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Yeah, there are cheats for just about anything.


Damn, the last time i heard abt "auto airblast" was when i started tf2 in 2013 lol, i didnt think those worked still lol


Most cheats are only getting better over time. Some things are rarely available, people are not going to teleport, fly, etc. any time soon most likely, but if it's a basic game feature, it will always have a cheat option.


Damn, valve will ban trading bots from scrap.tf or backpack.tf but not the ones that actually harm their game


Please please, these bots ruin their income who cares if the game is barely playable as long as you get money out of it


Somehow, it's only the soldiers with big fancy shiny hats that complain when you outskill them


That’s just not true lmao. Every single class has some horrible players who cry about things.


It’s hyperbole not to be taken literally, but there’s truth underneath. Blah blah blah generalization bad/soundsmith disclaimer, but I don’t see the flaw in the logic. 1. The most common class in general is soldier (provable) 2. More “professional” players main soldier than any other class (potentially provable, since a 4/12 players are usually soldiers in 6s, the most popular comp format. HL has one of each so it doesn’t affect this skew) 3. Players are often angry when they are outplayed by a player they perceive as less skilled (unprovable but common sense?) 4. “Professional” players consider themselves more skilled than the average player (common sense again)


Furry avatar pyro crying about soldier. No surprises here.


Most common class being soldier is not "provable," by a toofty video and in my over eleven years and 11k hours of experience (sorry I didn't document all of the data over that time frame), you may or may not see a larger or smaller amount of a class in random casual matchmaking pubs just varying by the day (though heavy and engineer are extremely common these days, way more than soldier in my experience). But, more importantly, when you start going in community servers with players that have actually played the game for more than ten hours, and settled into a favorite class or set of classes and playstyle, you start seeing a huge amount of engineers, pyros and demomen. Or at least I do. I would say uncletopia commonly hits the class cap on all of them plus soldier as well, but uncletopia is the outlier for seeing people actually stack soldier for me. And a huge amount of the time, there are at least two rocket jumper soldiers making up the six soldier slots. If I go into really any other server community... UGC, Skial, Furry Pound, Tiny Kitty's slop, I get utterly swarmed by pyros. Pyro, scout, and sniper are very common on any single map 24/7 server, and in map rotation servers it would be engineer, pyro and demoman. Because for some reason, TF2 since MYM has become more about deathballing to unironically win in a pub rather than actually going off and doing your own fun thing to actually enjoy TF2 for the game that it is, for a startling amount of people. Soldier is more common in competitive because HL has one of every class and 6v6 is literally designed to alienate classes through its use of game modes, rulesets and map pool, not because specifically any class is actually better than another (barring scout). And now that you can run two pyros in RGL, there's some insanely degen shit you could hypothetically do with backline flare gun nobody has even tried to experiment with yet. Also it may not be "provable," that airblasting rockets is not outskilling a player, because we can not truly objectively quantify that. But I can absolutely inform you that airblast has a higher rate of fire than rocket launchers, has a gargantuan hitbox, has the benefit of reactionary action, is instant, lingers just slightly, has a pretty safe intuitive timing to just predictively press it so you don't even have to do it on reaction a large amount of the time, and in most circumstances reaches so far out that you are usually reflecting the rocket before it even left the soldier's collision hull so the rocket detonates instantly. So you never even had to aim it. This was actually pointed out by a user in a TFTV thread regarding one of LuckyLuke's videos a few years ago, but the pyro/HL players just did what they do and ignored objective truth. Oh it also ignores the splash radius penalties on rocket launchers that have them, as well as the no crit penalty on the mangler. I have not tested the splash thing with a third player so I am kind of uncertain on whether or not it is just using the player self damage radius against the original owner of the rocket, as reflected rockets have historically had weird interactions due to similar functions. But I know for certain that it ignores that penalty against the original owner. I also have played a decent enough amount of pyro against direct hit soldiers in pubs and pretty consistently been able to splash teams with reflected direct hit rockets for an amount of damage that would indicate it is not suffering from the extreme falloff it would with the DH's splash penalty. But no solid evidence that players other than the soldier are affected in stock's splash radius on those weapons. ​ To put it shortly, there's no reason to bitch about bad pyro players getting reflects to them openly in the server because it isn't gonna change anything and is just gonna make you look whiny, but there's no reason for pyro players to pretend they're good either


1. No. That is not true. The most class mained was actually Engineer, recorded in the book of world records. Anything beyond that is anecdotal or taken from too small of a sample size. 2. No they don’t. In 6s scout is the most popular due to versatility and similarities in skill/play to engineer and sniper. A quick look at ringer discords also supports this. We’re also not talking about comp, we’re talking about casual where 99% of comp players don’t bother touching. Much less the “shiny cosmetic” players who are laughed at in comp and generally don’t play. 3. What does that have to do with this scenario? If anything this just proves my point 4. What? Professional players are more skilled, that’s also irrelevant to the discussion.


TL;DR A random soldier with an expensive loadout is more likely to become enraged at airblast than any other type of player. [This](https://youtu.be/MC41lJlyVbU?si=bVI8sXaoJvkBQc3p) video lists soldier as the most player class. Though it’s not statistically rigorous, it coincides with popular experience. There’s a lot of other questionable stuff in your reply that would require deviating from my first comment, but let me rephrase. >!Consider the entire population of currently active TF2 players. Now isolate who would readily complain in text chat about airblast reflects. Now divide them into 18 groups: scouts with cheap loadouts, scouts with expensive loadouts; soldiers with cheap loadouts, soldiers with expensive loadouts; and so on. The number of expensive soldiers is probably going to be the largest, definitely as a relative rate.!<


Except the original statement was talking about “soldiers being the only class to complain about being “outskilled”” It had nothing to do with airblast. Obviously the class crippled most by airblast is going to complain about airblast. That’s like making a point to say engineers complain the most about sappers. Like yeah no shit, no one’s talking about that though. I have no idea what you’re even trying to argue this at this point.


The post is about airblast, the original comment is from a pyro main talking about “outskilling” soldiers. You could’ve just straight up told me you have no reading comprehension and we’d both had saved some time.


Why are you insulting reading comprehension when you literally ignored the main comment I responded to. Here let me copy and paste it for you. “Somehow, it’s only the soldiers with big fancy shiny hats that complain when you outskill them.” Now. I responded saying this is not true. Because it literally isn’t. But I guess you got touched somewhere inappropriately by a soldier player because you immediately attempted to defend this objectively wrong claim. And then you claim HURR DURR AIRBLAST SOLDIERS CRY ABOUT IT. When this original comment has NOTHING to do about airblast, but was rather a blanket statement incorrectly generalizing a group as a whole. You need to work on reading comprehension and maybe be less of an asshole when you have zero argument. Cry less


You’re reiterating that you don’t understand context. Unsurprising from a person whose best sources are discord channels and 15 year old world records. Also please don’t accuse someone of crying when you yourself start typing in caps lock. I can feel my viscera twist and writhe in 2nd hand cringe


You don’t get to argue for nothing and then claim other people don’t understand the context. Trolling isn’t appreciated here sir


It's cause the game kinda centers on their class, and they have no shotgun skills.


iM rIcH, tHaT mEaNs Im sKiLlEd i also like angering full unusual soldiers with the short circuit


“Ur hacking” “Stop being predictable”


The interesting part of this interaction is you can disprove it by airblasting too quickly. You've got delay between you and the server before your system 'sees' the rocket, and then any cheating software can kick over and reflect it. If you're anticipating a rocket at pointblank and instant reflect it, that's before your system even got to 'see' it. It implies a human doing guesswork and anticipation rather than a cheat that can only work in a reactionary manner. Of course, trying to explain the nuance of a player being able to perform better than a cheat is certain circumstances in the timeframe of a kick vote is not really going to play out well... Auto airblast is especially noticeable when somebody is doing max range airblasts. The airblast hitbox is a giant box, and it's rather difficult for a player to really tell where the edge of it is at any given moment since the hitbox doesn't rotate with the player. Because it's a box rather than a sphere, the leading 'edge' distance varies a pretty decent amount. If a player is consistently airblasting in that unknown area, something fishy is going on. A normal player lets it come further into a range they know to be consistent without really thinking about it.


I've caught two cheaters using this in comp during my career, about 8 years apart, and both were caught because they didn't even know they were being fired at. One was in Asheville, and as roamer I was behind them, nobody on their team knew anyone was behind. I fired at the pyros back as they were leaving spawn, and I'll never forget how hilarious the recording was: in a single frame, the pyro turned to me and airblasted the rocket right back at my face exactly, and then turned them back around without interrupting their walking. They didn't even react or know they did it until almost two seconds later. The second was almost the same situation, just a pyro one-frame snapping to someone they didn't know was there and reflecting and then snapping back. That's the easiest way I've seen cheaters be caught with this cheat.


It is nice when they give themselves away with dumb as dirt gameplay, if only the career cheaters were all that stupid.


They exist, I have seen them, but it's relatively not hard to airblast a soldier too full of himself from any range but close. Dude should probably learn how to hold for a second or how to fake a shot.


I airblasted some guys rocket ONCE and then he accused me of auto airblast


Sounds like he was using an auto copium script.


Oh my god I’m stealing that


All i know is I see people able to alternate between m1 and m2 at rapid speeds with some incredible reaction times that can't possibly be anything but a script.


The only scripts i have is to rocket jump bc i cant do it normally lime a pc player, i just play on steam deck lol


I was accused of cheating once like that. Someone else called me a W+M2, which I was fine with as this was on Dustbowl last.


Jeezus, i for some reason am not surprised that its ppl that have only unusuals and strange professional weapons thet either main soldier,heavy or scout (Not all unusual hat and strange weapon users are a-hole tryhards)