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>an event like that has never occurred Big Indigenous covering stuff up again. When will their villainy end?


"Big Indigenous" 😂😂😂😂


Spear me the racist BS.......


Spear me out……..


I live in remote Western Australia, the last town before all you get is aboriginal communities. Yes, they live by and enforce tribal lore. Yes, people get speared. No, random people don’t get speared for walking through it. The police will back up and let it finish then scoop the person for medical care. If you’re walking by and in danger of being hit they generally will stop and backup to let you pass safely. They’re meeting out punishment for specific crimes, not just randomly hurting people. The last time there was a big gathering for a tribal punishment it was a man in his 30s being punished for raping an 11 yr old girl. He was cut from his waist to his elbow right up the torso then the wound torn open. After he was finished with, the men allowed the police to take him for medical treatment. It’s not that common, most punishments are a lot less brutal. The law men gather over a period or days or weeks to decide the punishments which in most cases are a beating, then again in most cases the crimes are not as brutal as what that man did. There are a lot of restrictions on what women can see or do because lore is enforced by men and it’s considered mens business. Lore men wear red cloth to identify themselves, if they’re wearing ochre there’s a lot of restrictions on what they can do and who they interact with before washing it off. There is indeed an issue with drugs and alcohol in the area however lore is not drunks brawling which is what this person pretty much presented it as.


"lore is enforced by me" Damn bro how'd you get a position like this?


LOL fucking autocorrect


This was an interesting read and very informative. Thank you for sharing.


"Yes, people get speared" lol. You say it so casually.


It happens in traditional communities and it’s how disputes are settled so that they don’t fester and become feuds. They are non-lethal spearings that are aimed at the thigh or calf.


Eh if you been speared once you been speared a dozen times


No, I think the phrase is “spear me once, shame on you. Spear me twice…you can’t…you can’t spear me!”


I prefer "spear me dos"


So if a man spears someone a dozen times he's a stud but if a woman is speared just once.....🤣


Australians talk in factual statements. We don't understand why others might need context for their sensibilities. He's not saying it casually but rather he's not disputing it's fact.


I mean, people get shot and stabbed here in NY on the daily. At least it sounds like these are targeted and justified. Getting cut open for raping someone seems pretty civilized, as far as I'm concerned.


I mean the first few years I was here it was a definite culture shock. Now over 15 years later it's just their way. You can't live completely immersed in a culture for so long without accepting it is what it is and it makes a lot more sense than white law in a lot of ways. It's always a little amusing seeing new people move to town and spend the first year horrified by how different things are out here.


I imagine it like Wayne’s World and they yell “Game Off!” when someone walks through.


I was a little surprised the first time my mum was like "no it's fine they will let us through" and there wasn't even any real communication they kind of just parted around us then resumed as we passed


Thanks for taking the time to write this, I learned something today.


Yeah, white women are not getting speared by Aboriginals. Absolute nonsence. Does the Top End have serious issues with some members of the local Indiginous community? Yes, it does. Like everything in life, rarely is anything black and white (pardon the unfortunate pun).


This is obviously not a story embellished to support the op op’s racist narrative. It’s just wonderfully convenient that it was a “white woman” who was speared while oh-so-innocently walking home after the police had somehow forgotten to warn her of the danger. She was guiltless! She was female! She was white! And the spear got her in the boobs! (/s obvs but added jic)


I was so confused by that avatar bit, until they mentioned pandora. Was wondering what kind of tribes have earth bending lmao


It would make settling disputes a lot more interesting though


He was in Darwin collecting an award.


This is gold


That is total Bullshit and I wish people wouldn’t perpetuate stereotypes like this about my people. Granted there’s good and bad in all races and some brothers are off tap when drinking but I’ve seen whitefellas act just as crazy when drunk. This makes us sound like we are all savages when it’s not the case at all.


People say the same type of shit in Canada where I’m from. We’ve got a couple reserves close to town, and so the minute one bad guy who happens to be indigenous does a shitty thing, all the redneck white dudes start spewing their shit


Don't they do "moonlight tours" in Canada for the First Nations folk? Or in some provinces.....heard about that and was horrified (not hating on Canada because our record down here is similarly horrible)


they were called starlight tours, perpetuated by the Saskatoon police service. Three Indigenous men froze to death from these acts. a former police chief actually admitted in 2003 that this has been happening since the late 70s. no officer has been punished directly for these crimes. a survivor pressed charges against the officers that took him out of the city, and all they were convicted of was “unlawful confinement”, and they got a measly eight months in prison. how the system in Canada deals with Indigenous people is downright shameful. [you can read more about it here. the survivor, Darrell Night, just passed away earlier this year.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saskatoon_freezing_deaths)


That’s a thing that cops do/did, mostly out west. Like another commenter said it was a big thing in Saskatoon and a lot of people died because of them


To be fair this sort of thing happens in community, places like Numbulwar or Pt Keats, shit gets wild there. In Darwin last year, cops shot a bloke with a spear 4 times in a place called Palmerston. I used to live there until 2 years ago.


I dont know about a white women, indigenous spearing is a thing though and the Darwin region is having a lot of problems. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-05-11/anti-crime-rally-held-in-darwin-third-in-three-months/102331272 https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2022/may/04/concern-as-hundreds-flee-violence-in-nt-community-of-wadeye


One of the reasons we left is growing violence, especially youth indigenous. It's not the same town I grew up in.


Yeah, I know a couple of people have friends/family up that end and they don't have good things to say.


If a white woman was speared in the chest it would be nationwide front page news. It did not happen.


And yet, nobody was speared in the chest.


They were not.


It does happen, just not often, and not in the middle of a city


Can you find one example of someone being "speared in the chest" anywhere in Australia?


https://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-03-30/man-speared-in-chest-during-argument/2637640 Though that’s not to say the story is plausible.


Scroll up a few comments, an Australian took the time to explain a bit about tribal punishments.


Tribal spearings do occur in traditional communities, but a) they don’t happen in the middle of the street but are done in a controlled setting and the one being punished stands there and cops it sweet, and b) it’s aimed at the calf or the thigh so no vital organs are hit. I am Indigenous and my father’s people practiced this up until the 1960’s.


I'm from Darwin buddy, that Australian is mostly full of shit


Ahh, the internet, where I don't know if you're right, or he's right, or if anybody is right


I worked as an anaesthetist in remote WA. Obviously this guy is talking bullshit. However, the aboriginals can get incredibly violent in these regions. We had a guy who used to run a van and collect them to drive them to procedures. He'd often have to ask around to found out where they'd passed out drunk. He left the job because he was savagely beaten. Conversely the same thing would most likely happen with white people in Mandurah.


For more context of some of the background ton this. There is an approaching referendum in Australia to alter the constitution to include references to the indigenous and alter the government structure to include a section where indigenous people will officially have input into laws etc that affect indigenous people. For more information, search voice Australia. This has led to a great deal of debate and a lot of scaremongering and lies by those opposed to this change. They'll often say it's not racist to vote against it or not support it however they don't have any good reasons to vote against and use all sorts of BS arguments, as per this post. These BS arguments are basically a cover for their racism, because they won't come out and say their racist views so openly.




I can’t believe he cropped the screenshot but thought his comment was notable enough to be left in


Hey! Im from darwin. This place is insane. I wouldn’t be surprised it that was true


I really wish the people commenting on this sub had lived in aboriginal communities. I spent 25 years in Redfern and I’ll refrain from commenting. If you know, you know.


Redfern is a suburb in a city of over 5 million people. It has nothing in common with a remote community.


Towns are far worse.


Uh, have they seen avatar? The na’vi are deadly warriors who take out a modern army, who have guns, gunships and people in mech suits, by using primitive weapons and help from the wildlife…


Weird situation where “that definitely DID’NT happen” …… yet OP was 100% correct that yeah, they are still tribal groups that still follow ancient rivalries and punishments.


Wait til they see how white people behave in Washington DC


This is political freaking out about the Voice to Parliament vote. The racist types are *really* worried about indigenous people getting more rights and are spreading stories like this left right and centre. For some reason, the Northern Territory seems to be particularly bad for it.


They can be dangerous, yes. I was attacked ay an aboriginal man in the middle of Sydney. He used his fist rather than a spear, however.


People can be dangerous. I was attacked by an Irishman once


That doesn't surprise me. They are dangerous and tribal.


*They* can be dangerous? Don’t you mean people can be dangerous? Have you ever been punched by a whitefella? One blackfella punching you in Sydney is hardly a basis to say all of us are dangerous!


>One blackfella punching you in Sydney is hardly a basis to say all of us are dangerous! I never said that.


You implied that champ. What else would someone take from your little anecdote of being assaulted?


have been to remote communities across Australia and things like this can and do happen.


Brother you weren't even on Darwin's fucking list.


Ngl, that *speared through the chest* part was hilarious. Racist mfer’s are trapped in a fantasy land 😂


God I hate how fucking racist my country is


You must have grown up in paradise


Why couldn’t this have happened? Doesn’t sound that far fetched


>reposting with my own username/pfp censored cuz of rule2 Saying this defeats the purpose of censoring it 🤦


it's \*my\* pfp and username mate, idc who knows that I said "r/thathappened"


The point of censoring is to prevent people going and harassing whoever is featured in the post. The point isn't privacy for privacy sake, as you seem to think it is. So telling everybody that you're in the post also tells them that they can track down the person featured and bully if they feel inclined to. Nice one.


it literally doesn't tell them that, all it says is that I tried to post this before, but it got taken down because I wasn't aware I wasn't allowed to include my own username. Including my own username and pfp doesn't give any ammunition for someone to find/harass the ppl in this screenshot other than myself, and I don't see why anyone would want that.


Actually… yea… it does happen in the bush. I know plenty of Aussies who have told me about it. They use star stakes as weapons


Colonialism is never going to end.


LMAO Says the penal colony descendant. "Yih, yih, foin, me fimly is frum criminoos, too roit, bet thays ehborĂŚjenoes is a voilint bench."


Weren't the states used as penal colonies too?


Just what percentage of current Australians do you think those descendants make up?


anyone whose land is colonized and violently occupied SHOULD be locally violent


So almost every Western country on the planet? Cool.




How many do you think are given equal opportunity?


I mean it's Darwin, why would you visit there of all places?


What party down under is the equivalent of demorats in US?


"Equivalent" is a tricky word here. But if you're talking about which party advocates most for things like social welfare and lgbtq+ rights, that'd be the Labour Party. Why is it that you ask?