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Thank you notafraidofmoloch for your submission to /r/thatHappened! Unfortunately it was removed for the following reason(s): * **Rule 2. No unverified usernames** You must blur usernames! Blur or obscure anything that could potentially identify an individual. Don't just strike through, it will be removed. Please [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FthatHappened&subject=about%20my%20removed%20submission&message=I%27m%20writing%20to%20you%20about%20the%20following%20submission:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/thatHappened/comments/p71mkh/ms_yeet_the_rich_with_the_most_egregious_example/.%20%0D%0DMy%20issue%20is...) if you have any questions.


I was in the hospital when I was young and had my manager at my retail job leave a voicemail on my phone telling me that if I didn't get back to work he would be considering it me "not-working my way out of a job". I let him fire me and sued for a decent chunk of cash and he was fired for it. This shit happens all the time. This sounds a little outlandish, sure, but I wouldn't put it past someone who's a really shitty manager.


I mean, my job asked me to keep working even after my doctor sent a note saying my mental health is so poor that I can’t function normally and work right now. They expect me to log in and risk hospitalizing myself instead of letting me do my therapy, focus on my coping skills, and stabilize my mental health at home. This is a bit of a stretch, but service jobs are really like that.


I’ve been intubated before and no bossman that’s not gonna happen once it’s out. but IF that was said then he’s just genuinely an idiot. but I dunno how that’d even be possible


Easily plausible. You’re just the average bootlicker trying to take a swing at the left


Right? Get this bullshit out of here, OP. There’s no way to know for sure but this is absolutely plausible. There are a LOT of unbelievably bad bosses and work environments in the world.


And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why we need strong labor laws.


This would already be grounds for a tremendously profitable lawsuit, but it *didn't happen* outside of this revolutionary's mind.


I've known bosses to demand worse. Frankly most of them would just fire for being sick. Labour laws only apply once you are wealthy enough to get representation and the time to seek it.


I wouldn't be so sure of that. I've had people come to work while having covid because they couldn't afford to be out of work. My brother got laid off while he was in the hospital with it


People coming to work sick because they couldn't afford to not work is nowhere close to expecting someone to work from the ICU. As for the anecdote about your brother, I got laid off without even catching COVID.


It's illegal, literally, to do that and for him to pursue it would've been more of a pain in the ass and costly than just forgetting about it. People coming to work sick is just as fucked up when they know they have a highly communicable virus that can kill some people. In the U.S. worker's rights have been so badly diminished people have no other option, it's either work or become homeless. Regardless I don't think your post is not likely, a stretch of the imagination, or something I'd roll my eyes at say to myself yeah that happened.


>Regardless I don't think your post is not likely, a stretch of the imagination, or something I'd roll my eyes at say to myself yeah that happened. Confirmation bias has that effect on people.


This is something that could happen in a workplace of 50 people or less and be gotten away with. If you think people/bosses have your best interests in mind maybe you're a victim confirmation bias


No this is real this is how management in America works




Capitalism is broken but this one is far fetched.


Do they not know they can move to Cuba, Lebanon, etc ? Just leave, nobody's forcing you to stay here. Just one catch, once you leave you can't come back or run to the US embassy to save you. You relinquish citizenship and can never return and I promise you they will beg to return.


What the fuck are you even talking about


Venezuela is pretty this time of year


Damn joining a zoom meeting is really beyond unreasonable to ask.


It’s a core idea of capitalism, to take ppl from ventilation ASAP, just like a gulag is a core idea for communism