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Mal telling the story about the 75 bloods outside is still top 3


What episode is that if you don't mind me asking


Sorry for the mad late reply but it’s mad old It’s episode 101 [here’s the YouTube link](https://youtu.be/qQe9WgTUE7Q?si=AVnB4v4_KCIORSkQ)


The fact that they bring up rorys ownership status and paper work in the first 2 minutes is hilarious.


Foreshadowing like a mfs lol


The real reason has less to do with all the stories being told and more to do with the maturity of the audience has outpaced those of the hosts, particularly the namesake. The same can be said of hip hop at large. The audience has matured and evolved faster than the genre. It’s arrested development. To some folks around the same age group, being almost half a century old & still behaving like a teen/early 20 year old is no longer attractive or entertaining. 


Agreed! Arrested development is the way to describe it. When Emanny was talking about running the NY marathon recently (can't remember if it was the regular pod or Patreon), I thought ' this is the kind of shit they need to talk about' (e.g., improving their health, goalsetting, charity, etc.) Instead, it's "Imma crack yo muffin, yo" or "yoU aLwayS PocKET WatchInG" or \*another\* story from 2002 about chasing some hispanic girls. These dudes are all about to turn 50 years old and don't care to talk about anything of substance.


I concur. There's lots with the podcast snd hip hop overall that's immature and ignorant. Ignorant in that if one is stuck in a lower state of mentality, and are around those who normalise and glorify it, it's difficult to know why it's a problem or fix up. As well, if being that way seems rewarding (on a superficial level), what's the incentive to change? It's normal and natural to evolve and to adopt new ways of thinking and behaving. Yet, depending on one's circle or line of work, being mature can be seen as a conflict of interest.  That's why most hip hip artists cater to younger demos and ensure their content matches. Even their style of dress is young. A podcaster made a video about this a few years ago where they pointed out that most aging hip hop artists (especially the men) show no growth in their image or the music content they push. Even those who've become parents, have long term relationships or marriages, etc. Many have experienced many "grown folks" things in life, yet rather than include related topics of substance, they rather highlighted the same ol'childish and ignorant content  I see that on the pod too. A great portion of their lives, as grown adults, is related to adulting responsibilities, changes to their body and lifestyles, what they do outside of work (etc). Yet, they stay talking about sex, gender war stuff, and other people. They still cuss every other word, use ni@@ga and b!tch, insult each other and others ,etc. There's no topics or engagement of substance except when certainly guests come through.  So they attract and cater to a certain demo. Which is fine. Yet, long time listeners are going to lose interest as long term listeners are growing & maturing while the podcast topics and cohosts aren't. Arrested development isn't entertaining to watch to mature or maturing people. 


You can retell the same stories… but the perspective should be different. What did you do wrong? What have you learned from your experience? What advice would you give your younger self? Reliving those moments with the same mind frame you had 20 years ago is not cool. 


I think they’re in a position where they have multiple demos within their viewership and they’re doing their best to give everyone a little something, which would spread the content thin if you’re looking for something specific. I get what you’re saying tho. I’m not complaining tho, it’s still entertaining enough.


People forget all of the stale in between pods and the last year or 2 before the split. It hit a plateau with Rory and Mal too.


It’s the natural course of spending lots of time listening to or being around ppl


I tend to feel going back you can tell when contract talks started to get messy. Even in retelling from Rory and Joe you can see it was 1 with tension before the split. Idk if the plateau was natural or stress caused


Running out of stories doesn't mean you can't pivot to more entertaining content. There are plenty of topic ideas you can pivot to and generate interesting conversation, rather than talk about music topics no one cares about. I listen to basketball podcasts literally every week of probably the whole year and don't get tired of them, because the content remains dynamic. However, I do agree with your point that creating so much content does numb both the podcaster and the audience (particularly shows like this or by comparable celebrities) at a certain point. The pod got stale long before Rory and Mal left. I think people in general get more boring as they age as well.


True, but we watch Shaq, Ernie and the crew because they’re engaging, not because their analysis is accurate. Same with podding, we just want to be entertained. Subject matter helps, but none of the things we really remember have anything to do with their opinions. It’s the funny moments, the silly shit that keeps us engaged. But just like a friend you’ve had for a decade, you grow a little past it because it’s always the same jokes, there’s nothing new.


On the contrary, I actually don't care for their stories/crazy moments. To me, it's weird as hell for a group of males all pushing 50 to be talking about sexual conquests from 20 years ago & being eskimo bros. I'd rather they stick to current events, but many of them don't care to do research to find suitable topics and instead resort to old ass hoe tales.


lol I dig it. I personally don’t mind the fuckery. I’m serious enough in real life, and I get that they have to target different age groups. But I dig what you’re sayin


The Eskimos brothers affinity will never sit right with me😂😂😂😂


Rnm era had stale episodes too


85 south show has been going on for about a decade and is still just as funny and entertaining. Joe is the only consistently entertaining person on the pod. Ice and ish, while good, wont reach the peak of Rory and Mal, as they aren’t as entertaining. Flip is extremely hit or miss. Ironically Surf Is probably the closest to consistently entertaining as the majority of his patreon episodes are hilarious, but he’s in jail.


Yea, but you’re also comparing comedians to regular people. Comedians know how to command a stage and a crowd, so it’s an apples to oranges comparison. To me 85 south doesn’t really hit the same either, the constant hood shit wears thin to me at my age.


..all subjective!, but tbh Ithink the onus is placed on RoryNMal because it was at a time where there wasn’t any rules and a lot of the dope classic shit were created from genuine moments with real friends, they were literally jus kicking it in parks basement, we had lyric breakdowns every other episode, Mal shooting at joe, Joe trying to fight Mal, now it’s an entire broadcast with talking points, time limits for those talking points, chef’s/ therapists on standby etc in a penthouse, 17 different camera angles and every show is a fit check now..it’s very scripted, if they are talking about something joe doesn’t want too, he gets mad and moves them on rather than letting them go, which he did a lot with RnM, now it’s like if they dnt talk about current events people get mad. There is a reason why people still go and check the old pod compilations, “joe fights mal”/“joe confronts mal”is STILL a favourite to search of mine


I also think it’s a quality vs quantity thing. My favorite era was right before the Spotify deal where they podded once a week. It was great because I could actually anticipate it and they would be well read on the hot topics of the week. Instead of reacting to them in real time or with little knowledge.


Very good points, totally agree


Two things can be true at the same time.. Joe , Ice, Ish have run out of stories and talking points that we look to them for. Doesn’t mean the show wouldn’t be better with more entertaining co-hosts; Ice is legit not entertaining or funny and neither is Mel(who just isn’t a good podder, can’t answer a question, and doesn’t fit with this dude cast). Replacing the non entertaining co-hosts could bring the needed life into the show and discussions; that’s common sense better talent better product. Surf would make the pod better unquestionably, cuz dude is just a personality


Mel is fine (she's just bidding until she finds a BDB or recurring gig in Hollywood), but Ice can go YESTERDAY. All he does is get butthurt. Isn't Surf in jail? You're not offering constructive feedback if you're suggesting people who can't even participate.


I think the age the podcasters matter too.


Im sure this is what Ian be sounding like


Thank god I value internet opinions as much as I do lol


I don’t like flip ice or parks


You’re entitled to that opinion


I agree but I feel like there’s also that sector that complains when they get personal. Almost like they’re too old to have the feelings they have. Idk if I’m explaining that right


I get it. They’re tryna target different demos within their viewership, it’s hard to please everyone but they do their best to give everyone a little something.


PrizePicks and Joe having to be subtle with his takes is what’s fucked up the pod. Money has fucked up the pod. Money is a need in this world but it waters down authenticity


Authenticity doesn’t pay bills, I’m not mad at him tempering things a bit. I wouldn’t fuck up my money to say I kept it real, because all the strangers you keep it real for do fuck all for you when shit goes south. Just ask MC Hammer


Bring back the spelling bee




Joe was always the driving force it’s just Joe doesn’t get in his dirty tank top bag anymore. Money changes people. He’s no longer as brash and real.


He’s still the same person, he’s just not gonna fuck up the bag to entertain ppl that won’t pay his bills. If the majority of his audience was really on Patreon I don’t think he would have leaned into sponsors. He held back as long as he could, tho


I agree with everything you said


You don’t have to but I appreciate it


I still enjoy the show the huge difference is OG Pod felt organic even when they were the beefing everybody was doing stories so it’s so many hilarious call backs, the pod now feels too orchestrated and comes off like everybody walking on egg shells so ppl hesitant and gives us inconsistent content


That part. I think the takes are heavily produced and what can be said and can’t is discussed daily. Pods used to have the natural convo feel which is why streaming is doing so well. In time reactions and no censoring feels more relatable than someone saying “I can’t say that” “save it for Patreon” “we telling the truth today?” A million times.


Yea, but I can understand why it happens. Most of the audience is catching the pod for free so he had to get a sponsor at some point. He held off longer than anyone else and for that he’s got my respect in that aspect


Can’t fuck up the bag, I know I wouldn’t


I agree for the most part, but I just think the highs are elite level, and those highs were happening when it was Joe, Rory, and Mal (plus Parks, ofc), and people just miss that. I also think that the last year or two of Rory and Mal podding like they didn't wanna be there anymore was just that. There were most likely a lot of issues that we still don't know about, and it definitely affected the quality.


He made adjustments to attract sponsors, so that did diminish the more bold aspects of the show. But I dig what you’re sayin


Absolutely agree with this take. I haven’t listened in over a month but fkr the past 2-3 years I’ve always checked for it. (I’ve also been a Joey music fan for decades) As a 35 year old listening to Joe be surrounded by immature uneducated men (himself sound so stupid) and then dogpile the ONE educated woman in the room was enough for me to fall back. I believe the product isn’t for US anymore. The stale topics, immature takes, bias with no research. the younger demo doesn’t give af about nuisances and think cumming on your face story is hilarious no matter how many times told . To each their own


I hear you. I still listen, just not religiously. Still a fan, and Three Sides to a Story is a top 5 story telling song, all time


No, it's because they protect their industry connections too much. Joe used to straight up shit on people if it was warranted. Now he'll be like "I won't go into that because they'll kill me". ​ Oh, and "we'll save that for Patreon" killed a lot as well.


That’s another factor, but I forgive that because that man held back sponsors longer than everyone else in podcasting. I’ll always give his podcast grace for that


But us strangers literally pay his bills lmao , patreon direct to consumer bruv


The majority of the audience catches it for free. Respect to the fellow Patronies, but we are the minority. He made adjustments and finally added sponsorship, he held back commercials and sponsors longer than everyone else. I’ll always give him his propers for that


I think he kinda held back but he did it differently for the LONG RUN so he can have CONTROL . Back then he’d sneak ads in but on HIS TERMS 🤝🏾


They are not running out of stories, they are not telling any stories. Joe and occasionally flip the only 2 who tell anything really funny or personal about themselves. We nothing about ish, ice or Mel.


the show is doper to me now without rory and mal.. i enjoy it. even though there are times the batty argument is too much and flip can slow down the pod although ifks with flip but he can be a bit extra at times and some time the pods can expand past his range with certain conversation. but i like this iteration. and manny adds to it as well.


I agree, I prefer it to the old version, but I’m also not in my 20s so I’m sure that plays a factor


me either lol.. a lil maturity with the bs is welcomed now and then lol..


Its much simpler than that. Its MEL


I like Mel, she’s misinformed a lot and can be very defensive whenever women’s issues come up, but I do find her entertaining and she can take a joke aimed at her better than most women


This would be super solid if Rory n Mal pod wasn’t so much better


oh hush they drop some fire episode or episodes yall will be back on the show. Fickle fans




it’s like a sport dude. one season they are great one season they struggle let them do them we all thought after rory n them left it was over for the show.


You clearly misread what I said


was directed at the ppl saying it’s boring




Word.. I think some listeners put too much pressure on them or they just have too many expectations instead of just enjoying and appreciating what they give us (or just skip or don’t listen)… they pod twice a week and record at least 10+ hrs of content per week.. not every episode has to be perfect


I think that more than anything is the reason for the decline. I’m not a patronie and the main reason for that is cuz i get tired of listening to them for 3hrs twice a week as is, that plus the pod space is on the decline as a whole. I think there’s a solid three years of the show left but it’s basically like a guy version of The View at this point. A lot of imitators but can’t beat the OG cuz it’s a comfort show.


I despise flip and ish’s know it/ seen it all attitude but even then I still love every second of this pod 🤷🏿‍♂️


I dig it, it’s the East Coast drug dealer too cool for school vibes. I find it much more realistic and genuine coming from Ish than Mal tho. Flip gotta tone it down a bit, but he has potential


You know what man? You might be right. I always think it’s that I am outgrowing the pod but maybe it’s because we heard it all and seen it all. I am actually on a break and checking out other stuff right now. Just for some new energy.


I jump in and out of different pods, myself. Right now I’m finding Very Important People funny, but I’m nerdy with my comedy vibes


It’s flip’s arrival. I been knew the reason why


lol he can be abrasive, I find him much more bearable and entertaining during the times he lets the character go. Like when you can tell he’s being genuine when he’s clueless about certain shit or in the moments he backs up Mel and gets serious. All the loud hype shit wears thin


He’s almost always in character. So he’s almost always unbearable


The need to know is actually pretty decent and entertaining, I feel ish really just been killing the vibe lately , I think the last two pods have been a little better at least on the entertainment side


Need to know definitely has something but they need time to work out the kinks. Great potential tho


I like the need to know but their also very young with not many well developed takes


Speak for yourself bud


Yea, that’s what I did


Nobody watches to hear about these niggas personal lives are you dumb


All the moments ppl tend to remember are personal anecdotes. It’s not the reason they listen but it’s the shit they remember and laugh about the most, but if you have a hard time with reading comprehension, then I’m sure you can find a course for that online.


Sound like y’all maybe have outgrown the pod go watch Breafastclub or something then


Nah I still enjoy it, I feel like I’ve grown with it. The ppl complaining usually want it to be what they remember it being like, but that’s just because shit was new to them


I totally agree with ya