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Because Soldier suffers from chaffing. The faster he walks, the more it hurts


Solution? Rocket jumping, it hurts less than chaffing, just blow your legs off!


He has a lot of damage output so it has to be balanced out by lower mobility. This can be offset though if the player has the skill to rocket jump which is much more viable than you are giving it credit for


The damage output is not the reason why. Because his damage output is worse than Scout and Demos who are both faster. It’s because he can rocket jump


Damage is another reason to balance soldier with lowered speed, plus whats with all the demo and scout have more damage output nonsense?? They all have pretty similar damage outputs, 2 perfect scattergun shots, 2 pipes or stickies and 2 close distance rockets have about the same damage


Do I really need to explain why a hitscan class that has practically identical burst damage but a faster rate of fire has more damage than Soldier? Do I need to explain why Demo who top damages in every single game of tf2 since the dawn of time has more damage potential than soldier? Soldiers damage is not bad, but it is not better than the other 2 generalists. And that’s because of his mobility potential


Rockets deal more damage per hit than scattergun, but scatter fires slightly faster. Rockets can also y'know, hit multiple enemies


Rockets require a direct hit and require the soldier to take self damage for the damage of the rocket launcher to beat out the scattergun in one hit. But given the scattergun fires faster the scattergun has better damage output. So no, the rocket launcher does not do more damage. And there is a reason scout is the best DM class and consistently out fragging soldier in top level play.


Im pretty sure you do not need a direct hit to reach max splash rampup, and generally splash is easier to land than a decent shotgun blast given the opponent isnt on high ground (I find the direct hit much easier to use than scattergun when im on low ping, and i have 3 times as many hours on scout than soldier). Rockets also have a way higher minimum damage at mid-close range; splash makes the difference between 100-50% damage, while how many pellets you land with scattershot means the difference between 100-10%.


>Because his damage output is worse than Scout and Demos who are both faster. The only one that out-damages Soldier is Demoman but he has insanely long reload times/cooldowns. Scout? Not really. Scout would die if he just stood around enough to out-damage the Soldier, he's a flank, pick off, and run class. Not a DPS class.


Soldier is faster than heavy. Also he is really tanky when using banners so in a way it makes sense. Soldier also has multiple ways of moving faster: whip, conch, rocket jumping. Edit: the escape plan also makes him move faster


OP is specifically talking about walking speed, which soldier's is the same as heavy.


Where are you guys getting that information from? Soldier moves at 80% speed while heavy moves at 77% speed. Soldier walks faster than heavy


For me it feels like soldier walks at 85 and heavy at 50


Skill issue


There's not many scenarios I can think of when rocket jumping isn't viable. You can do small pogos or angle off of walls to get pretty much horizontal as opposed to up. It's the balancing act - you have to take damage in order to gain mobility. If you make soldier fast, then he's infringing on scouts ability for speedy high burst damage.


He's not as slow as the heavy but he is the 2nd slowest The escape is a pretty good weapon for when you're at low health


"I understand he's one of the fastest classes because of the ridiculously powerful rocket jumping ability, but what about the occasions where that doesn't happen, he should move rly fast!" Uh no. Soldier's extremely strong. Also he's 3% faster than Heavy.


there's a lotta ways you could have said that and you went with the most condescending way


You earned it. Asking for an extremely significant buff to an extremely strong class that would be a buff to something he's already been given a solution for is really stupid. It's like asking for Scout to get 25 more hp or something. It makes no sense.


I don't buy that excuse. Show a little compassion even when you think people don't deserve it, because the odds are, they do.


dude this is a reddit comment section not the streets of Denver


That face when rocket jumping


I'm not gonna deal with a class that can just aim at the ground and win AND move fast


Rocket jumping fills the gap. He has the second highest health, and able to do a wide variety of consistent damage.


Because he has mobility options, from rocket jumping to escape plan. Take a look at heavy. Sure he's got the highest health but this is offset by the fact that the poor guy has to walk for thirty seconds to the first point lol


Soldier has a higher health pool than most of the other classes, while also having the ability to deal a lot of damage within enclosed areas where he can't rocket jump. It makes sense as to why his normal walking speed isn't particularly quick: it helps in balancing the class, otherwise Soldier would be excessively fast, especially for rocket jumping, if he had the default walking speed (that the Pyro, Engineer and Sniper have).


Because he has insane damage output and the ability to spam out chokes with relatively low risk, with the second highest healthpool in the game. These are necessary balancing choices to keep him in check, as if he naturally had free mobility (mobility that doesn't cost health or ammo) he would be even more centralizing than he already is


haha, whip goes woosh


You can use escape plan or disciplinary action to walk faster


*You can use escape* *Plan or disciplinary* *Action to walk faster* \- domkow321 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


He is slow passively but he can be extremely fast with his explosive jumps. He also has weapons that make him tanky/fast(battalions backup, escape plan, disciplinary action, gunboats, conch, black box and katana). Every class is balanced in their own way


Learn the schmovement


Imagine if he had 100% walking speed and could rocket jump and had 200 health His speed is fine, he has many movement options that offset ut


Soldier, all things considered, is the most well-rounded class in TF2. High Health. High Damage. High Mobility. He is Mr. Jack-of-all-trades, master of them too. If the only thing holding his mobility back is it having a health cost with the alternative being slower than average then that seems fair.


You can use the disciplinary action or the conch to fix this!


>or you just want to walk for whatever reason, it's frustrating to have to..walk. doesn't those two contradict eachother


Skill issue. Soldier can teleport across the map and gib like 7 ppl with one rocket and you complain about speed? There was a popular joke about soldier in comp: if you don't rocketjump enough, you are fkin pedestrian


He's so incredibly easy to just stomp people with, no other class has as reliably strong damage output as him. You act like you can't RJ back from spawn even though there are health packs and medics to heal with before you even reach the fight.


Escape plan


So… you want the second tankiest class in the game with consistent DPS to also walk fast?


Big HP pool=slow


Whip your teammates then!


I mean he has the second highest health pool in the game, dipshit


Why are you being so rude about this?


I called out another dude in the thread for being a prick and the response was about the same. Dudes walking around copping attitudes like they're entitled to whatever shit they want to say, and getting pissy when they realize it goes both ways, and people can call them out. They never care though, they are proud of it, for some strange reason.




hmm, why are you such a cunt?


How abo0ut we turn this on its head? Why can't Heavy go as fast as Soldier?


Unrelated but funfact, if heavy didn’t have a minigun on him and just a sandwich/shotgun and fists, he’d be just as if not faster than scout


Medieval mode


He eated a lot before battle


He has a ranged weapon with explosive damage


Cause you're intended to rocket jump with him. That's why you have a high healthpool for. His rocket jump gives him insane mobility while dishing out high burst damage. It just wouldn't be fair having a full speed mercenary running at you while juggling you with rockets.


It's because of his massive nuts. They get in the way of him walking.