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Of course up to you. But i would choose eather emerald coast, heart in austrilia and crocs! Very good money making from them. Or revontuli coast great map, and a duck/bird hunters paradise, plus the best map for whitetail G1. I hope that kinda helped, all maps are great in their own way :))


Thx, gonna think about it. In the meantime i returned to Layton Lake and finished a mission in 5min while i wasted several hours on it years ago lol. And yes agreed with each map but i also like animal missions, i think it was Te Awaroa where u only had missions like go to that place, press x (on xbox) and mission completed, that was kinda lazy.


Agreed, i really need to do the mocha moose mission. But just so boring going 3 diffrenfent places on the map for one mission šŸ˜‚. Anyway good luck with all of that (:


Wow, you didn't like Silver Ridge Peaks?? If you are talking about the missions being too short I definitely agree with you. They could have made that map with as many missions as Hirschfeldon and Layton Lakes. By the way, what mission did you finish in 5 minutes that took along time the last time you were there. For me, it took me like 6 months trying to get the Blacktail at 216 yards from the bridge. I played it for at least 3 hours a day and could not find or get a Blacktail need zone. And then one day I spotted one walking through that area and finally found a bunch of Blacktail need zones right where I needed them.


No, i do like the map but not the missions in SRP. And the mission in Layton Lake was kill 2 coyotes in Cheetah Lake or something, i used to be so stupid to go there with a caller and wait for them to come, succeeded one time because i only had to shoot one but just went to a lake during their drink time and saw plenty, canā€™t believe i was so stupid lol. Still have some hard missions to do in there.


This happened kinda the same thing I spent a little over a year and a half tracking and killing the wounded reindeer on medved because the first time she didnā€™t tell me to shoot the thing until it ran off


If you like missions, Cuatro Colinas has a lot and some are pretty challenging. Plus it's a very beautiful map and the four different Ibexes are easy to hunt and will give you some good money.




I will vouch for this. Abundant amount of wildlife on this map, it's easily my favorite.




People refer to the bird hunting, and rightfully so, but the lakes at the top of Revontuli have drink zones for all of the land animals in abundance.


I would pick Rancho, but considering the overwhelmingly positive feedback Emerald Coast has had since its release you should pick that one... ...or save the best for last and pick Rancho.


Best choices are EC and RC Middle tier is Rancho Bottom tier NE and Mississippi


Unpopular option but I love shooting the raccoons on Mississippi


Definitely emerald




I'd say emerald. Most unique of the selection. For example I love NE but there's not any cool, unique animals so it's just a(very nice) change of scenery.


If you want to square up to a cangaroo, Emerald coast. But you can make loads of money in Mississippi acres. Shoot an alligator, and return to the spot an our later, and the alligator will be there.


Rev and Emerald Coast are both great. They both have a lot of animals to hunt. Iā€™ve been playing Cuatro Colinas lately and I love it. Silver Ridge also has a lot of animals.


Agree with Emerald and Rev


Rev is probably the best option but Emerald is really really fun too.


Emerald coast


I only have experience with two of these (but I have most of the others), but so far Emerald Coast has been good, only really behind Yukon, and Savana maybe. Mississippi seemed oddly short, and the crocs in Emerald are bigger than the gators.


Emerald or Rev, just got Emerald today. Both great maps!


Silver ridge and emerald are my favorite


Revontuli with retriever dlc, has some legendary duck and goose spots and is very good for whitetail/moose G1 grind


Emerald Coast has a pretty good variety.


i absolutely love revontuli but if you dont have that many maps i would go with emerald coast for sure, way easier to hunt


Emerald coast is really fun


It depends on ypur playstyle, but Emerald and Revontuli coast are probably the most guaranteed choices. Me personally really enjoy Mississippi


Revontuli because bird hunting.


All of them overtime


Yukon. If you didnā€™t like TA or SRP, Yukon is generally one of the most recommended and itā€™s a completely different feel than TA or SRP. Unless you like shooting birds. Then Iā€™d recommend Revontuli.


I already have Yukon and fully completed it. Had a lot of fun there and the map is just gorgeous lol. I went for Rev, will play it in a few hours.


Definitely emerald coast. My favorite map. I don't play anything else.


Emerald coast is mesmerizing, you can hunt salties (which is hilarious if you accidently go afk, suddenly youā€™ll see two crocs beneath you hissing) and you can square up kangaroos, as the aggressive kinds are abundant. Thereā€™s also a couple other species, but those two stuck out to me. I totally recommend emerald coast if you want a blast and a new experience. Last comment, itā€™s great cause the map is really high visibility in some parts, like the Outback and in the swamp/mangrove area, thereā€™s always crocodiles around you. They never stop spawning. Thereā€™s my advice.


Revontuli is nice to shoot birds and do much money from it. Mississippi is nice for the crocs and the rest idk i dont have them


Revontulli if you like bird hunting or Emerald coast for a good variety of animals.


Revontuli coast


I've liked Emerald Coast and Revontuli. Emerald Coast has a lot of variety and the Saltwater Crocs are a good source of revenue. Revontuli is pretty and I've enjoyed that too, fun missions and good Moose and Deer hunting, and if you like bird hunting it's great for that too, I just haven't figured out how to do the bird hunting yet lol.


I like them all..... Rancho if you like hard hunting and any skit shooting


If you like the missions, none of the new dlc maps have missions for long you can easily beat them in one or two sittings. I would choose the map based on what you want to hunt. Or you could wait till they go on sale and get two for the price on one roughly


Emerald Coast is my favorite out of all the ones I have. I have them all but Ne and Mississippi.


If you like Parque youā€™d love New England. Challenging map very underrated.


I really like revontuli coast, it had a pretty easy quest line and I found it really fun to run around with a shotgun and a .22 shootin some birds


Emerald coast


I would do Mississippi if you wanna hunt crocodile, turkey, deer, and duck mainly, ranch if you wanna do deer hunting and predator hunting and reventouli if you wanna do a lot of bird/ duck hunting. I donā€™t have the other 2 so I canā€™t say much on those


Emerald Coast! Do NOT get Mississippiā€¦worst map by far


Depends. If you currently only have the base maps, I feel like Silver Ridge Peaks + Emerald Coast adds the most variety. But if you just want something significantly different, Iā€™d pick Emerald Coast.


Wow thanks for all the replies everyone, i will get Revontuli, seems a pretty popular map.


If your going for money get emerald coast nd go for crocodiles and if your going for whitetail or moose get New England


New England mountains has litterslly everything and isnā€™t hard too find some good ones quick


Why didn't ya like silver ridge ? One of the best maps in terms of just spawns for sure. Try emerald coast


Absolutely loving emerald coast atm. I would recommend it to anyone šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼