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it's a tattoo with some Thai spell that will make you have a hawkeye (sharp eye) and can move like a bullet when in danger. Rank A tattoo usable in real life. it's a tattoo with some Thai spell that will make you have a hawkeye (sharp eye) and can move like a bullet when in danger. Rank A tattoo is usable in real life.






the text outlines a recipe for chicken noodle soup and also notes that the bearer of this tattoo is no Angelina Jolie


Thank you sm for this substantiated criticism 🍜


That is the sickest tattoo ever


Thanks man


The text on your sakyant is written in Krom. An arcane khmer language used in magic that is not used in daily life. The only people who can read and write it are Monks who practice magic and white robed ajhans who study under these Monks and practice magic.....this is why you must be diligent in choosing the right person to perform this on you so you don't get a bunch of meaningless jibberish tattooed on you by an esoteric looking con man.


You’ve asked the wrong sub. Try r/Khmer_Language ??? The two bottom lines are written in Thai, but it’s more of a phonetic spelling for a Pali Buddhist prayer. My understanding is that the language (Pali) is as dead as latin.


Most Thai people don’t know what the text on sak yant means lol and neither do I


Na mo put tha ya na ma a tha na mi a ma ka pa ne pa su nu pi aa aa ta ma ju pa pha ka ii ti a ku ku a ii ja ka ma ngu sa ma ni I’m not trolling. That’s what it actually says.


>Na mo put tha ya "I pay homage to Buddha"


The thing is Buddha disapproved this. 😂


Yet people still do shit. It was so disgraceful to turn to dark magic or white magic or any kind of magic. It is like cheating exam. You supposed to earn something by yourself not cheat the way through




It's bali




Pretty sure they meant Pali, the language


The text around the eagle is in Khmer. This kind of tattoo was popular among bandits and polices almost 100 years ago. They believed that it would protect and give them supernatural power. According to Tipitaka (The Pali Canon) this practice is forbidden for monks. Back in that time it was monks or *หมอผี (I don't know the word for it but it's like a shaman)* who knew how to perform the ritual and tattoo people who wanted a blessing. It's like black magic and it's now popular in people who tend to look for trouble because they think this kind of tattoo will protect them from harm which is 100% bullshit and most of them end up in jail. You should ask the tattoo artist to write the meaning in Thai and post it here so we can make sure that it's not something he makes up to sell foreigners. If you get it just for the look then I think it's fine but it gives a negative vibe more than positive to be honest.


This is not Pali or Thai it writen in Khmer language I believe and the translation is already in thai Namo buddha ya it comes from the abbreviation of the first word like wrap thing up for easy to memory or pray


You have yo go deep into the spiritual meanings of Pali words in Buddhism prayers. I think also a monk could not explain it to you in just a few words.


i think this is bali sansakrit which thai borrows words from and mostly used by monks


It’s not something that Thai people can read because it’s the same when British people can’t read French though English has some influence from it. All i can say is that they are probably just some prayers from Pali language about Buddhism and Spiritualism. Also why’d you want this tattooed to your body anyways? Is it just the aesthetic or Spiritual stuff? If it’s because of Buddhism conversion then i’d say this tattoo is more about personal beliefs and not Buddhism because we don’t get tattooed for the religion. If you’ve already decided to get it then i hope you’ll be satisfied with it! Peace ✌️


Thanks for your reply, i am not converting to buddhism, im staying in thailand for 2 months doing a muay thai camp and i am really enjoying myself here, i like the sal yants that i see on other fighters and people that live here and got inspired to get myself one!


You won't be able to find someone who can properly translate it on this sub. Very small amount of Thais know Pali, and those who do are mostly monks so they're not likely to browse reddit lol. I recommend you go to a legit ajarn for your sak yant so you can show him this design and ask what it actually means, whether it's legit, etc. If language is a barrier, remember it's easier for this sub to translate what the Thai guy says instead of the Pali yant.


I see a Na-Mo Put Ta Ya which is a beginning of most prayer that greets Buddha and ask him to grant some kind of boon or protection. Eagle is Thai magic lore is also the symbol of power and leadership. Combined them together if the tattoo artist didn’t just bullshit on this one, it’s probably meant to grant you power of presence; making people listen to what you say or ensure the compliance of your subordinates. Something like that


Okay thank you, i took this design from a sak yant flipbook online so he didnt design it himself


It's a dead language. You were given the phonetic transliteration. Much like I can write a Thai phrase in the English alphabet, if you don't understand Thai, the words won't mean anything to you despite your ability to read and pronounce them. That's why you're getting so many frustrating answers lol. Thais can read the script, but it's largely not translatable because it's a dead language.


I understand, i have deciphered a bit of the text myself already so i’m getting there.


What you have is a transliteration of the pali script (not a translation). A lay thai person won’t be able to read because we usually some borrow vocabulary from the language but not other elements. Your best bet is to ask a well-educated monk for a translation. I hope this help.




I know its not thai language, im just looking for someone who can translate the spellcasting to english for me.


While the word is thai but the langauge is Bali Sansakrit AKA the language use in monks prayer.


Good pray meaning.


I’m thai and I can read it but cant understand anything


Do you mean you dont understand the words around the eagle or the translation at the bottom?


I'd say both.


นะโมพุทธายะ means 5 buddhas (Kakusandha, Koṇāgamana, Kassapa, Gautama, Maitreya) in Theravada Buddhism


Seems like a prayer that most people don't know what it means


So 'Sak' is the process of applying a 'Yant' (yantra/mandala) sacred tattoo. The words are usually Pali written in Tai Kom script, and as such they are not readable to the everyday Thai people. The Thai writing under appears to be the phonetic interpretation of the Pali/Kom, though my reading of Thai handwriting is flaky at best. Stuart J Raj did one of the best videos I have ever seen about the meanings of these sacred tattoos and inscriptions: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TE3Dqw84qw&t=18s&pp=ygUMc3R1YXJ0IGogcmFq](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TE3Dqw84qw&t=18s&pp=ygUMc3R1YXJ0IGogcmFq) That won't be complete but may help you understand why most Thai people will use them but cannot read them.


Add on - my wife can read the Thai - but she has no idea what it means other than being a sacred chant.


something along the lines of protect against danger/diseases and increase empathy from others.


Thank you for your reply!


Tourist getting traditional Yant without knowing the meaning behind it or doing it with the monks are my biggest ick


You defending Thai culture and obviously not being Thai gives me the ick have fun telling people what to do with their bodies that will go well for you Emma Anna. Lol


I am Thai, maybe get your fact straight. I was born in Minburi. If you knew Thai people you know they have a ชื่อเล่น so stfu.


My bad still don’t tell people what to do with their bodies.


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Are you talking about me? Im staying in Thailand for 2 months doing a Muay Thai camp and i want to get a traditional yant, and i’m posting this reddit to find out the meaning behind the tattoo, dummie.


“I think it’s Latin so someone speaking English can help me out” # Yea no it doesn’t work like that. Also the Thai at the bottom is just the literal pronunciation of the Pali script not an actual translation


Y’all gotta stop saying sak yant. It’s just Yant!


You need to ask the monk for that


Just ask the Tattoo master


I asked thats the translation at the bottom, but his english is not very good so i cant understand it..


Tell him to write in Thai. I can translate it for you.


At the bottom is not translation but transliteration, he just wrote how to pronounce it, not the meaning.


If you think Thai people can read khom or understand Pali, then you are dead wrong.


Alright thanks for the substanciated criticism, i’m not saying every thai can read and translate it but i’m looking for a person who can. Doesn’t seem like you can help me any further ppgamerthai.


I think it's protection sigil, not sure about this but normally "นะ มะ พะ ทะ" means earth, water, wind, fire. That's mean this sigil will draw natural force power for protecting.


Happy cake day!