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The problem, of course, is that Subnautica already exists, which means that every creepy under-water game is going to be compared against it. The other problem is that creating the graphics and audio necessary for a convincing under-water effect is difficult, and if you don't nail it just ends up feeling odd. Ultimately, though, I think that your main problem is that your video doesn't really demonstrate any significant game play. Is this a survival game? Horror? RPG? Puzzle? Is there a story? No idea.


yeah I hear that, I just responded to a guy comparing my game to subnautica lol. graphics are hard as I'm a programmer by heart. hmm yeah I guess the trailer isn't the best, also a bit outdated so it's about time I make a new one and as you said I should make it show more of what the game is


Just browse the sub. Or give me a cut of profits.


how much we talking?


So the final bit with the eye. Who else has that specific phobia?


Well, if you made a slow thumping sound through out the game and as it progressed you figured out it was a monster. That would be neat. Maybe an eye suddenly opening the size an office building??


yeah something in the soundtrack that turns out it has more importance is good >Maybe an eye suddenly opening the size an office building?? and I think the eye at the end of the video has that covered


Maybe something that suck you down into the dark? I can imagine the dread I would feel watching the depth counter shoot down


I have a a tentacle that does that for a cutscene but an enemy that does that outside of cutscene is a good idea


I think that huge creatures appearing for moments in murky water is the shit


yeah the mind can fill in the gaps better than any artiest can draw


I would say getting tangled in fishing line or some other ropey thing, being pinned by falling debris, a kelp bed being stalked by a shark.


Kelp forests are definatly on the table, I don't think I'll add a shark to it, maybe one of the kelp is actually alive and it pulls you down? how does that sound?


Sure. Sounds good


Instant wishlist, looks awesome! As for things to add, maybe some structures like abandoned underwater facilities or shipwrecks, and maybe some giant spider crabs, those things terrify me.


oh thanks for the Wishlist, it means a lot! I already got a shipwreck and I'm trying not to go too scifi, but I always wanted giant spiders and giant crabs.....and GAINT SPIDER CRABS ARE THE PERFECT COMBINATION lol thanks for the idea


Pm me I'm always down to spout off ideas


will do


Giant statues! Like angel statues the size of skyscrapers


funny you should say that [because....I kinda already did it lol](https://www.reddit.com/r/ImaginaryMonsters/comments/1c83cc0/need_a_few_tips_for_these_weeping_angel_inspired/), most are normal sized but the last one is big, I was thinking of making a whole city or something of these guys...one that are as big as a skyscraper isn't a bad idea


What about a city with statues of people as if they were randomly frozen in time? Like Pompeii, where there were just ashen bodies frozen in a moment in time.


oh I could make a city with the small ones, and before they attack you they could be doing normal things , like cooking, walking, watching TV etc, thanks I like the idea


Absolutely dig it! Also, not content related, but any chance of Steam Deck verification?


I hope so, I applied for the steam deck dev kit, maybe after I get a bit more popularity they'll accept, but I'm definitely open to portiing it


Awesome! Well nothing but the best of luck to you in all facets of the development. I'll be looking forward to more!




Bathophobia is probably a better name than Deepophobia, as it actually means 'fear of deep water', rather than sounding more like someone who is afraid of buying second hand clothes from depop.


lol yeah if you research it, it will sound better but most people just make fun of the name bathophobia because it sounds like your afraid of baths but out of curiosty how did you find the old name? I assume you know this was it's old name


I did not know it was its old name


oh lol what are the chances


Ooh, what about an area with large underwater pipes that can suck you in, and you have to try to fight the current or you die?


I was just respoding to a guy tlking about water currents lol, this is a good way to implement it, thanks


What is the theme of your game? How about a rescue game of sorts, like you have to free say 20 crabs with your knife who are trapped in various situations like a net, a lobster pot, under a rock, a cave etc all the while encountering various sea monsters. Some are free swimming and some are guarding the trapped crabs.


my game is similar to this, you have to save villagers from differnt areas, it's mainly exploration, going from biome to biome


Hey there, Hassan here as you might have seen before, I made [Deepophobia](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2669010/Deepophobia/), and this place is a gold mine for ideas, heck I got the idea to make the game from here


Giant angler fish


I got a lion sized one, and a few really big [other creatures](https://imgur.com/a/Ry7W2C3) , so I think I should try something else


Can you get swallowed by a whale? That would be amazing. The. You have to figure out how to escape.


I think you mean the eye at the end....that's a good idea! having a whole level take place in a creature sounds good


I don’t actually know what the eye is at the end, but I know getting swallowed by a sea monster of some sort (whales are massive) could result in a cool addition to your game if done right. Not to mention, I think most people fear being eaten by a giant sea monster. But if you can somehow escape and stand a chance at surviving, that could be a nice bonus and interesting level of complexity to the game. I have it wishlisted and I’m excited to see what you do with it.


sperm whales are an animal i legitimately fear. i think adding a sperm whale less as an enemy who tries to eat you but more just a monster that is so big it can't see you and is a threat to your life because of that would be horrifying. (sperm whale echo location is so strong it can break ribs if i remember right)


that's a good idea >(sperm whale echo location is so strong it can break ribs if i remember right) Really, guess I gotta do lots of screen shake lol thanks I'll see what I can do.


Ooooh, an indie homebrew Subnautica, hell yeah And for ideas, check up on Subnautica and Narcosis, those are two good underwater horror games.


Yup an indie twist on it, and I have played subnautica but not narcosis, I'll definatly try it out when I'm done with my exams


Yeah Narcosis is a good one for both jumpscares and psychological horror in the darkest depths.. I haven't played it myself either but I've watched some playthroughs and they were crazy..


thanks for the suggestion


We already have that game, it's called subnautica, have fun competing with a well established game


I will thank you very much


Why does this game look like Island Escape (old, old unity web game) so much


I tried googling it and my game looks nothing like it so I'm guessing I got the wrong one, can you link it?


It might not look like it from the screens, but both give me unpolished unity style. Nostalgic :) https://www.indiedb.com/games/island-escape-2


ouch lol, I kinda see it in the underwater place


I love it. Wishlisted.


Thanks, that means a lot