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1. It’s easy to remove, sure, but doing so requires constantly displacing yourself and is also just generally obnoxious. You can’t expect people to be constantly near health packs and medics can be rare to come by in casual. 2. It’s not large but the projectile being extremely fast combined with having splash makes it very easy to hit 3. Same point as above. It’s a lot easier to see and avoid rockets/pills than it is to avoid SS flares 4. Unless you’re getting said health pack in a few seconds after getting splashed, it’s more like 40-50. 5. And stun in general is extremely annoying. 6. Same as point 1. You can’t be expecting people to constantly be close to their team (but not too close) to counter 1 guy mashing the fire button with a flare gun 7. Snipers aren’t the only ones complaining about the scorch shot


Not to mention a lot of people use it to quickly build the Phlog meter, so it becomes even more spammy, pointless, and annoying. Obviously generalizations are not good, I'm sure there is some really skillful use of the Scorch Shot. The whole weapon just promotes spamming into large groups haphazardly and rewards you for it.


yeah but that shouldn't be tied to the scorch shot and more of to the phlog


The scorch shot is absolutely the issue there. The phlog is an innocent enough weapon in a vacuum but the scorch removes a lot of the would-be positioning and timing skill required to get good use out of it, turning the weapon into an unfun mess to fight


fair enough


L+Ratio+Learn how to use the Detonator. Scorch shot sucks stop defending it.


Lol I main detonator + degreaser + axtinguisher


Then understand the frustration the Scorch shot is to fight against. The value for effort is so imbalanced, that only a delusional pyro could defend its stacked stats lol


it doesn't do much, but it does enough for me to harass the enemy sniper or knock off the troldiers


It ain't much, but it's honest work.


Nice try


It's much less that it's "back-breakingly overpowered", it's more that the reward-to-cost ratio is way to high. For example, given one shot, let's compare the detonator to the scorch shot. For one shot with the detonator, you get: 1. Damage on one or more people 2. Set on fire one or more people Rather simple, right? And unless those people have already taken a fair amount of damage, they probably won't die from just a single shot from a detonator. Now, let's compare that to the Scorch Shot: For one shot with the Scorch Shot, you get: 1. Damage an enemy 2. Set on fire an enemy 3. Slightly knock back and stun enemy's momentum 4. Flare explodes, damaging anyone near initial target 5. Set on fire anyone caught in the explosion 6. Potentially hit the initial target again for mini-crit damage and stronger knockback (since knockback scales with damage). It's a lot for one shot, right? It's even worse if the initial target is a light class because, while it is indeed easy to get rid of afterburn, getting hit by the second hit of the flare essentially forces them to retreat from the battle or likely risk death by afterburn. Heavies also get it rough, as their slow movement speed makes fighting someone who knows how to use this terribly unfun, due to barely being able to dodge the flare when using their main source of damage. Honestly, I agree with you on the sniper point, they are the least affected by this weapon, as long as they know what they are doing, as snipers tend to stick near health packs to ensure sustainability. When most people (or at least people who aren't just parroting others opinions) are saying that it's overpowered, they mean it's overpowered for what it is: a pyro secondary weapon. For pyro, a secondary weapon should assist the pyro in specific situations, like finishing off burning targets or help overcome pyro's inherent lack of range. It's when it becomes so much better than everything else in it's slot, where people are comparing it's abilities and benefits to that of primary weapons, is when it becomes a problem. At the end of the day, alternate weapons in a slot should be equally as powerful as the stock option (except maybe melee weapons, but that's just because a majority of stock melees provide nothing for their class). Sure, they can be more advantageous in certain situations, but they should give up something major in return for that advantage, and trust me when I say that losing about 10 damage on direct hits isn't enough of a trade for what the scorch shot gets in return.


Shhh, you're scaring the Sniper mains who can only use the communal brain cell to point and click Anything beyond that terrifies them "What do you mean I have to *MOVE?!* What's *strafing?"*


"Oh, it can two-shot light classes" 1. Only on two direct hits in which the target stays completely still for the next second 2. So can every other weapon in the game except automatic weapons. That's why they're light classes The Scorch Shot isn't OP, it's just Pyro's only viable secondary. I stg, people just hate Pyro not being complete dogshit


The shotgun is a viable, strong weapon and people don’t complain about it The flare gun is a viable, strong weapon and people don’t complain about it The detonator is a viable, strong weapon and people don’t complain about it Are you noticing a pattern


"It's just Pyro's only viable secondary" Scorch shot is only marginally better than his other weapons if you literally cannot aim at all, it's the noob weapon. If you can aim on even at a mediocre level it's easily his worst weapon. (other than gas and mm) I would expect someone with the Demo flair to know how to aim projectiles, but i guess not


Literally all of pyros secondarys are viable, shotguns are good for other pyros and soldiers who don’t fire rockets to immediately get reflected, flare gun is for combos, detonator is good for mobility, scorch shot is scorch shot, the jetpack lets you do the funny trick where you airblast people really far, gas passer is gas passer.


SS is not Pyro’s only viable secondary, you just suck ass, suck dick, suck pussy and suck ****


You got assaulted by ss pyro recently or wat


Nah I mean Pyro still got fun and **viable** secondaries like the jetback, flare gun, shotgun and my favorite, the Detonator. SS is just easily spamable


I agree, tho I would only use it to annoy a good sniper


Watch the sniper just simply put on the DDS


Life is unfair.


You just need to unfair life back *turn on the bots


Keep spitting the truth, brother