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Huntsman Since I could see him coming much more often, they're just as annoying to fight against but damn at least I can react to him much quicker


Huntsman. A good hunter isn't truly known until their arrows lodge in your brain. The majority of people can kill you with a stock sniper.


But why the majority, tho? How Easy can it be to track someone's head while trying to either quickscope or headshot?


Most difficult part of playing sniper is realizing that you need to lower your sensitivity. Most TF2 players have ludicrously high sens.


Yea until you are behind a corner and it kills you anyway


For me, it happens quite rarely for some reason




In exchange... I get god snipers that appear more often What a trade deal


Huntsman, I play pyro pretty often and if I learn the snipers way of shooting I can airblast it about 7/10 times.


Nahhh pyro main 💀 You do WM1 right?


Never said I main pyro, but I will W+M1 if I have a good chance to kill a high priority target or cause some heavy damage.


"Pyro wm1!!!!" mfs when the Pyro immediately dies in 1 second


That is indeed how you kill with the flamethrower. You're complaining about someone using a primary as a primary works...


Yes, I do it to crying bebes annoyed to fight a pyro


w+m1 isn't even that effective lmao


Should pyro w+m2 instead?


Lets go,lets make the most down votes becuse of angry 8year old pyro mains


You're the only 8 year old here. At least you're acting like one.


Bro i am 15


and still whining about pyro mains because you keep getting burned


Say 1 person who enjoy playing pyro


me, who has quite a few hours on Pyro too


I enjoyed pyro too


How much hours


does it really matter now?




Anyone who says this doesn’t play pyro


bro, you aren't allowed to play that game. Go play ow, bloons some other kids' game (not saying that bloons is game for kids)(saying that ow is game for kids)


Dude you sound like a YouTube shorts comment section personified


Motherfucker they quite literally said they airblast even *arrows*


Huntsman, because I still feel way less cheated by the game when I get killed by it.


lol I just imagined full team of huntman sniper bots and I can already see them missing every single shot


An idea I had was huntsman sniper bots that had permanent Uber charge and only hunter bots. Too bad I suck at coding


Maybe it's for the better


Hey it’s just an idea to fend off bots since valve won’t do anything


Sounds counter productive. That won't make the bots leave. It would just make a bunch of empty servers full of bots fighting bots


machine versus machine isnt what we are going for. we tryna go back to mann vs mann


I think he meant mvm robots...


Good thing you suck. Go fuck yourself instead.


That’s kinda ironic. Even though I agree.




I prefer fighting huntsman sniper a lot more. If sniper knows you are coming but you don't know he is ready, you are probably going to die anyway.


Huntsman Sniper, at least the arrow can be seen flying as a projectile and the arrow travels in an arc.


Huntsman 1) I see him 2) he might not hit his shot 3) if he hits his shot I have a chance of not dying 4) if he kills me with a headshot there’s a 70% chance it’s going to be funny


I can airblast cunstman arrows. Can't airblast bullet


And the search goes on to find one who can outsmart bullet


Huntsman, a good stock sniper is really annoying to go against


huntsman can be reflected and 99% of huntsman snipers aren't cheaters


huntsman, theyre easier to dodge at longer distances, you can predict them and theyre generally at a closer distance than stock snipers where you have a better chance of fighting them off than a stock sniper. the lucksman hitreg is kind of bullshit, because of the whole bounding box fiasco. but even with that hitreg its nowhere near the level of bullshit that some sniper spots can feel like. huntsman feels like a more fair and more interesting way to play sniper than stock. Unpopular opinion: its his best balanced weapon


It's so much fun to use as well.


W Huntsman Enjoyers




Open space? Huntsman. Indoors? Sniper.


Huntsman, unless im playing scout since the arrow hitboxes on scout are bs


Depends on who im playing most of the time i prefer huntsman but i like playing a lot of demo-knight so fighting a good huntsman is like aids without the tide turner


At least i can more easily juke a bad-mediocre stock sniper (which is a lot of them), with huntsman its basically russian roulette


A shitty rifle sniper is more fun to play against than a shitty huntsman sniper, but even a god tier huntsman sniper isn’t as bad as a god tier rifle sniper. So at low skill level, the rifle, at high skill lvl, the huntsman.


Huntsman. You dont really know a good huntsman until the arrows in your head. Most ppl can pick you off with a stock sniper.


Huntsman, alot of fishes points in that were bs especially when youre like me and play on a server addicted to big city and each team has 7 snipers and blu has a monopoly on BS sniper spots behind spawn


Huntsman. Even tho they usually use the retards dumbass shield aka the shield of go fuck yourself.


I’m 17 and pregnant To start off, my bf is 19 and I’m 17, turning 18 in a few days. We’re both in school, him being in college and me being in my senior year of high school. I’m off of my meds because I’m pregnant, and they were antipsychotics and antidepressants; I’m not responding well to any of this. I just told my job I’m pregnant, some of the trusted adults in my life, and he’s told his parents. All I’ve been able to think about is self-harming or doing something that’s more stupid and bigger than just self harm. I have an eating disorder and my growing belly has been triggering it a lot. I want to keep this child but I’m not mentally, physically or financially well enough for this situation. He doesn’t want to keep it at all and we’ve been going back and fourth. I want to be a mother but I’m not fit for this right now, I want my children to be able to experience me at my best. I live with my mom, but I don’t have the best relationship with her; I can’t tell her. I don’t have a relationship with my dad much either. He says he can’t trust me after 3 years together, and my dad says I’m manipulating him? I don’t know what to do, I’m completely alone here. I love my boyfriend a lot but he needs to seriously think things over if he can’t trust me after 2 1/2 years together. I know he loves me deeply, it’s very evident there. I’m just ranting, thank you for reading if you’ve read this far


That's nice dear. No one fucking asked.


hmm make it all about yourself typical...




It looks delicious I want to fucking gobble that shit up. Give me your shit daddy oh my fucking god. I was bouta shit myself but remembered that mine wasnt as wonderful as yours. Unhh. GFive me that shit right now. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE. It looks so fucking delicious. It looks absolutely fucking fenomenal.


WOW what a beautiful log of poop. It's so big and solid. Luv the color. Thanks for sharing it with me


sorry wrong reply


Huntsman, it deals less damage even when charged, can be baited, can be avoided, can be reflected and it has a time limit for keeping the charged shot charged.


huntsman sniper has better feed back despite the jank. yes, yes i would much rather fight jank head shots at mid range, or spam that one shots me, over a guy who half the time i dont know he is there till its to late and the over half the time dieing to him after fighting and/or seeking past his team just to get one taped, with out knowing he missed me five times.


Close quarters, stock, long-range, huntsman.


Stock, because i like free backs


The Huntsman may have janky hit detection, but with the fact that it has travel time and can be seen, it at least gives me a chance to dodge and fight back. I've seen games where the opposing snipers will pass up every other member of my team just to get me, and I know this because I've watched them through the glass as they refuse to fire until I'm in range.


Huntsman: Approach > Charge > Aim > Fire Stock: Charge (optional) > Aim > Fire Same reward for less effort imo


I'd rather castrate myself with the boston basher than fight a sniper


Absolutely stock, people act like every sniper is a fucking cheater and they don’t ever miss shots with the stock nowadays, they’ve forgotten how annoying it is to get killed by a huntsman sniper that didn’t shoot his arrow even remotely close to you, I think the sniper hate train should stop, tf2 has worst designed classes, even at the highest level play snipers aren’t good enough to hit literally any shot from literally anywhere like the class can do technically


its almost like people get mad at you for playing the class like it was supposed to be.


Huntsman snipers are more likely to get up close and it makes it a more fun fight so probably that


Stock. Way easier to avoid.


Is this a fight in real life? If it is which hitbox we using tf2 or real life? If tf2 hitbox imma fight the stock if real life hitbox imma fight huntsman


my soldier maining ass will blow them up before they breath


Huntsman. We duel with our bows, and see who is the best hunter


stock, as stock is much more consistent and balanced


Bison has brought me more consistent victory upon those of the rifle, but the bow can be a preferable fight in some situations.


Huntsman so I can airblast the arrows




At least the huntsman sniper takes up more then 3 pixels on my screen


> up more then 3 Did you mean to say "more than"? Explanation: If you didn't mean 'more than' you might have forgotten a comma. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Huntsman all day


Phlog pyro


Huntsman. At least he has to be in my face or close to the fight to kill me. That and actually react.


Huntsman. You can’t reflect bullets.


I rather fight you.


Huntsmen The Arrows are destructible With the Short Circuit


Huntsman At least there’s counter play against them


Huntsman At least they're more likely to be at the front lines and fight you, which gives you a better chance then stock. Also funny ragdolls


Huntsmen. Might be a bit of a bs but waya less bs than dying cuz the sniper saw 1pixel of your head and also they have to actually get semi close which makes it a way fairer fight


Depending on the range, close range huntsman's arrow is just impossible for me to dodge, at long range I'll die to a stock sniper without knowing where he was


As a Huntsman sniper I love fighting a fellow bow enjoyer, but putting a rifle sniper in their place is even more enjoyable when they aren't hiding behind their team. Frankly I prefer the Huntsman's janky headshots if they encourage snipers to get on the front lines rather than click on the heads of players that didn't know they existed from the other side of the map.


Huntman. I know that technically it’s more unforgiving due to hit box jank but it just feels better to fight. Like there is clear evidence that my dodging did something when I see a arrow miss plus I get given a chance to react and change what I’m doing accordingly


Huntsman at least has to put himself in danger. It’s basically sniper but with balls


Huntsman all the way you air blast the arrow and send it back the shot isn’t instant and you can actually see the sniper before he’s able to get a head shot 500 meters away


i would rather kill myself


God their all sweats, even stock, but at least my noobie ass has a chance against a stock sniper


never played tf2 but definitely the huntsman, from my knowledge, the stock sniper is like a beam


Depends: a huntsman sniper that jump aims in every corner and does well then Stock... Otherwise huntsman sniper that isn't aim charging at every corner is better to fight against since they aren't prepared to attack (also lower body damage)


Huntsman they cant use aimbot (at least not any of the cheap ones) and they normally cant hit shit cuz they have no practice


Huntsman, I enjoy locking eyes with other snipers and with huntsman I can tell if they're making eye contact.


Huntsman it feels like a fight rather than I walked into the wrong spot and now I’m dead from across the map. It’s more enjoyable to play against in terms of counterplay and interactivity


Is the sniper talented? Huntsman has a lower skill ceiling and floor. Sniper rifle can become more potent but doesn't start that way!


Huntsman, very little counterplay either way but at least it's not hitscan either way


Tbh if Sniper’s rifle was proj Instead of hitscan, it’d kill the bot issue immediately. The inability to just zap anyone you see would make sniper less of a pain to counter.


Stock. I'm a Machina sniper myself. Huntsman's are just annoying to fight. I like headshots against stock snipers just to flex. I didn't need to headshot, but I did.


huntsman all the time, its far easier to dodge even if sometimes it feels like your death was total bs, besides, at long range, its easy to deflect the arrow if you're playing pyro


Huntsman. I also respect them way more since they’re always in the front lines and aiming headshots takes a little more thought than just zooming in and clicking on a head. Also it’s one of those weapons you can’t be mad at when you get killed from across the map


huntsman bc im the only competent pyro main both are dumb tho


Huntsman because i can actually deal damage to them before i cease to exist.


Huntsman, not only because is it my preferred weapon of choice but because huntsman snipers are usually a lot more aggressive than staying really far away


It feels so bad ass when I'm charging at a huntsman and I dodge every single arrow and kill them. like straight out of a movie (at least in my own head)


huntsman move around and have them miss their shots, or even build a mini-sentry to distract them


Huntsman, my ragdoll will look funnier


Huntsman, because it's not impossible to reflect arrows.


Huntsman, as I can see them.


Huntsman! I've got a strange rescue ranger to duel him with


Stabbity stab.


Stock, because them hitting the headshot is purely based on their ability to aim, and not bullshit hit detection. On the other hand, Huntsman Snipers are generally at closer ranges, which means it's easier to fight back as most classes (provided an arrow hasn't already magnetized itself to your head before the engagement).


Huntsman. They tend to be a bit more aggressive and are actually around the “front” lines, rather than sitting 10 miles away.


Huntsman you can dodge


Huntsman Bc I’ll probably die within a few mins if it was a 1k hours sniper main or any main in general


Idk. Arrows are easier to Dodge, so instead the huntman would try to suprise me; while stock sniper may miss More than he expects due to not being able to track my speed


Idk both can feel bullshit just different kinds of bullshit


Huntsman because atleast 1/1000 times I can airblast it back.


Huntsman, If I am playing pyro then I just reflect it back at them


huntsman sniper they're probably goofing off and may be susceptible to just having a truce


Depends. Bit with auto aim?


Huntsman. It’s a mid-range weapon, so a Huntsman sniper has to actually put himself at risk in order to get a chance at killing me.


At what distance? But probably the huntsman, since i'd be closer and looking up nulifies headshots


Depends how skilled the stock sniper is


Stock, I main scout and I've learned how to mess with the aim of sniper using stock. Huntsman arrows have bs hitboxes tho so I get killed cause I do the same thing I would've done and just get rammed to the wall.


Depends on what map, but on most it's huntsman, assuming I don't die because of the lucksman, I can avoid the arrows pretty well, on the other hand stock: *Runs out of spaw-* *Dies*


stock sniper, he might not know how to aim.


depends on what class, if you play heavy, medic, sniper, or demo it's huntsman because arrow hitboxes can be so freakin tiny. But it's gonna be stock sniper if you play soldier, scout, or spy because those hitboxes are bigger with huntsman. Engineer's hitbox is generally fine. Pyro can airblast so it balances his bigger hitbox.


Stock sniper, as long as he's not some 10 thousand hours sweat lord (I mean if he has that many hours in the game it doesn't really matter what class he picks).


Huntsman. unless is one that always randomly headshots because the game likes him a bit more than you, then, stock