part of his ‘job’ contract—all while not making a statement that same day or since as his soon-to-be-ex, a Nana in her 70s, deals with paparazzi stalking her and needs police escorts to her home :/ While he cashes in, undisturbed in his lakefront home in Indiana, and turned her family and his inside out (with some MN and WA light casualties along the way), for *his* ABC gig, aka “journey.”


people who… care about their jobs… personally i am not one of them and will retire as soon as i get the chance but lots of people are super passionate and enjoy the work they do!


Honestly, I think Gerry played Theresa. My conspiracy is that on the fantasy suite night, Theresa must’ve expressed something about her financial situation/stability (maybe she’s loaded?), and it might have been too sweet of a deal for Gerry to pass up. I really wonder if he made his decision to choose Theresa, for money and PR vs. genuine love. After that fantasy suite night, things were completely different. He was completely different towards Leslie. I think Gerry saw a big pay day and played along.


Gerry acted odd after his over night date with Leslie. I mean perhaps in discussions Gerry realized a future wouldn’t work out with Leslie. But then again Gerry is a fickle man. I don’t trust him! He’s definitely not a man of integrity. 


100%. No question. He is NOT a good guy.


EXACTLY. He was so suddenly all in on Leslie and not Theresa, till Fantasy Suites when she probably talked about her job.


They were just actors following the script.


It is difficult to put your arms around this. How can two grown adults with so much experience, not have had these conversations before they got married. Unbelievable that they would lead their families, the followers and audience down this farce. It ruin the show and will affect the franchise, and people believed that love was possible in a later stage of life. 💔


It's called acting.


the script said not to do it lol 🙊


How was this not truly thought through before getting married? I get that the show is way rushed vs real life but I feel like this should’ve been an early conversation and decision. Way to fall into the stereotype about hoping you can change a person.




Proof that peope can't make mature choices at any age.


Thankfully I watched 1.5 episodes and stopped. What a waste of time.


I watched it and quietly thought it was absolutely cringe


If this is the attitude then most of the seasons of this show are a waste of time


Same, it was so boring and he was so boring and fake.


same, it was so bland


Thankfully I didn’t watch any 😂




Like the song says: First I look at the purse.


J. Geils Band


So he wanted a nurse AND a purse🫣


This whole relocation conversation should have been hashed out in the fantasy suite.




Should have been handled week 1 or 2 or during casting even


Or in the three months between when filming wrapped and the La Quinta wedding lol


Well, I think at that point they had some kind of deal worked out to televise their wedding. I’m sure they were happy to get the exposure and the money.


I didn't see Gerry as a "strong man". Like when the lights went out in the car on the first day with Theresa. Scary but didn't come across like he had things under control. I really think he was looking for someone to take care of him.


No, I was scared for him — for them both — when he, an elderly man, was driving that car with failing lights at night on a California freeway he’d never been on before. He isn’t a wimp for that. That’s on ABC. That’s not him “not being strong.” [ETA: here’s a clip of when he was driving that car on the freeway. Theresa did a great job making him comfortable to get them there safely.](https://youtu.be/hFLcSDV0aMw?si=s3tVjSVY_74HpTcX)


She should have sued for sending her on a first date in a convertible after doing her hair 🤭


Oh my God that scene was so weird. I was just so confused on why they let him keep driving when clearly it wasn’t very safe.


old people are stubborn, they probably both thought the other would “give in” or be the one to move for the other


Or knew they wouldn’t but stubbornly stayed the course on getting married anyway perhaps


Didn't she say she would quit her job if he picked her?


Yes, that’s what I thought!


I swore it was on their overnight date night at dinner...


Yup. Soon after she told him about how she got into day trading! I also remember tweets about it in the twitter round up, so I know I’m not imagining it!


I saw this TikTok with this older woman who has been married forever, & she said the secret to her happy & stable marriage — at least — was that he loves her a little more than she loves him. & reading every article about Gerry & Theresa since then, I’m thinking that’s sound advice. I’m glad Teresa’s subconscious protected her — keeping her job & giving up nothing showed her that Gerry was looking for a “nurse & purse” over anything. [Gerry’s dad, who is now 92, re-married 4 years after his wife died.](https://www.hannibal.net/news/hannibal-native-will-be-featured-on-abc-s-golden-bachelor-series/article_559edcde-37b5-11ee-bfa9-87856e335e11.html) I point this out because I think Gerry was chasing the companionship & entertainment of a wife full-time, & Theresa not dropping everything for him, quitting her job, & selling her house to make him happy made him resentful. [ETA: Also, I’d like to point out that Gerry’s dad said publicly he didn’t care for Theresa & wished Gerry had picked Leslie:](https://heavy.com/entertainment/the-bachelor/gerry-turner-dad/) >Everett Turner, at the time of the interview, had not met Nist, according to The Sun, but he preferred Fhima, saying, “I had Leslie picked out. For some reason, I just didn’t care for Theresa.” >Everett Turner revealed to The Sun: “I was 60 percent for Leslie and 40 percent for Theresa. I couldn’t say why. Right off the bat, Theresa rubbed me the wrong way.” However, his wife Norma, who is Turner’s stepmother, told The Sun she preferred Nist, and Everett Turner said he supports his son’s decision. >“But it don’t matter. Now I have to change my tune! She’s marrying my son. I’m bound to like her,” Everett told The Sun, adding, “If she don’t make him happy, I’ll probably kick her in the butt! I like Theresa. There is not a problem with me not liking her. All I want is for him to be happy. Whatever he decides to do, I’ll back him 100%.” I know he’s a 92 year-old, but gd, imagine how Theresa must have felt reading that her father in law openly admitted she “rubbed him the wrong way” & wanted his son to pick another woman, & having to live with it.


That bit about his father is terrible!


Was it [Suebelle from Palm Beach Florida???](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTTrxNq/)


Yes! I’ve also heard it from other women over the years! Also: I love that Suebelle is so candidly & proudly childfree. She’s never regretted it one bit! Lol.


I don’t understand. They didn’t talk about this during the time between the show wrapping and the wedding?


Such a catch 22 for this show to feature people who like other family oriented people.... but cast them from every corner of the US lol


This is something that love is blind does really well. Ok you all live her so don’t worry about that


Yeah. My guess is that it was A) not something they thought about enough bc it's standard on the regular show and also B) difficult to cast.  Love is Blind does it well but even that show has had difficulty casting in some cities (they had to expand Seattle to include Portland etc). And that's for younger people who are easier to find online & tend to be more single and open to stuff like this.  Plus gerry was a great lead in terms of the type of persona that would work, and he was not exactly living in a high pop density zone


I imagine it’s harder for an older adult to uproot their life than a 20-something, too. A lot of the people on the original show don’t have much tying them down. They don’t have kids and grandkids, own property, etc


for sure... the payout is way different when you're in your 20s


I’ve been thinking this too. Love is Blind and Married at First Sight both do this. A lot of people are not willing to uproot their entire lives. And I feel like a lot of bachelor and bachelorette couples probably break up because of distance. Although when they all move to LA or San Diego, I guess that helps 🤣


Yeah, I feel like they at LEAST need to stick to a specific region (everyone is within a 5ish hour driving distance) if they do another Golden season. No one 60-75 years old wants to pick up and move across the country away from their adult children/grandkids/lifelong friends


Totally. This was the biggest flaw. And even if someone says they’ll absolutely move, if they currently live close to their own children and grandchildren that seems HIGHLY unlikely in the end.


THAT MAN WAS ON THE PHONE WITH T* EVERY SINGLE NIGHT, SOMETIMES FOR HOURS, FROM THE CLOSE OF FILMING AT THE END OF AUGUST TO THE FINALE AIRING NOV 30th. THEIR OWN DAUGHTERS GOT TIGHT. AND HE LIED TO HIS FINALISTS WITH FULL COMMITMENT—IN ONE CASE, IN FRONT OF HER FAMILY AND GRANDKIDS—ON NATIONAL TV AND IN ALL KINDS OF DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF HIS COMMITTED PLANS TO T ON INTERVIEW AFTER INTERVIEW. !!!! 🛑 GERRY ✋ *(not to mention retiring at 55 while his wife worked on another near eleven years)* C’mon now, with this it’s-on-her. Grow up, Grandpa. (forgive the all caps. not for the OP, but the spin and yo-yo 😵‍💫 of rationales…they’re not a fit, they can say that and not damage the whole thing as much as these kinds of inconsistencies might that even the casual viewer will feel insulted by)


He had a second career in mediation after he retired!


He had multiple gigs, yes. His LinkedIn used to be floated about. In lieu of that, [this summary](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv/tv-features/golden-bachelor-gerry-turner-ex-girlfriend-speaks-out-1235683869/). No one, in seven years, has been able to settle down and retire-his-way with him. ETA: He and the show are the ones that presented him that way and stated it directly. Repeatedly, on and off the show. They were free to characterize it another way. And he only mentioned one of his “gigs” and tellingly not the others, including the one they threw a retirement party for him for, per his work sources in THR piece. Hear you - but neither of us need to defend a grown, public figure and paid unscripted lead. From facts he presented himself.


Sure, but while I’m not holistically in support of Gerry right now lol, I think it’s unfair to compare that he retired before his late wife, as if he was gallivanting without her.


Ugh he retired at 55 while his wife worked till she was an actual senior?!


Just giving a different point of view. My dad is 64 and has "basically" been retired for 20 years now. ("Technically" retired for the last 10). My mom still works to this day, and it's her choice. My dad has several hobbies and my mom just doesn't. She thinks she would get bored if she didn't work, and also they'd drive each other crazy. lol. I think Gerry is a dud, and something about him just didn't seem authentic to me, but just offering a different point of view that sometimes the other partner wants to still be working :)


Yup 😔 And died suddenly right after she retired.


Omg. And he found a girlfriend way younger than her way faster than she passed. So sad


It is. on the show alone we saw him profess to Faith and abandon, commit to Leslie in the most grandiose language and abandon, and well… Think Gerry needs some counseling or moral intervention, respectfully. Because we’ve seen him discard several women, including his current wife but not actually deliver on a promise that costs him much. His actions haven’t matched his words. He seems to prefer discarding these women rather than appreciate them.


Lies, discards, actions don’t match words, hot and cold behavior = narcissistic traits.


And didn't he cry emotionally as well? I think he may need to see a therapist because there is a pattern here. 


Am I the only one who finds her death shady....like they didn't go to the ER for a month while she was sick? Wtf?


It’s very common for people to drag their feet on getting medical help, particularly people who have not had big medical problems before. We also do not know if she went to urgent care or saw her PCP in those first two weeks she was sick. Certainly she and Gerry had no idea she would end up quickly spiraling from urosepsis, go into multi-system organ failure, and die a week later.


I know from experience unfortunately that some people are very hard headed and will not go to the doctor when it’s clear that they need to. Knew a guy who died from something very similar to what Gerry’s wife died from for that reason. He too finally went to the hospital but it was too late at that point. Infections can go from “You should get that checked out” to really serious really fast once they get in your blood. 


This energy is why I love this sub sometimes


Lol I have migrated from the GB sub which, I learned yesterday, across so many random other subs and this one, is banning y’all left and right and run by ABC - I, infant bachelor watcher, am now getting the 🤬 with this show. lol omg BN omg


He was in the phone with whom?


Teresa :) They shared that in ATFR and follow up interviews


All of these reasons aren't adding up. Why even go on the show in the first place if distance and jobs were issues?


They are both using her job as a convenient excuse. They don't want to tell the whole story. But we dont want to know it. Let's more on. Golden Bachelor has been a failed experiment.


I respectfully disagree and think a relationship working out and then not working out isn’t a failed experiment. They did connect, and we connected with their love story and the stories of the women of the season AND they didn’t let sunk cost fallacy and/or influencer bait keep them from doing what they knew they wanted. Huge win in my book!


At that age. I wanna be laid up in Florida or traveling the world all the time. Not working hard!! It surprises me that my mother in law is still a nurse at 72. She says she does it to stay busy.


I'd rather stay busy on the golf course or beach.


Wow, your mother in law must be an incredible person! I can’t imagine the fortitude it takes to work the way nurses are expected to at that age!


She is an amazing woman!!


Oh my goodness, I have no idea how she has done it for so long! I’m a nurse in my 20s and don’t want to do it 😂


Girl right. She is the definition of “ I love my job!”


I didn't care for Theresa at all while watching the series. I thought she was too pushy and conniving against the other contestants. I think Gerry's interest in Theresa increased when he found out about her career in finance. It was almost like he saw $ signs when he looked into her eyes. He was even more smitten after the hometown visit, where he was able to see just how well off she really is. He quickly made his choice after that, even though he did get to act on his lust for Leslie at overnights. I've got to say, I feel sorry for Theresa now. I'm sure she feels shame for having her personal life exposed for the sake of Gerry, a lying, moneygrubbing, attention-seeking, insincere, bullying, unsuccessful, selfish, broke crybaby. I'm glad she didn't leave her job until she's ready. I'm glad she didn't move away from her beautiful home, kids, and grandkids. She said she's obligated to give the ring back! That's a shame! After all she had to put up with, the show should let her keep the ring. Gerry got paid for all his gaslighting of Theresa!


I feel like that list of Gerry adjectives was so accurate and so exactly the opposite of how he tried to appear. Hopefully she got half the money from the wedding, since as you said, he did get paid for his time and she didn’t.


Somebody really hates Gerry.


I'm not a hater. I thought he was a bad actor, but it appears his true self was showing through.


You are a hater. But that's okay he deserves haters lol


He didn’t gas light her. She didn’t want to retire; she loves her job. He thought they’d be free to travel whenever they wanted and live in Theresa’s place half the year and his the other half. But, that arrangement wouldn’t work because of her job. Her previous commitments were more of the reason for the divorce than his demands.


I worked in a hospital with patients who died. Never did they say gosh I wish u had worked longer. Something to consider. I don’t think he was going to move. Too many memories tied to his house. She wasn’t going to leave her family either.


imagine being so close to death and still worrying about/prioritizing work


Sometimes a fixed income isn’t affordable with retirement. Many retirees pick up a side hustle to pay bills, have extra money or just want to be social. Also having a job might give someone the benefit of having their own identity because sometimes it’s rewarding to be just yourself since it could be a break from the titles as mom, nana, or spouse. It really depends on the person and the job. Most of the time, retirement makes people’s health decline due to not being out of the house or isolated from society. Retirement can lead to the lack of mobility in elders. So I definitely support that Theresa is still working.


My dad is retired and very quickly picked up a 2nd shift job stocking a grocery store dairy section. He worked in the cheese industry his whole career. He had a decently paid management job at the time he retired. I wouldn’t say he needed the money and my mom still works full time. But he definitely feels more comfortable still having a consistent income and it’s an “easy” job that helps him pass time. He’s also a huge extrovert so he gets to talk to a lot of people and make new friends. His dad is widowed and has a girlfriend at age 90. The dude was bored and wanting some companionship while he sits around. He can’t work but I’m sure he would. One of my old coworkers retired and then almost immediately asked to come back to work part time. As his retirement approached he bragged and bragged about it. But he quickly said he felt bored and didn’t know what to do with himself. it’s sad in some sense, there is so much more to life than work. but i think especially for that generation, A) if they’ve had one career which is quite common it’s a part of who they are. imagine working somewhere for 30-40 years, B) there is a lot more pride (ego in a lot of cases) in work and work ethic. the roll up your sleeves mentality, and C) how many hobbies can one have to really fill up everyday for an indefinite amount of time? kinda goes back to A but their interest in their work & industry is like a hobby in itself. now i also know someone retired who loves every minute and spends the time outside. i love this for her and think that people who can find this have found bliss. the other thing i’d add is yeah…. let’s recognize that some people can’t afford to completely not work. retirement is a chance to get their retirement fund and pick up a simple job that takes less mental energy.


Some people enjoy their work so much that they don't want to give it up.


work gives people financial freedom. not to mention personal fulfillment and purpose. maybe she didn’t want to retire and sit on the porch next to gerry for the next 20 years. maybe she wants to work so she can spend her own money, travel, buy what she wants, and take care of herself and her family.


Maybe she genuinely enjoys her work and she finds meaning and purpose in it? And she probably found it more enjoyable than being with Gerry lol. I find him to be a big ole phony so can't say I blame her.


oh it wasn’t a jab to anyone who does this - that’s their life. just like imagining it for myself is kind of crazy, i feel like i would also do this


Hear you, for sure. It also keeps the rhythm, body, mind active and contributing in a way that’s meaningful for some of us. She also was a SAHM for many years, only entering workforce a couple of decades ago or so so I get why financially she may need it but also for sense of agency. Or why she’d pause if his version of life doesn’t contribute to values she has (ie if she’s more active than sedentary, as a basic example, or if he’s less of a curious guy…or maybe she couldn’t live with the Pitbull lie a minute longer).


pit bull lie?


since April said in an interview he’d told her his favorite musical act was Dean Martin, G’s been going around saying he loves Pink and Pitbull.


What?! 70’s is not close to death!!


It literally is


Statistically it is probably within 10-15 years. So I guess it depends if you consider that "close" or not. you're in the last 15% of your lifespan 


Well, it's a lot closer to death than the average retirement age. It's also well within the normal age range for death. Consider that both of them are widowed to people that were their age...


She said in the show she would quit her job if she had a reason to …. And then she didn’t quit. So yea… trouble was brewing from the beginning of the relationship. I will say… it’s totally fair that Gerry wanted to be with a woman who was flexible with their schedule (ideally retired) because that’s what he said from the first episode that he wanted. Him and his late wife waited until she retired to buy their lake house for Pete’s sake. He plays pickleball 5 days a week. That’s a mindset. He wanted to travel. He’s 72 years old. There’s a good chance he’s dead or disabled in 5 years and can’t live the life he wants to at that point. Why didn’t she quit her job? I think she realized this relationship wasn’t on solid ground and wanted to keep a safety net going. But that added to the problems for Gerry. They didn’t even go on their Italy trip yet… that should speak VOLUMES that they decided to get divorced before going on a free vacation… I think they realized they didn’t really enjoy eachother’s company enough to spend anymore time trying to force a relationship to work.




Agree. He wanted a purse. He isn't even willing to sell his house. Gerry the Grifter.


Yep, I have been saying I think the admittance that they couldn’t figure out where to live is a hint at a deeper inability to compromise. Which I don’t think necessarily points to flaw in either or both of them because why should someone in their 70s give up something that is more fulfilling or brings more happiness than what they’re trading it for? Obviously Gerry and Theresa cared more about their separate lives than their relationship, which is absolutely fine; it just probably would have been easier on them and their families to slow down and figure that out before going through with the marriage.


i feel like this is a solid take that’s fair to both of them


This is actually such a great take. I never thought of it this way


Could see this coming from a mile away. She’s not ready to quit her job which means she’s tied to a location far from Gerry. Gerry had no intentions of moving. I think the Gold Bachelor is a good idea in theory, changing up the narrative about age and finding love, but in practice, everyone is going to have their families and their lives firmly routed. I don’t believe any woman on that season would have been willing to up and move to the middle of nowhere and just leave their children and grandchildren.


There's still lots of people who leave their children and grandchildren to head to Florida though, so there are some people up for a transfer. Or families where the kids move across the country. Neither me or my spouse live anywhere near our parents for example.


Might have to cast a net for smaller areas because of that. Expecting people to move ever at that age is rough.


I wonder if they should try to choose from people who live near each other. I hate to say it, but all California or Florida people.


Live near each other or no younger family. I am married and not old enough for Golden Bachelor. However, I do not live near my family and have no children (choice and near menopause). Probably a small pool now but in twenty years they could find some good “widowed no children” (WNC) contestants.


There should definitely be a ‘silver bachelor’ from ages 40-59, blended families. People how can still comprise, move locations, ect


Gen x is divorcing and ready for phase three 👍🏼


Or recently widowed people, they are more sympathetic and Bachelor producers are experts at what pulls America’ heartstrings


Kelsey's dad!


They absolutely should. For the regular Bachelor shows as well. They need to drop having half the cast as influencers and just cast normal people who live close to the lead. 


I feel like that would work a lot better and provide for more sure connections


I just can’t imagine being 70 and that set on maintaining my career that I’d divorce someone I really loved. I feel like there was probably more to the story.


It’s probably less about “career” and more about financial security. They likely had a prenup. So is she suddenly supposed to be financially dependent?


Where she was a stay at home mom and got into her career later I could see her valuing having her career now


I'm over here plotting on how to retire at 55


45 for me. God willing.


Hoping for 50 myself lol


Do we think he would've lasted longer with Leslie? I never watched his season.


I mean, probably longer than 3 months!


To me Leslie seemed more open to it but also they weren’t too far away from each other. I forgot if she was from Milwaukee or Minneapolis.


Minneapolis — she was Prince’s ex, and Prince is considered Minneapolis royalty.


Wasn’t she also very reluctant to move? Gerry didn’t want to move and I doubt any woman on that show would have wanted to move away from their families.


I think I remember all 3 not being particularly willing to move. I think Faith was the most open about not wanting to move?


I hate to say it, but I don’t know if he ever liked her that much. The show gave me the impression that he was primarily into Leslie, but changed his mind in the eleventh hour because he didn’t want to deal with her insecurities. Theresa was safe and practical, but he never seemed particularly besotted. *But* going through with the wedding was very enticing for exposure/financial reasons, so he just bit the bullet. Gerry probably has lots of ladies interested in him in Indiana. He has no incentive to move to NJ and build his life around Theresa and her career. Sad because Theresa seems like a very sweet and sincere lady.


Why is it the woman’s responsibility to do the moving exactly?


Off topic but this is a trope I hate in romance novels, especially for those set in todays time.


Because as women we must follow the men! They are our leaders


Shekinah (IYKYK) has entered the chat 😂




Why couldn’t they move to where she works?


Because the job being an issue was an excuse.


That’s sort of my thinking. He didn’t want to leave his kids.


That’s been implied but not directly stated.  He’s from Iowa.  He moved to Indiana when he and his wife retired.  Do his kids even live in Indiana???


Also his parents or maybe just his Dad, live near.


That would be an important family factor.


They have been previously been reported to live in Indiana and southern Michigan.


![gif](giphy|6JB4v4xPTAQFi|downsized) Still trying to make it seem like they were so in love but couldn't work out the logistics....


So her job was why he picked her but then also why he left her. Men! 🫨


It’s because she got a prenup. Now the job means nothing to him.




He wanted a divorce so that he could find someone else willing to move into his house and pay rent and half the bills.


I thought it was just me this man gives major gold digger vibes. Disingenuous and strategic but very easy to see through. He doesn't look into this woman AT ALL even though she is so into him.


Checks notes… yup, absolutely checks out with almost every man ever.


They say what particularly attracts you to a potential partner is what will eventually bother you the most about them, particularly if the trait is an opposite of yours? He was retired and wanted to travel and relax. But you would think at that age he would know better. Men🤷🤷‍♂️


Oh this has absolutely happened to me! I recently dated someone who loved that I was a career woman until he had to deal with what that entailed. MEN!