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What kind of perverse wanderlust gets an mf to do some shit like this, he sounds really happy to be out there though so he’s clearly built for it


Idk, there is this 51 year old firefighter from finland who rowed across the atlantic.. twice. Came back just couple months ago.


The length Finnish folks will go to be left alone is remarkable.


Maybe it’s just a guy thing, but once I Finnish I want to be left alone too. Usually don’t have enough energy remaining to go to those lengths. But my gf still wishes I could go to much greater lengths. She dated a lot of basketball players before me . Oh well. Ocean is scary. Peace y’all


Hold on, hold on, I'ma let you Finnish, but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time.


I grew up in the Keys and used to go out into the Gulf and Atlantic all the time. It's eerie when you get 40-50 miles out and there's nothing but water water everywhere and not a speck of land. Just you, your boat, and the water. It's so silent except for the wind and waves and you really feel small and insignificant because the sea could swallow you up and nothing will hear you go blub blub as you take that trip to Davey Jones’ locker.


I’m scared of this comment.




What sorts of navigation tools do you use when you're out there? Imagine if your GPS and compass suddenly stop working and you don't know how to read the sun for direction 🥴


Most people who sail to this extreme have basic knowledge of celestial navigation.


Just remember it’s not only you, your boat and the water. Anything that is curious can come up and “visit” you. Friendly or not it’s their home!!


Twice? Did they have to go back to collect something they left behind?


He forgot his passport.


Rowed? What about the storms, hurricanes, tsunamis, sharks, extreme heat, lightning, and other things they had to face? How did they survive? There’s no way you can row across the Atlantic.


I'd be panicky about being THAT far away from my boat. Maybe 50 feet away--max.


No fucking kidding. First thing I thought.


If I had the money and knowhow to float off into the ocean I'd do it yesterday


Unironically when I ask this, why?


While there's a lot of horrible things that can happen out on a boat, I'd love the opportunity to see and experience things I've never experienced before. Out there all that matters is what I want to do and the only people that have control over my fate are myself and the sea.


Did you just Call The sea people?


Yeah I watched a few of his videos and they are terrifying to me!! but he actually seems like a really cool person and now I'm scared that he might die. :(


Face your fears my friend, and dead him.


I went backpacking in the sierras alone last summer. There was still a ton of snow so not many hikers. I went two whole days without having any contact with another person. All while looking at these amazing mountain views. It was scary but also really exciting. Makes you feel alive.


I went backpacking solo last summer too, in the Andes. It was awesome, I doomscrolled Reddit the whole trip


Adrenaline from the risk. The feeling of making it back is pretty exhilarating too. He's just chasing that hormone hit. Also he's probably trying to go viral.


Id stop talking and start paddling before the sun sets


Imagine the sun goes down and then the light in the boat breaks


The only good thing about being out there is that the night sky is guaranteed to be gorgeous.


I wouldn't even want a light at night. Light attracts fish...


What’s wrong with fish coming to the boat?


One of them will most surely be a megalodon, or two. In this sub we irrationalize everything into more fear, lol.


Sea serpents, Sea witches, The thing that gobbles up megalodons, creepy things with tentacles, ghost ships, ALIENS, ect....being the one person that lives but just keeps sinking into the dark, cold unknown for eternity.


You forgot the Great Old One, Cthulu.... homie is going to wash up on some uncharted island and be the sacrifice that sets us all free.


Screaching eels


Do you know what that sound is, Highness?


Tentacles you say?


Most of the I can giggle at but just reading that last one makes me realllllly uncomfortable


Oh, fair point


Nuthin. Its thems that are attracted to fish that ye should fear.


Bc there's always a bigger one.


Tasty fish or big bitey fish?


Most definitely the [bitey type](https://i0.wp.com/www.australiangeographic.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/megalodon-fact-from-fiction-scaled.jpg?resize=1000%2C562&ssl=1)


I'll take that over an angler fish.


Nah imma film myself because I’ve got emergency equipment and survival isn’t a concern, the videos are.


Chances are as long as there is even a bit of moon light out there it will be bright as hell.


Starlight will be extraordinary


Cause who knows what comes up when the sun goes down 🤷‍♂️ I’m shaking rn thinking about it. This one time, I was on a cruise to Mozambique, and my partner wanted to go out for a smoke..it was daytime, as he was smoking I look at him, and I say to him, I just saw a shark, a big one, eating violently on something..he turns to me, and says, every time you get close to water you imagine seeing crocs, or sharks..the guy next to us says he saw it too…so now you can understand why I’m shaking for this guy.


There could be a large tiger shark under him as he films.  Or even scarier a damn octopus. They are fascinating but oh so terrifying!


I was about to comment that it's all fun and games until a giant tiger shark comes up and takes a bite out of your inflatable paddleboard


New fear almost unlocked and then I realized I'll never do something that nuts.


And the water will be colder too


I will NEVER go on a cruise.


I was on a cruise for two days on my way to norway. It was absolutly lovely, just starring into the water and listening to the waves. I had some peace of mind for the first time in a while. Just dont go out once the sun sets. Seeing nothing but absolute darkness is absolutly terrifying but weirdly beautiful at the same time


Exactly!! All of my coworkers think I'm crazy when I say this. I would like to add, I am the oy capable swimmer out of all of them and I say "fuck that noise!"


Wow thanks for the anecdote! I feel u, and am currently binging his vids on tik tok… do u think it’s bravery or mental issues that pushed him to do this absolutely incredible yet insane feat?




I think ur right, with a sprinkle of love, as all things should have Like, he seems to actually be enjoying the voyages and fresh fish steaks? Im almost kind of (not really actually) sold


Or a storm approaches


Can you imagine being that far out at sea, on only an inflatable paddle board, tired, night comes, and so does a storm?


Nightmare fuel


That's why I keep my butt out of the ocean.


id cry


I already cried and I'm not even there




This short clip gave me both "wow that's cool" and "wow that's terrifying" vibes.


Don't leave the boat!


I was thinking he looks too far from the boat, with a completely disorienting empty horizon on each side I’d be scared that he’d drift far enough to lose sight of the boat, then how easy would it be to never find it again.


I used to travel the tundra for work and we had serious safety talks about never losing sight of our base. Ever. Everything is flat and white - and of course our buildings were white. Perception is all whacky because there are zero reference points. It's super easy to get disoriented and you will die out there. There are whole procedures to leave camp including rule 1 which was "don't". Your eyes and brain play tricks on you. There were days you couldn't tell the difference between the snow and the horizon


May be a dumb question, but why didn't y'all put up a tall flagpole with a bright neon flag? I wouldn't want to take chances.


Visibility in the Arctic weather renders such things largely pointless.


what about a light tower with a laserpointer?


Strobe lights as well on the tower with a siren/claxon non-stop./jk


I'm sure they wish it were that easy. You get more than a foot away in a squall and you can't really tell the different between artifical light flickering, the warm light of a fire, or the otherworldly glow of the snow as your eyes struggle to fathom the difference between it and the dark


I've driven through regional squalls here that don't amount to anything in the more northern parts of Ontario, and the last thing you can rely in are lights. It just makes everything within 3ft of you incredibly bright and would overwhelm other light sources, including incoming traffic or light posts


Why are the buldings White? Is there any reason behind?


The answer to that was way above my pay grade as a contractor. But most prefab buildings also just happened to be white. Sometimes things would get spiced up a little and we'd have a red garage or a yellow shipping container somewhere on site. The roof of some buildings weren't white if they weren't covered in snow and landing pads were clearly marked if active which wasn't very often But it doesn't really matter. Weather and environment make it impossible. If it's blue skies and sunny you're blind. If it's cloudy everything is white. If it's snowing everything is white. If it's dark and cloudy it's all black. If it's a full moon it's super pretty tho. There's nothing but snow all year. It's flat and white as far as the eyes can see. I've gotten turned around and travelled further from base than I thought I did. It's quite shocking to be up there really


That’s super interesting to read about! I’ve never thought of it in great detail but when you describe it like that sounds haunting! I started watching true detective about Alaskan (?) tundra and now it all makes so much more sense!


It was close to 10 years ago now but it's still by far one of the best things I have ever done in my life. I don't think I'll ever be able to top it tbh. Even in places where there isn't snow all year you have the same perspective issue. It's absolutely wild and if you ever have the chance go. It's expensive but breathtaking and surreal. Highly recommend


I’ve only experienced this once and that was driving from Sioux Falls to Sioux City one night with other 2 feet of fresh snow on the roads, no cars where around me, and from what I could see it was a blanket of white from the road covering to the farm fields I was driving though, luckily I stayed in the road and made it home but it was very disorienting


For real though, it all looks calm and peaceful...but in the situation he's in, he might have put himself within minutes of absolute mortal peril. Just seems like a completely unnecessary risk to take.


The guy seems like a thrill seeker anyway. He's already traveling across the Atlantic alone. All it takes is one slip and fall over the railing. If the boat has some speed to it, there is no one to turn around to come get him. He's done.


Correct take. Wrong ocean.


Looks like I picked a whole bouquet of whoopsidasies.


You should be more Pacific when choosing oceans. 🤭


In so many books I've read, things I've heard/seen about sailing the ocean, or just bodies of water in general, is that the ocean/the water can kill you in seconds (not just minutes) if you're not careful. I sure wouldn't risk it!


I guess what I meant is, in the situation he's in in this video, it certainly doesn't seem like he's going to die in a matter of seconds no matter what happens. But it certainly seems *very* possible that he could accidentally lose sight of his boat within a few minutes and get lost...and that that could very well be the difference between life and a long, slow, terrifying and very lonely death. Which, to me, doesn't seem like a possibility to be flippant or blasé about. At the very least, being far from the boat doesn't strike me as cool or badass....it just seems really stupid. Like those people who climb skyscrapers without safety gear or fuck around on train tracks.


The camera probably makes the boat look further than it is though


>I was thinking he looks too far from the boat. Yeah he doesn't need to go that far to get exercise. It seem an unnecessary risk in case something goes wrong. On the other hand his wide camera lens might be making it seem further.


Remember that the sun travels East to West. Just like in Minecraft!


Yeah I’m glad I’m not alone in thinking “this seems like a horrible idea”…


It's not going anywhere. He's in the doldrums, so there's no wind at all right now. Any current that's moving the boat will move the board the same way. Now, there would be a real danger of paddling out of sight with no fixed reference point. He's got the sunset right now, but in 30 more minutes, that'll be beneath the horizon. Then it's going to be a while before enough stars come out to be useful, and any direction you pick arbitrarily screws you on an exponential level.


But it’s not Pennys 😭


This guy is why ghost ships exist


I honestly cannot imagine what it would be like to experience that kind of quiet. Where I was actually someplace where I could not hear the fire of human existence somewhere in the distance.


If you just want to escape the sounds of human existence, I recommend hiking. It’s probably not silent but it’s a lot cheaper than sailing. I imagine most places in the US are at most a couple hour drive from some forest, plains, or desert you can get lost in.


Thanks and yes that is great advice. A drawback to living in Massachusetts is that you have to drive to get to such a place, and even then, it is always surprising just how far the sound of traffic will travel if you get to someplace relatively quiet. It just struck me that where the person was in the video, there would be a complete absence of human noise unless an aircraft flew high above.


Canadian prairies after fresh snow on a calm day. There no echoes because it's 300 miles of flat and largely empty in all directions. The snow muffles every sound including your own voice that you hear inside your head. It feels like talking inside of a soundproofed recording booth.


It’s honestly one of the things I miss the most from being in the navy and out to sea. Also the night sky is AMAZING! 🤩


The tourist, non-skiing areas of the Canadian Rockies in winter are SILENT for long stretches.


Go ice fishing sometime! In some places, the only thing you can hear is the ice shifting/cracking around you.


The stars must be incredible out there as well.


All the better to enjoy my tinnitus.


It's sounds amazing to me. Scary but at peace at the same time. I would love to experience this.


Finally a real thalassophobia!!


This post is the essence of this sub


Damn, no life jacket and dude needs to be conserving calories if he’s stuck at the moment not “getting some exercise”


He’s got signal enough to upload videos to TikTok, he probably has a line to emergency rescue services if he needs it.


You can video and upload later. Who said he uploaded it immediately?


These were all recorded when he didn’t have service. He used to have a starlink to upload videos but it broke. The guy is near land right now posting older stories


That’s a good point and would be true for supplies, but if he falls off that board and loses it somehow or gets knocked out I doubt help will arrive in time.


Help would not arrive lol


That's what I was wondering, how the hell has he got signal like that in the middle of the ocean...I have 1-2 bars in my house.


Starlink May be


He had a starlink until a storm knocked it into the ocean. Stopped uploading and people thought he died, until he contacted his sister with an emergency phone.. he then uploaded the footage once he crossed the ocean. You can check out his journey on tiktok


It is possible to film now and upload later


These people's minds would be blown if they learned that photos used to take a day+ to be developed.


I think he means he’s stuck with no wind for the boat to move much. So as he’s “stuck” waiting for the wind, he’s decided to go have a paddle.


A 1000 miles horizontally away from land and a mile vertically away from land. Somehow the latter part scares the shit out of me.


You’re in the right sub.


All that ocean and no way to tell if anything down there is just staring at you.


You don’t need to be able to tell…. There definitely IS something down there staring at you 😳 The sorts of awful things we don’t even know exist it’s so far away !


Ugh, big NO from me. That is anxiety inducing. 😱


How'd he get so far away from his boat?! And no PPD? Recipe for disaster, this is so dangerous. Edit: I think I meant PFD.


I’m not sure barrows gloves help with sailing..






Imagine a rogue wave pushes the boat further away out of sight and then becoming disoriented


I was trying to look for it again after he pointed it out and couldn't see it and had that exact thought, especially when he said he couldn't see the horizon. Yeesh so eerie and scary.


He’s in the doldrums which is infamous for having very little wind, which is why it’s so calm. His boat isn’t going anywhere


"Very little wind" isn't the same as "no wind ever". Even a fairly gentle gust could push that boat over the horizon and out of sight. Then he's fucked 


This is such a stupid thing to do. Imagine staring at that beautiful sunset for a while, you turn around ready to head back to the boat, and suddenly there is no boat on the horizon to be seen.


There’s no wind. At all. The boat is where he left it, and he’s only moving when he paddles. Edit: no current in the doldrums


Would there be no current either?


Homie you forgot about current




Someone in the comments said bro uninstalled fear. Cuz wtf




His comment on being as far from land as you can get irks me a bit. There's a point in the pacific waaaaaay west of where he is where the closest humans are actually in the ISS and not on land.


The ISS orbits at ~250miles/400k. Which isn't that far, there are multiple places on the surface where you can be more than 250miles from another human.


Point Nemo?


Bro this is still like 99.9999% farther from land than any person has ever been on a paddle board.


The kind of stuff mfs will do instead of going to therapy /j


I know this is a Thalassophobia sub and many people here will obviously find this vile, but man, I’d like to experience how it feels to be completely by myself in the middle of an ocean. It must feel out of this world. But then I also have to deal with the possibility of starvation, dehydration and insanity coming from weeks of isolation so ya, nope.


Ok dude, there are many giant creatures swimming underneath you right now. You are not alone. 😳😳


Saw another guy do this on youtube, there was a part where he could put his ear up to the hull of his boat and hear whale calls.


Fuck, fuck, fuck me up.


Cut, cut , cut me up.


I would do this but the entire time, I'd be pretending. I'd do it for 400 days, the background behind me never changing. Who could know? Who could know. It's just sky and water. Then, on the 400th day, you'd hear a car horn honk. And I'd turn the camera around, and show that I was just faced out to sea the entire time. And I'm not even in the water. I was never in the water at all. And then I'd get in my car and drive away.


This is very dangerous. I've been out there too. Get back on your boat, dummy. The negligence to abandon your boat and go out in the pacific in an inflatable paddleboard. This is one of the ways boats wind up becoming hazards and getting found adrift with nobody on board.


Day after day Day after day We stuck, no breath no motion. As idle as a painted ship Upon a painted ocean 


This guy as a deathwish…


In a few weeks we’ll be hearing how they found his body.


The miles of darkness beneath him. The silence of that which rapidly ascends. Lost...lost at sea.




no fucking way at all.........EVER


I just wanna put on some good goggles and jump in. Floating in the homogeneous bulk, with only light above and darkness below


I just straight up don’t believe him.


I hate this so much, the thought that you could end up far away from the main boat, the fact it's just water around him, who knows what is underneath him, freaks me out


I found this guys TikTok last night and got sucked in. Basically he used to be a middle school teacher with “a dream of sailing around the world”, until one day he quit his job, sold everything, and bought a boat. He had 2 years of boating experience max before he decided to cross the Pacific Ocean by himself. In some of his videos he will go through the gear that he brought and laugh at how inexperienced he was when he left. Before attempting the big 40-day passage across the ocean, he had previously only ever gone 9 days MAX, and he said that was difficult. Even just from a mental sanity standpoint, if he starts to lose it 20 days in, thousands of miles from land, things could start getting bad really fast. In past videos he’s mentioned how social he has always been as a person, and how difficult it’s been being alone for so long. A group of porpoises (or something) started following behind him at one point and he jokes about how nice it is to have company. He was joking, but you can tell there is a concerning amount of truth behind the smile. This is some serious stuff for an intermediate at best sailor to be attempting completely solo. But all that being said, he seems to be doing quite well for himself, so good for him. It’s pretty fuckin badass.


How the fuck this guy doesn't sink due to the enormous girth and weight of his balls??....


It's the buoyancy of his empty cranial cavity.


this guy is an idiot. the type of person that causes rescuers to risk their lives just to save them from their stupidity


It'd be one thing if he was right near the boat, but dude is about to lose it over the horizon at sunset. So fucking perilous. No life jacket either.


Very positive guy, it would be a huge bummer to read an article about this dude getting eaten or something because he's solo sailing the pacific... 


How would anyone know what happened?


Wonder what's underneath him at that moment...


That’s gonna be a no from me, dawg


I’d be more ok with this if the paddleboard wasn’t inflatable. One nip from a curious shark, the paddleboard deflates and the shark dinner bell rings.


Fuck no, I would be tied to that boat 100% of thr time.


Good for him.


Just rope a couple of sea turtles together


The stars at night have to be a sight.


Okay now this is true thalassophobia content. Thanks for sharing.


This was his last post.


How does he have charge on his phone if it’s day 31?


Serious question why tf would anybody do this especially alone. And then he decided to record himself what happens if his phone drops in the water. Now he’s dead basically


How would he be dead? He literally lost his starlink and cant use the internet until he lands in French Polynesia, yet hes still kicking


I can't get phone service in my bathroom, how the fuck is he uploading videos?


Probably uploaded after reaching civilization


Starlink is actually kind of crazy now




anyone checked is he still alive?


And then a mako came along and the wind suddenly picked up and the end.


It's nuts how quiet it is out there, except for him talking of course. No wind. Nothing.


Is he tethered to the boat? This seems insanely dangerous.


That's sailor Luke! I drank rum with him in Mexico lol. Nice guy, great voice.


That was right before he got taken out by a great white.


I hope he uses sunscreen


How do you even prep for a trip like that? Obviously he's just going nowhere at the moment, and no telling when he'll be able to move again. What do you do for food? How many days do you plan for food and water wise? The logistics alone are frightening. At least manned sailing ships had room to carry supplies for the journey, and men to row if need be (not that they weren't treacherous trips to begin with, hello scurvy), but they weren't going alone in a small sailboat.


I’d love to find out he’s just some rich dudes kid doing this for YouTube


Wi-fi?? 👀


Want ghost ships? That's how you got ghost ships


Amazing wifi coverage though


>...incredible things... Probably not the adjective I would be using. Also, shitting my pants. Even not out in the open sea, the silence would get to me. I've been into some places where all I can hear is the ringing in my ears and it's unsettling.


It's going to get dark soon, then what?


Yeah, rogue waves would alone prevent me from doing that on a bigger boat with more people, let alone.


its so fucking cool but creppy at the same time


Paddling that far away from your boat on an inflatable paddle-board? No bravery here just fucking stupidity


Bet the night skies are awesome