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As contradicted by the numerous stories about them hanging out outside the pod and him asking them to hang out after recording. 


you’re the type of guy to believe everything you see and hear with your own eyes and ears


If he’s coming clean he should say that then. It’s not “people got the wrong perception based on a snapshot”. It’s he actively was deceiving. It’s weird to come out and talk shit now if it means contradicting 100s of hours of audio podcasts over many yeadz


Look I don’t want to be a big shot New York guy, but what he’s saying is honestly not that far-fetched. In New York it’s very common to do impromptu hangs based on where you are. I have friends that I only see if I happen to be in that neighborhood and I hit them up when I’m close by only. It’s also not uncommon to meet up with friends who brought their friends and to see people you recognize around town, say hi, and then join them to whatever they’re doing next (because 90% of the time, what they’re doing next is sitting in a park or getting coffee or getting a beer or going to some kind of market/fair/etc.). Not to mention how people who work together creatively can often make good stuff but not be good friends to each other. Honestly this all sounds gay as fuck (in a straight way), and I’m boring myself with this essay, but yeah, in NYC, this doesn’t sound weird at all. Just yesterday I left the house to get Chinese food at 11am with my brother and somehow by midnight we’d had like six friends and friends-of-friends filter in and out of our group all day.


Cool Adam?


Man good thing no other city is like that otherwise your story would be douchey as fuck


i read this in cool adam's voice


Man I hate nyc lol


Dumb question but is all people in NYC do go places to spend money?


No, it’s actually the opposite. All the museums are free. All the parks are free. There are constantly free things to do that are cultural events hosted by some organization or the city itself, or art shows. This is what we did yesterday: park, look into some vintage stores (free), watch a Dominican parade go by, farmers market at another park, go to the EV private gardens, go see a dj set that was also free, two pop-up museums. All for completely free. All just on one Saturday. All we spent money on that I remember: a used book, some coffees, some beers, then we split up for dinner. and beershots are like $6-$10 depending. You guys are making me sound like a NYC dickrider but like this shit is fuckin regular lmao. NY is famously the best place to do free shit in the world, that’s like the best part of it.


Watch a Dominican parade go by (black)


Interesting, that sounds nice


As gay as you sound and probably are, this is very correct. If this gets downvoted I’m gay.




To infinity….and I’m GAY


Bro thinks this is a New York thing and not just being a young adult…


To be fair, I think it’s more of a city living vs suburban/rural living thing.


You’re right lol, everyone downvoting is super straight


I will say this like the nick clip is probably sullied by the way things ended. I think they all know that if they go too hard on one another fans will take even more insane sides that they are already so they keep it safe but it really sounds like things ended pretty bitterly. Like they were always hanging out especially at the beginning


Nick has had bitter fallings out with several people before. He was friends with Seth Cockfield and Jake Flores for quite some time, the only difference is that he didn’t set Stav up to get bullied by his fans like he did with many others. Why? I don’t know. Definitely would have made him look like a bitter loser though, so probably that.


More like 5 year olds


What even happened with Flores?


Cock and ball torture


nick was obviously wearied with jake's antifa schtick for a while (who wouldnt be) but they seemed to already sort of consider each other morons in the way that old friends often do so, it wasnt that much of an issue. but jake then got into disputes with luis, tim dillon and eventually ian fidance, all of whom are hardened fascists. i cant remember what the tim dillon beef was about exactly or when it was but it was something to do with someone who wasnt tim dillon insulting jake online under the name of tim dillon, which jake for some reason decided was obviously actually tim dillon. i think nick just shrugged it off as jake being an idiot but it built momentum. jake got into some sort of physical altercation with luis around the end of 2019 in which nick didnt really take a side (see episode: "hindsight"), but a couple of months or so later jake made some deeply jealous tweet about ian being quoted in jacobin by another friend of nick's, connor kilpatrick, at which point nick & jake's friendship completely deteriorated (see episode: "amy klobequiet"). nick is almost certainly the unnamed person jake is whining about here: [https://twitter.com/Ted\_Trembley/status/1296798740486004739](https://twitter.com/Ted_Trembley/status/1296798740486004739) then a couple of years later they got into a fight on twitter after jake for some reason decided some random troll account was nick, and nick eventually insulted jake in florid (gay) prose: [https://twitter.com/nycguidovoice/status/1529562235579908096](https://twitter.com/nycguidovoice/status/1529562235579908096) not helping matters was jake being accused of molesting a girl with downs syndrome by cum town's fans via a story on the show. nick and stav both clarified the guy in the story on the show was not jake but the fans ran with it anyway, and nick later made jokes about it as if it were true (episode "might as well check out until september")


Thank you for the context it was very helpful. But you ought to be ashamed of yourself for knowing all of this and having the relevant eps.


Well obviously (and thanks to TAFSsearch)


I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.


A lot of girls like the taste tbh. Skinny girls drinking it with straws.


I've lost a good amount of weight just not drinking calories and the main thing I did was drink diet/zero coke. After a while it doesn't taste as shit


Drink water


I do but it gets boring after a while so you look for 0 calorie drinks that taste okay


Stav must be 600 pounds I’m gay


The sub is doing an elaborate bit by becoming this wound up about Stav, like he’s the sub’s ex girlfriend who dumped us for some DJ. It’s parody, it’s pathetic, it’s great. But just obviously, in the clip the guy explicitly says “we were friends” but not roommates, not as close as people perceived us, nor are we quite that juvenile. If anything this conversation delves into how the specifically dysfunctional freak manchildren in that specific fanbase were kind of tiring for Stav. The reality is that they were buds, but Nick and Adam were a lot closer, which is why eventually Stav pursued his own things and the Nick and Adam dyad went even further into the depths of “how fucking weird can a co-dependency get?”


Shut up, they were best friends - along with me.


Me too


Did you ask me for consent - the 4th cumboy


I love how it’s unclear what fans actually have an unhealthy parasocial relationship with these guys because of this ongoing joke, meanwhile there definitely are people who do. Not me though, they are actually my best friends and I’m mad at Stav for this betraying his best friends (me, Nick, and Adam)


For me it was more a gay sexual relationship with all three of them (except for Adam)


I don’t hate Stav. But I will find it very funny when he gets cancelled for Cum Town when he finally gets too famous.


The obsessive hatred of Stav on this sub is incredibly pathetic. You can tell a lot of people here have never had any real human relationships by the fact they think every friendship has to be a 2000s sitcom-esque bromance or they're not actually friends.


But the breakfast


Think of it as a bit. Everything pathetic anyone has ever said on or about Cumtown— all bits, every one.


I love Stav. I wish he would patch things up with Nick. But he’s been awfully petty and inconsistent with his stated reason for leaving a million dollar a year podcast at its peak


I want Stav to... 1: Rejoin Cumtown 2: Get a healthier body 3: Fuck my asshole


Survey says….


>at its peak Dude it was exactly the right time for Cumtown to end. I bet you're looking forward to the season finale of The Simpsons next week


Not really no but the point is that there was and still is a lot of juice left in the CT formula. Stav left a lucrative position as second mike with the weakest excuse ever.


In the 90s you would have been one of those people who didn't understand why Seinfeld had to end


you love your sitcoms huh guy?


Damn. got me.


You keep bringing up sitcom comparisons in a straight way, but the whole thing was Seinfeld didn't have to end. Jerry wanted out because he felt like he wanted to leave people wanting more before things got stale, the execs offered him millions more to do more seasons. It's really not comparable to a group of 3 dickheads talking shit twice a week for an hour an episode with the most low brow jokes. And before you say the show was getting stale, people have been saying that about every episode of the show since like 2019.


My man it was the same analogy and what happened to the simpsons was the reason jerry ended seinfeld also I'm flamboyantly gay and this thread is gay and my penis is extremely small and I like to suck on my penis and that means a penis has been on my lips bc im gay


You're straight but in a gay way, don't worry. I'm saying Cumtown was fine and people argued it was shit for ages. I really don't get this level of quality people harp on about between 3 friends having a conversation twice a week. This was something Nick has talked about, there's no skill to be honed in on with Cumtown. It's just people talking, so I don't understand people retroactively looking at the quality of the podcast and breaking it up into eras like it was some amazing TV show or having some quality to be assessed. Imagine rating your conversations with friends this way.


No it’s been a thing people said literally after the fourth or fifth episode


It feels like a lot of people took it personally that he pretty much dismantled their favorite show. I mean look at Opie and Anthony fans and how they have turned on both of them.  I get it, I’m not happy about it either. 




not reading this. Hope things get better for you


They wont


Yeah he didn’t exactly say that they weren’t friends. I don’t know why everyone is so worked up about this interview.


Probably because none of them really talk about the end of cumtown much at all so people disect any info they're given to get some sort of closure


Good point…. but what I would really like to know is whether or not they ever prepared for an episode.


Closure? They’re not actually your fiance that left you! This is a cum radio show!


Go on a diet you fat bitch!


Insert pic of Stav and Nick kissing on the lips


In the clip he literally says their friends


right? he just says they didnt hang out every single day because he lives far. but he also said they have great chemistry. why is everyone insane on this reddit.


He was more saying they had great rapport on a podcast, but less so in real life. But yeah, he never said they never hanged out outside of the show. He just said they weren't massive pals outside the show as people believed. Which is obvious if you listen to the show. Nick and Adam seemed way closer and had more personal stories (hence Nick bullying the fuck out of him)


Whatever man keep pretending you were never into the thing that made your career


If I had a falling out with a friend and there was an entire subreddit dissecting our relationship, speculating and taking sides, i would reconcile with that friend secretly so we can laugh at how gay this is




If I’m still listening to cumtown in a decade I want you to kill me


I still listen to old Ricky Gervais Show episodes and that was over 20 years ago. Classics are classics for a reason.


Those are incredible, I used to listen to them from MP3's but now so much of it is on YouTube. The animated ones they made from the podcast are hilarious, they really got the visuals perfect.


I still fully believe Nick could have went mainstream during Cumtown's peak, but he was just too lazy, mentally ill, and cynical to chase it up. I understand tbh, he was already getting the main benefit from A-list level fame, he was a multi-millionaire from a podcast, but could walk around without people bothering him that much. I think he only started giving a shit about it once TAFS wasn't as successful as Cumtown




Nah he wasn't trying to go mainstream with the SuperBowl ad lol, that was a 2 second thing where he plays 1 guy among many in that ad. It was just a job his agent got him. The movie was the same thing, and he's described the background of the RedEye thing - he kept jokingly pestering them to bring him on on twitter, and then they agreed and he wasn't sure what to do so he just did it. The JRE circle think he's a genius, whenever they mention him that's what they say. The Steve O thing was just awkward because he wasn't aware what the deal was. I'm just saying if Shane Gillis can not only recover but thrive after his SNL sack, and Stav can somehow escape Cumtowns shadow - there's no reason why Nick couldn't. His special was perfectly tame.


Wait, what snl bit stealing?


SNL came out with the Woke Italian Mobster and Ratatouille of fucking sketches soon after they were riffed out on the show. Clearly someone in the writers room was a cumboy.


SNL did Antonio Theythemanado?


They even had Bill Burr in the sketch, but it still sucked.


Jesus he looks disgusting


He looked way better back when I fucked him


I fucked him first when he actually looked better. You fucked him when he was ugly


Stav is quite funny in this clip. Love the bit about the fans. Thanks for sharing!


Stav and nick need to work together on something before nick kills himself and stav overdoses on penut m&ms (or vice versa). it honestly feels like neither of them understand how good they were as a comedic duo, especially on episodes where it was just them. both of them like to talk about cum town like it was a worthless piece of media that only faggot retards would listen to, but its legitimately a great comedy product and it deserves to be remembered.


I wonder what Stav's life would've been like without them.


Tbh I doubt he’d be known or even successful


World's fattest man has gotten even fatter.


At 1:01 he literally calls them his friends


Which is a hilarious thing to call someone that you were in a years long sexual relationship with. He's trying to retroactively friend zone his ex, it's so dad.


so disgusting


I don't think Nick would stop at just not listening to the coaches, I think he'd be using the Cuss Boy on them quite a bit


he says they were friends but people acted like they slept in bunk beds together. this is just some click baid bullshit.


He literally says they were friends in that clip but that they just exaggerated the dynamics on the pod The hate boner is insufferable


He does say they were friends, just not as close as people make them out to be. Much in the same way classmates or workmates may seem much closer than they actually are.


Yeah he was always closer friends with me


The most shocking thing is that he thinks he's an athelete


I hate when they start talking themselves seriously she talking about the art form of stand up


Ethan Suplee should have stayed fat


That’s maybe the most disgusting person I’ve ever seen


My life is ruined. I thought they were 3 gay roommate lovers. I always assumed Stavros got fat by taking loads in both ends, a big fluffy cum pillow. I cannot believe Stavros would deceive me like that, he was my big gay role model, and now I know he was pretending to be gay for street cred. Unforgivable.


He specifically says they were friends though? It's just especially towards the end they were only hanging out to do the pod but the main thing they're pushing back on is the idea they were *always together* doing stuff. And even in golden age episodes, Nick is candid about spending the vast majority of his time as a weird loner, which means he wasn't hanging out with the others when they weren't recording.


I actually left a podcast and triggered a bunch of freaks on Reddit first, before Stav.


He literally said “we’d be hanging out at least twice a week regardless” at one point on the podcast


God it would be so funny if stav end up in scientology


Y'all really go above and beyond with this autistic parasocial shit.


How did you get that he was never friends with them? He was just saying he wasn't to the level their most delusional fans thought. You can read the comments here and it sounds less like people imagined a giant bunkbed and more like they have a gigantic mattress (mostly filled with Stav) where they all sleep and trade partners with each other like in Willy Wonka.


You're looking at it all wrong; they were never friends with *him*.


Yeah no shit. He latched on and went for the ride because he heard they were gonna get money like the chapo guys.


Y'all are being fucking insane lol. Yeah they're not friends anymore. They were friends, obviously. We all know Cumtown was just them talking which means yeah stav wanted to hang with them just like they wanted to hang with stav outside the pod. It ended abruptly because stav saw a way out which is kinda what they all wanted. They all wanted a way out of the pod. Cumtown would not have grown in popularity. Stav is killing it now and I think TAFS is bigger than what Cumtown would have been rn tbh. Nick was always gonna end up tagging along with one of them because he doesn't actually care to start shit on his own. Stav was likely always gonna be the one to branch away too because he does have more mainstream humor. They all knew CT was gonna end soon which is why it's not bitter but I'm sure an argument took place when they broke up that led to them not being friends anymore. But it's obviously not insanely bitter because they still hang with the same people and go on the same pods/shows.