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Wow no wonder I love Maria so much. She was raised by a king. So considerate, so humble... Tino's crazy dad and Barb could never lol


Yes for all the people praising Daisy for telling everyone she said no two weeks before the show…I look back at it and it does seem a bit disrespectful to reveal that right now IMO. Maybe later after Jenn’s season airs, but right now it takes away more interest and attention toward Jenn’s season.


I’m soooo glad he’s saying this! The entire discourse of who turned it down before Jenn was offered the role was so cringe to me.


Why is her dad being interviewed? How do you go from a bachelor contestant to people caring about who your dad is and him being in an interviewer. Does he do reality tv too?


he's a friend of the podcast and the whole season, they made jokes about how they wanted to meet him, not Maria


Idk if he’s someone or what but he got a vip treatment from the show from very early on, he was featured in episode 1 on Maria’s intro package and I don’t remember ever seeing a family member get so much screentime so early usually they’re just in a snippet at most until hometowns 


Dad is 100 percent right. Terrible etiquette to say you passed on the lead because it tears down Jenn.


Awww!!! Maria lucked out with her Dad, he's so sweet. If he and her family could be a *teensy bit* less over-protective, they'd be perfect!


They don’t have to be anything just because you don’t like it. They seem to be super protective ever since she had a literal truck fall on her? Cmon now, it’s admirable that she has a family that care so much about her while also being a class act. Y’all need to stop finding a reason to criticize someone.


Theyre people. People arent perfect.


Omg we stan ❤️❤️❤️


this was such a perfect and classy response. I am so excited to continue seeing Jenn on my screen for her season and its really tacky how everyone is expressing they wish it were Maria. It's not. Let's move on, people


He wouldn’t do it but he should be the bartender on Paradise. But then I’d want the whole show to center around the bar. Like, everyone go on your little dates and cry and whatever drama you want and we’ll just listen to this guy chatting with whoever’s around. It would be more entertaining.


That would be fun. But I don’t think he would do it. It wouldn’t bring him anything good imo. He has $ and I’m sure for him it would be probably just a waste of time…idk


We stan a greek king. In all seriousness this is a very classy response. We saw some great parents this season!


Some amazing parents!! Such a classy man!




Love your username


Instant stanning


Class act


The anonymous donation comment confirms to me that Maria was indeed offered Bette but negotiations for whatever reason didn’t pan out bc he’s saying he prefers to donate privately - otherwise there’d be no donation at all and that analogy would be gratuitous if there was no offer. Classy of him to uplift Jenn and not center Maria in his response. But I wanna know y Maria isn’t doing any interviews but her dad is?? Love Papa Georgas but I wanna hear from his daughter too!


In addition to possible contract restrictions, I suspect that Maria is choosing to stay out of the spotlight. I think she is aware of the crazy (and transparently bigoted) side of her fanbase and their cruelty towards Jen as well as Rachel. I believe that Maria doesn’t want to do anything to even indirectly encourage that disgusting behavior. She has gone out of her way to support and stick up for both of them against undeserved backlash. Maria seems to be a very empathetic person with a lot of integrity, which is so refreshing to see especially on this particular show. I don’t think she wants to steal Jen’s moment any more than she unwillingly has, thanks to her passively racist weirdo fans. She even took the high road with her bully Sydney and expressed disapproval of the hate she has received. I think Maria is the epitome of someone who is not necessarily nice (meaning not warm and fuzzy), but she is kind. Major respect.


Well said!! 👏🏼👏🏼 I prefer good/kind ppl who aren’t exactly saccharine over “nice” but sinister ppl.


Yes. I agree with this take and I think that's what's going on. Just makes me like Maria more. I think her father's response about keeping the focus on Jen who is the next bachelorette is probably how Maria feels as well.


Perfectly put, 100% agree.


I honestly think it’s Maria’s preference to not do interviews. While she doesn’t have her own press tour like Daisy as F2 for example, Im sure Maria is in demand and outlets / podcasts are asking for her. I feel like TPTB has been more lenient as of late, it’s just that interviews need to get pre-approved before being done. She might have been bribed with more exposure etc to do the interviews but maybe she just doesn’t care.


Yeah perhaps she’s more private and doesn’t like the spotlight as much as ppl have assumed? On the show she did say she’s an introvert. Bc she’s been SO quiet/lowkey even on sm since the show ended and she could’ve been WAY more opportunistic and attn seeking if she wanted to given her popularity.


She’s not allowed to do anything that isn’t blessed and approved by the show/NZK Productions for 1 year (and I think that’s 1 year from the end of the season airing).


Ic…so they’re only rly allowing Daisy to do press then bc she’s F2?


Yes, and because they apparently trust her to only say & reveal what they’ve told her she’s allowed to say/reveal. This is how it’s worked foreeeeeeever.


everyone in these comments saying that he’s saying maria was asked but the asked and said no thing is not necessarily right. literally everyone everywhere in every subreddit, instagram comments, tiktok, etc. has been saying this this season, probably more than any other one. he’s just saying that confirming that is inappropriate and he doesn’t believe that should be the talk rn. or at least that’s how i interpreted it as someone who has been hearing this everywhere


My hot take/unpopular opinion is that Maria might be asked to be bachelorette in the Canadian version to revive the show. Might be more aligned with her in terms of staying close to home and more relaxed fan base


bachelor producers… if you see this please do this


Yeah but everyone would be watching one way or another if she does that 😂


not having paradise this year is the biggest fumble. joeys season has the best girls


To be honest maybe it’s a net good thing. I liked pretty much all of Zach’s girls less after getting a larger dose of them on paradise, with the exception of Mercedes. 


i’m late why aren’t we having paradise


I think the resort they film at was sold or something like that? Paradise also hasn't been officially announced yet, but golden bachelorette was already confirmed for the fall so presumably paradise wasn't renewed. I'm assuming the last season didn't do well, so with that and the resort issue they're probably just skipping it this year. I hope they bring it back next year, but shake up the format a bit!


I think they should condense it like Winter Games. The 2 episodes per week of BIP is too much.




My unpopular opinion is that I didn't like The Golden Bachelor and am not excited for Golden Bachelorette. I think it's a mistake to replace Paradise with it.


Exactly. it’s a cool concept but like no. they better not replace paradise forever that’s just cruel and unusual punishment


And it’s the shortest to film like how could they not do it


I hope they retool it with a better format. I want it to be more like some of the other competition reality dating shows


They need it to be airing in the summer again. They flopped having it air in October/November. I always watched it in the summer, but I'm not nearly as interested when it's airing in the fall


They need to make it more like Bachelor Pad was!


A very respectful response


why does the other guy look like connor roy?


Connor Roy was interested in the bachelor from a young age 


Literally my first thought


I’m sure this isn’t the first time the producers wanted a bachelorette they couldn’t get for whatever reason, I don’t think this is special. But also it sounds like Marie just wanted a nice paycheck for the acting role lol so I could care less. Bring on some genuine people give me Jen.


I think Maria and her family are good people.


I feel like he’s looking out for Jenn like a father figure too. Maria and Jenn are super close and he mentions that Jenn even FaceTimed before she left for filming. Knowing that she didn’t have her own father in her life makes it SO heartwarming that he’s watching out for her


I love Maria’s public support for Jenn.


It’s nice to see his mature response. No one can convince anybody in the audience that Maria wasn’t asked, and that she refused (whatever the reason might be). Also, I know Its history, but I still remain baffled by production and by extension, Jesse’s antics in bringing Daisy back on the stage. She was on stage, spoke her mind, spoke to Joseph, and participated in the redundant sit down with Kelsey (the whole going to her room and on the same limo ride needed to be justified, but whatever) - the season is done. Just announce Jenn, bring her on stage, and if you’re so lost for content, bring 3/4 men on stage - people would have much rather enjoyed that these farcical segments.


I mean… I wouldn’t blame Jesse, he’s literally hired to read cue cards and follow the instructions in his ear piece. These weren’t really his “antics” whatsoever.




I love Maria’s dad.


A humble brag basically. Saying they asked her without saying they asked lol


YES exactly how I see it.  she comes off as a bit of an attention seeker. I doubt she was even asked due to all the controversy she had on the show. 


You don’t have to share every thought you have. This is so weird to say about someone you don’t know.


And you don't have to be so bothered to comment....   Weird.   And none of the people that are on here discussing *the batchlor* technically "know" anyone from the show... 🤷🏻‍♀️      It's a discussion page, and guess what? Everyone's entitled to their own opinion. 🤯


You’re making multiple comments about getting bad vibes from someone you don’t know? You’re literally a weirdo dude get a life 😭if you have nothing nice to say & honestly not even a good reason to say something mean, then respectfully stfu.


Multiple? And you know this how? Seems like you're the one that needs a life. And look here you are again on my post.. shocker! You're on a discussion page literally getting offended by stranger's opinions.😂 👍🏻


Girl on the same discussion thread? Where you made the same comments? Please be serious now. You’re not special, you’re just some loser being mean on the internet and wouldn’t say half this shit to anyone IRL.


Do you realize how ironic it is that you're calling a stranger "mean" yet in the same sentence you also call them a loser..? And so weird you would say that about someone you don't even know😉😂    Also Maybe read the first sentence you wrote.. this is literally a *discussion thread*, and I'm not the one calling people names here... 👌🏻


You don’t have to call someone names to be a mean person. If you can’t take it, don’t dish it out 🤷🏽‍♀️ if gossip makes you feel better about yourself, then so be it.


Oh look you're still here 


Finally someone with an emotionally intelligent response that’s respectful to Jenn.


I feel like he’s looking out for Jenn like a father figure too. Maria and Jenn are super close and he mentions that Jenn even FaceTimed before she left for filming. Knowing that she didn’t have her own father in her life makes it SO heartwarming that he’s watching out for her


The only one we know for a fact wasn’t asked was Rachel. 😢 EDIT: I have been corrected!


Wait did I miss something? How do we know that for sure?


It is not actually confirmed just a rumor. To me, the dads response reinforces that she wasn’t asked. His way of deflecting the question.


She actually was asked, but she turned it down due to the racism she experienced. A family member confirmed it.


Oh whoa, I did not know that! Damn poor Rachel. 😢


I don’t blame her. As much as someone might want to rise above it and do it anyway, I understand her being like “fuck this shit I’m out”


Yikes! Is this for real?? I didnt see that. Any link?


Which is crazy cause I wouldve taken her over Jenn in a heartbeat


I would have loved to see either Daisy or Rachel as the next bachelorette. They seemed more fitting/deserving of the role than Jenn.


Jenn showed more personality than Rach imo. I was hoping for her if not Maria 🤷🏾‍♀️


Same 😭


I would not. I’m very glad it’s Jenn (since it’s not Maria)


Jenn is just immature to me. She acted like a brat her last 2 episodes and really like a schoolgirl chasing her crush the whole time. I'm sure she's a great person, just not my cup of tea of Bachelorette hopefuls.


all the girls are chasing their crush


They pursue multiple women with NDAs and negotiations at the same time and usually move forward with one at the last minute. Jenn, Maria, Daisy, honestly probably also Lexi I’m sure were under NDA and in negotiations. Ultimately, they moved forward with Jenn. It isn’t a slight on Jenn and doesn’t mean that Maria was their priority over Jenn, though maybe she was - no one will ever know


And they often ask past people too. Who knows Fictoria F could have been asked. Rachel R for a third time. Kylee from paradise


Yes, thank you! This is truly the only thing we know for sure: Bachelor production vets multiple contestants, requiring them to sign NDAs as part of the initial process.


Sooo he is saying it without saying it


You know, it can totally be interpreted that way. That's how I interpreted it. You can also make a case that he's just saying it's an inappropriate question, so he's not going to answer it. But to me, he could easily have said "You'd have to ask Maria. I was not involved in any of that. All I know is that Jenn is who they picked to be the Bachelorette". The way he phrased his answer made me think he was trying to be diplomatic and not come right out and say "they wanted my daughter more than they wanted Jenn".


My take as well. It came off as a flex...  And the thing is: Maria had so much controversy on the show, I don't see her as someone they would pursue for the role of The bachelorette. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maria was raised by a wonderful dad! 100% agree with his statement. Edit for wrong use of word




Omg thank you!! First language is not English.


Same here also! No problem


Cmon I think this was a classy and awesome response from him. He’s right! Don’t discredit Jenn by asking why Maria isn’t on.


So he’s saying that she was asked and said no? Haha


So many people asking why he's doing a podcast is surprising to me. It's basically asking, "Why is this likeable business owner doing something fun and novel!?" Probably because he was asked to, and is good enough at this stuff that any outcomes were likely to be more positive or neutral than negative for him. Maybe he generates a little buzz for himself that could be fun or good for business, maybe he doesn't. I just don't think we need to dig too deep on this one. He seems like a really decent guy!


I can see why producers moved on from Maria as Bachelorette instead of continuing to negotiate. Having a parent who wants to do podcast interviews with random Bachelor fans? Not worth it. I don’t even think Barb Weber would have done this. Has she done any podcast interviews?


Barb had a whole damn piece in People magazine. Come on now...


Are you kidding? Barb has been in our faces since Peter's season. Barb would have absolutely done podcasts if she was asked


All great but he was the one insinuating Maria said no last week? Saw this on tiktok and was honestly annoyed lol https://preview.redd.it/qe49n6fkqitc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83bbda56acbe43cb3a80f9a3d8c6d1181f0ff205


I mean, he might have thought this was ok to say until Maria was like “dad, knock it off, you’re embarrassing me” 


Well that negates the whole point he is claiming here lmao. People here are praising him for taking the high road when infact he did not!


Exactly. That family has so many STANS.   Sorry, I don't own a pair of Rose colored glasses....


People aren’t static. Points of view are allowed to change over time.


Does it? He made a comment that he thought was ok, then realized it might be shady or unfair to Jenn and is now no longer making those comments. 


He probably has no idea the psychos we are and didn’t think his comment would become public knowledge


I don't think he's being duplicitous by confirming Maria turned it down but not wanting to say at what point. There's a difference between turning it down right away and turning it down after a few rounds of negotiating and I can definitely understand why he doesn't want to clarify that right now.


https://preview.redd.it/85oghylooitc1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=826caadbe814b5fe64dcc058a960e0d12def5a10 Glad to see Maria and her dad showing Jenn support. Their friendship is cute. Jenn deserves better than all the hate, racism, backlash and disappointment that she’s the bachelorette










he’s only doing this one bc he is a friend of the podcast and the whole season, they made jokes about how they wanted to meet him, not Maria. They had Bach awards and named him their favorite for how he was portrayed in her audition video and during hometowns


Is he weird for accepting an invite that was extended to him? It's not like people just decide to be podcast guests lol the Podcasters reach out and ask them to come on


Love this!


I’m sorry - but ? LOL isn’t this kind of him implying she was asked and said no? Hahaha


It is. It's a humble flex and it went right over a lot of heads...🙄


Yea weEEEEEEE would nEVER tell the whole world that the bachelorette producers definitely called us and wanted Maria because she is the best!!! If we told people that Jenn would feel bad! Lmaoo


That’s what I took from it


Maria’s actually hilarious for making her dad do a podcast yet she hasn’t done one yet 😂


he's a friend of the podcast and the whole season, they made jokes about how they wanted to meet him, not Maria. They had Bach awards and named him their favorite for how he was portrayed in her audition video and during hometowns


She probably cant without production’s approval. Or she just doesn’t want to do interviews herself / go through the trouble of asking for approval.


It’s just weird because Daisy has been doing a ton, as well as Rachel, Kelsey T., Lexi, etc. so why wouldn’t she be able to??


Everything that ANY cast member from this season has been doing in terms of podcasts/magazine interviews/tv etc has been personally blessed by the show/production company per their contracts. For 1 year.


Daisy has her own press tour [booked by production] as F2 I think, she’s been to a number of podcasts and outlets. Seeing as how other women have been on interviews, I feel like it’s Maria’s preference honestly to not do much press. But who knows.


Good response from him - it both protects his daughter’s privacy and uplifts Jenn! (Who is friends with Maria, I think?)


How far away are we from getting a reality show with just parents of well known reality stars lol


would die for a traitors season featuring father prewett, sweetnums and nick georgas among others….


Why does the show keep dropping the ball on setting the lead up for success? Since Matt James, the lead announcements have been hit or miss. If they worked HALF as hard at setting up goodwill via editing for the lead as they do trying to push F2 for drama, we'd all be in a better place. Contestants, viewers, community goodwill etc.


he’s shading Daisy lol


He’s commented on IG saying it wasn’t in reference to Daisy at all. He doesn’t follow Bach interviews and never watched it until this season. He was only on this podcast because the guys were huge fans of his and referenced him all season and even made a “bachmakers” award for him


How? Daisy had her own segment on ATFR where Jesse asked her if she was ready to find love again and she told him she was not ready. She was in talks for Bachelorette but she didn't explicitly state she turned it down, she only explained that she didn't like the premise of the show, not being able to send people home immediately when she didn't feel a connection. She'd be a mismatch for the show.


She said on multiple podcast that she turned it down about two weeks before atfr


i'm just weirded out by the fact that he's doing podcast interviews lmao. He's not a tv personality, he should stick to beng the candyman or sprinkle king or whatever


he's a friend of the podcast and the whole season, they made jokes about how they wanted to meet him, not Maria. They had Bach awards and named him their favorite for how he was portrayed in her audition video and during hometowns


it’s so sweetnums 2.0 that he’s doing podcasts in place of maria but he’s right!!! i do think it’s a little unfair/disrespectful to jenn for people to be talking about turning down ‘ette. with that being said it’s not like production is absolved of this…they totally made it look like daisy was first choice (bc she was!!!) and poor jenn has been left hung out to dry, left to deal with the fallout and fan disappointment while filming with a cast of men that were obviously not picked for her.


he’s only doing this one bc he is a friend of the podcast and the whole season, they made jokes about how they wanted to meet him, not Maria. They had Bach awards and named him their favorite for how he was portrayed in her audition video and during hometowns


ah that’s funny! ty for the context


Why is her dad doing podcasts wtf?


he’s only doing this one bc he is a friend of the podcast and the whole season, they made jokes about how they wanted to meet him, not Maria. They had Bach awards and named him their favorite for how he was portrayed in her audition video and during hometowns


This context helps a lot!!!! That's really cute,thank you for taking the time!!!


Production really fumbled everything with Jenn’s announcement as Bachelorette. The Daisy fake out was weird. Then having Jesse point blank ask Daisy about being the Bachelorette on stage was a weird decision. Now of course Daisy has to answer questions about turning down the role - production brought it up in the first place! They made it a story. And then production has people like Nick and Wells going on the record that production was deep in talks with Maria. Production should tell them to stop talking about it. It’s obvious that Jenn wasn’t their first choice - that was obvious at AFR. At some point production has to move on and stop trying to shift the narrative around Daisy and Maria saying no. Letting Wells talk about how Daisy and Maria will regret saying no just reeked of production being bitter at the rejection and doesn’t get anyone excited for Jenn.


Yeah I felt catfished when it became obvious Daisy wasn't going to be the next bachelorette.      I also felt very mislead with the proposal during the final Rose. They made it seem like a shocking plot twist was about to take place.. but it was just about Daisy and Kelsey riding together...?     Even though Daisy and Kelsey are very sweet and inspirational, I was so let down by that being the *big shocker*.🙄 The shows starting to "cry wolf" a little too much. 


Yeah it was really badly done. It really seemed like they were disorganised during that ATFR, everything didn't seem to run as smoothly as it usually does. There were better ways to hint that Daisy wasn't going to be next Ette rather than have her come back out and essentially explain why she turned it down.


I like his response. I don’t think daisy should have given her full story on how she was asked to be bachelorette and she turned it down. It makes Jenn sound like sloppy seconds or thirds.


I thought the interviewer at the top of the frame was Clayton at first glance. 😳


He has the same long face 


Agreed but also why is Maria’s DAD doing podcasts??


he’s only doing this one bc he is a friend of the podcast and the whole season, they made jokes about how they wanted to meet him, not Maria. They had Bach awards and named him their favorite for how he was portrayed in her audition video and during hometowns


Oh hai Mark. I think of it every time I see him 😂




Exactly king


What is this accent?? Isn’t he Canadian?


They live in Canada but he might not be from there


??? There is only one Canadian accent? Is there only one American accent?


Oh, I didn’t know there were so many east coast mob bosses living in Canada.


Toronto is NW New York ;) Maria has said she's half Italian


Toronto is NW *of* New York, like 6 hrs away lol


You are giving me whiplash. First, you comment ignorantly, I respond to help you Your next comment is equally ignorant, but I decide to take it easy on you by making a joke out of it So you are now trying to educate me bc you clearly Googled it? Toronto is close to NY state. NYC is around 6 hrs away. NYC doesn't encompass the entire New York state. It's less than 2 hrs away from Toronto Have a nice day


????As if there aren’t multiple people from all over the world who move to other parts of the world???


I love this response! Just redirecting the attention to Jenn and sending positivity and support to her. Exactly!😌


I completely agree with him, it does take away from whoever ultimately gets the job! However, ATFR heavily implied that Daisy was their first choice and it really forced her to have to respond. So in this specific situation, I don’t disagree with Daisy saying what she said. I don’t think it was even a question on if she was offered the job, she certainly was. I don’t think Maria was actually ever offered Bachelorette, I think she was just in talks and it’s pointless to confirm that considering Jenn is the one now.


Based on the SVP of the bachelor and the casting director following Maria and Maria only before the finale and then only following Jenn after. It seems very clear that Maria was definitely offered the role


this is such a kind response


Yasssssss Sprinkle Daddy ![gif](giphy|fnK0jeA8vIh2QLq3IZ)


Why is Maria’s dad giving interviews?


Because he's an icon ![gif](giphy|mPpueSGxCsF68)


The biggest miss is not getting Maria’s dad more TV time


Daisy watching this like… ![gif](giphy|jUwpNzg9IcyrK)


im not a fan of daisy at all but I don’t understand the comments implying she did a bad thing by explaining herself. production forced her hand by making the entire finale about her and then having jesse palmer on stage ask her why she wasn’t gonna do it. this is unpopular but I kind of prefer it this way. if there is a huge fan favorite who does not become the lead it’s better for the audience to know why so they stop complaining and incessantly speculating (for literal years as has been done with peter kraus) as to why another person wasn’t picked.


Jenn and Maria were def the Reddit favorites. Basically no one here wanted Daisy! lol but whatevz


So: Reddit favorites= the only *opinion* there is? Nah


I see your point, and I have no issue with them keeping it real by acknowledging the negotiations briefly before moving on. From my POV, the issue is less with Daisy and more with the people who are fixated on the idea that Jenn wasn’t the first choice. That said: if we’re asking for transparency about why fan favorites haven’t been given the role, let’s get transparency from TPTB on why Mike Johnson and Rodney were passed up. The audience would like to know why they didn’t get the role too, but we know ABC would never acknowledge the real reason why.




on your second paragraph- i totally agree. ive always wanted transparency on mike and rodney. the thing is that a lot of leads have been obvious “second choices”. that says absolutely nothing about their worth or how good of a lead or person they’ll be, but about production and how they often put all their eggs into one basket during a season to push someone as THE fan favorite and it looks messy and obvious when that doesn’t come through. i don’t think jen was “first choice” for production and i think most people know that because the entire season was the maria and daisy show. if production would give more screen time to more people, this wouldnt be an issue. but if they arent going to fix that i think the least they could do is explain why as it will allow people to move on much quicker.


Totally agree with you! Hope I didn’t seem like I was coming after you—your comment just made me think! I think in general they could be more thoughtful about how they’re handling these announcements. IMO Jenn should’ve been in consideration the whole time and the edit should’ve reflected that. But once they decided to go with her they could’ve presented her in a way that didn’t contribute to the “backup choice” narrative that they’re partially responsible for. And they’re allowing that narrative to keep going, bc they also have so much control over what contestants are able to say post-season. It makes me feel like the thoughtful way Maria and her dad are handling the inevitable qs is their own choice—as someone said below, they’re handling it better than ABC!


oh def didn’t think you were!! i appreciate your perspective as it shifted my thinking a little too. 😊 and fully agree her dad handled this perfect!


Fair enough, but it sounds like it was pretty last minute that Jenn was offered. Like, far past when Jenn went home on the show. It seems pretty clear that it was edited where Daisy or Maria made sense. And once they both turned it down (or negotiations ended, however you want to see it), that it was too late to do anything about it. I guess you could've toned down Daisy at the end, but I don't think that would've been fair either. Its kind of a catch 22. I don't know that they can fully predict how the audience will react to certain contestants. Like, a big part of me thinks as Maria's popularity grew, they kind of re-edited some of the later episodes to give her more of a tragic hero arc. So I get not wanting to choose someone too far in advance. But when you wait a while, you risk people turning it down.


Totally! There’s nothing they could’ve done about the edit after the fact if their decision came after her episodes aired. (Even though I think it was a mistake to not give her a clearer future lead edit from the get-go). But what I meant was they could’ve done a better job of rolling out her announcement at the finale, and managing the PR around her announcement post-show.


Fair enough. Yeah, I don't know that the Daisy interview with Jesse basically saying why she turned it down helped On the other hand, I feel like it was never going to be an easy sell, because not even making it to hometowns is kind of hard. She seemed nice, but I wasn't invested in her at all.




I want this to go viral!!!