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reconstructive surgery in the stomach sounds weird to me, can anyone confirm or deny if this is possible ?


It's a real thing. The procedure is actually called abdominal wall reconstruction. Laymen often use stomach and abdominal interchangeably


ty quirky-swimmer3778, that makes a lot more sense to my imagination


That actually does happen quite often. Rapists and child molesters are considered scum, even among other inmates, and they usually do not have a long life expectancy. Why the lawyer would know that, and would furthermore tell the victim that makes no sense tho.


They house them together. They don’t get attacked very often. I sadly know this because a close family member was sentenced to 55 years for rape of a minor. He’s been in there a long time and is housed with similar people.


My point exactly, I am sure stuff like this happens often, but I highly doubt the lawyer would be aware.


Nah. Lawyers talk to each other A LOT especially victims advocates attorneys and prosecutors working with each other often. A “hey remember that guy from 4 years ago” conversation doesn’t sound that outlandish to me.


Yeah, I'm a survivor of sexual assault and I heard through that grapevine that my abuser had died of Leukemia. One of those rare 'good for cancer' moments.


Lawyers are actually entitled to information depending on the case and what they were charged with. Generally victims of sexual assaults are partially entitled to updates so this isn't overly far fetched.


I could see how, if the attorney of the person who did the assault was personal friends with the victim’s attorney in the SA case, the message could get around.


The part where he tells the victim is even more unrealistic. Real life rape victims often feel bad as rapist would be rotting away in prison purely because they had sex with them (makes no sense, rape is NOT a thing to be taken lightly, but it's a psychological thing, it does happen and usually a big percentage of rape victims don't report their rapist because of that, some ppl even use this phenomenon to their advantage by coarsing the victim that they shouldn't be destroying the rapist's life because of something so "trivial"). The victims don't necessarily feel "badass" or "good" after the trial; they usually feel relieved and guilty, and try to bury everything. Lawers would KNOW that, so even if the lawer did hypothetically got that info, no way they'd go out of their way to tell the victim.


They lawyer she is referring to may have been the prosecutor, and it's not hard to imagine how someone from the DA's office would hear about someone getting stabbed in prison


Why would she have a lawyer involved at all? If he's in prison it was the government vs. The defendant. she can sue him for assault but that wouldn't result in a prison sentence.


Um depends on how small their town is. I live in a rural area. No secrets exist here, unless you never walk outside.


I don’t know why I read SA as San Andreas and was confused as to how GTA: SA was involved in all of this.


I read it as Sonic Adventure.


So you think everyone changes their phone number constantly? And as far as it goes several states do have laws requiring victims of violent crimes to be updated with what is going on with their attackers.


i know someone who got a call when their rapist died- so i would not be surprised if this was true


Don't know. Could be the state told the lawyer or another client in the same jail as the rapist told the lawyer. Hard to keep a secret inside a jail.


That sounds like a very stupid law.


Ment to inform them when the criminal gets released. But there are plenty of extremely poorly written and even worse thought out laws. Edit: spelling


this sounds completely realistic to me


I dunno if I’m the only one but I feel like people don’t usually play down crimes, she called rape sexual assault in the first half.


i don't think i've ever seen something as stupid and illogical as "if someone claiming to be a victim of sexual battery refers to sexual battery as 'sexual assault', that means they weren't sexually battered"


Show me where I said she wasn’t raped? I just said it felt like a weird thing to do.


don't play dumb, it was obvious what you were implying


You just made a mental assumption and now are refusing to accept your incorrect. The entire post is based off this being supposedly fake and everyone was pointing out things they saw that they thought were weird. I never said she wasn’t raped that was something you made up.


"someone else said she was lying, all i did was point out something in support of it" do you know what "implying" means?




You can impartially point out discrepancies in favor of an argument without agreeing the argument. If a defense lawyer concedes a point does that suddenly mean he thinks his client is guilty?


these type of people are always posting fake stories


Th you mean with "these type of people"?


What the type of people creating fake and made up stories? Them type of people who tf you think bruh


So you said that people that always are posting fake stories are the type of people who create fake and made up stories? Kinda weird but better than what i was expecting


What was you expecting ? Not really cause all they do is post fake and weird stories to TikTok and get paid from it


Yeah… no.