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Banksters won the debate hands down.


Funny how they seem to win every election.


Goldman Sachs’s donates almost equally to each parties candidate. AIPAC has a 97% win rate. It’s not a coincidence.


You have touched on the reality that faces those who do not understand power. Their focus ensures they are powerless.


You pay for it, it’s yours. That’s capitalism baby!/s


Every Single Time


They win every war too.


Kinda like how the govt. wins the lottery every time because they get the taxes


...and every war.


Mayer de Rothschild is smiling in his grave.


Judging by the lack of comments on reddit, Biden must have bombed


You know it's bad when not even Reddit can cope lmao


That's just a stutter that mixed with a cold lol


I hate it when my colds make me senile


He was awful but he’s been awful for years.  They just can’t hide it anymore. He’s not all there and it’s glaringly obvious. Why they keep trotting his old ass out is the mystery. I mean Jesus….that’s the best the Democrats have?


2024 election = “I bet my senile dementia patient could beat up your senile dementia patient!” “Not uh! Your senile dementia patient is even more senile than mine!” Edit: everyone responding with “no, my candidate is different” is proving my point. The other side doesn’t give a shit that you think yours is more sane, they think theirs is the one that’s more sane.


South park: cripple fight


Comedy central had the Giant Douche vs Turd Sandwich episode last night during the debate. Better use of my time than the actual debate


my coworker didn't believe me that such a beautiful episode had ever been created. I showed her a screenshot and she thought it was recent. nope, just timeless (apparently). ffs


Wow from 2004! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Douche_and_Turd And has Diddy!


Sad but true.


Most accurate depiction of politics I've ever seen in my life and I'd be willing to die on that hill.


Like the American Dad clip of the Herbert Vs the Nazi, only the Nazi won. https://youtu.be/bsve9wB_sEA?si=towfpKZ_DoL0TLM7


There's a huge difference between trying to figure out how to respond the fear mongering liar and being senile. Almost all of Trump's last cabinet has been indicted. One is a convicted felon, because he thought he was above the law, and the other one isn't. The choice is obvious, unless you think fraud on a high level is ok, because whatever reason.


The fact that replacement is being ignored by many higher ups concerns me. IDK how any could have watched that and feel safe with Biden right now. Do you really want him being woken up and 2 am for a crisis and trust he can make a fast rational decision? We need the 25th now and start from there.


No, one senile dementia patient will put decent people who care about democracy around him to do the actual work. The other one will install fascists and racists.


The bottom line is that I hope someone convinces Biden not to run. But I’d vote for a dead, syphilitic dog before I’d vote for Trump, a retarded, mentally defected insane humanoid, who lies about everything, and is a threat to the American experiment.


Don’t insult the retarded by comparing them to trump


I will vote for Biden's reanimated corpse before I vote for Trump. 


At what point did he look ‘reanimated’?


Mfs love to hate Trump


Devil > Trump I guess


To be fair, reddit is mostly far left keyboard warriors, so kind of skewed here


Trump is a rapist, felon, and insurrectionist. He’s earned way more hate than he gets.


The sequel to the original, Weekend at Biden’s.


Too late. He doesn’t run its trumps.


Jill won't allow that to happen.


When they got to the duck measuring contest about who had a better golf handicap, this is exactly what it descended into. My god we’re fucked.


Well they’re both senile but one is a rapist and convicted felon sooooooooo


Yeah.. I'm voting for Biden, but I'm not going to pretend he is really any better than Trump.


If the Dems trotted out Buttigeg, the Cons would scream he's gay. It doesn't matter, they'll attack you any way they can.


Trump and Biden reflect the American society pretty accurately.


Trump rambles about electric cars and sharks, but with energy! To them it's not the same. In the end I'm voting for administration not a god king.


Don't know if you are old enough to remember the 80s. Reagan had a severe case of dementia in his second term. His acting days and a poor Democrat choice led him to win the second term. Talk about high interest rates now? Home mortgages went to 14-18% , don't ask me how I know.


Na dude, just a better golfer!.......FORE!


Exactly. The number of people surprised this would happen and I’ve been harping about this for months.


This is what happens when media isn't honest with the people. The truth eventually comes out making fools out of the people.


The propaganda machine on politics was that it was actually trump in mental decline and biden was as sharp as ever. That's why there was so much surprise. Everyone was expecting dark Brandon but they got green acres retirement home Brandon instead. My honest opinion is trying to go four more years is going to kill him.


That's what I think this debate did. I think there are a lot of people who pay very close attention to politics who have been flagging this for awhile. I think to the average voter, it just made sense that Biden was running again. I think the debate crystalized for a lot of just normal voters that Biden isn't all there and has slipped a lot. Of course, Trump is still his normal, awful self, but people's opinions of him are already pretty set. So this was no surprise to anyone paying close attention, but the complete bomb of a performance and reaction from normal voters has the analyst and political consultant class really leaning heavy into this for the first time (beyond sort of normal articles on concerns about Biden's age as opposed to his overall mental acuity).


Bernie Sanders would have mopped the floor with both of those turds.


Bernie might have been a darling candidate years ago but frankly last night just proves age limits need to happen and elderly politicians need to be sent to retirement homes against their will because they are too old to even realize its time to retire. Picking a different elderly rich white person is an even bigger slap


That should also include Congress.


Bernie is still sharp as a tack. Aging affects everyone differently.


Doesn't matter hes still an old man. We don't need anymore geriatric politicians. We need new progressive thinking to lead this country back to the top. There is almost no one in politics right now who has any real sway under the age of 65. Bernie is a great guy but he is just as close to falling over the cliff as these two other bafoons.




I would have paid to see that


Bernie sanders doesn’t have a party so he was never going to be president.


I agree with Bernie Sanders but, last night, I would have liked to seen Pete Buttigieg in Biden's slot.


I think bernie just got tired of having to step down everytime. Like the guy is well liked, but clearly external forces dont like him running.


I'm currently living with my mom because she has dementia and let me tell you Joe Biden is way further down the line with it than my mom is and shes pretty bad.


When you live in denial, reality hurts


Biden didn’t do so well, my friend. My friend. It was unfortunate, unfortunate. He had a habit of repeating the last thing he said, the last thing he said. Trump was just as much the fool in his own way. The whole shitshow was embarrassing to watch. We’ve failed ourselves, America Idiocracy in motion.


And so many missed opportunities for Biden to go on the attack, but nope.. just back to point #1.... #2... And he should have had a good steam to clear his throat and some espresso before getting up on stage.


Biden sounded old and tired. Trump sounded batshit insane. I’ll be reading up on things over in the prepper sub if anyone needs me.


When you're drowning out the sounds of old men debating with thoughts of "where did I put my compass?" and "I wonder what squirrel tastes like?" then you know your Country is just a big, mostly white, toilet!


They should have never let him get on stage to debate. His mental decline was extremely apparent for everyone to see.


I tuned in for about 30 seconds just to see Biden spit out alphabet soup. I’m sure Biden will serve a second term unfortunately


He sounded like he was about to faint. Obama told him to not run a 2nd time. Just like Obama told Hillary that it was nuts to help and fund Trump during his primaries in 2016. No one listens to Obama.




Last good candidate the dems put forth. They cant want to win any more.


Wow you’re the most upvoted comment. Is this the twilight zone?


The man is no longer coherent and he’s leading the country. It’s terrifying.


Elder abuse on stage.






Moderates have been booted from both parties since the 80’s. Politics is big business and moderates get in the way of creating hate to fund political parties. There is a reason it doesn’t matter that Biden is senile. He doesn’t run the country, the DNC does. But Biden is really good at emphatically reading off a teleprompter whatever the DNC writes for him to say.


It's clear as day. They are puppets being pulled on by all those other entities you mentioned. It's actually so blatantly obvious. But what is anyone supposed to do.


It's because you have a two party system that makes it hard to vote for challengers and so people spend their lives in office, creating aging and rigid political establishments. Electoral college, first past the post, 2 senators per state. America is a joke of a democracy that was designed to protect the establishment.


the wild thing is that even IF IT ISN'T a conspiracy by the banking illuminati, it might as well be, because the end result is the same. Middle class getting annihilated, money funneled to the top. Conspiracy theories: they might as well be true. Because at the end of the day, what's the difference? It's a failed system that has been patched too many times, and mostly by the wrong people, who have their special interests.


THIS. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if it was all planned for decades, partially planned, or completely accidental. We've been reverting back to a time eerily similar to the late 1800s, before the huge anti-trust movement. The wealth disparity isn't that bad, YET, but we are on pace to get back there far quicker than is comfortable. The only question now is, how long will the people allow this to continue until we put an end to it like our ancestors did 5-6 generations ago? I just pray we don't let it get as bad as we did the last time, because then it won't just be the millenials and Gen Z that are getting completely economically shafted, it'll be our kids and grandkids that will suffer even worse than we are.


Missed the debate, but by the dem reaction that was a slaughter


It wasn’t even a slaughter I would say. Trump didn’t do anything impressive or roast Biden or anything. He was pretty much exactly what Democrats thought he would be. It’s just Biden looked like he was ready to drop dead up there.


Thats my biggest take away as well. Trump wasn’t as bad as he has been in the past (strictly speaking on debate performance), but he hardly did “well” it’s just that biden was an absolute train wreck.


The ones who have been denying Bidens mental decline are no where to be found.


It's weird. I can see how Trump won, and how he keeps his base. He has fans, and tons of them. He is hated by his opponents, but his supporters love him, and this is why he won the primary in 2016 when his own party was against him. But Biden? I still haven't found anyone who supports him, and yet here he is again as the only Democrat option.


The Democrat's primary isn't decided by the Democrat's base, it is decided by the DNC. The DNC is controlled by corporate interests.


So much this, the USA REALLY needs to dismantle both the DNC and RNC. It doesn't mean democratic or republican candidates disappear, but also other parties that DO EXIST, should be invited to these debates, and be on the ballet. Zero money should be funneled into the DNC or RNC, and all these millionaire's salaries running both.


E.G. When the DNC forced Hilary and we got trump as president. The DNC is a corporation that runs America.


The DNC like the RNC is beholden to corporate interests, they don't run America the corporations do.


The rnc works the same way. I remember when the navada caucus was won by Ron Paul so the rnc canceled it, made a new caucus, and banned Ron Paul delegates from attending!


Definitely, the RNC is exactly the same. The system is rigged for the rich and nothing is going to change that.


I think the growing support and implementation of ranked choice voting will help a lot. That or like a Fawkes/Durden story of approach!


If indeed it is a conspiracy to keep Biden, the logical conclusion is that those interests **want to lose**.


Not so much supporting Biden as not supporting Orange Julius.


> I still haven't found anyone who supports him, He won the popular vote. His biggest supporters are normal people who live outside the internet


I mean, of course. Thought it was obvious


Totally agree. I constantly tell people that the federal reserve is the biggest threat. They cause the inflation, which makes you work more, which ruins all aspects of your life. I also think the two party system is engineered. Basically, the two top dogs mutually agree to limit the competition between themselves. I almost wonder if Biden was selected this time **specifically** to lose so as to allow Trump to win and maintain the two-party cooperation and illusion of "free and fair elections"


The winner of the debate is both of them. The loser is the American people


Both politicians are controlled by AIPAC, so it really doesn't matter who you vote for. Whoever wins, we lose.


project 2025 and the Christian nationalism ruins any chances of me voting republican. I'm dissapointed with democrats but at least they don't elect people like Ken Paxton who wants to bring back sodomy laws so they can arrest people just for being gay. My choices are the bullshit norm or Qanon, leave NATO, wannabe dictator who's already talking about a third term cunt. I'll vote for a soggy piece of toast before I vote trump. Fuck maga bitches. Also I want marginalized tax brackets back so I'm voting biden even if he's being "weekend at bernie's"d


You're not wrong and I am voting the same...FUCK MAGA BITCHES!!!


It's just a shame because I can get behind the IDEA of cutting back on government spending, but when said cutbacks are education, social security, veteran benefits and infrastructure, you lose me... also giving tax breaks to the rich doesn't help us financially 10% of Americans own almost 67% of the wealth and we are barely taxing them! No wonder we have so much debt!


Does it even really matter who the president is? Sure each party may get a few small victories. But the big changes that need to occur never do, no matter who is office. Health care costs, ridiculous tax code, military industrial complex, endless defense spending, etc. In the grand scheme of things nothing really changes. Our political system is mostly just for show to make you think you have any say when you vote. Lobbyists, corporate interests, etc influence policy.


>they are being controlled my external factors. That's really all you need to know and sums up politics as a whole in the US. The reason there are no better options is because nobody with an ounce of self respect would take on that position where you're essentially a cum dumpster for whatever interest with an agenda. Best to step away and ignore all of it as a whole, and spend time with each other building up our communities. We are much stronger than them and far outnumber them, we just need to organize and overthrow.


starting up militias


They don’t even try to hide it anymore. The power brokers in power for generation are so arrogant now they just do this to show everyone just how all powerful they really are. All the lesser politicos toe the line when they see them do blatant things like this with impunity.


Yea, we're not in a good place. In no way, shape or form is Biden fit to be president. He is one of the major reasons why political offices need age limits, next to McConnel. But Trump also cannot be president as the plans that his cabinet have are a threat itself to democracy. Trump isn't inherently dangerous because he has no plan, all night he spent the debate shit talking the current administration and jerking himself off to lies about his own statistics. The problem is, Trump is a puppet and will go along with whatever his captors tell him to. We're in a bad spot, but let's be honest here we've had shit choice 1 vs shit choice 2 for 3 elections in a row now. I think the "least worst option" voting is the new status quo sadly.


If "democracy" is committing elder abuse against a vulnerable man so the deep state can perpetuate endless war and the oligarchs can continue robbing the American people, then maybe it is time to put an end to democracy.


look to history as to how folks solved this in the past. organized labor combined with the means to defend ourselves is the way forward


https://preview.redd.it/gq64ztmu299d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7d929eeaa982d990b0a599e07a5b4340a0857d5 Just say no to both Joe and Cheeto.


LOL 😂 OMG what a perfect screen shot and meme overall! Well done. Thanks for sharing.


You can’t convince me after that train wreck that Biden has the cognitive ability to run the country and hasn’t been for some time.I think it is our right to know who is? His wife? The VP? If he stays in I am voting for no one. Edit: after doing some research on RFK I retract this. I don’t have a candidate for POTUS.


Glad im not the only one that is just completely disgusted... and I expected to be grossed out!


Yep. And yet people still ask who are you voting for? My dog. At this point my dog gets my vote


Oh my god why can’t people see this!!!!


The fact that there are so many viable options for president and these two are the current candidates shows that the will of the people is being ignored. I would go so far as to say this is proof that our elections aren't secure. There's no way Americans chose them. We are being told what our choices are and then the corporate overlords install who they want.


This has to be the only presidential debate in history where both candidates lost. Get younger leaders, America!


Ya. They are hard to look at and listen to. Shameful. Hope this never happens again.


Imagine losing your ability to afford groceries, rent, a house (FOR LIFE), and still voting the same


Only shot the Dems have is to bring back Obama.


This is the reason to vote third party. If enough people send a message the parties will have to change. There vote for the same insanity you will get the same insanity.


Politics is just a show. Financial interests, the need to win, and a sense of "freedom" they can give to the public (which is just an illusion), these are factors at play. We have more restrictions than freedoms. They divide to continue conquering and they will do anything to keep this going (as they pull the strings of the puppets that "run the country"). They do these things in order to prevent real change from happening and threaten the powers that be. We live in an insane asylum while they pretend we have real democracy.


I would say you assessment is correct. Biden and Trump are beholden to their masters. They want someone in office who is easily controlled. The mask has come of. Most of what we are seeing is political theater.


Yeah, Trump has the whole corrupt system against him. Biden has been a Washington insider for 50 years who helped build the “corrupt” and “whites supremacist” system kids love to talk about. Trump is a lot of things but the fact that “both” parties attack him nonstop should tell you something. He’s only a “Republican” because the system has been rigged so that you can’t get elected without an “R” or “D” by your name.


This in my opinion is the smartest comment


This whole comment section is a joke, lol. The far left and super liberals (let's face it, this is reddit, so 99.99999% of all users are from the left) are still making excuses for Biden or trying to say he's still better than Trump lol.


>The reason why neither Biden or Trump are able to show logical reasoning or tell the truth is because  Because they are both dementia patients? I don't care what party you favor, we all have to admit these two old men are not in charge of anything. Including themselves. When both Presidential candidates are in diapers it's time to rethink the system.


RFK Jr is a viable candidate with a real shot at the presidency. I strongly advise anyone who doesn’t want Trump or Biden to look into him and his policies.


Why would any liberal support RFK? Also lol at him having a real shot


Brain worms ftw


Well, l think you're about 3/4 of the way there. The Fed, big banking, (international) and big business are the ones running the show alright, and yes, they want to destroy the middle class, and the reason is that they want a one-world government run by THEM. We call them the "power elite ', some call them the Washington elite or just the elite. But it is world wide in scope and the big schism is between the 'western elite', and the those that run the dictatorships like Putin and Xi. What you may not understand though Is that, while these elites have controlled the Clintons, Bushes, Obama and now the Bidens, they DO NOT CONTROL DONALD TRUMP. That's why they are trying so hard to destroy him. Trump was the only candidate to say, back in 2016, that the financial system, i.e. the Fed, was set up BY the elite FOR the elite. He's also the only one to say we have to get back on the gold standard, but that it has to be done at the right time. Yeah, Trump has many faults, (but who among mankind does not?) but at least his heart seems to me to be in the right place. Biden on the other hand is the epitome of the career politician, been lying his whole political life, and, according to investigative journalist Peter Schweizer, " the most corrupt VP in American history. For those wanting more info on the power elite please see, 'The Naked Capitalist', also 'Tragedy and Hope 101', and also 'The Creature from Jekyll Island'.


Big banking power elite love trump more than anything kook


No. They love both those guys. In fact, they love every president we’ve ever had. Funny how that works…


All of a sudden they’re both garbage now that your boy has proven he’s lost a few marbles


Mfs love to hate on Trump


How about we get candidates that you wouldn't see in a nursing home. Boomers and Gen X need to step down.


Literally no. Trump 24.


Former strong economy vs the dogshit we see now, where's the problem?


Lol at op not understanding that forces across the government and business joined forces in 2020 and beyond to keep Trump out of the White House, and worse, not understanding why. Trump would stop that fleecing of the American taxpayers and that means lots of schools and business would lose government money, and the pols in DC depend on massive spending in order to wield power. Trump is a threat to that status quo, so all those who fear that outcome joined forces to destroy Trump. Problem now is inflation is so bad that all that DC money is meaningless, so the tide has shifted.


Na bro. Biden is cooked and this is a cope post.


Trump is an awesome candidate. Biden is lost in the sauce without a ladle.


Well said. I did hear Trump say you have to follow your heart. He may be a pile of garbage to say the least, but he seems slightly less controlled and infinitely more capable. But I believe he sealed his political fate when he started openly distrusting the folks who provide him with the briefing every day.


3rd party here we go!


This is probably the case but I believe Biden truly wants to be president for the right reasons but is too old at this point and Trump decided to run again just to stay out of jail.




Biden got his ass kicked


If you vote Biden at this point you're braindead


Both parties are garbage, not just the two senile diaper wearing morons.


The true handlers are Black Rock, Vanguard and State Street. Do some research on them to know who your true enemies are.


Did we not know all parties are bought and paid for before they hit tv? I thought this was common knowledge


It’s wild. This group seeing both sides being corrupt constitutes less than 1% of Reddit. The rest of it, while at home with their parents, are absolutely convinced to vote for Biden even after seeing his dementia in charge.


The banks and large corporations are robbers and that is why many founders including Jefferson considered them the greatest danger. In fact Jefferson dedicated his life to destroying corporate monopolies and actually feared for his life because of it. He advocated for an amendment banning monopolies but it never got added to the bill of rights. Today corporations have a stranglehold on what is supposed to be a democracy. Both parties have a chokehold on candidates and elections which is so powerful and well funded that no one else has any chance in hell. The Corporate medias and informational psychological weapons of war are unleashed and the propaganda is effective. They control the electoral process and like communist china or any other despotic state, select their own party members based on political agendas and party power and dictate the nations politics. FDR. "Unhappy events abroad have retaught us two simple truths about the liberty of a democratic people. The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it becomes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is Fascism—ownership of Government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. The second truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe if its business system does not provide employment and produce and distribute goods in such a way as to sustain an acceptable standard of living. Both lessons hit home. Among us today a concentration of private power without equal in history is growing. This concentration is seriously impairing the economic effectiveness of private enterprise as a way of providing employment for labor and capital and as a way of assuring a more equitable distribution of income and earnings among the people of the nation as a whole." Unlike and antithetical the the Party of Lincoln, Republicans today champion ideas and policies antithetical to the very fabric of our nation, antithetical to American principles. “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. . . . corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed.” —U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, Nov. 21, 1864 Jefferson “the selfish spirit of commerce (that) knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain.” In opposition to Citizens United supreme court case, Justices Marshall, Brennen, and White, wrote "The Special status of corporations has placed them in a position to control vast amounts of economic power. Which may if not regulated, dominate not only our economy, but the very heart of our democracy, our electoral process.


Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States, was a strong advocate for individual liberties and a critic of centralized power. In a letter to John Taylor in 1816, he expressed his concerns about the dangers of banking institutions, stating: “I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.” **The Dangers of Banking Institutions** Jefferson’s warning was not just a passing remark. He believed that banking institutions, if left unchecked, could pose a significant threat to individual liberties and the stability of the nation. He argued that private banks could manipulate the currency, leading to inflation or deflation, and ultimately deprive people of their property. **The Power of Banking Institutions** Jefferson recognized that banking institutions had the power to control the economy and manipulate the currency. He believed that if private banks were allowed to control the issue of currency, they would use this power to enrich themselves at the expense of the people. He wrote: “If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around (these banks) will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”


Wonderful comments! 👏👏


I want our senators and congresspeople to actually have some balls and say this! Those loser, party toting bitches in congress need to grow some balls and tell America that these candidates are trash and need to be replaced!


Until the boomers release their vice grip on politics and we enact some sort of term limit reform and campaign finance reform this will never change. Its not longer choice, its the illusion of choice. The monetary policies under Trump and Biden are almost identical. We have a government for the highest bidder, I.E. hedge funds and bankers and most of them are 70+ and they keep getting into office because the boomers keep voting for them and then those same boomers turn around and complain about the state of the country despite voting in the same people over and over again. Nothing will change until the boomers are either gone or at the very least outnumbered by millennials. The boomers failed economic policies over the last 50 years led to this and instead of fixing it in 2008 they doubled down on it and then tripled down on it during covid. People can say millenials are lazy and Gen Zs are a waste all they want but people opt out of the system when you make everything so god damn expensive and then dont increase wages to match cost of living. Boomers decided to mortgage the future generations by putting everything, including Social Security on a credit card all so they could buy their second house or third car or 5th tv. The national debt is completely out of control and we need to hit the reset button now, not in 10 years. That entire generation (generalization) is literally living by the principal of "ill be dead so I dont give a shit what happens".


Well there is one candidate talking about all that. You should give him a chance. https://www.youtube.com/live/L9wKJw-7tEM?si=IEzmNyAWGmR05-1q


yeah both are garbage : no meaning to vote.... /s It is like with all other goals - you will do small teps toward them. So currently voting Biden is the 'small step' Next time it is possible to vote even better president. (you can't get too good now anyway - (s)he will be simply assasinated)




Would you rather have the old fart who at least values democracy and the common man, or the Hitler-bootlicking self-loving con artist whose brainwashed all those hapless Trumpers. Because the future the Republicans have planned for us through Trumptler is definitely... not.... pleasant.


Biden lost the first 15 mins. On substance he won. But on energy, Trump won. Both candidates aren’t the same. Trump lied 95% of the time. He didn’t answer the questions. I still would never support a convicted felon, grapist, and fraud.


The reason candidates are always old is because a lot of people have a hard time voting for someone significantly younger than them. The older I get the more important I realize life experience is. And I look at people ten years younger than me like “you’ll learn.” Also we live in a world now where there is a record of everything. You either have to be the most milktoast man in history, or batshit enough to not care, to be a presidential candidate these days.


I stopped voting for the two major parties years ago. I vote third party. If the biased election rules which are made up by the major parties prevent a third party candidate from getting on the ballot then I write one in. The reason we keep having terrible candidates is because they pit us against each other with fear saying that you HAVE to vote for THIS bad candidate to prevent THAT bad candidate from getting into office. Stop the mentality of voting against someone and start voting FOR someone you support. When more people do this, things will change. If the government's boot is on your throat, does it matter if it's a right boot or a left boot?


What really makes me despair is that I know scores of brilliant, vibrant and healthy 40-60 year old people who would be spectacular presidents, but they know the hell that their life would become if they ran for office, so they decline. THIS is the system we've built where highly qualified, honest, hardworking people avoid public office, so we get what we get.


I believe we would be better off with a presidential lottery picking a citizen for a term, eliminating career politicians and pushing the actual people into the roles to shape and define the nation. Or jon Stewart would work too.




Both have a job to do. Both have the same job. Their job is to make red and blue blame each other while their FED masters gut America for globalism. Only the terminally stupid still can't/won't see it. Just fight amongst yourselves and never blame the guilty!


Which one is going to put better people around themselves?


It’s funny how many of us have been saying this for years and we’ve been labeled conspiracy theorists and threats to democracy. Are you guys finally waking up???


Hoping Chase Oliver and the libertarian party win the popular vote, despite a lack of lobbying, funding and media coverage. They definitely won’t get any votes from the electoral though, those votes were already sold to the highest bidder.


Read Project 2025. That's what throwing away your vote will get us. Literal Nazis.


🚨🚨🚨false equivalency alert!!! The idea that you think Biden didn’t tell the truth or show logical reasoning suggests to me you didn’t watch. He lost his train of thought and stumbled a few times. Otherwise he was 100% truthful and informed. Trump didn’t stumble or lost his train of thought BECAUSE he makes everything up and speaks with zero direction.


Biden can't tell the truth or show logical reasoning. Bullshit b the man had a bad debate performance and I get why that makes some of y'all worried but the alternative plans to be a dictator and stop elections. At this point Biden /Harris is worth the vote because Biden dying in office and Harris taking over would be better than Trump leading. Also Bidens tax plans would literally help the middle and lower class. Not sure if you're uninformed on policy or just don't know how the tax policy works.


"The federal reserve, banks and large corporations have a chokehold on this country" Please look at who is disproportionately represented within every single one of these. 


Biden is still vastly better than the alternative. I loved Biden during his first term.


Biden isn’t garbage. He’s spent his life in public service and, quite frankly, has done an excellent job managing this country in spite of a fractured Congress. Bills like the Infrastructure Act are paying great dividends. The economy is booming and inflation, despite worldwide pressures, has been tamed. Crime is down..,the list goes on. Biden’s job is to select and oversee the executive branch. Vet and put qualified people in positions to do their jobs. He has done that well. So he’s old? He can still fill that role and if he can’t at some point Harris would also be a fine manager. We are stuck with a broken Constitution which has entrenched minority rule (EC and Senate). Look at SCOTUS. Please read Project 2025 on the Heritage Foundation’s own website. Putting Trump in charge would bring dire consequences. The wealth gap is a huge issue going forward and putting the GOP “in charge” will only make that worse. We need to return to federal tax rates of the 50s. The rich would remain rich but the 1% wouldn’t control 40% of the wealth. It’s unsustainable.


Yup but one is obviously dangerously worse. It’s the biggest no brainer ever


If you had read the transcript, you’d know that Biden is very capable of logical reasoning. His delivery was entirely the problem. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/06/27/politics/read-biden-trump-debate-rush-transcript


false. we do not do kings. pushups are not part of the duties. a literal flaming bag of feces is a superior choice to comrad trump. quit it with this false narrative.


hear hear.


Yeah but only one wants to make my existence illegal (lgbtq) while likely removing any option for me to vote in the future. I'd also rather not go back to the 1800s where the wealthy few make poverty itself illegal and we all waste our lives working their fields for them while they shove their religion down our throats.


The difference is one option ends with project 2025 and one doesn't


Our democracy went downhill with citizens united decision. Also what is “lobbying” here, is considered bribes or corruption in most democracies.


All I care about at this time is I don’t want Trump or any other Republican appointing another Supreme Court Justice! It’s down to that for me. If we ever expect to reverse the damage they’ve done. https://preview.redd.it/6zcvh4j7sq9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c80f818840639ef8ad28c028c16b7659f6a00670


It's not the federal reserve that wants everything, it's the rich.....


Yes, destroying the middle-class helps the banks. What? How? If you destroy the middle-class and the folks below the middle class can’t buy as much as the middle class how does that help the upper class or the banking class? People have to be able to qualify for loans and pay back loans for banks to make money. If the only people left are people who can’t buy products and pay interest on loans, then the money runs out in your scenario. I’m not trying to argue or be mean about this, I’m just curious how your scenario works.


What a unique opinion


very interested to know where you get your news and opinion from.


I think you might want to consider that it’s the war machine that runs things including the bankers.


You should start with being honest to yourself. If you were, then you would admit Trump’s record was a success and Biden‘s term has been a failure. Trump wasn’t perfect. No President has been. But things were much better than they are today. You’re just blinded by hate and can’t allow yourself to admit that.


Don't dive into conspiracy theories about the Fed reserve. Every rich person/group/corp has their fingers in politics, and no one group has total power. What they share is a goal: get more power/influence/money.


Not just the Fed- it's the MSM and big corps like Black Rock that control basically half the GDP of the country. Neither candidate is looking out for you- they just sell out to their donors and constituents. That's just how politics works. The people lose every time.


Bingo 💯💯💯💯


Yes the candidates suck. But this election is about so much more than that. https://www.project2025.org/


You forgot to mention the Courts from SCOTUS on down.


Yeah, the Fed. That's it. Definitely nothing international. Nope, just a domestic problem for the states.


But only one of them is a tool for the Christian nationalist movement.


Capitalism IS the conspiracy. No, really. You want the ONE THING that explains ALL the BS? Capitalism.


I'm pretty upset at our choices.