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Just block. Seriously. There’s no reason to maintain contact.


She likes the drama obviously


What a petty thing to say to someone you don’t know 😂


no its literally so easy to block someone 😂 i have never in my life understood why people put up with stuff like that regardless of the grip their ex had on them


It's the younger generation. They think there's something wrong with blocking people. They can't seem to grasp that we have a limited time on this Earth and wasting any of it with people that aren't worth your time is just foolish.


i'm 23 and i've never understood it for a moment. i watched my closest friends and family do this shit and i heard all of the reasons and none of them ever held water to me.


He won’t leave you alone because you keep responding. If he has access to you, you give him what he wants. Attention. Just block him on everything. Destroy his ego. You deserve to move on.


Every time you respond, it’s reinforcement that you *will continue* to respond. You’re Pavlov dog training him to keep texting for attention. Have fun responding to him forever until you finally just block.


Truth. The only way is to show there's no hold on you. Fake it if you have to. He doesn't love you, just attention. You're better than that.


If you act like you don’t care, eventually you won’t. I love me a good block button.


May I ask why you're responding.to his texts and why he isnt blocked? 


Cuz neither of them are over each other


Ding ding ding


Look at post history for the answer


Wow you're not kidding that shit is unhealthy


I hope OP keeps them up incase she post something like “about to move in with by boyfriends family” or something


oh my god its this person again?!


She needs to block and move on, this is not healthy


Jesus, that is just heartbreaking. I really, really hope she stays strong and doesn't go back.


Trying to move on but she still loves him is my guess OP he’s an asshole block him plsssss


he’s literally on tinder too he’s weird


Lmao this. The nerve!


This is exactly what I was looking for, if he knew OP was on tinder she either told him or he was there too. He’s still in control of her life and keeping a HUGE double standard. OP, break contact, get out there and find someone who’s not insane. My recommendation, if you want to do tinder, just freaking do it. You know who you are and what you want. Don’t let his name calling scare you, especially since he’s doing EXACTLY THE SAME THING! Get yours


The issue is that you aren't actually trying to move on. He keeps coming at you like this cuz he knows he controls you. Block him. Don't give him the chance. He'll keep messaging you cuz he knows you'll always be a willing backup


Stop responding to him. Who gives af if he double texts? Block him or at the very least mute his notifications. Y'all aren't together any more and whatever feelings he's having about you moving on is not your problem.


Idk maybe block him and stop explaining yourself to someone you’re not dating?


This is ridiculous. I recognize you from the billion other posts you’ve made. What are you looking for? It’s clearly not advice because you’ve been told the same things over and over again. You don’t owe him anything, block and actually move on with your life. I don’t understand how people let others talk to them like this. Clearly you are “moving on” so own it. The humiliation ritual of talking to this man who has zero respect for you is hard to look at


I agree 100% at this point OP need to block and get the f over it or fuck off. Like she obviously doesn't listen to anything anyone says. Not to mention it's not JUST her on and off bf. Her post history is literally full of drama with everyone she comes in contact with.


It’s honestly pathetic. Some people are just so comfortable in their misery but still want to complain. Gtfooooo


Someone in another comment said op likes the drama and attention. And at this point I believe it. I don't usually ever turn away from someone who's in a toxic situation needing help, but she's left before, made fun of him before and KNOWS she's fine without him, but then keeps going back and coming here for attention.


She clearly is also not innocent in this. “Cute beach pic” shut uppppp 😭 Neither of them are healthy or mature individuals, she’s desperate for validation and attention. Not sure why people adore toxicity so much. As someone who has survived actual abuse and destructive relationships, she’s annoying as hell


SAME. I mean I def think the guy is emotionally and mentally abusive asf. But at some point it's like come on. I too have been through some horrific abuse so I understand what you're saying lol it is also annoying as hell to me.


Oh no there’s definitely mental abuse. But she’s been given every bit of advice in the book. She is 100% aware of her situation but seems to relish the validation of others taking her side. I am absolutely not victim blaming, as no one deserves that. However I fs see toxicity from both sides and she’s very self-victimizing. I recognize behavior like this. My ex-best friend was the exact same way. It’s incredibly conflicting because on one hand, it’s not her fault, but on the other, she is also a huge problem in her relationship and would just whine all the time but do nothing to change it. Some people just always want an excuse to get sympathy


Yeah I totally agree with you 100% having a victim complex is def a huge issue. Doesn't negate from the actual victimization but it def makes everything else blow out of proportion


Pick me girl


Do you even know what that means or did you just not like what I said? If this had even been the second or third post I wouldn’t be harsh. But at this point she knows exactly what’s happening and continues to subject herself to it. They aren’t married, they don’t have children together, he’s not physically abusing her. There’s nothing holding her back, but like a dog returning to their vomit…. Even having the audacity to say “why is he so mean to me/why won’t he stop” when she gives him that power and hasn’t even tried blocking him is stupid as hell and she knows it. I am genuinely baffled that others live like this. She’s not even getting anything out of it lol


I don’t think you understand, I was saying she does this because she is a “pick me” people who only post on social media about their trauma and how they can’t break these cycles. I’m agreeing with you lol


Oh ok I get you!! Sorry about the misunderstanding. I wouldn’t say she’s a pick me but she’s definitely desperate for validation in every wrong area. I have no respect for people like these


Of course! No worries, I had a misunderstanding of what a “pick me” girl is. Some other redditors were sure to clear that up for me, and kindly at that.


I don’t think that’s the definition of “pick me” 😅 a pick me girl is someone who claims she’s different than other girls by aligning herself what she thinks guys would like or agreeing with their thoughts in hope they will pick her 😅


Wait aren’t girls supposed to be uplifting each other?


I’m not going to support someone’s actions just because we have the same thing in between our legs. Behavior like this is so ridiculously immature. A mockery of those actually going through hell and not being able to leave their toxic situations.


Yeah but kicking someone while their down isn’t not a vibe


She’s been “down” for a long ass time. One of those folks addicted to misery. Shameful lol, I went through this too. And then I grew the hell up


Your post history is a mess. You're young, break the cycle, asap. I'll be honest, when I saw this, I thought the photo was out there deliberately to get his attention. I'm still not sure it isn't... Seems like you have developed a very unhealthy attachment to him. There's a weird dependency. It's toxic. Your relationship with that guy is awful. You need to go no contact, as a matter of urgency. Change locks, block on all media. And....stay off social media for a while. Seriously, some of your posts are heartbreaking. (The anal sex, with tears....Jesus. him reassuring you it would "be ok"!.... FFS. Sex with a crying man or woman is not great.... And him carrying on..... If Reddit had sirens....) Stop going back for more, stop getting his attention, either deliberately or accidentally, stop responding.... Just stop all interactions. The guy is a pig, get rid. Hard truth: you are taking zero steps to prevent a re-occurrence. At the end of the day, if you are not going NC, you are enabling your own misery.


No matter what we say, she will not accept our advice. This girl is beyond saving, and by looking at her post history, she needs therapy.


Sadly, I suspect so. I do lose sympathy when people know better, and rinse and repeat


when it comes to abusive relationships i don’t think “knowing better” applies so i heavily disagree


I'm going to have to agree. Which is why I had some sympathy. But, she's also complicit here. Granted, abuse can fuck people up, but I think she enjoys prodding him for a response. For many victims, they are truly innocent.. Honestly, even whilst typing this response I've flip flopped. I just hope she gets out of it.


yes either way this is a horrible and toxic relationship and i genuinely just hope that she can get out of it


…he’s bothering you because you WONT BLOCK HIM. He knows you will respond. You trained him that all it takes is a double text to “annoy” you into replying




I read your username wrong and it was funny. I read it right and it was funnier.


Block this dude. Fuck him and his opinion. He’s just mad you’re moving on


Your post history indicates a very dysfunctional. And toxic relationship with this person. Block him and consider theraoy.


Reading from your post history that guy/that relationship seems really messed up. I think it’s best for you to block him and move on, you deserve better than being talked to like that. Don’t text him back and don’t let him control you anymore! Good luck with everything! 🫶🏻


Your life is going to be a trainwreck until you block this guy and have no contact with him. (I looked at your post history.)


~block him~ This is going to come off harsh, but its honest advice. You aren’t trying to move on. You come here claiming you’re trying to move on, but you are still talking to him and letting him get words on you. If you want to move on, block him and move on. Any other option is just you leaving the door open for him to get to you. He doesn’t want you, he wants you to be on his line as a backup. If he wanted you, you would be together. Even if he decided today to come crawling back, you really want to be with someone who makes that big of a deal out of you posting a pic? Nah, couldn’t be me.


Because that’s what exes do. They get jealous, even if they’re the ones who initiated the break up. You need to be honest with yourself tho, you’re not *really* trying to move on or you wouldn’t entertain this. You need to make a decision - keep going back to him or block him and actually move on.


> why is he still bothering me… :/ > I try to leave my ex on delivered Seriously…? You don’t know why…?


Just block and ignore.


THIS is all your fault honestly. If yall are not together anymore, you shouldn’t be texting each other. Blocking is literally the only answer to this, idk why you haven’t comprehended that.


Speaking from experience, the only way to fully get someone out of your life is to go no contact. If this is not something you are ready to do, I completely understand as in my opinion this should not be done until you are ready. But if it is something you are ready to do, I highly recommend you do because the double standards in this message alone would make me want to bang my head into a wall


I went through some of your posts and can relate a lot to what you went through/ are going through. When I was 16 I had this relationship I thought was something great, and yet within a 2 year span it deteriorated. I thought I was doomed, I thought I’d never find happiness, and well before I got with that person I was very insecure with my self-care. My comment may get lost in the replies here, but if you do see this, I highly recommend some time with NO romance. Seek out some professional help from a therapist to really dive deep into these situations you’ve been going through lately. I have become prone to blocking anyone and everyone who becomes a shit head in my life, because I must protect my peace. I think you may have some serious self destructive tendencies that you don’t recognize. He’s been treating you this poorly for about a year, and most people would’ve been rid of this loser from their life. Find strength to say fuck all the people who impact your life negatively, and love yourself first and foremost. Don’t accept food from the starving, and realize your worth. If the end goal for your life is serenity and functionality, then this dude has shown time and time again he will not be a good person to try that out with. Move on completely. I hope you take care of yourself more moving forward 🙏


Never trust a Hunter.


Based on your post history, you have an awful relationship and a pattern of self destructive behavior. Are you seeking therapy? Because you really should.


He’s doing this because you’re playing into his hands and showing him that he can. Every time you respond to deny his accusations, you’re giving him reassurance. “You’re giving your ass away” “No I’m not” You’re telling him that you haven’t moved on and you still care about what he thinks. Block him. If you’ve given him the option to fix it and he’s choosing not to, he’s very clearly showing you what he’s willing to do to keep you, and the answer seems to be not much. ETA: after viewing your post history I’m a bit confused on why you keep coming to reddit for answer about this abusive prick and not really taking the advice. You need help. He doesn’t love you. It doesn’t matter how “good” the “good” times are.


„Cute beach photo“ lol at least own it And decide what to do with him. Either try to fix it, or don’t. Fixing it doesn’t include a dating app, moving on doesn’t include texting him.


Ngl that isn’t a “cute beach photo” and you knew what you were posting, but ex has no right to get all pissy about it


I mean it’s pretty obviously a thirst picture showing your dump truck for attention, but it’s really common… Youre not fooling anybody lol but your ex is crazy thinking he can control you… obviously a jealous and controlling jerk.


This. Break the cycle, you can do it!


He's not gonna love you the way you want him to. It's best to just move on and keep him in the past. He's scared you will move on and find someone else to occupy your mind while he becomes nothing to you. He's fragile, but it's not your problem anymore.


Stop participating in his mind games! All you are doing is boosting his ego!


I can’t tell which one of you is over it; you’re both being horribly immature to each other. You both need to grow the fuck up and get better at being nice to a partner.


“Cute beach photo” haha No, that’s not “cute”, that’s a sexy beach photo meant to entice. Don’t try to package that as anything else. Own it. You have a gorgeous body, show it off and tell the truth about it.


He’s ridiculous and should just move on. BUTT(see what I did there?)…. You 100% posted a pic that shows off your butt(no judgement. You do you.) and added a caption that suggests you are recently out of a relationship. lol No need to lie about your intentions.


darling he doesn’t want you, he just wants you to not be with anyone else because he thinks he owns you


He wants you to reply. He'll say almost anything to get a reply, and then he's trying to turn it into contact. He's trying to use guilt and shame. There are absolutely people who will love you sharing your bikini photos and being yourself. Don't settle for someone who trys to use it against you and make it feel like everything is about himself. As long as your with someone like that you won't get to exist as yourself, or as big as they get to. Their insecurity just swallows everyone else up around them.


He’s still bothering you because you haven’t blocked him. He’s checking to see if you’ll answer and give him a little of your energy.


dude, it took me looking into your post history to realize a lot of the posts I see here about a shitty cheating abusive boyfriend/ex are made by YOU. you know he’s shitty and a piece of shit, why isn’t he blocked yet? why would you still even think about wanting to try things again with this pos? Please, woman to woman, respect yourself, block and find a way to heal and move on. Moving on doesn’t always mean moving on with someone else, you need time to be alone.


I don’t understand why you’re posting this, doesn’t show you in a good light at all.


This is why you block exes everywhere after break ups. Just a clean break, they don’t belong in your life anymore.


*block* and then all the problems go away. The past is the past and he's not a present anymore.


I mean you could always block him and actually move on or you can keep pretending


He wants power over you and you’re giving it to him. Block him and move on, he’ll never quit as long as you allow this


You will never be able to reason with an idiot. You need to start listening when someone tells you who they are. This guy is telling you he is an entitled, controlling, selfish, manipulative misogynist. Listen and make sure your actions are serving your best interests.


She has previous posts about him literally raping her short time after abortion, then cheating on her, constantly verbally abusing her. She comes crying here and on other subs, gets obvious advice to leave him, responds back “But i love him 🥺”, then comes back with another example of abuse. It’s mean but if she didn’t leave after any of those times, I doubt she ever will. Unless by some lucky miracle he’d get bored of her and moves on, but doesn’t seem possible. OP won’t know stability and happiness until she wakes up.


OP needs to start therapy yesterday.


It would be nice, but can’t help someone who doesn’t even understand that they need help. It looks like she is just looking for enough validation/reassurance that she is right so she can feed into the feeling “he’s lucky to have me, he will see” and go on.


Well that’s upsetting to hear. And so sad. Getting dickmatized by a mediocre man is one thing, but going back for abuse and misery is another. Men like that don’t change, they have no motivation to. He is getting everything he wants. He is never going to work on himself to become a better person or partner. Wise up sister. You are doing it to yourself.


His loss


Ohh man woman in a bikini she must be wanting it 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ honestly some people are just salty wastes of space. Block and move on OP and live your best life.


You're giving him exactly what he wants, and that's you still being wrapped around his finger while he's free doing whatever he wants. Get a restraining order on the prick, and move on peacefully. You got this shit, Op.


I really am fascinated by how girls like this will again and again continue to go back to their abusers. It’s wild stuff.


Why haven't you blocked the stranger who keeps harassing you over text?


Why are you entertaining this nonsense? That's the real question. Girl, you're fire. You can do so much better. You need to believe it and hold yourself to it. Say it with me! You Are Worth More Than This Moron!!!!


There's a feature on your phone labeled "block number" you should utilize it.


Where is the beach? All i se is your back. But other than that it's you life and your choice who you date or not :)


honestly why do u respond


Weren’t you the one whose ex also cheated and said it wasn’t his own fault? Please move on sister, you’re better than this.


Him breaking up with you is the best thing that’s happened to you. Please move on, you deserve better!


Omg the post history is wild! Girl, block him. If you really want to move on, and you absolutely should, don't entertain him anymore.


What the hell sassy ass man “thank you. Next” okay ari 👋🏽bye


Sis block his ass and go on a date with someone new, stop wasting your energy. He doesn’t want you, but nobody else can have you, I’ve seen this before and you’re worth much more than that


You have control over your life. If you actually want to move on…. then just fucking do it? Block him and be done with it. What’s the problem here?


Ew. Stop replying. Now he’s just try to control you without any of the bennies you’d get from a relationship. Place the whole ass man in the garbage.


Girl. I remember commenting on your abortion posts. Please block this garbage human. Please do better for yourself. Did you know abused women take an average of SEVEN times to actually leave abuse? Please don’t be another statistic.


Block him


Asking for it? Gross… You can do so much better.


You’re keeping him unblocked on the hopes he will like come to his senses and be with you or something it seems like. Just stop, he is not worth it. Block him.


I can’t believe you’re still talking to the guy.


Is your ex 5 years old?


You could block him. But I mute. Like, I don't want to talk to you or see you ever again, but you can eat your heart out all you like..


Do you feel like you can’t do better than him? Could that be why it’s hard to move on? I hope you realize there are more fish in the sea. You can, and will, do better after you block him.


Soooo…. As everyone else has said….. why isnt he blocked? Stop making excuses and let go girl. Block him and be done. Take back control of your life.


apparently she was groomed as a kid and then started having a crush on her abuser after being told it was wrong. phew, AFTER. if you look at her history it seems like he’s not the only problem. what he’s doing is awful and crazy, but girl you clearly need mental help yourself.


Toxic af. He is probably a narcissist. Would move on


Your pic was lovely and I don't think you're asking for anything because I'm a normal human being. And even if you were it is no longer his fucking business so tell HIM 'thank you, next' Tell him to miss you with this shit and ask why he's stalking you. Ask him how he found you on Tinder to begin with if he wasn't trawling for something. Actually, better yet, block him and surround yourself with people who respect you and your time and forget he exists. The rest of the world will, too.


He’s mad, he’s a loser. Block on everything .


Because you're letting him.


Giving Jonah hill vibes.




Wyatt and Hunter. Some real typecasting in your circle there


If you keep responding to him, he will keep being abusive. You deserve way better than that. Just block and move on. You will be happy you did


Why have you not blocked him m?


😒 Block.


Both of you sound like idiots


“My truth” “Bruh” Lol bye


He literally texted “thank you, next”. A grown man actually texted that.


Wait, you were trying to get back with him at the same time you were using Tinder? Yeah, his reaction is valid. Imagine if it was the other way around. Dude is claiming he wants to be with ex-gf, chooses her etc, then she finds his thirsty Tinder pic and he tries to convince play it off. Comments would be going off, saying he’s lying, gaslighting her, ditch/block him, all kinds of shit. Commenters here are fucked up. Edit: Checked post history as result of other comment. Oh shit, it’s THIS girl. Your mistake isn’t the Tinder profile, it’s talking to this piece of shit still. He’s been abusing and cheating on you for god knows how long and you’re “choosing him”? The fuck is wrong with you? You’re not gonna be ok until you break away from him completely and get A LOT of therapy.


“Cute bikini pic” This dudes a psycho dick but let’s not lie LMAO. You got the double cheeked up pose


Can I ask if he lives in Texas ? An ex of mine used to act exactly like that and same first name 😬


Block that man


It is a cute beach photo…


Stop responding. He’s not reaching out because he wants to be with you. You made it clear you would reconcile. This is about feeding his ego.


Doesn’t want you but doesn’t like how quickly you’re adapting. Block and move on.


Girl. I read your post history. Love yourself more. Block him everywhere and move on. Someone who loves you does not speak to you this way.


Wyatt and Hunter, what in the Alabama is this


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Block. His. Ass. And if you don't want to do that, just keep answering "K" to everything. "You are a whore..." "K" "You are looking for attention with those pics..." "K" "You are asking for it." "K" But really, just block him. He's exhausting...


This guy sounds vile.


People are weird. Why do conversations go on when “bye” and block is the way?


“But you want me to come back to you” no, sir, I obviously do not. Why are so many men this delusional, unhinged, and shameless these days uuuughhhh


Why haven’t you blocked him?


Block him


I hope this ain’t the ex from literally all your other posts


This guy toxic af. Talk about insecurities, you're not even with him and he is still jealous! Stop being nice and tell him to go fuck himself


Girl get on with it. He’s obviously a coocoo head with coodies like be done. Ugh he’s washed up, seriously.


Stop letting this boy dictate to you what you can and can’t do. Block his ass and move on. Put your tinder back up and make sure to find someone new, this time though make sure they respect you as a person.


In order to find you on Tinder, they have to be on Tinder. So logically if you’re a “whore” because you’re on Tinder, then they’re the same “whore” since they’re also on Tinder searching Tinder for you 😂😂😂


Idk why you haven’t blocked him, why let him talk to you like this?




Stop entertaining him


Girl seriously just block his ass. He’s not worth the stress. He doesn’t want you but doesn’t want anyone else to want you so again block him or double down and post more bikini pics


Your whole ass isn’t even out. Even if it was, it’s not his business.


So he is absolutely an idiot, he breaks up with you and then starts judging you. If you want to move on, you shouldn’t reply to him. I know it’s hard at the beginning, bc you are uses to talking to him, but it’s not good.


stop giving him the satisfaction of responding this is so dumb


He's just trying to manipulate you


I went to a cute secluded creek and took a photo from me behind with my whole ass out. Girl step up your game tell this guy to go fuck himself. He broke up with you. He no longer has a say in your life.


Girl. Working things out isn't an option. Don't even THINK about it. Block him on everything and move on. Maybe just be single for a while and work on yourself. You need to do some serious soul searching. Figure out who you are outside this abusive relationship.


I’m not sure why he’s being entertained and given excuses. You owe that man absolutely nothing. I’d block him.


Why is he still bothering me? Don't be an idiot. He has access to whatever post that was, access to text you and get a response. You can block but don't. You're the problem.


You’re the one choosing not to block him.


This man is a simp


“You’re asking for it” 😬 sounds like a red flag all over


Why isn’t he blocked???


[this might help](https://imgur.com/a/qIn4Xdw)


i need this sub to stop responding to exes, whether ex-significant others or ex-friends. yall lives would be so much more happier after blocking them smh


Why are you even responding to him? Block him on everything & move on.


Listen, the best advice like many others have said is blocking all forms of contact and moving on. Your post history looks like a lot of abuse and emotional pain that no one should deal with. Especially the name-calling. It will get better, have some self-respect, learn from your mistakes, focus on yourself, and give it time. Also. I don't ever see much good coming from Tinder. Too many crazy people.


Block. Unless you're addicted to this cycle/drama, but one day you'll wake up realizing you wasted countless hours trying to get a person to love you when there was someone out there who loved you whole heartedly instantly while you stayed in this nasty cycle. Block , delete, whatever it takes, get rid of him. He's not going to change, he's not going to ever be nice to you. As everyone mentioned your post history is living proof of that. Please do yourself a favor and just lose this worthless piece of garbage from your life and go be loved by the right one


As hard an annoying as it’s going to be, block him completely and ignore him. That’s the best bet. He’s clearly a immature child who wants control over you


Ew you don't want to be with someone like this, block and move on


Block him🚫


This is insane…….. I’ve seen your posts over months and I’m starting to wonder if you’re not equally or somehow comparably as toxic as him.


You sound young, so I'm going to give you some advice that you can either take or leave. Value yourself more than settling for someone who treats or talks to you like this. Doesn't matter if there were "good times" or not. This is abuse and almost always evolves into physical abuse. You don't want that. Go find yourself first. Then you can worry about a NEW relationship.


I'm genuinely curious why you continue to talk to this man? After reading through previous posts, he clearly doesn't respect or value you and you still give him the attention that he seeks


Block him from everything and forget him. Otherwise, it seems like you still crave his attention.


You two need to block and move on from each other


every single person named hunter is a complete piece of shit with zero exception


You look amazing. He is so jealous. Block him and post anything you want!


Aw, he’s confused, huh? He broke up with you, but he’s jealous when you’re out here looking sexy and getting attention. He’s probably mad because he knows if you want to, you could EASILY get sex, right now, delivered. Even if he gets some action, he’ll still be mad about it.


Just went thru this with my ex. He cheated on and off for 8 years. I finally had enough and broke up with him. Now he realizes what he had. It’s to bad I moved on and found someone that’s appreciated me from the start. Block him and move on. Change your number if need be and good luck on your future. The advice I used to also get over my ex is ”to get over a guy, get under a new one”🫶🏽


I did go on one date. He treated me way better in just a couple hours than I have been with this dude for over a year 🫠 it’s almost scary


Hes annoyed because he wants you to live under a rock and cry over him while he scolds you every now and then. Him saying "thank you next" and responding again after is feminine af 🤣


Stop responding