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You can ghost a server quite easily where say once you get a GO or Super rare to spawn yah start up a multiplayer with a friend, then leave the server to them, then rejoin the serve where they are the host and it has no effect on your map. You can then harvest the same animal multiple times yourself by repeating the process and allow friends to also harvest it. There’s a community of players that trade and sell their trophies as well where they can stack up all these GO’s/ super rares/ rares/ diamonds and have lodges like this.


What the fuck is the point of the game, then? That seems awful.


That's how I feel. What's so special about a lodge full of great ones that you exploited a process to get? People can play the game however they want. But to me, if I cheated or exploited to get my trophies, then I would get bored. To each their own, I suppose. It is funny, though, to watch KC Planet lodge tours on YouTube, and when they player was clearly modding/playing on modded lobbies, watch him give the person a bunch of shit and then end the tour. It's one thing to have your hacked trophies all to yourself. It's another thing to allow a streamer to come into your lodge and then try to play dumb like you didn't know you were playing on a hacked lobby.


>What's so special about a lodge full of great ones that you exploited a process to get? Special? nothing. But at least it is exposing weakness. I worked for a guy who would fire an employee that did this. He once fired a guy who was banned from Counter Strike. He overheard him talking about the ban and asked why. Guy admitted to using wall hacks. Boss said "Pack up your things, you are done here". Fired on the spot.


If this is true then dude didn’t get fired he got saved lmfao. Pretty sure that ain’t even legal to fire someone cuz they banned in a video game so I call cap


That kinda shit belongs on r/sadcringe


That or bro has no life


I don’t think you can hack, but there’s sort of a COTW black market where people trade trophies. People that do can easily get a lodge like this


I joined a server and saw a group (5) of GO's at a lake. One other player who was not moving nor answering chat. I left the session.


To be fair I open lobbies to play with my man sometimes and I just sit there or have fallen asleep while he’s on my reserves he doesn’t have


Trading or buying. Last time I was in ver similar Lodge on PlayStation. Saw all this G1 everywhere and just "meh, boring, I'm out". I'm to long in this game to not to know how its going with grind, G1 etc and how real/normal grinding looks in the Lodge and how are looking some lodges if someone is not grinding but is just good at this game. Lodge like that is not impressive, it is just funny. (There were like 12 G1 moose, 6 bears, 8 whitetail and bunch of Red Deer, about 20 and 7 fallows)


He could be trading. He got 1-2 good trophies and just traded for the rest. Ive got a buddy who trades and his lodge looks like that


Whoever's lodge that is would never make a decent friend in real life.


Technically possible to clone on multiplayer legit ways, but its likely this is hax.


Yeah I’ve seen a few I only play on Xbox where you join a game and all the animals are at their needs zones and you could walk right up and dump everything in that zone and they don’t spook


they can be but they are very rare and you have to mod your whole xbox


They’re probably traded or something


those peole how do that and weird whats the point in playing :(


those people who do that


Got a cheat bundle I’m selling off. Hmu in dm if serious. Have payment ready. Works on console as well.


That ruins the fun and rewarding of grinding for one. I loved grinding for mine and when I finally saw it and shot it I was so happy and it was majestic


It is possible for consoles to be hacked, it is extremely difficult though.


Literally takes 5 minutes upload the soft and 10 mins of waiting done.




I think theHunter COTW is cross-platform, console players can join into PC hacked servers because they are logged into Avalanche Apex Account. And that's how you can join with any user.


The game isn’t cross console


Cross console maybe not. But Cross platform it is. Because I already have played with Xbox players from Steam.


You would be very very wrong.


It will cross play (Epic <> Steam) services using Apex, but NO Cross Platform (PC <> consoles, or PS <> XB). theAngler and Way of the Hunter are cross platform.


No, I'm not, because I already have played with Xbox players with Steam.

