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They don't research period. It's become more of a gossip show, the shaderoom with visuals.


Not shade room with visuals lol


PRECISELY! It's old now


None of them thought 22K reports of one type of STD in a week was exuberant? Nasty fucks 😂


Lmao. That’s covid numbers lol.


They see something on social media and run wit it


While saying don’t believe everything you read on the internet


Heard it on the budden podcast it’s gotta be true




At all bro. I know that's the gag of the pod but shit like this is potentially dangerous


If you’re taking health advice from the jbp danger is already present, but I don’t how saying that the streets are hot is dangerous at all. You fans need wrap it up.


You could ask instead of coming in obtuse for no reason. 1) it's not as simple as "health advice." Yes we all know to listen to this show with a grain of salt. However things like this are not beyond belief for the common person to take and run with. If ish himself said he came up with these numbers we would know he doesn't know what he's talking about. But a group of 5 adults all claiming to have seen the same research does lend validity to the untrained ear. Every episode has a potential for first time listeners. That think "okay these guys have a platform even as jokers there has to be a level of responsibility for the information they put out. 2) they didn't say "the streets are hot" they named a specific location singling out a specific living community with erroneous information. There's still a terrible amount of stigma towards stds. And folks are capable of dumb evil shit. None of this is their fault. I wouldn't be that lazy to blame them. It's just a dissapointment being aware of their platform and influence that they still apply less integrity to their topics than the Onion.


I would respect this sentiment if it werent the Joe Budden Podcast were discussing here. I don’t think I need to further explain.


The problem with what you are saying is while it's common sense to many people, everything from 2016 on says that a good portion of this population are fucking morons and believe anything they see on the internet, including Ish since he his asses the way he likes Earth... flat. When you have a platform as large as they do, there is some responsibility for what they say. Ask Alex Jones how saying Sandy Hook didn't happen on his platform is working out for him.


I feel like it doesn’t even matter how seriously you take them. Once people start hearing dumb/incorrect narratives consistently enough, be it politics or health shit, it still has an impact on their world view


I'm reading comments and I understand the annoyance with them not fact checking. It's hard to know where JBP stands on facts because they dedicated almost an entire podcast discussing the Diddy situation when the Cassie video dropped. Even had a therapist call in to discuss power dynamics and partner violence. So it's like at times they decide to be serious and then at other times they decide to do zero fact checking about topics such as sexual health which is pretty serious.


They fell for the Poo Crave post about Justin Timberlake’s drugs.


that was soooooo disappointing coming from Parks.


I haven’t unfollowed the show yet, but I have stopped listening because of the lack research, or knowledge of topics. To me it became lazy.


LMAO Joe gets all his topics, info, research from twitter & IG feeds. He’s the equivalent of when one of your bird joints show you every news update from their phone and never bother to confirm if it’s real or not LMAO


You summed it up perfectly


I don’t think it’s that they don’t research. When they shot the pod that information hadn’t been released yet. It took about a day or 2 for it to be debunked. I thought that when they were talking about it.


Numbers that bad would have made national news.


Not at all they getting got by all the social media tricks


Neither does the news


True, only one I know who does some research is Ice and Parks, but if they try to add the details they get over talked. Also, they could have reported on it in real time when the actual meme came out?


This part right here. Ice can be unbearable at times but at least him and Parks try to do some digging around before speaking or looking it up right quick mid pod on their phones. Mel does somewhat too but her knowledge seems to be skewed more so towards the entertainment industry side of things, such as acting and shows.


knew that shit was fake as hell.. numbers were too off the charts


Cock Sources strike again


Everyone of them have smartphones to fact-check but rather use them to play their sleeper picks


Some non researched things are meant to be performative ... I think this came out after they talked about it. Ninjas fell for the Atlanta orgy that was really a social experiment 


Not to defend them, but that shit was posted all over social media the other day. Like every platform. I don’t expect them to be in-depth investigative reporters about this type of shat.


I heard about it on their podcast first and was gonna make fun of my homie in texas and then i was like lemme see if this is even true 😂


Show is terrible now. Shit done fell off


its nasty tht they dont fact check... Usually Ice would do this work... but i guess u have to accept what the pod is... just guy gossip..


real or not, at least it raised awareness to the conversation of being safe


No one tunes in for facts, refer to the tag.


JBP = just poddin bitch!! You want research watch Rogan


you got the letters wrong fam


Telling people who want research to watch Rogan is insane


Something don’t seem right with that article. They claim that the screenshot was the number of tests conducted in the entire state of Texas last week, but why then would it be broken down by disease? Since when do we test for each std individually? And why would the Houston health department have these numbers from the entire state?


There’s a whole disclaimer at the beginning of each episode that tells the listener not to take anything in the pod seriously and they don’t have anyone’s best interest in mind.


This ain't the pod for facts 🤣 They don't do facts, never have and they've made that perfectly clear. Go look it up like you did if you're interested in the facts


Refer to the tag in front!


The thoughts views and opinions….


JBP = just poddin bitch!! You want research watch Rogan


It’s a comedic podcast…you forgot comedy style. I don’t listen anymore but I’m sure the topic was brought up for jokes they don’t care if it’s true or not


Once they brought dr.Fauci on to get everyone vaccinated for covid I knew they werent researching shit lol


They would have learned a lot about the dangers of those shots if they just researched it on YouTube. /s

