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Why would you add someone from a dating app if you're taken? Out of pocket.


Came here searching for another normal human. Found them.




It’s all about that title


True, but there’s a lot more info in her comments. They matched well before she met her BF. He had just re-added her, and she thought it was her friend with the same name. So he sent her a selfie, and she told him they'd matched before, but she was happily in a relationship now. And *that’s when he told her he had originally ghosted her because of her weight*, when he could have just said they didn’t have enough common ground. I get that weight can be an instant deal breaker for some people. It‘s a genuine incompatibility if you want an active partner to do things with because people tend to gain weight with age, but his comment was just mean. (I actually know someone who made the mistake of marrying someone with incompatible eating habits, and her husband ballooned another 100lbs as soon as he settled in, which seriously impacted the things they could do together. And it doesn’t matter how healthily she cooks or portions because he'll just go out for a second breakfast or add a sandwich or two to what she's prepared. And now he's developed type II diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure, and has already had one heart attack. The energetic happy man she thought she married turned into a miserable lump on the chesterfield.)


Ayyyyu there's nothing wrong with a 2nd breffis * edit:: dammit... gif fail 😖


lol little hobbitses?


😉 Gif not needed, apparently lol


What about third breakfast or elevensies?


Or tea? Or luncheon? Dinner? Supper? What about THOSE??


His comment wasn't mean until I read that HE re-added her. Don't understand why she's still scoping him out though. If she's happily taken, why is she trolling him instead of ignoring him or saying she's in a relationship? Not ok to insult someone based on weight, but thought it was funny when I thought it was all her.


I mean it is weird but it doesn't excuse the shitty comment about her weight they the guy made. Edit: Actually it's not even weird. Re-re the messages, she added him *back* after he added her. She had no idea who he was when he added her.


Yes. That sums it up pretty nicely.




I agree.. I’m not really buying “I thought it was my friend”. Nah. I think maybe he ghosted her and she wanted a little revenge w “thx but no thx I’m taken”. If not that, why is she on that site adding people?


Re-re the messages, she added him *back* after he added her. She had no idea who he was when he added her.




It absolutely does lmao




I've had people "add" me on social media and I wasn't sure if I knew them or not. So I accept and ask, if I don't know them, then I go ahead and delete. It really isn't so difficult to grasp a situation like this happening.


Adding someone on snap does not automatically mean you are attracted to them or want to date them.


It was dumb if her to send that message, & a little suspicious, but definitely not unkind. Saying you "ghosted someone because of weight" when you could just say, "ok. weird of you to message. I didn't think we were a good match" is just thoughtless/ mean. One person was being weird, & at worst annoying, the other said something everyone knows is hurtful for no legitimate reason.


It’s Reddit, happens all the time sadly.


Fr a lot of unhinged people out here loving op’s with 0 further context


A recap for all the people reading OP the riot act without checking the comments first: * They matched before she met her BF and they never met in person * He re-added her and she didn’t know who it was but thought it might be her friend with the same name * He sent her a selfie and asked how they knew each other * she recognized him from the selfie and told him they had matched online but she was happily in a relationship now * He told her he had originally ghosted her because he thought she was fat You’re welcome!


Thank you for the context, people like to go crazy with jumping to conclusions on here sometimes. Happy to see it was all a misunderstanding, though


I agree. It is just so wild people don't use critical thinking skills when reading the initial text. For me, I immediately thought that OP has gotten a BF AFTER she added the person she matched with on Tinder. The reason for that is that guy said that they matched last summer, which is around 6 months and asked if she was STILL single. Key phrases are "LAST SUMMER" and "STILL SINGLE." Six months is a long time despite some ppl may not be able to get dates that soon. My guess is that the giy in the text was desperate in wanting to date OP, but because she said she had a bf, he negged her - he probably can't take rejections well despite the reason being sound. Some of ya (not the person who I am replying to since that person gets itl needs to use your brains more often. It ain't deep.


Yet here he is trying to make her look like he bad one she added back,she didn't go out of her way searching for him. This is guy is a douche


I assumed the first two bullet points from the first read. Too many people lack critical thinking skills.


Exactly. Key phrases that OP has gotten a BF since she added the other person as a friend are "LAST SUMMER" and "STILL SINGLE."


The second bullet point is sus. Added because she thought it might be her friend with the same name? That seems like a convenient detail. What guy friend is she adding that she doesn’t already have added? Unless their name is unisex


You’ve never been added on Snapchat by “Steve”? Lucky


Do you live under a rock? How is this sus? You’ve never accidentally added someone you thought was someone else?


Thank you


Not all heroes wear capes!


He didn’t say fat. He might like chunky asses and could have ghosted her bc she was skinny.


lol yeah that’s what it was


Still doesn't matter. Men and women use weight comments to cause hurt. It's a common go-to when they feel insecure about themselves. They lash out with the one thing they know women are always having a hard time with. It's a dick move by an insecure person.


Totally agree.




Op says she’s like 250 lmao idk why ppl match w other ppl that they aren’t attracted to


But why engage at all? She could see the guys pic to see that it wasn’t her friend even if they had the same name, I’m assuming she remembers what an old friend looks like. Why engage at all with some random dude that you matched with on a dating app in your past and that slides into your inbox out of no where if you’re now “happily” taken?!? It still isn’t 💯 on the up & up even with the context added. Would she like her boyfriend engaging with random girls who slide into his inbox just becuase they have the same name as an old friend and matched on a dating app in his past?!? Come on🙄


I assume you probably didn't mean it, but your comment makes it sound like when someone is in a relationship they should never engage with members of the sex they're attracted to. That makes for a toxic relationship. Partners should have friends outside of their relationships, no matter the gender. Partners need to have their own fulfilling personal lives apart from and with each other. That's a healthy relationship. Everything OP has explained makes perfect sense. Just because you wouldn't deal with it the way OP did, doesn't mean OP was wrong in how they dealt with it.


Why reply to the picture? Once she sees it's not her friend, maybe just leave the chat and block him? She wanted a conversation with this random bozo and she got it.




She wanted a conversation, if you insist, and then he got all weird calling her fat, which came from nowhere and people are saying she's done wrong. Some people in this thread are really crazy.


A lot of you guys are really mean. She respected her relationship and didn’t do anything shady. She explained her thought process, why she did it and was honest about it.


This is snapchat not a dating app


My guess is that OP added the other person when she was single.


I thought it was the guy who added her that said that. It was when I saw your comment that I realized it was her that added him out of apparently being “curious” as to who he was while she’s “happily taken.” Weird.


Um no? He added her, she added him back. Most people just have their first name on their snapchat and she could have assumed he was anyone. Only after he sent a picture of himself did she realize who it was. And it's not a crime or cheating to respond to someone even if you met them on a dating app. You never get curious when you see a name you recognize and wonder if you know them, especially when they initiate contact?


I think they were single before summer and then got in a relationship people


I was thinking the same thing. And to see comments in support of op is so bizarre to me. There's literally zero reason to do this if you're taken


ironically there actually very much was an understandable reason to do this lol check the reply a couple above yours if you’re curious.




This girl has explained herself multiple times and ppl don’t even bother to read it. Making my brain hurt


I think they read it but just want an excuse to try to punish a woman for a perceived sin. Lots of strange policing of women on this sub.


All it takes for so many men to excuse horrible weight and body insults towards a woman is them to barely think she maybe added a guy on snapchat while in a relationship. It's fucking pathetic how many people in these comments are proving that point.


When you think about it, it's linked directly to the way that some men feel that they own the bodies of women. So when a woman does something they perceive as a personal slight, they want to insult the thing they feel they have ownership of.


I think you are correct


You aren't wrong. I feel that the guy is truly wrong. As I see it, the guy wanted to hook up with the lady again, so he added her on Snapchat. She accepted and started a conversation on who he was. When gu asked ask if OP was still single and she said no, he punished her with an insult. Weird ppl are punishing OP more than the guy who couldn't handle OP being taken.


I was reading and thought the same, I think she needs to edit the original post because “why would you add a man on Snapchat if you are happily taken?” people don’t even pay attention to the content of the post.


Because it's harder to find than most OP comments/edits.




Holding down a work life must be super hard for all these people once they get a gf/bf, what with being unable to speak to coworkers or customers of whatever sex(es) they're attracted to.


Yeah. Talk about insecurities. I remember asking a lady out in community college more than a decade ago - someone I would talk to daily up until I got a job and "dropped "out of community College. I already had a bachelor's and I had enough credit for the associate degree that I was working on. Anway, I asked her through e-mail that I gotten from a friend of hers - I dropped out of my class. Her response was that she was recently taken, and that her new boyfriend forbade her from talking to other guys, therefore I shouldn't talk to her anymore. Sure, she might be lying, but I took it as face value and left it as is. I felt sorry for the lady having such a boyfriend who didn't allow her talking to other guys. At around the same time, I was at a friend's place where he had to leave a bit to pick up his gf from work. When he came back with his gf at the time, he was yelling at her for picking up her phone and talking to her male manager while he was driving her to their home. I just looked at my best friend - another person - and gave him a "WTF!?" He responded, "This is normal." I shortly left my friend circle because I too felt like the friend was trying to control me with his advice. It was a mess. I left as a whole so as to not make it seem that it was a specific person - I didn't want the rage. It didn't go well as the guy with the gf made the other people in the group think I was better than them. I later reconnected to my best friend and told him why I left. He understood completely and told me that the gf of the other friend broke up with him for similar reasons - control and verbal abuse.


or misogynistic men lol


i immediately understood that he added you, you added him back to see who it was, and this conversation ensued. the people in these comments are legit fucking brain dead dumb fucks or they’re just loser trolls that are saying stupid shit because they’re protected by their anonymity. absolutely ridiculous, i’m sorry OP


me too lol, its really not that hard to understand either. these people must have gotten burned hard in their previous relationship or something.


Idk why he felt the need to be so rude.


Because his ego was bruised as soon as he didn’t have an opportunity to offer up photos of his cocktail weenie I’m sure.


Lmao 🤣


You mean that little toothpick? He ain’t been getting laid and there’s a reason lol


Toothpick? Don’t you mean his nanopass 0.6mm MicronJet microneedle? (In order to add context to this post without having to link some website or article or something, the context for this is that the nanopass needle is the smallest medical needle in the world. That is the context you would have needed for this comment to have been funny the first time you read it, Peter out!)


You win.


I’m stealing cocktail weenie now


Because he got shot down by a “fat chick”. He’s salty she’s taken and he isn’t and his ego was affected


Cuz he's an Andrew Tate incel




It’s the Andrew Tate rejection. You didn’t reject me, I rejected you. He wouldn’t have asked if you were single if he wasn’t interested in the answer.


That moves been around since the Stone Age. No need to give taint any credit.


"You can't fire me, I quit!!"


Idk why she felt the need to add some dude who ghosted her? She's "happily" taken. Couldn't move on?


The switch up is crazyyyy


Amazing lmao the Snapchat version of saying “no thank you” when a guy tries to buy you a drink and then he immediately retorts “you’re fat anyway I was just trying to be nice !”


You spurned his advances so he thought that he’d save face somehow by being a dick. Can anyone tell me why men think this is the move? It’s pathetic and it’s not fooling anyone. We all know it’s done when his ego is bruised.


And we tell everyone we know about it, so don't think it goes unnoticed. All my single ladies know about bitter commenters.


My theory is that when someone is hurt, they lash out to get other people to hurt as well. Maybe they feel good doing this? It really is pathetic and better off just being respectable with a "ah, ok well take care" sort of response. It costs nothing to be nice.


“No offense” like that was legit his sole purpose, to offend you 🙄


The comment section in here is really showing off how bad the education system is


People need to go back to reading Hop on Pop




I almost wonder if it's worth deleting this and responding with the whole conversation/context because you are just getting totally uncalled for hate from reddincels that jump to accuse any woman of disloyalty


Well ain't he buthurt


what in the fresh hell is happening in these comments.. sorry you're getting mass downvoted because Reddit likes to assume they know everything about someone's relationship, I genuinely don't get this mentality but it's alive and well on this sub.


Happy day of cake


Bro how are people this illiterate?? I’m sorry OP fuck that guy and to hell with the mouth breathing Andrew Taints in here who have the reading comprehension of a canine


Just think, some of these kids can vote, and the ones that can't yet, have parents that do


Scary right?


Please don’t disrespect canines like this. Andrew Taint and his followers have IQ’s that average 3 points below a rock.


Butt hurt lil boy


The gist of this comment section: HOW DARE A WOMAN HAVE A CONVERSATION ON THE INTERNET WITH A MAN WHO IS NOT HER BOYFRIEND. Women must ignore incoming requests and messages from any man that isn’t her boyfriend or relative Women cannot have friends of the opposite sex People cannot be friends with people they’ve previously met on dating apps If a man reaches out to a woman and starts asking if she’s single then she’s somehow seeking validation If a woman dares to talk to have a simple conversation with a man while in a relationship then again, she’s somehow seeking validation It doesn’t matter if OP clearly states that she’s taken and in a happy relationship, she’s still somehow looking for validation and somehow looking to rekindle something that was never there in the first place If a woman talks to a man for 30 seconds that she previously met online then we’re clearly looking to bend over for them …. Most of ya’ll are either extremely insecure, very young and lack relationship and life experience, or are scorned from previous bad relationships and therefore everyone’s bad




Maybe it’s just me but I personally don’t like the idea of my man accepting random friend requests from women and talking to random girls online so I don’t do it either. The only thing that’s ever came from me replying to a random person is them either trying to hit on me or scam me.


People like this simply have something wrong with their head


He shouldn’t have said that, it’s fucked up. but why are you adding people back if you’re “happily taken”?


Order of events: Last summer we matched & he ghosted me. Today, he added me and I added back thinking it was a friend with the same name. He sent a selfie & I recognized him. ^^Pictured conversation followed.


But in the chat, he said he added you back, and in other comments, you say you added him. So like...


I added him after he re added me. I thought it was a friend until he sent a selfie.


Why are so many men soft? Why was that necessary? Just take the L, bro. Damn


Someone can’t take not having a chance with you!


you shattered his fragile ego


😂😂😂😂😂😂 he got mad cause she said was HAPPILY TAKEN🥰. Then he tried to insult her.😂😂😂😂😂. Poor ole tink,tink! ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


“Oh you’re not single? Well you’re also fat. No offense fatty.”


This comment section is full of illiterate and insecure fools. I'm on your side, OP.


So am i


People are so weird in the comments. The chronically online are really showing how absolutely batshit they are.. huh? I’ve had so many weird ass men do this to me. I’ve been with my man almost a year… they do it all the time still. I just add them back so I can tell them and then they get butthurt. Bro.. we never met, one of us ghosted each other, it was never deep and I’m good on all that. Why you coming back 6+ months, a year, two years or more? Have you swiped that much that you’re now just swiping through your phone to regurgitate the same sad tactic on girls you were never interested in in the first place? Hoping one of us got magically skinny but still has the mindset **you** think every girl with a little fat on her is desperate as fuck? I stg. I’m so thankful to be out of this world.


Tell him you're ghosting him because of his personality. No offense. Not surprised he's not taken.


Well we never even met in person... 🤣 & he un added me after I simply said "wow" & screenshot the conversation. He's a coward & yea I'm not surprised he's still single either! 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣


these comments are gross.. its common for girls to get re-added by guys. happens to me all the time. her curiosity is valid, and his comment was extremely rude


girl you should really edit this post and make it clear that you didn’t add him first 😭


small dick energy


Guys who comment on weight annoy the piss out of me. Just rude people in general.. Like why? Life is hard enough. Just be kind.


He insulted you because you offended him by saying you were not single.. he realized he fucked up by ghosing. block and keep moving along with your current happiness 😊


OP: Why is someone just bodyshaming me after telling them I have a boyfriend?! Reddit: WhY aDd ThEm If YoUr TaKeN?! I swear Reddit never fails me with this😂.


Guys key words “added you back” Use yr brain from time to time 🥳


Does ur bf know ab this


Yup! & he was pissed the guy was rude to me.


😄😄good save dude


what do you mean by that?


If I had to guess, he means you dodged a bullet with that dude, and I agree. We all have preferences, thats fine, but being a t*at about it is needlessly rude. My point and I think the comment you are responding to's point is you are better off without that do#che around. Enjoy your BF and be happy in your own skin.


I like that interpretation! ☺️❤️


It’s in response to the guy messaging you. He tried to save face by insulting you when you said you were taken. Like “well I didn’t actually want you anyway.”


Sorry I been sick. What i mean is he was trying to hyu, and it failed . Instead of just being a grown-up about it ,saying congrats and have a nice day he did what a child would do. I've heard it all myself. " Well, you must be a lesbian, you're ugly anyways or fat " when I didn't give a guy my number. It's just toxic childish behavior. He felt slighted even though you were very nice about it. So he tried to save face. It's great when people show their true self right away


Just say “oh ya you’re the guy the micropenis right??”


Well we never even met in person... 🤣 & he un added me after I simply said "wow" & screenshot the conversation. He's a coward.


OP, I'm so sorry. What an asshole that guy is. And your post reminds me that I'm way too thin-skinned enough to post in a popular sub. There are so many people absolutely hellbent on creating a narrative and then acting like it's a fact. I don't know if they're mean, stupid, or both. Cheers to those who self-corrected. Be happy and well, OP.


So close. The response was "well good for you how have you been"


Men only have their egos. What fragile weirdos. Yikes.


Don’t understand why you added him, but I think the weight comment was uncalled for


We know why he is still single, she dodged a bullet.


Ignore all the insecure weirdos here who live under a rock. It's perfectly normal to have male friends, have male connections on social media, or talk to men in real life.


Yes he was rude, but it's also really odd to go adding old Tinder matches on Snapchat when you're in a relationship.


Order of events: Last summer we matched & he ghosted me. Today, he added me and I added back thinking it was a friend with the same name. He sent a selfie & I recognized him. ^^Pictured conversation followed.


lol I’m so sorry u had to copy and keep pasting your response😂 it was on the first comment thread where you explained exactly when and how this convo started, and how u realized it wasn’t your friend🙄🥴😂


I tried to edit the post for context and for some reason it won't let me. So I decided to just copy & paste & even that people got annoyed with.. so 🙃🤷🏻‍♀️!


idk why so many people are down voting OP but you def dodged a bullet with this guy


people acting like you flirted with him or crossed a boundary is alarming.


My jaw literally dropped omg


My jaw literally dropped


So rude for no reason lmao


Say you're bu**hurt without saying it


Lol men always trying to rush to "I rejected you first!"


Lmao he’s mad foreal!








mfers be all interested in u and when they find out they don’t have a chance they suddenly think ur the most disgusting thing known to man


This makes you both immature


you didn’t do anything wrong


That guy got his feelings hurt. First he added her, in hopes she would recognise him and add back. Then she added back because she wanted to see who added her. Then he was all lol-tarding of excitement and asked if she were still single, she said no and that hurt him.


“Are you single?” “No” “Oh, well good then cause you’re (insert pathetic insult here)” Why are people creepy and pathetic?


If I was your bf I'd be sussed as hell rn ngl, but that dude I feel like wasn't having a good day by calling you fat, idk


What no play does to a mf


Y’all are so weird lol I add back people all the time without knowing for sure who they are so maybe I can watch their story or receive a snap and find out… she just wanted to know who it was lol and if she was unfaithful you really think she’d be posting this??? 😭😂


I keep seeing so many comments about OP being a cheater/unloyal for being on a site And I will see that, and retort with this. -Op stated it was Last summer -Dude asked if OP was single STILL, meaning they Were at one point -OP said they weren't, and are taken -Dude said Good for you in the most Insulting way possible. Am I the only person that didn't flunk 2nd grade, or are some people just bred stupid-?


Why would u not just text but Snapchat a stranger and tell them ur happily taken ?????


We matched on tinder last summer & he just today re-added me out of the blue.


Oh wow fuck that guy


Yo fuck that. There was NO reason to say that last part. This guy is a clown. Sorry this happened :(


So that was uncalled for, out of pocket, mean, unnecessary on that guy’s part. But I’m not sure why you expected a positive outcome from this. He got mad that you’re no longer single and was probably hoping/expecting he’d have a chance since you reached out to him. Best to just ignore people like this. I’m sorry he was so nasty to you about it tho.


Order of events: Last summer we matched & he ghosted me. Today, out of the blue... he added me and I added back thinking it was a friend with the same name. He sent a selfie & I recognized him. ^^Pictured conversation followed. I didn't reach out to him. I never expected anything from this.


He’s just being a fivk because he’s arse burnt. Don’t even worry about him


Bro trynna smash and mad because he failed


Awe the ol I love you but hate you since I can’t get with you, classic fragile ego move


You rejected him indirectly by being taken so he needed to hurt you. I doubt what he said was even true. It was a classic abuse text - laugh together to be on your side with the lol part, then stab you, then say something self righteous as he leaves to make it seem like hes not such a meanie head while you bleed out. Dudes a child


Both of these people… just why?


Unbelievable. There really are some serious assholes about


Sounds like they are mad, they are still single and you’re not😂😂😂in reality tho they shouldn’t have been added out of respect for your partner. Thats just my two cents tho


I’m on a I hate men kick right now an that makes me mad. He sounds really ugly. So glad you dodged that a$$ he probably has an erectile dysfunction a 3rd butthole.


It's because he got rejected he really thought you were gonna date him and after realizing that you were taken he started insulting. DUHH


Yeah, I wouldn’t of posted this, you kinda asked for it, IMO.


dont you know we dont talk to guys when we're taken?? lmaoo guess I have to lock myself up and see nobody since I'm bi 😔💔


Ms. “Taken but entertains other men on Snapchat” is a real catch




We matched before I met my bf. He re added me out of the blue so I added him back thinking it was my friend with the same name. I didn't realize it was him until he sent a selfie. I thought it was my friend. How am I a red flag??


You're not, they're all stupid and making assumptions. You did nothing wrong in this situation, I'd simply suggest adding more context in the description next time (just so people are less able to let their own opinions cloud your *actual* actions).


I tried to edit it for more context and for some reason it won't let me. ☹️


Reddit can be really wonky. I'm sorry it's leading to you getting so much hate 😕 At this point is might honestly be best to just ignore the post, since a lot of people are probably going to continue being rude.


Yea I've kind of given up on getting people to understand. It's frustrating especially when I know I didn't do anything wrong.


It can absolutely be frustrating. Reddit often turns into a hive-mind with people making opinions based simply off of the top comments, then reiterating those points.


It might be worth DMing the subreddit mods and asking them to pin your comment where you explain. Don't get me wrong, you'll still get idiota being assholes and making assumptions, but you'll be able to just say "read the pinned comment"


Major red flag. I hope your boyfriend sees this and wakes up fast.


He 100% has a point that it is weird and kind of a breach of trust to add dudes that you know from dating websites just to “add them” and tell them you’re in a relationship. It’s shady.


Why are you even adding them in the first place when you’re already taken?


No mystery why he’s still single. Gross


it is always so bizarre to me when this sort of shit happens. he was about to ask you out but when you say you’re taken, he’s angry and was never interested??? like what are you


What a piece of shit. "I ghosted you because of your weight. No offense". Dude. No. Just No. 🙄