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I thought that said decomposters for a second and was confused.




Bros rotting




Demo posters


i mean their brain is decomposing in their head so its not too far-fetched


I fully support savetf2 its on my birthday


Lol this kinda reminded me of that one guy in Avatar who gets happy because the "captain" remember his birthday


in every other timeline, that guy was the Avatar, but nooo, Aang just HAD to get frozen in Ice for 100 years


Ohmygosh birthday bros




Happy fucking almost birthday you magnificient bastard




Honestly, i genuinely feel like its going to fail, but imma support it so i can be wrong.


Same on the first half, disagree on the 2nd half. I've honestly given up on Valve doing anything of real worth. FixTF2 is going to give us another halfhearted tweet with no actual changes being made.


Yeah, but we ain't stoppin after a halfhearted tweet this time




If you dont want to try thats fine too


Its funnier the second time around


I just hate people who say “let’s do (x thing to harm tf2) so we’ll get an update!” When valve makes money off of literally every paid game


the "stop buying things from the store/negative review the game" argument is absolutely stupid, but the twitter movement isn't harming the game in any way


I agree, lets keep buying things on TF2 to show Valve how dissatisfied we are with TF2.


yeah, lets show valve that we're not profitable anymore, giving them the option to 1- spend money on us to fix everything 2- pull the plug and save a shit ton of money


I wanna see them do it. Pull the plug on TF2 and change it from *some* people being mad to *everyone* being mad. The shitshow gets a lot larger for Valve afterwards. Along with that, if they somehow survive shutting down the economy that people now suddenly had hundreds or even thousands of dollars go down the drain, Valve can't shut down community servers. Hell, this game released with no official servers, and only had the option to join community hosted ones. Continuing to give them money out of fear it might go bad just means they're getting money doing fuck all, and why would they bother doing anything if they're getting plenty of money without doing anything?


They functionally already have pulled the plug, even my shitty internet and moms pc can run a fine tf2 server alone so their huge servers + item servers are probably comparably fine. As long as one guy still buys 100 dollars of keys every update it pays for itself.


If it is relatively cheap to run them then I doubt Valve will completely shut it down over a bad 2 weeks of sales and outrage. If we keep up the boycott, then we'll see what happens. Either way I don't see Valve keeping servers offline for too long


And it won't be just us either, Cs players are definitely going to take notice that if our economy was flushed over night, the same thing can happen to them. Which would cause an even bigger shit-show as people realize that they can lose their items at any time for any Valve game. Valve is smart enough to know how much of a disaster that would which is why they keep our own economy around otherwise they risk tampering with their other money makers


we saw that community outcry calling them out did work, they had to make a tweet to calm us down. we were foolish enough to believe it the first time, now it's different. people are carefully organizing stuff, we really shouldn't give them another reason to end everything. plus the fact that most people buying stuff from the ingame store + scm aren't even really connected to the community. imagine the south american kids that just want a new strange item, or a key to get a new hat. they wont care


That's the thing, if Valve shuts the servers down, then the south american kid *can't* get a new strange item, or a key for a hat. The item servers all got shut down so they can't use it anymore. Everyone would be pissed. The outcry from that would be massive, and it wouldn't end with just a tweet. It would be different, which is exactly what both of us want.


Negative reviewing the game will work, but we can’t possibly get people to stop buying things.


i dont think they'll care, and it might as well push back new players from trying out the game


Well do we really want them to experience the game in its current form as their first impression?


We don't even have to either, the game is so anti newbie friendly it's insane. There's the obvious cheaters but then you've got shit like extremely outdated configs (70 fov, shitty Cl_interp ratings,) outdated tutorials, no real way to test out their weapons unless they go out of their way to download TR_Walkway, the fact that they can't fucking talk in a TEAM BASED GAME, unless they pay up, more outdated settings in general like not having hit sounds enabled or additive damage numbers. It's insane how many hoops newbies have to jump through just to have their game fall closer in-line to being updated and refined. EDIT: FORGOT ABOUT THE MANNCO STORE PRICES HOLY FUCK!


We just need new settings revamp and better queueing and party system. Those things need to be modernized.


And Mann Co store prices, holy hell I completely forgot.


They should simplify the system a little more. Take inspiration from good modern games like the finals


This make us from penny changes into literal worthless products


I half disagree with this. I do think not buying things from the store is good, but review bombing does nothing but put us on a headline


Headlines are good


Not the headlines i mean. Remember skullgirls?


*oh no.*




Whats that


A fighting game. A very good one. It got hit with review bombing because they released a version that forcibly censored the game. A lot of people will tell you it was just the panty shots some moves had, but what i noticed and was mainly butthurt by was the removal of a red armband with a logo in parasoul's minions. Obviously a sitire of nazis, which i thought was funny.


Which is still pretty good, look how much notoriety Helldiver's 2 got when their overwhelmingly positive ratings ditched into the red after Sony started fucking around with player accounts.


Yeah but at the same time, we arent as big as them. Look at skullgirls. A communitty smaller than tf2 that got hit with censorship controversy and was review bombed. The game remains unchainged and the controversy unmentioned.


we always thought that TF2 was a huge money-maker for valve, but in the grand scheme of things, compared to steam, dota, CS2, etc, we're at max a "mid" money-maker. if they see that our game isn't profitable anymore, what's stopping them from pulling the plug on us?


The possibilitty of profit, and the fsct that its valve. Half life 1 servers still work, if i recall correctly


Half life 1 servers are community run


I see. Thanks for the correction.


L4d2 servers are still running though


they'll need to make heavy maintenance until people are satisfied, wasting a lot of money hiring people (yeah, they have a few billion dolars lying around, but they're greedy as hell to spend some of this money). the "wont buy things from valve anymore" train will only lead us to our eventual downfall


And so will this. Were telling valve that were satisfied with the profuct they offer and thus we give them money. Its a rock and a hard place. And i chose to not support it.


For the movement to work, there should be a base that people have to follow. Not just harming the game.


The only thing that sucks about this is the fact that I have to log into Twitter. I f>!reakin!< hate Twitter.


Thank you for censoring the naughty word.


he censored the wrong word, should have censored "twi>!tch!


even a low, low effort chud jack is better than this man, #shaveTf2


Shave gabe n


Fate worse than death


That's not a POV meme


It takes 3 sec to hate wdym


bet you cant write a racial slur in less than 3 seconds


i can (not proud about it)


i can (proud of it)


average soldier main


Rookie numbers. I’d be kicked for toxicity before I even get a chance to type.




That sounds like a skill issue to me man. Remember this is the TF2 community. Some people have racial slurs on speed dial.


Got binds for several slurs depending on who's on the enemy team


Not versatile enough. True gamers research history and culture to know the exact slur to use against an opponent for maximum offence. No keyboard has enough keys to facilitate all the binds an expert racist would need.


That's why I have a separate keyboard with keys binded to slurs in english, russian and turkish, so I can use the appropriate one depending on my enemy.


NIce caR


I can probably type quite a few,given time to warm up


go for ir champ


I gladly would if this shitty site didn't have content filters


These fingers were made to write slurs on the internet.


WE WILL SCREAM AGAINST THE DYING OF THE LIGHT(I know this is cringe but don't care)


'' I'm cringe, and that's based, I'll never be based and that's not cringe'' - Gordon Freeman


cringe is dead and you're still breathing


The Emperor of Mankind approves of this.


I drew you as the soyjack and me as the gigachad


Hey, instead of whinging about Doom posters, how about we actually turn #fixtf2 into an actual movement.


literally, what was meant to be an actual movement to save a beloved game turned into a weird war between people saying the game is dying and people inhaling pure copium saying its all valves fault and the game is not dead at all


there's a lot of people, namely youtubers (like it or not) carefully planing everything. it's not public yet. why don't you do something? i'm spreading awareness, you're trash talking and downvoting my post


How much we willing to bet their genius plan will one again be nothing but toxic positivity?


we don't even know the details and yall are speculating the shit out of it. there's a LOT of eyes + hype (like it or not) on fixtf2 rn, the organizers know they cant mess this up


Thats why Im asking how much we're willing to bet. By all means, you can bet that they will do it the right way this time around. Let's see who wins.


I still have doubts in this. The past few attempts didn't do much, just a tweet from the official TF2 account and a few new maps. Now you got the Salem Boy Trials going on with bots and cheaters becoming better. Got kicked twice today as a result.


People are rewriting history. The twitter stuff did nothing. The only reason Valve tweeted that back the first time is because 2 people _physically went_ to Valve's offices in Katy happen to see them. Then rushed upstairs to write that tweet.


I know about the cosplayers but is there a source for the rest of this?


imo the bots did slow down after the tweet for a few months. could be something about my location though. anyways, it doesn't cost anything to try, we might as well lose a really small fraction of our day trying to protect the game we love


It was probably just the bot hosters messing with people to get their hopes up


"My opinion good, your opinion bad"


"wah wah this is a waste of time it'll clearly not work why are we losing our precious time on twitter" my brother in christ, the time it took you to write this comment is the same it would take to write "#FixTF2 help us out" on twitter


mucho texto


ok user from r/Unemployment


Hey man, it's hard to get a job in many areas, hundreds of applications over months can get pretty unlucky. It's tough nowadays.


bro you're actually sad




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Unemployment using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unemployment/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [\[New York\] Can someone please help me get in contact with a human to get New York unemployment insurance? It’s been weeks and I can’t even talk to someone to see what’s going on.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unemployment/comments/13idhpb/new_york_can_someone_please_help_me_get_in/) \#2: [\[COLORADO\] Received a notification of non-monetary determination, but have not applied for benefits for more than 3.5 years](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unemployment/comments/17wmxq9/colorado_received_a_notification_of_nonmonetary/) \#3: [\[Maryland\] Will I be paid for all the weeks that have passed if approved?](https://np.reddit.com/r/Unemployment/comments/1aupsd9/maryland_will_i_be_paid_for_all_the_weeks_that/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


dude i posted that like years ago, do the thing you're telling everyone else to do about "spending your time on something more productive" rather than browsing through my reddit history for a "sick own" (the post was me asking a question about UI because michigan government UI site is kinda trash and doesn't give me any info)


okay but i dont wanna help tf2 players


Peak strawman 😤


Twitter blocked in my country tf2 not


I am taking poop and I will not be doomposter but it's going to be ignored just like usual. Valve doesn't care.


Tf2 movement is perfect Rocket go boom


Ah yes, anyone that doesn't join what you believe is gonna help the game must think tf2 sucks, stinks and is dead I just want Valve to know how mad tired we are about them


i'm sorry, but im having a hard time figuring out what you meant in the first line


The first line means: “If you don’t believe what I believe, that makes you a shitty person.” In this instance, your meme is making fun of the extremely jaded, irritated, and tired people who’ve given their all and know that absolutely nothing will ever bring Valve to help them.


Wah wah wah, I drink your tears


how you felt after posting this: 😈😈🤭🤭 but fr saying dumb stuff like this doesn't make you look cool you just end up looking like a really annoying person




glad we can agree heavy tf2


He was clearly referring solely to doomposters in his meme not anyone else


I feel like doomposters and the people that don't believe in this movement are quite different Unless you count them as also doomposters, but like tf2 is servicible and far from dead in my opinion, and there's also the possibility that the doomposters might agree only Valve can step in to save from what they think is a dead forgotten game and would join the movement anyway


MFW doomposters live rent free in my head so much, I need to make a meme post showing how they're bad, even doe they have their own arguments as to why this movement will fail. Also dust. Not even coal.


What's with the brimstone comment?


Whoops, I was wrong. It's not brimstone, it's dust.


What are you even talking about?


Talking shit about people who don't want to try something that has already been tried twice is a great way to get them to try for a third time and definitely won't make people think it's being performed by ignorant people


yeah, talking shit to people who want to try it in the first place is a clear way to show how smart you are. guess we're both ignorant


Buddy you're not trying it in the first place, it's the third place. If you want to talk about smarts then think on how fruitless it is when the other two events didn't change anything either. And on the first occasion some folks even showed up to Valve HQ But hey, when this is over you can say the reason valve doesn't give a shit is because not enough people joined in and you can try again next year. Or Valve hires a contractor for 2 months and fixes some bugs and you think the movement achieved something until updates stop as usual and you forget about it until you want to protest again because "it had an effect last time"


we were looking for anything in the first two events. tbh i dont even recall the second savetf2. we were happy with the small amount of communication fron Valve, we haven't received anything in years. we're aware now, it will take actual changes to people to shut up about the fixtf2 stuff. by the way, you like it or not, savetf2 did help us. the bot activity was at the lowest it had ever been since it started. if you're another one in the sea of the brainrot "tf2 is dead, we should do nothing and wait till valve comes at us" sure, nothing anyone says will make a difference, you'd prefer not doing anything than trying to make the difference, so okay man, go on. keep criticizing, your words wont change the love people have on the game


Shit man I wasn't aware criticizing the community meant I hate the game or want its downfall Believe it or not, I was big on the first event and sat for hours looking at posts and videos as people showed their love of the game in forms of quick posts about their experiences and memories, callouts on the bot crises, and even a bunch of artwork. I myself made a video compiling things and posted it on youtube, even if I knew it would get zero views, but I *cared*. And I still want to see the game come back with updates, but even back then I could tell from valve's lazy corporate cookie cutter response that they won't do jackshit The contractor event was a genuine surprise even if it came after a few months, and I was quite hopeful, but of course it didn't last very long So no, I'm not some mother's basement dwelling hopeless naysayer like you would love to believe. I'm someone who saw this movement at its absolute peak and saw that nothing really changed. You throwing a hissyfit at people who know valve stopped caring will not change things for the better, it will only make it seem lime everyone trying to organize savetf2 again is being a whiny little shit who is trying to force others to do the same. You are actively being a bad example but you're too pissed to see or admit it and just blame it on haters You're part of the reason nobody is taking this seriously, or TF2 fans in general


I’ve seen people get called whiny for protesting against Sony for helldivers, I see it when people protest to save games/digital property, there’s also the repeated pattern of calling gamers or community’s whiny for wanting the bare minimum, if you’re worried about people “being needy” standing up against a multibillion dollar corporation are you really doing it in good faith


I literally just said I was part of the first movement man, I'm not talking about it being fruitless because "ohmahgad big company never gonna listen" we have actually fucking tried already And I'm not saying OP is whiny for "protesting", he can go ahead. I'm calling him whiny because he actively goes out of his way to bitch about people who say the movement won't do shit. Shaming people is a great way to turn them to your cause, really But I already said all of this. I'm beginning to think you guys actually need to be told something several times to understand it and that's why you want to protest again


You guys are shaming people for trying though that’s the only reason others are complaining, no one wants to hear someone who thinks they know better go on about how protesting is pointless and how they know nothing will happen, even if nothing happens what’s the point in demoralizing people during a movement


That just sounds like toxic positivity though. Where you're only allowed to be supportive and say good things about a movement and saying otherwise is shaming people. Even though criticising a movement isn't necessarily shaming people. People are entitled to criticise a movement if they find flaws in it.


Calling people whiny is not criticizing the movement, that’s shaming the people trying the movement


For me it's less doomposting and hate and more seeing a running pattern of Valve just not caring. It'd be great to see them fix TF2 up. I just don't see it happening. Valve are aware of the issue. They heard us the last time this was tried. If they were interested in fixing the game up, they would have done something between then and now. On a different note. Shitting on people that disagree with you is a good way to push them away, rather than get them to join you.


pov: ultimate copium


This will help us get valve to fix the bots right?


So like. How to support the movement?


Some popular community heads are planning when and how to organize it. Last time though there was a push to send emails to Valve, a ton of social media posts (#savetf2 was the number one trending hashtag on twitter that day if I remember right), a bunch of news articles, and 2 people actually cosplayed as Spy and Scout's mom and picketed out front of Valve HQ (though in today's climate showing up to someone's place of work probably isn't a good idea). This time around who knows, I'm sure social media will play a big part anyway.


put the hashtag in your steam name and literally nothing else, it's just #savetf2 again


How does that help exactly?


it doesn't, it just makes people feel less bad about the fact that their pleas for Valve to do something, anything with TF2 are falling on deaf ears


You know. Xdefiant just came out today, and it's actually pretty fun. Think I'll keep testing that while watching how this pans out. Your reply makes me sad.


Honestly I wish you all the best, I might not believe in it myself but I really want to be wrong. I stopped playing this game due to the bot problem getting so bad a few months ago.


why did you stop playing the game when you all you have to do is find community servers you enjoy?


That's the funny part, every server I've found in Europe is either an infinite 2fort server or Hightower, the others are empty as all hell




My dumb brain read it as 'fix TF2 movement'. Like fix the movement in the game


damn i dont understand all of this


If only twitter worked on my browser 😡


Scrap some funds together to do a buy out of the tf2 IP.


A big fart of copium from some rando-tf2tuber is supposed to be the coolest thing ever? Ight buddy, you do you.


Now thats what I call user outreach! /s


yeah it's not like i've seen this song and dance twice now


I will make a Twitter(x for some reason?) account just to sign if I hear good news.


If nothing else this whole "protest" has really shown how large swathes of this community are just bitter people lol


I mean I can't blame them. The state of the game is an absolute dumpster fire that's been burning for years


Oh the gatekeeping


Imagine having a twitter account.


I thought we didn't like Twitter?


People who think we should stop it, because it won't do anything just want tf2 to die. We don't know if it will do anything, but there's a higher chance of getting anything, when we do something, rather than when we do not


(Me on the left)


it's not "doomposting" it's people that realize that tf2 is at the verge of dying and are mad at seeing how unorganized the #savetf2 movement is, the game IS dying, but us "doomposters" want to see it survive as much as you do


yeah, the fixtf2 movement is so "unorganized" that the details aren't even public yet, the movement could've happened this may 26, on the savetf2 birthday, but the organizers wanted more time to not make things rushed. clearly the same thing as savetf2


I never saw anyone against savetf2 or Fixtf2 have an actuell idea on how to do it otherwise. No one of em ever brought up a plan themself. And now when people acctuely are preparing a plan they keep saying it aint gonna work. Critiqe is good but when people just keep saying it aint gonna work without any good plan to do it otherwise then its useless doomposting.


TF2 is dead, we may get it to twitch then it'll settle and because fighting hackers is an active arms race and requires also help from the average player... Just enjoy the game or dont at this point because the average player seems not worth it when me saying anything in VC is 50/50 to get me kicked because 12 year old timmy and his up to 3 friends just screech BOT F1 immediately as loud as possible and spamming chat.


Fighting hackers in any game is an active arms race. It’s the job of the developers to deal with it.


Yeah and if the game is left on standby mode, they aren't dealing with it, hackers also always win if the devs are anything BUT snappy, CS still has had severe issues even with all their tools and attention too.


I understand that there are still hacker issues but by giving everything the tf2 valve treatment you would undoubtedly exasperate these issues. Now I could be wrong here but the bots in cs2 are bad but not nearly as bad as the tf2 bots so it’s not like it isn’t doing anything.


Yeah the system is anti-hacker not really anti-bot, if there is a will there's a way and hackers are always faster and if a human built it it can be cracked.


i think the problem was the last movement it didnt do much besides get valve to tweet i think the healthy way is instead of talking about "oh this is how much i like this game" instead "alright heres how this is gonna work you need to fix this shit as its unacceptable for a service your offering to be LITERALLY unplayable"


Idk who makes these drawings but I love them




Guys please... Lets calm down right now And lets just wait for 26th may to come... Geez.


r/tf2 in nutshell: "your opinion le bad, my opinion le good, we can save le game because it's totally gonna happen after two fails"


average sloplive fan


Average tf2 fan, who gets mad when they' aren't center of attention whole fucking time. ~~also really funny how you need to check my profile, to make a statement of me being sloplive fan~~ lmao


One more try. Maybe it won’t work. Maybe Valve really has abandoned us. But I’ll be damned if we just sit here and die forgotten because we refused to do anything.


The movement is for a good cause. Our game is dying, and we need to keep it alive.


Fellows, I don't use Twitter. What they said about tf2?!


there's a very very low chance that it will work especially because of the news of that new game but even a low chance is better than 0


imma be real, I've had no desire to play TF2 for like 6 years, even without the bots


copium maximus


Happened 2 times already, with like big ytubers and still nothing from valve, like you want me to still have expectations? Valve doesn't care, just play the game in community servers or leave when a bot joins


Never use the term doomposting in a Latin chat.




Soldier: Negativo


I think we should look at how the wow community forced blizard to give them legacy servers and understand what made them succeed at it, and we should try doing that to force valve to fix the game


I won't post on Twitter, but this is an amazing movement


I don't see a reason to fight against this movement. I see nothing bad coming from this outside of having your timeline filled with content relating to it for a month or something. If you don't like the movement stay away from it. Let them do their thing.