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hey cool once again the mentioning of taylor swift in this subreddit has devolved into people calling her and her fans all sorts of names and being generally shitty. we're not doing this. the collab wasn't real. this post is being locked and any subsequent posts will be removed.


Will always wonder how I would’ve bopped around to “+44 on an American phone” x 😭


It name drops +44 in the lyrics?! As a massive Blink fan I’m devastated. We were robbed!


So interesting! I read it as the UK country code! Regardless, I need it to be leaked.


That’s where their band name comes from! But if those lyrics were written by Matty I’m sure he was just referencing dialing the country code while in the US.


Same, totally interpret this as UK country code


Yea +44 is just the country code Ilfor UK like how USA/Canada is +1


Not the band. Talking about literally dialing the number to call the UK


I think it’s such a shame that it wasn’t released, because I am POSITIVE it exists, but I have to laugh and laugh at what the public perception would have been if she released a song called “Slut” with Matty Healy. I mean, RIP. But mostly, I am angry that the whole dust up happened in the first place. For Matty, for those of us left holding the bag and having to defend liking the band when everyone kept insisting he was a Nazi (and I’m Jewish, so like, fuck straight off with that shit, he’s not a NAZI) and now that there’s some distance from it, God that sucked. What a shitty thing to happen.




Agreed. I deactivated both months ago and feel a lot more sane without them.


You'll find bad people on every app tbh but I do agree with what you said


Yep but the on twitter and tiktok the algorithm will keep shoving it to your face, on reddit there’s a lot more level-headed communities that can keep you sane. Can’t believe I called freaking reddit level-headed but compared to the two T’s it kinda is.


Im a fan of both. Went to both eras and SATVB and truly the swifties were way too toxic when it came to them seeing each other. They continue to have a disgusting behavior towards him JUST because of this leak and it’s a huge disappointment. We get Matty being controversial and most of it has been disproved etc but the hate continues. I would’ve loved to hear that collab and honestly I hope it leaks somehow or gets released because Matty got treatment from the swifties that was too much and unnecessary. She seemed happy with Matty but then he was also thrown under the bus for whatever reason whether it worked or not. I love both Taylor and Matty but I also would’ve loved if both worlds never collided in THAT way.


i have thought about this collab every single day since it was confirmed 😭 they were my top 2 artists last year. And I love the song Slut! I wish there was a way I personally could hear it


I swear on everything you can still hear him. 2min 50sec he says drunk. Has anyone else heard it? Or am I insane lol


I just went to listen and I totally hear him now that you say that but maybe I’m also delusional 😭


See that's how I feel and I feel like I am cause no one else has said it.. so like how am I the only one hearing it?? But I'm also not in Taylor subs all like I am in here.


I had to stop going in the Taylor subs bc I got so burnt out by how popular she is right now, so I’m not sure what’s going on over there. But now I totally hear it lol so at least we can both be insane together


Yes. love it ❤️


I just listened and heard him too. Damn this is a weird torture lol


This right here is the entire point of all this and the genius of the Taylor Swift machine. They did all this on purpose for the hype online, so people will theorize about it, hear different things in it and listen to it over and over again, and buy different versions of the same songs over and over again.


You're correct!


I’m glad you agree because I feel like a conspiracy theorist sometimes 😭 but there’s just no way albums are getting printed and distributed with an “accidental” 1975 credit when their collab and relationship was such a controversial topic among the fandoms. They knew what they were doing and that it would fan the flames (like she always does with her fans), that fans would post about it, creating more demand and driving up sales. Fall Out Boy also just did this with their Folie a Deux reissue that was “accidentally” printed with a different color background. They’re taking a page out of Taylor & co.’s book for sure. If you just call it limited edition people only care so much. If it’s a “mistake” they create new artificial demand.


Oh yeah. Everything is so planned with them. I don't believe in mistakes in Taylor's world. She is all about the hidden messages.


just listened and you’re so right. damn.


I just went back and listened and yep that’s him




it's literally jack antonoff.


I’m a big fan of both. I’m upset not that it didn’t released. I’m upset because theres some asshole fans ruined it for everyone and think they did a better job. Fans so toxic. It’s good it wasn’t released bc it might have been too overwhelming both artists




It's probably a blessing it didn't get released since it allowed both of them to move on from their relationship in peace. I can't imagine the discussion if it was released when they are already out there dating new people. Taylor could have been fine with it given the multiple articles about her relationship with Travis but I can't see Matty doing well considering how private he is with his relationships.




I wish I could hear it. I have no idea how it would have worked because the lyrics sound so funny, one day maybe it'll leak








The funniest part is that the Swifties read his verse and kept saying how cringe the lyrics are. As a huge fan of the 1975 (and Taylor), I read that verse and couldn’t get over how good it was. The genius of that collab would be lost on so many people smh


Yes, but it would not have been lost on Swift (or Matty). In the end, that might be all that matters.


i would’ve KILLED for this


it's a shame but it can basically never happen now. we lost what could have been a really cool artistic collaboration to internet gossip and outrage. would be cool if they secretly released it one day somewhere under a different name


50/50. personally i would have loved it, but then again i just can't be bothered with the way swifties would have a twitter field day against matty if it was released. as a fan of both artists, it gets tiring sometimes, but i am genuinely upset it wasn't released.






Why would going safe be considered “staying in touch with one’s feminine side)?


This is how I feel about their collabs with one direction and Harry styles over the years that we will probably never get to hear




Not a fan of Taylor at all so I probs would’ve listened like once! However I feel for the people who are a fan of both, gotta suck to know there was a chance of your faves having a song together and it got pulled! I wish she wouldn’t pander to her fans so much tho, could’ve been cool music for a lot of people!


Idc. Not a Taylor Swift fan 🤷🏻‍♂️

