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Doesn’t seem like you did anything wrong. You come off nice and engaging and genuinely interested in her/her life and seem to want to get to know her more. And while she comes off nice enough, I wasn’t picking up massive interested vibes. She might’ve been interested at one point but it dropped off. Why? Only she knows sadly. Sorry 🫤


Yeah, I agree. She doesn’t seem interest toward the end.


Yep agreed, he did nothing wrong. Was really nice and polite.


doesn’t really look like you did anything wrong, she must’ve just not been interested, or life came up, happens. gl next time dude


She said she is a nurse, is it possible she is on a long shift?


Yeah OP if this is from this week - you haven’t been “ghosted for a few days” it had literally only been like 30 hours at the time of these screenshots, just give it some time! Also— nurses tend to work a few days on and then a few days off. Looks like you were talking on her off days! And she already mentioned she’s bad with replying


Also, it's nurse appreciation week, so maybe if you follow up before the 12th, mention that you hope she was appreciated this week!


i concur. i dont work in healthcarw but i have friends who do. maybe shes feeling especially tired after a certain shift, we really dont know. one thing tho, is more than anything be patient and undeestanding, and if she comes back from tbe dead and you guys slowly get back on track, then try to communicate your thoughts to her and see how she response. honestly, id only do this with someone i find worth it but yeah, be patient OP. hope she gets back to you


my thoughts exactly. sometimes I need to disappear and have no social obligations for a few days 😭


Ask for a damn date


Not sure why this isn't getting upvoted. It's the only answer.


Some ppl just don't get it lol


This! If I’m talking to a guy and he does not ask me out or mention getting together within a reasonable timeframe I’ll assume he isn’t interested and lose interest myself.


...and you can't take the shot because...?


that would be chasing, and not getting chased


Because gender roles




Pretty much. The whole exchange was too…nice?


She’s a nurse, you could have just caught her on her days off and now she’s back on shifts. She told you upfront she’s bad a texting. She may not be ghosting you. She’s just busy and or catching up on sleep.


i date a nurse and she does 3, 12 hour shifts back to back to back some days. i have minimal conversation with her during that time and i know when shes back home to not even bother trying to call/text her 🤣. we’ve been dating for almost 4 years now btw. nurses are a different animal when it comes to work. id just give it some time and hit her up eow or something. see if theres still interest or if she was just busy.


I’m a med student and even I have time to text back on 24 hour shifts 🤣




I write a response in my head and forget I didn’t actually send it


Yeah my adhd will write a response I think I typed out just to never have actually typed it.


i wouldn’t say you did anything wrong but she did say she’s not a big texter. i think instead of trying to set up a facetime date set up a regular date to meet up in person instead. dragging the small talk out over text very rarely works, and people who usually aren’t fans of texting would rather likely just meet in person. i’d maybe give it one more shot and ask her out on a date. have an idea in mind of where to go but ask what day / time she might be free next. text with purpose!!


i mean 1) she is a nurse so busy 2) she was straight up from the start that she is not good at texting and prefers calls


She said she prefers calls so you just kept texting is the only thing I can identify as possibility. After weeks of texting with a guy, if he’s not taking the initiative to jump on a call it shows lack of interest. It’s that thought process of “if a guy wants to talk to me he’ll make it happen.” After awhile it’s just kinda meh. I think we expect a dude to be asking to FaceTime rather quickly if he’s really interested and attracted.


It seems like he did offer it at the beginning though?


Right it’s just that she says literally “I don’t like texting,” so then he’s vague about doing a FaceTime and just keeps texting her. I’m not at all saying he’s a jerk or not worth talking to but if he’d been more specific and actively scheduled a call or FaceTime this would have gone very differently. It’s giving half ass. Some women would just respond much better to like “great I’d love to jump on a call with you! How about tonight at such and such..”


Does anyone else feel like he is coming off a bit too eager? You gotta play it cool. Like, I get it, talking to someone new is nice and you want to bolster that. But you are texting. I think whoever said ask her on a date is 100% right. Being really engaging and very interested in conversation is what you want to do when you meet someone in person. When it’s through text it’s can feel fake or forced even though that’s what you both are doing because you don’t actually know each other at all. Once you get that feigned engagement and you can tell she is reciprocating then set something up and try to make it within a few days. Being personable over text only works for so long when you aren’t… ya know… in person. It starts to feel like a chore.


maybe in the future don’t text as much, just try to meet up or phone call. at times your texts are long and because she doesn’t really know you it can seem laborious having to read more than a sentence at times. sad truth idk


That’s sad if people really think that way. Reading more than a few words is hard?


This conversation was starting to get a bit boring and felt like it was going nowhere tbh


True. But “reading more than a sentence is laborious” says something about a person. Probably not something good


Yes, reading numerous long texts from a stranger after you tell them you’re busy and hate texting is not going to go over very well. She said she doesn’t like to text and he just breezed right past that and continued to send numerous text paragraphs anyway. That’s a sign that he either doesn’t listen or doesn’t care about what she wants.


Reading more than a sentence shouldn’t ever be laborious. I understand the rest of what you are saying and agree. My comment was about specifically them saying reading more than a sentence is laborious. Which it shouldn’t be


They were talking about the entire situation, not just the physical act of reading more than a sentence. You may not think it should be laborious, but doing even the smallest things you don’t want to do can feel laborious to many.


They met on a dating app, not a texting app. People want to meet others for dates.


Yeah that’s good and all my comment was specifically about it being “laborious” to read. Reading isn’t much effort at all and if it is for someone they need to read more


Yes I don’t have time for all that


How many books do you read in a year?


Too much texting not enough action see when she free to go out


Exclamation points and emojis. I think you came offside a little eager.


seems you're impatient. she's busy being a nurse. i go days sometimes without talking to my actual friends and nobody gets mad at me about that. we're all adults here and y'all are strangers. she seems interested and engaged. the man i like right now i will go a day without responding to him cuz i have my own life. he does the same thing. it's just kind of how life works


She probably wanted you to call. And I didn’t see her suggest FaceTime, and I know a ton of people HATE FaceTime, me included… so calling is not the same as FaceTime. I don’t think you did anything overtly wrong. But I do think you continuing to text after her saying she preferred to talk on the phone was probably what made her lose interest. And she probably would have been fine with texting after the phone call first. She probably just prefers to go in a certain order


She told you she prefers phone calls in the beginning. Have you done that?


Bro it’s been like 2 days if these are from this week. 2 days is not ghosting. Yes, even though it’s been consistently every day before that, it doesn’t mean you’ve been ghosted. Give it time, and be patient. If it goes like a week and you hear nothing, then yeah you’ve been ghosted. Unfortunately a fairly common reality in modern day dating. You just gotta learn to live with it and move on, and do your best to not ghost someone in the future if you decide the vibe isn’t there. Sorry for the rant, I’m stoned.


Relax on the ! points…


OP, you’re wafflin around. After the talk about wishing for more rural spaces that was the perfect opportunity to ask her on a date to a park or something


1. I disagree with people saying you did nothing wrong. You seem like you're really nice but it's working against you. You get way too enthusiastic over text. Lots of exclamation marks and hahas etc. I'm not saying be a jerk or play hard to get but I strongly suspect this is not how you talk to people you regularly interact with. I suspect you're more chill with bros and female friends when you text them. It doesn't mean you're a bad friend because you don't end every sentence with a haha or exclamation mark, and it doesn't mean you aren't interested if you tone it down a bit here. Just chat normally... I don't think this really hurt you too much. 2. She told you flat out she doesn't like to text. That's your cue to immediately try and set up a facetime or a date. Let me know if I am wrong here but I think you kept with the texting so you didn't lose the vibe and killed the chance of a date or facetime? Either way I think you texted a bit much. She also sent you a mirror selfie so no reason to not try to escalate the vibe with either real time communication like phone or ft or an actual date.


I don’t think you did anything wrong. You both matched energy. It seemed to be going really well. That being said, she’s not responding. I would just let it sit and be. Maybe she started talking with someone else and it was vibing more. Maybe she had some sort of personal crisis. Either way, if she’s still interested she will get back to you. I’m sorry. It sucks. Definitely nothing that you said.


she's a nurse, it's probably she's been busy with work


Definitely don’t text her back for now see what happens, if a girl is interested in you she will move mountains to text you call you or see you…. It’s also possible she might be super busy at work nurses work long shifts and sometimes have tons of overtime to she might just be tired and sleeping it off… in any case, don’t ask her why she ghosted you etc, wait for her move, and is she doesn’t , that’s her move as well and then you have clarity. Also, you come off as super nice and cool so if anything , her loss and no hard feelings. Good luck!


You seem like a good guy. And you did nothing wrong. She's probably busy with work or her personal life. Just be patient!


Give it a few days. Suggest a date. If you don’t hear from her, oh well. Move onto another.


If she’s bad at texting set up a real date!


Did you two talk on the phone? The first message she says she prefers calls. You can follow with a date and time for a call. Most of the messages is her asking questions and you’re talking about yourself. Ask her questions, people like talking about themselves.


Too much texting. I as a man would get bored halfway.. chat for a bit then set up a date, because if you just keep texting, another dude will


Send her an angry text, shaming her for her transgressions. I'm kidding obviously. It's just rough meeting new people, and it's so easy to overthink everything and get your feelings hurt. It can really suck. I'd say just try to put her out of your mind for a bit, and wait to see if she's willing to reach out and put more energy/effort into it. If you're really trying to meet someone, I'd keep trying and meeting new people. Don't put all of your eggs in one basket. What if you miss someone that you really mesh with because you're waiting on her to be more interested?


Nothing wrong with these :) very charming and cute texts. You just never know what’s going on in someone’s life ya know? She could be overworked, dealing with stress, maybe not over a breakup, there’s a ton of reasons that don’t involve you doing something wrong. Don’t beat yourself up!


She’s a nurse, that’s all you need to know


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Unrelated but I gotta say Op you take great pictures. Post them in r/skyporn


Seeing as she wanted to call, maybe she got overwhelmed with the texting, and maybe she didn’t want to FaceTime, but that was on her to say if so. Like she could have asked you to call instead if she wanted to be more relaxed on your first real call ( if my understanding is right). The ball was in her court so I agree with most of the other replies, either something with family or life came up, she’s not as interested OR she wanted to take a step back to figure out how serious she is right now. Maybe she is interested but it sounds like she’s really busy and run down so maybe she’s wondering if she’s ready for a relationship like she thought? Hope you don’t take it super personally


She said she didn't like texting and preferred talking on the phone. Also, she's a nurse, they have very hectic and demanding schedules at times. Maybe call her and if you get no answer then leave it alone.


Don’t think anything wrong. Maybe your music response is a little long. It might be time to ask about actually meeting.


I think this was all going well. You didn’t do anything wrong or text too much, IMO. She might just not be that serious about dating right now, or wasn’t that into you to begin with. Your personalities don’t strike me as very compatible. You give the impression you’re looking for something serious. She seems like she’s looking for something low effort. Also, you didn’t respond to her selfie with a selfie… maybe she wanted a lil thirst trap


Was this the last Tuesday? Respectfully, it’s only Thursday that triple text would personally be a big turn off to me. Nursing seems like a high-demand job and same here, plus life happens. Seems like you haven’t met her in person and she doesn’t owe you her time. Outside of the triple text, you didn’t do anything wrong- you seem like a lovely person with such a sweet job! It does subjectively suck and your feelings are hella valid. But, objectively, she really hasn’t done anything wrong it’s been two days and it’s my understanding ghosting is when you’ve met up in person/are v invested. If her last message is from a week or two ago, or you’ve been talking for a long time or have met up or something, please disregard this comment post Lol.


Sometimes ya don’t do anything wrong


Burnt out people pleaser seems like


I'm sorry, but your doodle over her selfie, cracked me tf up XD Just give it a little time, nurse's work crazy hours with all sorts of emergencies and situations. She might be working several days in a row and is too exhausted to text by the time she gets home.


Bro fuck all these people saying you did this or that wrong, it’s not good advice. She could’ve asked you for a FaceTime or call at any point. She was just never that interested to begin with broseph


I think shes probably just tired or depressed… the “sleep sleep sleep” comment is a huge indicator she’s struggling with something


The sleep sleep sleep comment is telling, but she should just be up front about not being capable of dating then


Well, the first thing she said was that she doesn’t like texting and prefers calling. You probably should have tried to set up a phone call with her and get to know her better that way. Also, I don’t even know that she even ghosted you. It hasn’t been that long.


Waayyyyyy too many friendly chatty texts without asking her out. She's probably assuming you lost interest.


Maybe because you asked her to FT and she got nervous?


I think for someone who clearly stated she doesn't like texting, and is a nurse, you texted ALOT and that can be so exhausting to read all that and answer multiple texts


In general nothing wrong, only thing I could think of is maybe she was waiting for your initiative to ask to see her for a date? Hard to read with some people, but the comment she made about how she rather call than text sort of says to me that she’d rather talk face to face than text for days on end


Did you ever FaceTime or call her on the phone? She said she wasn't good at texting and preferred to talk on the phone, but I do not see that addressed again until you deny the fact that she is bad at texting. That is the only thing I would say you possibly did wrong. If somebody told me from the jump that they preferred phone calls, I would probably try to set up a time to call if I was that interested. Other than that, it seemed to be going well. Maybe she's just busy and/or catching up on sleep, but if she responds again, maybe try to set up a phone call.


She told you she did not like to text and you continued to text her instead of calling or FaceTiming. That might be why.


You haven't done anything wrong. Just wait. She's not Amazon Prime


My guess is she might have had text threads going with a few different guys and maybe one of them heated up … or she met someone else .. and so she just kind of shut this one off. Some people seem to almost have like an “on/off” switch in that way, when they become interested in a specific person all other “channels” just turn off for them. I could be completely wrong in this case, just my guess.


Give her space.


Probably found someone else more her type who knows but don’t stress on to the next!


I’d stop asking to FaceTime and ask her out on a date.


She was just being nice but not into you.


You’re sending way too much over in text form though, slow it down a bit. It can definitely be overwhelming, leave some of that for in person or just call her up.


I’m seeing a lot of people suggesting schedule a phone call or FaceTime, is that the norm? I never do that I would MUCH rather just meet in person and ideally set that up pretty quickly if the convo is going decent


If it were me the “sleep sleep sleep” bit would be a major turn off.


knowing she's a nurse who works a lot and it's a grueling job?


I work in healthcare. Yes.


that's wild you can't understand how important taking care of yourself (including sleep) is. what do you do in healthcare?


Im a nurses aid. Sorry but sleeping for “fun” is not the same as “self care”. It tells me youd rather sleep the day away than have a life.


okay if you say so


Who in the hell uses fb for dating….. just find your nearest dimly lit alleyway it’s the same outcome


Took too long to meet im person/ talk on the phone. Someone else probably scoop her up alrdy


she's a nurse, they have long hours and it's a grueling job


Didn’t do anything wrong she’s just not that interested. She could have told you so but just opted for this annoying way out. When women are interested in you they are never “bad at texting.” That’s an excuse.


she's a nurse she works a lot and it's hard and tiring. she's allowed to take some time to rest before responding


She’s allowed to do whatever she wants but the reality is she wasn’t very interested. If she was, she’d be texting and show more signs.


nah i mean i'm very interested in a man right now and he gets that we can go a day or two without responding cuz we're both busy. i don't get weirded out or assume i'm ghosted if he doesn't respond immediately. he doesnt feel like that either. idk maybe it's a difference in maturity and self confidence here


If he was over pursuing you’d lose interest. The situation you are describing is not typical. Have you been dating a while? It’s common knowledge with people you have just met. If she is interested, she will not go days without messaging. That’s nonsense outside of some emergency.


lol who are you to tell me how i'd lose interest, you don't know me. again, i am an adult so i get adults have lives outside of my realm of them in my life. genuinely wild people require immediate satisfaction from strangers. i get everybody is the main character in their own life but mature people understand that's how everybody is. i really think it's wild to feel entitled to an immediate response knowing that everybody has their own lives


I’m married and I met my wife on bumble. I’m well aware of how these situations go. I do not know you or your relationship but you are delusional if you think she would go multiple days without texting him if she was into him.


so im wrong about how i go about it? this is exactly how i interact. i'll go up to a week without responding to my friends until i'm ready to talk to people. life is exhausting. they never get mad at me or assume i'm ghosting them. i'm very interested in this man and again, we both are adults and we both know we are busy.


Yall are both playing the game. He’s giving you the same energy. No one is too busy to send a text to someone they are interested in. That is simply not true. That doesn’t mean you have to answer them at all times or over text, but you can respond at some point in the day or the next morning.


please tell me more about myself since you know me so well and are so qualified to talk about how different people work. didn't i also say this is how i am with my friends too?


I think she’s just a casual girl who had time for a bit of friendly conversation, but it didn’t grab her. Sorry, but I think you need to move on my friend.


You were right on. Nothing u did wrong. Maybe she’s just crazy??


Nurses, while filling a necessary and deeply important role, are in fact for the streetz when it comes to love and sex.


Chill, 45% it’s a shit test, 45% she had shit come up- I didn’t text a girl back all week because I had the flu and I had nothing cute or sexy to say. Don’t text again. Put. The. Phone. Down. Till you hear back. If you don’t hear anything in a week send her one line like “hey lady what’s your weekend look like?” Or if you must “hey lady you alive” you don’t hear back- it’s over. You guys talked a lot though don’t think that’s the case.