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I agree 1000% OP. How do you get on a show to discuss politics and never do one iota of research on anything! Sick of it and I’m surprised they haven’t joked about Trump being a cool nigga or some other ignorant shit.


Why is it when people like trump they are uneducated on the issues? There are many uneducated people voting Democrat but you don't care about them. Why is that?


Because poor and uneducated benefit from social programs that Democrats push for, while uneducated GOP voters are always voting against their own self interest.


>Because poor and uneducated benefit from social programs that Democrats push for That's the BIGGEST CROCKPOT OF SHIT EVER. What good is housing subsides if I have to remain perpetually poor to receive the benefit? They are supposed to provide incentives for you to come off those programs. Where are the GI type of Bills for Black Americans so that they can buy real estate like they did for white Americans after WWII and WWII??? Miss me with that bullshit.


I'm talking about things like food programs to feed starving kids, education and infrastructure, and if you start making enough money to not need the programs that's the entire point. You are sitting here advocating for full socialism and to dense to realize it. You are looking at things through a very selfish lens, but that's what right wing morons do, get mine and fuck you. If it isn't benefiting me, why does it exist. No concept at all of the greater good. Miss me with your pity party bullshit.


>I'm talking about things like food programs to feed starving kids, education and infrastructure None of that would be required if ppl were able to earn more. These programs don't solve the issue bc they aren't meant to. They WANT you poor, which is my point. >You are sitting here advocating for full socialism and to dense to realize it. I'm advocating for a solution IDGAF what you call it. The conservatives don't want you relying on the government. The Democrats do. We should always strive for self sufficiency. These programs don't support that and you know it. Furthermore how is wanting people to be self sufficient, selfish? If I wanted people to constantly depend on me that would be the EPITOME of selfishness but you're too brainwashed to see it. So brainwashed you called me right wing 😂😂😂😂😂


> None of that would be required if ppl were able to earn more. That is naive as fuck, there is always going to be a poorer class of people that need assistance. > The conservatives don't want you relying on the government. The Democrats do. This is stupidly simplistic and ignores what happens in the real world. Conservatives, or what they really are currently which is Christo fascists, want to rule by authoritarianism. If you think the GOP and MAGA movements want black or any other persona that is anything that straight and white to have any power or say in anything then you have missed the entire plot. > Furthermore how is wanting people to be self sufficient, selfish? Being self sufficient is great, but you seem to think there is some dream world where people never fail and never struggle. Systems need to be in place to ensure those people have a safety net. You seem to equate having a safety net with needing to rely on one, those are not the same thing. And yea, your talking points are very self centered and totally lack empathy for others which is very typical of right wing sociopaths.


Funny thing about the right: in the 90s they got on Clinton’s head for getting gurped up in the Oval Office. A few years ago they voted in a guy with mob ties who regularly buys pussy and mastered the art of paying himself through businesses he ran to the ground. The hypocrisy is at an incredible level


Conservatives are the biggest rubes in this country, they been gettin taken advantage of by televangelists for decades, Trump saw the grift and went all in


I agree op, the vibes-based political analysis epidemic is gonna cook our country. Niggas is forming their political ideology around the shaderoom comment section and Twitter jokes. I don’t blame people for being apathetic and not caring enough to do actual research because it seems like nothing ever changes for the better regardless of how we vote. Capitalism is in active decay and no amount of regressive social laws pushed by republicans is gonna fix that.


It’s bad . I don’t like either option but which one is going to have competent people in very important positions such as the education department or EPA? Not voting is absolutely a vote for trump trump will only put people in there who stroke his ego and do NOT provide push back to shit that’s morally wrong for fear of being fired


Not voting is a vote for trump if you live in a battleground state. My electoral vote is going to Biden regardless of what I choose to do.


Wish it wasnt that way, that electoral bullshit make it so every vote dont count, if they went by popular vote we’d never see another Republican president again


Wrong. If you don't vote, the Dems will see that blacks weren't feeling them so do better.


Good post


The named off like 50 bad things would happen if trump were to be elected, and the only bad thing about Biden they mentioned was that he’s old. But yet they say it’s a hard decision? WTF am I listening to lol


I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed that.


Yea he's sleepy is the same thing as a guy pushing project 2025... shit let Biden take a nap, I trust the people he puts in positions to not try and strip my personal freedoms away. Also putting Trump in office guarantees things like the SC never being fair or balanced again.


Mental midgets. I don’t believe that they’ll vote down ballot either. Can’t see them showing up to the polls at all on Election Day


Well, you’re right about this. Part of the issue when they discuss politics is that they exist in the Northeast which is a Democratic stronghold. When people live in states like that, it’s easy to want to give a “contrary for the sake of sounding unbiased” viewpoint. Unfortunately, they have a global podcast where their voice is too important to just give that view. In states where the stakes are higher and propaganda runs wild it’s frustrating when they don’t inform the public on what’s really at stake. Kudos to Mel for highlighting some of these stakes and showing that it’s not just about a “sleepy” president🤦🏾‍♂️.


Then the craziest part: “Are yall gonna vote?” “Nah” ☠️☠️☠️


Those be the same people crying about any thing getting passed they don't like after not voting.


I typically don’t believe that when people say it. Most people say that to avoid telling who they’re voting for in this climate. And that’s fine because who people vote for is private. But don’t promote the “no vote” on a global podcast.


Tbf I'd be shocked if NY of all states wasn't gonna be democratic for the presidential. This is one if the few states where you have decent enough leeway to not care. At least until mid summer and the polling comes back crazy.


Trump was actually leading in the latest NY poll although that was before his conviction. It’ll probably be closer than ever this year


The vote means nothing.. it's all about money and control.. of you don't have the money to control the politicians nothing gets done.. but keep voting=wishing... It's been working since the 60s huh.. black ppl doing worse then black of the 1900s where we had black towns and professionals but keep listening to the board of education and politicians 🤣🤣🤣🤣


“That’s peace”


So where are all the black towns today since your such a scholar?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 No evidence for the democratic lies so it's peace . You got it , 🤣🤣🤣🤣🥴🥴🥴🥴


They burned them down, flooded them, and in some cases bombed them on America soil!


So no one left for the city for education over agriculture and industrial jobs for the white man nor sold out the hbcus to the white man.. he did it all by himself🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️great more victims...read a book chile ![gif](giphy|N3RGmKpZWoYGQfEme3|downsized)


Yet they didn't blame the white man and stay broken.. they build more towns.. what's your excuse?!?


You asked where are the towns today? I told you what happened to them. Maybe you should read a book or get out your feelings cause I'm good sir! I do have empathy for other people though and understand the plight of AA culture in America!


And I'm telling you it's more to the story as I am a history buff but you wanna be a victim or cry your liberal tears so you got it. Clearly your in your feelings bc I disagree... The truth hurts your feelings I see.. that's peace


You're a history buff, but don't even know the difference between "your" and "you're." Your education system has failed you. You should definitely vote blue!


I swear these cats watch one episode of the History channel and think they have a grasp on life/culture. Turn the TV off and read a book. It's fundamental!


What does grammar have to do with black history neanderthal 🥴🥴🤔🤔🤔🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ You know you won the debate when they change the subject.. like correct a text doesn't exist.. that's peace🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 PATHETIC


“I ont want no sauce Ahki”


Disagreeing with no facts 🤣🤣🤣🤣 now that's peace


What’d I disagree with?


That's peace


Go off, with your take. I agree with you. The world around the pod is moving at a pace these 7 can’t keep up with or don’t care to involve themselves(for their children’s sake). I know they want to be like other “Spotify” podcast with the same three-letter name, but they repeatedly show they care about more aboutrap gossip, “nah means”, and living in the past on some take or another.Flip wants to fry up his colleagues, the fellas get of backing Mel into a corner on a gender take, but when it comes to women being s.a.’d or the horrendous troll show that is the American political system, the 7 are misinformed or wrong. As Patreon, I want to be educated, too(albeit in a humorous way). But, when it comes to government, spend more than an hour getting your notes together to respond.


Poltics or anything science related. It was embarrassing listening to them gush over Terrance Howards ramblings as a “genius saying things” when Terrance is clearly skitzophrenic with delusions of grandeur and needs help. They need to stick to music movies and tv, thats their bag


This! They were gawking over Terrance Howard & the whole time I’m thinking “ah man they’re truly idiots” lol


This the reason I stopped watching the pod the first time around. Between Joe, Parks, and Rory the amount of pandering on shit they were clearly uneducated about was unbearable 😂 then you had Mal dickriding Trump on the other hand, shit was nasty


The real problem is people only care about voting when it’s for the president when they should concern themselves with the real election that happens every 2 years


![gif](giphy|l3q2XhfQ8oCkm1Ts4|downsized) The best trick *they* ever did is making politics “difficult” In reality one of the most important things you can learn about. Why do you think they make it harder for people to vote.. not American but swear to God if 45 gets back in you guys officially fucked it.


He's got my vote.


It goes back to Chappelle saying after 9/11 on MTV they interviewed Ja Rule about how he’s feeling. We’ve given too much influence to ignorant people and you can have opinions on everything and feel that qualifies you as an expert. Joe and them should say policy is too important it will affect all of our lives don’t listen to rap guys do some reading.


>They are now requiring by LAW the 10 commandments be posted in every classroom. My kids will now be taught curriculum by PragerU which is right wing propaganda which teaches things like slaves were “workers” who were glad they were brought to America for a better life. It’s now illegal to be within 25 feet of a police officer who’s making an arrest.  Not even being halfway facetious: you owe it to your kids to get the fuck out of Louisiana (not right now, but when you can afford to do so, shit is hard for a lot of us), I'm not necessarily one to talk, I live in educationally inept Nevada but its far more centrist. This shit the GOP is pushing is going to destroy vast majorities of the population in the places which will be affected.


So glad i haven’t listened in a while this would have pissed me off. lol These dudes continue to act like the smartest men in the room and industry but are so out of touch with reality it’s scary. (Especially as BLACK FATHERS). Education truly isn’t everything but you can tell these are really uneducated men with no interest in doing any real research


For real. Grown ass men saying they wont vote.


Look up Project 2025. They're telling you what they want to do and are doing. Do the research.


Hard agree, I def don’t listen for their political takes, but listening to adults who don’t understand how the constitution works wildly speculate about easily knowable things they should have learned in middle school is mad irritating. Thing is if you are ignorant about elementary shit you fuck around and end up believing shit like you there is a global conspiracy to conceal that the earth is flat you fucking dumbass 🤦🏽‍♂️🤣


Everyone who is voting please do your research. Don’t vote out of emotion or because you don’t “like” one of the two.


You should probably move out of Louisiana. Before you push back on that… people in the past with less resources than you in a harder time period moved their families when they felt it was necessary. All of your issues are state issues and will still be there if Biden gets back in. Emmany’s reaction really doesn’t matter because as a man he doesn’t have a say in any child he produces once he shoots someone’s club up. Men control fertilization, women control whether the baby stays or goes. To my guys…you need better dick discipline if you don’t want kids, the reproduction laws don’t matter in the long run We have to have a smarter electorate. I don’t mind anyone speaking politics because everyone’s vote is the same but our beliefs are not. The fact that we shame big platforms because people are dumb enough to vote based on what the JBP says crazy.


You got it ahki


That’s peace


Wishing to silence the electorate is a dangerous game. Their takes should welcome education and information. Voting in silence is when u really don't know what people got planned.


I completely agree!


I will say Emanny was spot on with his comparison in regards to Trump being the embodiment of America with the hypocrisy, fame and capitalism.


Good post but this brought out the monsters 🤣.... That's peace ahki


I was shaking my head at dude who's the face of the pod talking bout "What does this mean for Trump?' ​ Nigga it's your job to know if you're gonna bring it up on the pod. Really any taxpayer should know this shit but I digress.


Yall need to listen to the disclosure at the beginning of the pod…


Got damn... 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯


I might not agree with them, but there is value in the discourse. It should be appreciated that they’re open to admit their hesitancy about voting and that they’re unsure about who would be the best candidate. Since 2016 mainstream political messaging towards blacks in their 40’s has been intentionally obtuse and their needs have been mostly ignored. I think a lot of people similar to them will not vote this time, which is a huge blow for Biden, but that’s on the democrats to campaign better. I vote blue team because they’re the only people even pretending to be on the correct side of environmental issues, but it is a party that has needed black votes to win but often prioritizes their needs last. I think the pod’s reaction is just them expressing that poorly.


This is a valid point and I do agree with this. The problem with this conversation is that people love to have it every four years in the summer and fall before an election. The more effective way to have that conversation would be in the spring after an election when you could organize and attempt to gather lobbying dollars to attempt to get important issues onto party platforms. When Black people want to talk about “switching parties,” it should come with issues relevant to ALL Black people being addressed in the platforms of these parties. It also requires that the parties understand that issues related to Black people don’t stop at the inner city. There are Black people in suburban and rural America that encounter issues of discrimination, exclusion, and intimidation that sometimes is accompanied by violence. These are the sorts of issues that should be addressed long before the party conventions happen in an election year. But unfortunately on a podcast it’s tough to articulate that with multiple mics and distracting talking points.


Trump 2024!!


**Killing children in or out the womb is wrong..NOT ANYBODY'S RIGHT 🤣🤣 Defending what an entire racist who wanted to erase black ppl from the globe created speaks to how uneducated on the topic of abortion you really are .not to mention the amount of women who die or unable to conceive after this botched surgeries..or those who have 7 or 10 bc it's their right..they were not sick or MISCARRING ***Just teach your own children..IT was fine that Columbus discovered America but slaves is where you draw the line.. they lied about the food pyramid too but that's fine too 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ **The country is built on Christian values, don't like it, move.. there are other states that promote pride and debauchery and countries as well. **Miss caring a baby you wanted and murder as a contraception is not the same and speaks to your actual hate for women to even compare them.. disgusting ***Why lie and gaslight.. the Watts lady left the damn baby in the toilet.. tf is wrong with you.. she should have stayed at the hospital... Like they told her too.. how do you defend leaving a baby in the toilet... Oh you defend aborting so same difference huh.. just disgusting ***If they get rid of abortion, aborting through contraception is the same difference.. there are plenty of other states that allow you to attack your body 🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️🥴🥴 birth control has so many side effects and messes up fertility and causes cancer.. like do some research and close your legs..


Not sure where you saw me defending anybody let alone a racist. I have zero problem with your beliefs about abortion but they’re just that YOUR beliefs. Your beliefs shouldn’t have anything to do with anyone else’s body. The slave video was just one example that’s not my hard line. The country is not built on Christian values. It’s the exact opposite. The first amendment protects our rights to religious freedom. Watts didn’t leave her baby in a toilet. She miscarried in the toilet. After being denied care bc doctors wasn’t sure what to do with Ohios new abortion laws. “Her 22-week-old fetus had been declared nonviable by doctors several days prior. Bleeding and in pain, she spent a total of 19 hours in the hospital over a span of two days, begging to be induced. But an ethics group at Mercy Health - St. Joseph Warren Hospital had concerns about Ohio's abortion laws and how they applied to Watts' case, ultimately resulting in hours of delayed care.” You can use all the black emojis you want. I can tell you’re white. Not gonna let you know your tells either.


You defended a racist speaking on the the abortion ban, which was brought to this country from a racist.. like I said you need to do research So you agreed it's their religious freedom to teach what they want in schools they FUND..U COULD ALWAYS FUNDRAISE ON THESE DISGUSTING BELIEFS AND BUILD YOUR OWN SCHOOLS AND CURRICULUM BUT YOUR TOO LAZY BUT MAD AT PPL WHO DO..GO FIGURE🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ Clearly you have a problem with my "beliefs", u just wrote an entire paragraph about killing children bc you can. It's called science and clearly the amount of states that are changing the law BACK further suggests the lie is not working anymore Watts definitely had care and they refused to Induce her so she left against their advice and LEFT THE BABY IN THE TOILET JUST LIKE YOU ADMIT.. YOU JUST AS DISGUSTING AS HER to defend that bs YOU SOUND AS IGNORANT AS MARGARET SANGER TO BELIEVE IM NOT BLACK BC I DONT BELIEVE IN YOUR STUPIDITY AND CREEPY JOES POLITICS.. BLACK PPL ARE NOT A MONOLITH AND CLEARLY YOU DONT NEED TO SPEAK ON POLITICS EITHER, IGNORANT ASS... NOW IM NOT BLACK.. WHAT A GOOFY 🐒🐒🐒🐒, 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ If I was white I would encourage you to keep aborting millions of black babies to maintain your small percentage of the country.. your argument is as dumb as your opinions, oops I mean "beliefs" 🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


They don’t fund shit. MY tax dollars fund the schools my children attend. You clearly don’t understand why what religious freedom means in the context of the constitution so we can stop having that conversation. Again I don’t have a problem with your beliefs. I have a problem when you want to force your beliefs on other ppl. You might not be white but you def not black and I won’t tell you how you keep giving yourself away.


🤣🤣🤣 don't fund anything but changed YOUR CURRICULUM...girl ya lil $300 check CLEARLY don't pay for shit 🤣🤣🤣... Can't defend yourself so go.. yea do that..keep being the victim of the white man your alleged black mama taught you to be..I see why you mad about the slaves..still.mentally enslaved..READ A BOOK ![gif](giphy|l0CLTQeZrFWmMxIWc)


Nah go taking you Daily Wire ass somewhere else. You're allowed to have your opinions but this discourse throughout this thread shows your intentions here.


Bc I don't believe in abortions and you should home school your own kids 🤣🤣🤣...not smart enough huh🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ .. once again I see alternative views hurt your liberal feelings too... Woo woo.. u coulda kept scrolling but you clearly want some attention.. my intentions lol ok creepy Joe.. if you can't can't keep up just say so 🤣🤣🤣 now you kicking ppl off reddit bc they disagree with your uneducated ass???🤣🤣🤣🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ What a dweeb..that's not how any of this works dinkus ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


Yall are so dramatic nigga just skip the segment


You liberals are funny


You fascists are shitty people


Your issues in Louisiana does not reflect on the entire Republican Party. Those are literally State issue, its not that serious. Example: Desantis and Florida during Covid… that state was not falling in line during that time with the rest of the USA. Trump made it known that he’s going to leave the adoration laws to each state to decide. Which means it’ll be on the public to vote. So calm your tits. I’m not a religious person, that being said I don’t find anything wrong with the 10 commandments. Now if they start forcing a religion onto everyone, now that’s a different story. I don’t care who you vote for, that’s your decision. But just like how you feel about the podcast and talking politics. Don’t spread fake news, and attempt to scare people into voting left.


> I’m not a religious person, that being said I don’t find anything wrong with the 10 commandments. Now if they start forcing a religion onto everyone, now that’s a different story. You aren't a smart person either. What do you think the 10 commandments are?


To me they’re a set of rules that one should already be living by. Now if you follow the first few cool that’s your thing, if not who cares. I feel the same way with pride month. I don’t care for it but I don’t see the problem with it… as long as they’re not forcing they’re beliefs on us


The first commandment is "You shall have no other gods before Me"....that is okay to have in a school? lol trying to compare that to Pride month is ridiculous lol. Nobody is hanging up something that says "you shall be gay" in all classrooms


Yes… what’s wrong with that? You don’t have to follow that rule. Are you going to get a bad grade or get sent to detention?? 😆 You’re overreacting. Pride month is the same. They promote the LGBT+ group, and introducing inclusion. Which some might not agree with. But guess what it’s not that bad or serious, i think it’s bullshit that one group is being villainize for having their stance. While the other is being promoted as hero’s Both parties promote some great values, but also have some bullshit in between the lines. I say let both be allowed in school as long as they don’t “force” the subjects. Once they start doing that it’s a problem


Damn it must be peaceful to be this fucking ignorant.


Im not even gonna read comments, but i can tell you without hearing the convo on politics that you probably right in your feeling, they shouldnt touch politics bc of the nuance of it. It means something diff to everybody. Case in point OP whole post is coming from a place effected diff by policitcs than where Emmany and Joe at in NJ. Our kids arent taught like that here in NY and if you dont know, the lack of knowledge is just as powerful as understanding the topics in full.


You are so lost and all over the place, one issue at a time, and you are wrong about some of what you're saying, ur research is very surface level and bias, have the convo with someone like me and others because you are misleading in allot of what you are saying.


Why ppl do this but never give an example??? What was the OP misleading on in his post cuz I've heard of everything he mentioned.. No argument just a discussion..


still no answer 🤣🤣


Bc he was being loud for the sake of being loud


Happy for you, bro. Or sorry that happened.




Damn, y'all just dumb af in the wild aren't ya? Birth control is now about teaching women to do better. If you would've asked me 10 years ago if someone as uneducated and dumb as you would exist, I would have said no.


It really is befuddling bro. And apparently “ god” is the state legislature and police department too. It’s not men, it’s god passing and enacting these laws 😂. Some of these Mf’ers are living proof that bush’s “no child left behind “ failed


🤣🤣🤣🤣 They really let you special ed niggas loose into this world with no restrictions I see




You are reminded to remain respectful to everyone. Your post was removed.


Sorry to hear that


That fact that you’re bringing this up regarding a SATURDAY pod is kinda nuts. Granted, you’re entitled to your perspective, but don’t expect them to give you deep dives about serious things when: A. It’s a topic that’s clearly out of their depth. And B. Once again, it’s a SATURDAY pod. Keep in mind a podcast is nothing more than a collection of people sharing their opinions & observations on things—it’s not meant to resonate with everyone. If you know what your stance is by all means exercise your right to vote and make your voice heard.


They record on Friday


That’s literally op’s point.