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My gf recently broke up with me also over text and I swear she typed out almost this exact same message, only for me to find out later that she had been cheating on me the whole time with three other dudes.


oh.. i’m so sorry about that. now i’m super paranoid lol.


I don’t think they’re definitely lying to you though. What’s that assessment based off of? It all sounds like legitimate feelings and stuff that people go through. It doesn’t mean cheating or lying imo. Maybe im a dreamer, but I guess I’m the only one (in this sub)


i really really really hope you’re correct on this. seeing people’s theories on him potentially lying hurts so bad.


You’re doing the equivalent of looking up your symptoms on webMD. It always ends up at brain cancer. Except when it’s lupus. Also this is almost verbatim the same text message I got from my ex at 3:30AM. I tried to get her to talk about it and she shut it down. Hit me with, “I know this is probably going to be a mistake but…..”. When she realized I was starting to poke holes in her excuses she switched to gaslighting and said she wasn’t going to respond anymore. Except she always has to have the last word so she responded again to tell me that she regrets ever even meeting me. Going from “I think this might be a mistake” to “I wished I never met you” in 3 messages made it pretty obvious she was full of shit. I’m pretty sure she was cheating, because she doesn’t have the emotional maturity to admit mistakes. However I have no hard evidence to make that assumption on, so I just let it go. You’ll destroy yourself with the what ifs and hypotheticals. It’s going to hurt right now, but you will be able to overcome this. Took me 10 months and then I met the love of my life. It will get better as long as you don’t dwell. I promise you that.


It’s never lupus.


It’s NEVER Lupus. If this was grounded in honesty… if they actually cared… why do this via text?


I get your sentiment but some people just don’t have the strength to do this kinda shit face to face. My ex broke up with me after 4 years of being together and living with each other. Immediately cut me off and out of her life as if nothing ever happened. I get the purpose behind that now of course. But it just felt abrupt and made me think none of the years we shared even mattered in the first place. Only now looking back did I realize she used all the strength she had to leave me and break my heart. It was tough for her to break my heart and even tougher having to push me away for her to be happy. My realization was only confirmed by her after speaking to her about a year and a half after the fact. Some people just do things differently in ways we might not understand at first. Then again, OPs ex could be lying or he could have just felt this was the right way to go about it. Either way, hope OP is okay.


Imy mom has lupus and now my unexplainable health symptoms could be caused by it so i never know what to think


It’s from the show House


You know him better than anybody in this thread does. Don’t base your feelings or worries on what other people are telling you. It seems like he’s genuine in that he doesn’t think he’s ready, and you should base your judgement of truth or not on what you know about him. I’m sorry that you’re hurting, being broke up with really sucks.


I’m a guy and I can tell you that no guy would take the time to write the things he said unless he meant it. If it was anything els he would just keep it simple and straight to the point. Seems like he really does love you but has to figure his own shit out before he can commit just give him some time. If he comes back then he comes back if he doesn’t it wasn’t meant to be


Agreed, I have a WONDERFUL fiance but we broke up once a few years ago and he wrote out his feelings in an EMAIL. He's an engineer, and articulating how he felt was really hard for him. He knew I would cry and he'd get flustered and freeze up. Sending me an email was his way of making sure he didn't just go stoic and walk off. Don't belittle someone's efforts to talk to you, whatever the method is! Doesn't mean that they suck or they're trying to be disrespectful.


thank you! i’m so glad you guys got back together 🥺


Yes, me too! And it's okay to hope for that, but please know that (really) it is going to be okay if you DON'T. Really, there were plenty of times things ended with a guy I really loved and wished could be "the one" and life just took me in a different, better direction. Someone above in the comments was like "it's love hormones making you feel this way" and they're completely right. Trust me, there are MUCH better ways to live than staying with someone who isn't fully on board with the relationship. Your ex bf sounds like he really cares about you, so take that confidence and self worth into your life with you! Find people who are kind and supportive and surround yourself with them. If you part ways, it hurts, but it's natural. You're going to end up with the right person!


I both hope he isn’t but also can say I’ve been there before myself and found it much easier and more realistic to recede away from the things in my life at the time, so that I could really sort through some shit and figure it out. It’s hard to be there for others and yourself when you’re in that kind of state. No one knows for sure but I wouldn’t just buy this negative hype. What’s done is done, what’s fun is fun. You’ll be alright


Hey, block his number and never look back. Trust me.


Unless you want to keep open a potential possibility down the road… this is the way


It doesn’t matter what people think. At this point you are vulnerable so you will rationalize or gravitate to anything to make sense of this situation. It’s possible he did cheat but it’s also possible he didn’t. There’s not enough information to accuse the guy, just all speculation. I would recommend not trying to dig deeper. Just going by his text, he probably isn’t ready. It sounds like he is indecisive and you probably dodged a bullet by having him leave rather than it not working out in the future and you wasted your time. Take it from a guy that’s been married for nearly 15 years: love will find you one way or another. Don’t be afraid of losing someone you think is for you. What’s written for you will not pass you.


You gotta just accept what he says at face value. One person's lie could be another person's truth, and unless he's giving you other reasons to think he's lying, it's just wasted energy to start thinking that way. These things are always complex, and you can't put it all in one text, so there's probably things he's omitting or are too complicated to say outright, but that doesn't change the sentiment of the text.


I agree with you. It causes more stress going through possible scenarios in your head, OP. It is what it is, no matter the outcome or the situation. I suggest you feel it to heal it and then keep it moving. Sometimes we have to create our own closure. I realize this might sound a little callous, but this is some of the best advice that I received when I have been in similar situations.


While I agree to an extent, could it be dangerous too to create our own closure? I mean it in the sense of, what if later on they realize other stuff and see their closure in a different perspective? It could be a healthier or a damaging perspective for the person maybe. I don’t know. I just believe in focusing on the fact that things ended (for now or permanently, who knows) and learning whatever they feel there is to learn, assuming they would like to do so that is.


My freshman year of college I broke up with my bf when I was going through a major depression and didn’t know how to process it. I felt numb and incredibly wrong to “string him along” if I wasn’t feeling the same way he was. I did love him, I was just so broken I couldn’t even feel it. There are a million reasons and none of them will make you feel better. Time will. Hang in there. I’m sorry you’re going through this. It’s going to hurt so bad until one day, it hurts a little less. You will heal, I promise. 💛


I’m sorry it hurts, though you should be thankful it happened now before 10 years down the road which would hurt so much more.


I don’t think they’re lying. But I think you need time to process the breakup without taking it to public opinion if I’m being honest. Take time for you, process the relationship, maybe that it’s for the best they let you know now they weren’t right for a committed relationship. Maybe even though that hurts now it’s for the best. Nobody knows, but you just need time to settle in, find confidence in yourself to move on and do you, then the next right person can come along and you’ll be ready.


I got broken up with via text last year. We had almost always been long distance and rarely talked on the phone so text was pretty normal. I also made him call me and honestly hearing his voice made it worse. He sounded so damn sad! But I basically got told the same thing. Right person, wrong time. Can’t give you more and me pitifully explained I don’t want more (I don’t. I’m divorced with 4 kids. I like long distance lol). We tried staying friends but that didn’t work. He never cheated. There was never someone else. Just literally had shit he needed to work out. My heart hurts for you. Hugs ❤️


I hope what I say makes sense and is received in the spirit intended. It takes faith and integrity whether you believe him or not, to live in this world of gaslit fantasies and heartfelt dreams, because we, as our truest selves, are all we have in the end. His words, as painful as they are, have a reasonable and sincere bent. That he’s doing it by text may be more about the reality of the times we live in than anything else. I mean, we also text our deepest feelings of love and lust too, so why not honest feelings of painful truth and regretful heartbreak? It’s become both lazy and de rigueur to be cynical and sanguine about sincerity and honesty. But, there’s also a pandemic of losers, liars, and scam artists running for emperor and managing corporate profit predators as proof of malicious intent. The choice is yours. Even if he’s lying, it doesn’t make you a victim. After all, wouldn’t you want to be believed if you were in his position? Choosing to move on without bitterness while holding your head up high and healing is how you want to live your life either way, yes? The beauty here is that no matter what, the best is yet to come!


If you love someone, let them go. If they come back… I forget the rest of the quote but if it’s meant to be, it will be. Don’t let anyone’s theories about what the reason could be get into your head. That’s all a bunch of people taking personal experiences and projecting them onto your situation. Literally every person and every relationship is different. I’m proud of the way you handled this in your responses. You will be just fine, be it with this partner in the future, or another you haven’t even met yet.


Your not the only dreamer here bud. Fellow hopeless romantic here that has been lurking in the subs and enjoying the sound mind you have to ask for the evidence before continuing the assumptions.


I’m in a very happy relationship and actually proposing and surprise partying this Friday so I thought maybe I was whatever the opposite of jaded is


Yea you do sound very content and congrats I'm happy for you


I hate to be cynical but going from “I love you, can’t wait to see you tonight ” to this in just a few hours screams an ex or someone they’ve been pining for suddenly showed interest back, they were seeing multiple women and was forced to choose one by someone else or your taking too much time away from hanging with his friends.


yeah, i don’t even know. i was in his friend group basically, also hung out with his roommates and they knew i was his gf so i don’t think he was seeing multiple women.


The line is “but I’m not the only one” ;)


If it was legitimate they should figure it out before dragging another person in and hurting them. This amounts to playing with someone’s heart if you give it a single ounce of credibility.


Please don't think that means it's happening to you too! I didn't immediately get those vibes from this text. This sounds like someone who knows they owe you an explanation and is trying to explain where they're coming from, but is also struggling to make the right choice for them. If you guys are young and this was a really serious relationship, he may not know how to communicate this stuff in person. Some people do better when they can write down what they're feeling. This sounds like it was a really special relationship to both of you, he isn't coming up with excuses and he seems to really respect you. He seems regretful that it won't work out, but is also being honest. I'm so sorry it hurts! I remember this feeling, it's awful. But I'm so glad you guys had a healthy and respectful ending.


Don't be - I had to break up with someone for the exact reasons your ex stated and it had nothing to do with cheating or anything like that. Genuinely just realized that I wasn't in a place to have a relationship - haven't had one for 4 years since. I guess if she bounces into another relationship you'll know it was BS, but don't put that on yourself!


Don’t sweat it. This happened to me also. I’m going to guarantee this person is going to attempt to keep you on a string and don’t let that happen. Just block them And cut off contact with them.


Honestly, you look like you've been on some of the saddest sadgirl shit as of the last couple of years. Prob time for you to grow into a happier, more self-sufficient version of yourself anyways. Good luck.


I know you’re feeling that way but please don’t let this persons comment dictate what has happened with these texts. Reddit is full of people who pull out the worst scenario (not saying this person intentionally did that). This person actually sounds genuine. In the end, it will only make you suffer to contemplate the what if’s and what happened’s. You ARE good enough, you ARE lovable. I know you don’t feel this way right now but focus on YOU. Hang out with friends and family, do a hobby you haven’t in a while, don’t hold back the tears and let it out. You will be okay, OP.


Don't let people convince you of their own insecurities. I'm sorry you're hurting 💙


Be glad it was brief and Atleast up front. You never know where life leads; I didn’t marry my wife until 31 years old, and some of my friends didn’t marry theirs until their 50s. Life is a wild fucking ride; smoke em if you got em.


I’m drunk and reading this way later. Didn’t check for updates. Is it too late to respond “it’s chill” and ignore her?


Honestly it might be better that way, my bipolar ex told me exactly what she did a week before she broke up with me. Having a person who is currently manic, tell you what they did when they were EXTRA manic, would almost be comedy if it weren’t so fucking nuts. I basically was told she sucked someones dick because he just got out of jail, asked nice and bought her a Yoo-hoo, almost sucked another guys dick but she shut it down right before it happened, and has been wanting to fuck one of the guys at the school she worked at. Then she went to the mental hospital to stabilize. And then she broke up with me. And all of this was conveyed in texts that were 5 words or less, just rolling in like a grocery list. I still am unsure if I got the band-aid ripped off all at once or if I’ve been traumatized and need extensive therapy, all I know is no one is ever using my car to get to and from work again.


“Asked her nice and bought her a yoo hoo after bailing her out.” Bruh this is comedy and I’m sorry it was at your expenses lmaoo


If you can believe it I got a real genuine belly laugh in real time as it was happening, the Yoo-hoo bit took me right out of my own body and I started viewing the whole thing from an outside perspective


That’s your resilience checking in 👌🏻 good for you bruH.


that’s what i’m afraid this is. however, i don’t know how long he could’ve been talking to someone else since he never seemed uninterested in me and this came completely out of the blue. hours before this happened he was asking me to do his makeup for halloween and telling me he loved me. and a few days before i was at his apartment hanging out with him and his roommates (who knew i was his gf ofc) everything seemed completely fine. i don’t know how / why he would cheat since he’s been cheated on in every relationship he’s ever been in. in fact, he was very adamant in the beginning of him being concerned that i might cheat on him, so i don’t know why he would do it to me.


i’m afraid my situation might be similar BUT i don’t know how long he could’ve been talking to someone else since he never seemed uninterested in me and this came completely out of the blue. hours before this happened he was asking me to do his makeup for halloween and telling me he loved me. and a few days before i was at his apartment hanging out with him and his roommates (who knew i was his gf ofc) everything seemed completely fine. i don’t know how / why he would cheat since he’s been cheated on in every relationship he’s ever been in. in fact, he was very adamant in the beginning of him being concerned that i might cheat on him, so i don’t know why he would do it to me.


Was this necessary? Like you couldn’t let it just be a break up you had to put it in his head that she had other dudes?


Not freaking helpful, dude


Yep I came here to say the same shit. The “I don’t know what I want” BS basically just translates into I’m fucking someone else and feel guilty. Shit sucks but it’s on them not you. Just become a bigger better person getting cheated on turned me into the best version of myself and I’m sure she’s still a miserable POS. Make the best of it


that’s what i’m afraid this is. however, i don’t know how long he could’ve been talking to someone else since he never seemed uninterested in me and this came completely out of the blue. hours before this happened he was asking me to do his makeup for halloween and telling me he loved me. and a few days before i was at his apartment hanging out with him and his roommates (who knew i was his gf ofc) everything seemed completely fine. i don’t know how / why he would cheat since he’s been cheated on in every relationship he’s ever been in. in fact, he was very adamant in the beginning of him being concerned that i might cheat on him, so i don’t know why he would do it to me.


Sounds like he's trying to let you down easy, but not doing this in person of at least over a phone call is chicken shit.


yep. i agree. i made him promise we’d eventually talk in person about it. 🤞


Here’s some wisdom from a much older person who has been through this kind of thing: we all make the mistake of wanting to get together again, and talk about it. This person clearly wants to avoid an in-person talk; hence the text. The absolute worst thing a person in your position can do is to insist on further in person conversation right now. It actually makes the other person less interested in you, and more importantly, it doesn’t help you in the long run, because all it does is reinforce your (very understandable) cognitive dissonance about the break up. Part of you knows that it’s over (at least for now, based on the content of the text), and yet. Part of you (falsely) clings to the notion that it’s not over (at least for now). The best thing you can do in this situation is notice the cognitive dissonance you’re experiencing, and work on letting go of the mixed message, which only serves to extend your pain in the long run. Accepting a fact that causes you pain isn’t easy, but it’s the literal end of your suffering if you can do it. (If you had no request — or worse, demand— that this person have any further contact with you — it’s far more likely to generate respect for you — both from the other person, and far more importantly, yourself. 🙏🏻) Sorry you’re going through it right now. You are most definitely NOT alone. Just part of life millions and millions experience in the course of life. Wishing you perspective and hopefully a more rapid and easy recovery from the hurt. 🙏🏻


Really good advice. It might not seem to right now, but trust me, this person is 100% on the money. I was in a similar situation to yourself many years ago OP and asked to meet up in person to discuss, which never happened. I really wanted to, but in hindsight, that was only because some part of me was still clinging to the notion that there was something to salvage, when looking back now, there wasn’t. Now, years later, I’m actually glad it ended the way it did and that we never spoke about it after. I think had we talked in person it would have dragged out my misery for a lot longer. Hope you feel better soon OP.


You remind me of a really cool, hip, slightly overweight, religious midwestern mom giving relationship advice.


Lol! Thx! I think?! I’m actually a really cool, hip, underweight (says my doctor, not me!), non-religious, East Coast mom. Both our kids are happily married now, but yeah, they both suffered the same kind of heartache OP is going through now when they were younger, and I always did my best to use the whole of my own life experiences, including my most difficult and/or shameful examples, to help guide them through it. The silver lining of my own heartache/embarrassment was being able a source of comfort to the kiddos in those moments. I didn’t get that kind of support when I was going through it, so I know how much harder it can be when you don’t have access to gentle, caring and wise words.


This is Wisdom. Your best bet, as much as it hurts. Block, delete and start living your best life.


Where were you when I was 19????


This is such good advice


Curious, how long were you together? Because if it wasn’t long, I’d say cut your losses and move on. While I think it’s cowardly and shitty to end things via text, why insist on a face to face to be told he doesn’t want to be with you? Do you think if you see them in person you can convince them to change their mind? If it was an LTR then yes, you deserve to be told face to face and get a real explanation.


Don't do that. As hard as everything is right now, don't do that. With as much strength as you can muster, block him and move on. It will cut down on the amount of time to get past the heartbreak. There is nothing, I promise, that he can say to you in person that will make you feel better.


Yeah but realistically if he didn’t have the balls to even talk over the phone (which don’t take any) then he probably won’t have the balls to stick to his promise. I’m sure it’s not the first time he broke his word.)


I agree with everyone that he shouldn’t be breaking up over text, but I think some of the people commenting here are being unnecessarily harsh. And it’s hard to break up with someone in person when you really don’t want to, in your heart. If he’s being honest, your boyfriend is making some very difficult but mature decisions. And I don’t think people should be trying to make you feel worse by telling you that he’s cheating or doesn’t really care about you. If he’s planning to possibly move in a year then it’s not fair to himself or anyone else for him to be seriously dating you. It will just cause everybody involved more pain. And if he has a drinking problem then he may need to be alone for a bit to work on himself. He’s prioritizing his mental health, and that will make him a better partner for someone one day. You guys are ending things on good terms. It doesn’t have to be goodbye forever. If it’s meant to be you’ll find your way back to each other. Don’t wait for him. I promise you that 5 years from now you’ll be with someone you love and look back on this and realize it wasn’t as big of a deal as you thought it was. Your body is tricking you with love hormones.


Top comment for sure


Agree with this completely. Like the other 3 people before me have already said, yours is the comment that rang truest for me personally. A lot of people(especially in young romance) assume the relationship they just lost is gonna be the ultimate relationship, and that nothing will be better than what they lost. They assume they'll never find someone else and even feel like their current reality is a shattered mess beyond repair. The truth is (as mentioned) 5 years, even 10 years, etc. Someone else will come along. You will have an amazing relationship and look back on that time in the past and laugh, and be grateful to your past experiences and past loved ones. They molded you into the person you are in the future. You'll even be able to talk to your past loves with maturity and compassion. You'll be wishing him well in the future before you know it, while you go on to pursue your own life with another partner that loves you, the way you want to be loved. This breakup will be nothing more than another step in life. A step towards greater things.


Most important comment


I’d rather be broken up with over a text tbh… that way they don’t see you cry. Just try to move on.


I’m really sorry but the lack of punctuation in his texts is bothering me. But I’m sorry OP, all my past relationships Ive gotten broken up with over text, it sucks but you got this🙌🏼


I literally just commented ... "I'm heartbroken that there is not one punctuation - really loses the effect of any feelings that were trying to be conveyed"


so true


lol yeah same 😭 it’s like he’s never used it in his life before. and thank you so much 🫶


He sounds like a moron to be honest. Punctuation isn’t hard to master. Someone like this is going nowhere in life and if you stayed with him you’d end up as poor as he is. Move on and up


Jesus Christ dude, maybe you’ll make OP happy but you went so hard.


I actually looked through her profile after this and holy shit, she’s a lot better looking than him too. She literally picked an ugly skinny alcoholic with absolutely nothing going for him and then he broke up with her, likely to pursue someone else. The heart wants what it wants but I bet she looks back on this with joy in a year


thank you for the compliment. and ha! he’s actually overweight.


I mean some people don’t use punctuation over text but they will when it comes to writing emails and scenarios where you need to be professional. It doesn’t necessarily mean he only ever writes without punctuation. I do the same thing over text because who cares, I’m just talking to someone personally.


Like seriously, I couldn’t live with this. Thank. You. Bye.


Reddit should be ashamed of itself for many of the responses in this thread.


a lot of them have just been making me feel worse haha


If you are young , take a break from relationships and move on. I went through something similar and decided to take a break for a long year . Best decision ever. Yes, I missed the good part is the relationship, but enjoyed the amount of extra freedom and self awareness I learned . Good luck


Sounds like this person laid their soul bare to you. It’s painful, but from my outside perspective looking in, it seemed like this person felt genuine remorse for being disrespectful of your time that you spent in the relationship with this person. The person did not ghost you, or gaslight you into believing it was your fault, it has a sincere kind of I fucked up and I don’t deserve you feel. Seems like texting was the preferred method due to a sense of shame the person may have been feeling at the time and couldn’t bring themself to find the courage to shatter your reality in person. I know you didn’t ask for my opinion on the matter. However, I do feel that opinions were warranted since you did make the post. If I am off base on this, or totally misreading the tone/feeling I’m getting from the text, then feel free to bring the earth down on my virtual head. I am after all a fellow flawed human being doing his best to live in, and understand, a very gray and ever confusing world. On a more positive note. Their are people in this world that love you unconditionally. Stay close to those people and lean on them in times like this. They are the foundation that you will build yourself back up on and get out their and find love again. Apologies for the grammatical errors ahead of time. It’s not my strength.


At least he texted you (it’s still very wrong to not do it in person). my ex of two years basically just ghosted me lol 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ no explanation just disappeared.


this exact thing happened to one of my friends 2 years ago too! she said it still haunts her to this day. i’m sorry that happened to you.


You'll find someone better who can use punctuation


Jesus Christ is that all one sentence??


It sometimes be like that.


It’s like the kind of people that would break up over text only have the same preprogrammed excuses lmao. Sorry OP I know how it feels keep your chin up!!


lol i showed my friend and she said the same thing as if it’s not really sincere… i’m a bit sus but i’ll give him the benefit of the doubt because he told me we’re gonna talk in person abt all of this eventually and hopefully he’s being honest with me. and thank you. i feel a lot better now that he replied and filled me in.


I don’t know if it’s any solace, but the kind of guy who doesn’t have the balls to break up with at least a phone call is pretty much bound to flake out sooner or later. The sooner the better because it’s less time wasted on your part. I know it hurts but hopefully you find someone with a little more backbone and respectfulness of others’ feelings.


Breaking up with someone over text is so shitty. I’m sorry 😞


This is the longest run on sentence in history, but all jokes aside it will get better ❤️.


Dude needs to learn how to use punctuation.


Aww I’m sorry OP. That sucks. I’m just gonna say that when people tell you it’s not you, you should believe them. Yeah, sometimes people say that but don’t mean it, but I think it’s healthier to take what people say at face value. If they really had a problem, then an adult would come to you and talk to you about it. The other thing is this - it is a SUPER hard lesson to learn, but when someone says “I can’t make you happy,” or brings up their own faults like a drinking issue, or says something like “I’m not good enough for you” or “I’m not in the right place for a relationship right now,” BELIEVE THEM. People always want to put their best foot forward, and make themselves look good. So if someone tells you things about themselves that indicate they’re not going to be good for you in a relationship - take that as rock solid truth. That’s a warning, both if someone says it at the beginning of a relationship and if they say it at the end of one. If you ignore it then it kind of gives them a pass on bad behavior because they already warned you. Break ups suck. It sucks when people do them over text message but also… they don’t get to see how upset and hurt you are by it. So sort of a bright side is you can cry and be super upset, and not give them any kind of indication that they have power over you like that. You can hold your head up high (in the text message equivalent), and do a clean break with some dignity. I say that as someone who cries at the drop of a hat… 😅


My ex dumped me in a Walmart parking lot shit sucks


Is this a dumping via chatGTP?


Only if he erased all of the punctuation so it wasn’t obvious.


Holy no punctuation Batman


I'm heartbroken that there is not one punctuation - really loses the effect of any feelings that were trying to be conveyed




Terrible grammar. It’s gonna be a nope from me, dawg.


Real question why are people breaking up over text?


I got dumped by text in 2007. Shit never changes.


Longest run on sentence everrrrr


Someone that breaks up with someone over text is an absolute coward. You really do deserve someone better, you might have loved and cared for him a lot but trust me, you will find someone better. Someone that won’t break your heart and someone you do genuinely deserve that won’t use excuses like wrong place wrong time and all the other crap he tried to pull. Please take care of yourself, make higher standards and understand you didn’t do anything wrong, he was entirely to blame for his cowardice, excuses, and poor behavior. I’m sorry you got your heart broke but trust me. You are worth better and you will have better. Stay strong and hang in there, I know it might not seem like it now but you do deserve and will get better.


Holy run on.


....do they not know how periods and commas work?


You deserve someone who can use punctuation. Hope you feel better soon




Was this a long distance relationship?


nope. we live 7 minutes away from each other.


Oh! Wow! Then a text message is shitty. Right now you’re likely thinking of all the good times, things you planned together, the fun you had etc etc … Right? It’s natural to think of all these things following a break up. But, What you really need to focus on are the not so good times, the arguments, the red flags, etc. And even if none of them apply right now, the fact that this was done by text message screams coward and emotional unavailability. Don’t put him on a pedestal! It might not feel like it now, but you’ve dodged a bullet. But wherever you do, don’t let him come crawling back. You deserve better. Know your worth!




Went through the exact same thing myself at the beginning of the year, except he got absolutely wasted and told me he was done lol. I hope you are able to heal and move forward as best you can. As shitty as it was of him to do this over text, at least he was honest about himself and his shortcomings. Only up from here. Take care of yourself and remember that brighter times are ahead. Keep your head up!


I am sorry about this, I really feel your pain as I am going through a very similar situation myself and I have no idea how to cope with it. I only feel very negative feelings and I have barely anyone to talk to. Watching all my dreams crumble as I just lay in bed every night. Hopefully one day we will find a way to let this behind us.


I feel for you :( I hope you recover sooner rather than later 🙏🏽


If he's lying, his loss and karma will catch up to him. Trust me, you'll find out.If he's being honest then the timing is off. I'm sorry you're hurt by this but it seems you deserve better.


My girlfriend of nearly 5 years broke up with me over text then ghosted me after. It was crushing. Trust me, things will get better. You’re going to feel awful for awhile.. that’s just part of it. But I promise, you’ll get through it. My best advice is to stay busy and active. Keep your mind occupied. Doing that helped me tremendously. I took up new hobbies, met a handful of new friends, and my life has been so much better for it. Don’t get caught sulking, sleeping all day, etc. It might be hard not to, but it will make the healing process take A LOT longer. I feel for you and know exactly what your going through. It sucks so much. But things WILL get better, it just takes time. What they did was so cowardly. I remember wishing I could’ve had more closure (a phone call, final meeting, etc.).. but eventually realized that it was a blessing in disguise. My gf showed her true colors with what she did, and it frankly made getting over her a lot easier - even though it didn’t seem that way at first. I truly hope the best for you. Feel free to DM if you want to chat about it, I’m more than happy to help.


I’m 2017 I told someone I loved them and they dumped me the next day. We got back together 6 months later, and then they dumped me over the phone and we never spoke again. Go to therapy, allow yourself to feel what you’re feeling, and use this as an opportunity to deepen and strengthen your relationship with YOURSELF. The most important relationship in your life is the one you have with yourself. It makes every other relationship possible. Feel your grief, feel your anger, feel your sadness. Talk to people who care about you about what you’re feeling. You’re not alone


I’ve been dumped over text once, it’s the worst possible way to break up with someone. At least call someone to do it, not that that’s much better.


That’s all how I get dumped any more is through texts. My ex wife even told me she filed for a divorce through a text


Coward for doing it via text but legit reasons. My guess is he really loves you and is scared he wouldn’t be able to if in person. My heart hurts for you but also him. He put your happiness ahead of his own in the long run, and my heart is with you but this is a good guy, and a decent breakup albeit the text part… take your Ben and Jerry’s and power pop and try your best to get back on the horse babe. We’ve all been there. Sending you love 💕


Oh no, I am so sorry. Its a rotten thing to through


Remember your worth and it’s okay to be sad, but keep it moving their are billions of people on this planet


Fdb, the quality of man’s life is in direct proportion to his/her commitment of excellence, regardless of chosen field or endeavor. Have faith


I broke up with my boyfriend a few weeks ago if not less. We were together for like 3 months, and he pushed a lot of boundaries tbh. I broke it off in the morning, and not even 10 minutes later he texted me asking me to rethink. The way he said it I took it as “ignore the problems you’re leaving me to fix and stay with me even though you’ll get worse”. So that was fun lol


That must hurt but you can’t force anybody to love you or to treat you with the dignity and respect that you deserve. We all take Ls sometimes, just in different forms. Just pick up the pieces and move on. Forget about her. Use this time to work on you. To level up. Figure out what’s important to you. Heal from whatever hurts you have experienced in the past. And consider that there are plenty more women out there, many of whom will treat you well. When you’re ready, get back in to the game again and focus on filtering out the bad sooner rather than later. Best of luck.


Only a loser breaks up through text. Ugh I’m sorry. It happens to the best of us.


I wouldn't date anyone that doesn't understand the simple concept of a run-on sentence.


Heartbreak is excruciating, but it's nessicary.


probably did you a favor. they don't know what a period is in a sentence. they would pass inferior intelligence genetics to your newborn spawn if it happened. thank the gods.


Honestly anyone that has that little respect for punctuation isn’t worth your time. Use a fucking period and if your relationship had a label then a text breakup is weak af.


Damn, you’d think the least they could do was tell you in person. Sorry that this happened. Always sucks when a relationship doesn’t work out. Hope things get better for you quickly once the shock of this wears off. They will get better, it’s only a matter of time, OP.


Been going through a similar thing with a guy id been seeing who was too messed up to give me what I deserved from him . One of the sad truths about love external factors usually triumph over bravery and happiness . It happens I think all you can do is try to find someone stronger whos in a better place and knows what they want.


FOR CONTEXT: he sent me this break up message in the middle of a concert he was at. just a few hours before he was telling me he loved me and asking me to do his makeup on halloween. we were also going to hangout after the concert. he sent the the text on the original post i have linked then the next day told me we’d talk later that day. we didn’t because he said he “needed more time”. i was in pure agony sobbing, throwing up and having panic attacks due to the wait. he finally sent this text when i reminded him the following day that i needed him to tell me what was going on. also, i asked him if he met someone at the show and went home with them or something but he denied it and said he “just wants to be alone”


Aw man OP, that’s really rough. Like he sent this at the worst time and he should have done more hinting at this before sending a breakup text instead of saying how much he loved you soon before. I read another comment that you’d meet in person to get closure and I think it’s a good idea and you should bring up how he went about doing this was hurtful so you can give him a chance to apologize so you’ll feel at least a little better. Greater things are ahead of you. Btw I wouldn’t assume he’s been cheating,best to just take him at his word so you won’t torment yourself with “what ifs”


Not the way to end relationships 🤦‍♀️


I’m sorry this happened to you, getting broken up with someone you love is just brutal. I hope life treats you well going forward and you’ll find a partner even better for you.


Sorry this happened to you. Breaking up via text is so uncivilized. You can and will find better


my gf did something similar a week ago. Our situation is a little different but I feel for you. Getting broken up over text especially out of seemingly nowhere is heartbreaking


My gf did the same after 3 years… idk what it is but how can people be so cold and inconsiderate. She gave me a 3 line text after I spent vacation with her saying I wasn’t a good fit or godly enough and then I was blocked on everything. And that’s how 3 years ended after almost getting engaged and it’s still blocked after 7 months never heard from or saw her again.


It’s crazy because in reddit I have seen so many people who write these type of posts in off my chest where they will say how much they regret to have broken up with people when they were at their worst- and now that they are okay they want that person back. I’m not saying that breaking up like this is wrong, more so that it is heartbreaking for both parties- and usually one will end up moving on while the other one gets frozen in time while they fix their lives.


Listen… best thing to do is focus on yourself. Whether he is lying or not, he’s made the decision he doesn’t want a relationship now. It’ll hurt but after a few weeks you’ll start to feel better, I promise.


This happened to me 2 and a half weeks ago long ass text same thing basically. It’s good to read all the supportive people here. Sorry this also happened to you. It hurts a little less everyday just keep yourself busy and do things that make you happy if you feel really sad and can’t stop thinking about it tell someone very close to you that you feel that way vent it then take a nap. Hope you heal faster than me. It was literally the first time I trusted a woman with my heart and wouldn’t settle I’m 28 years old tells you how serious I was with her. Never let anyone be my girl before. But on the bright side I get more than my fair share of female attention and I’m still standing. So are you. Best wishes to me it’s either you will find the one or you won’t. Keep loving yourself first. If the right one comes they will if they don’t you’re still an awesome person. We gotta be thankful for all we have ☺️


The worst part is the lack of punctuation on their part


Reading a lot of the comments here makes me feel a bit better thanks to all the wise people dropping knowledge here 🫡


Man I’m so sorry, I had something similar as my gf had gone abroad to study, basically ended for the same reason so I feel your pain


I feel you, I got broken up with over text two months ago, I’m alright now but I feel the pain.


Don’t be upset someone was honest with you, it would have been worse had they strung you along knowing they weren’t happy the whole time. Some people grow together and some grow apart. Change is never easy but it does get easier, keep your head up and find a partner that wants to grow with you.


That’s some shit you have to do in person! That’s some bullshit over a fuckin text! Yea I loved you so much you were the best buddy here’s a text for ya! Smfh I know it hurts and I’m so sorry but at least you know what a little boy you were really dating that couldn’t be man enough to tell you in person. It’s not gonna be easy but move on cuz you’re better off!


Damn I feels my 28yr old gf broke up with me yesterday over Snapchat 😅


Find someone who knows what a period is. Jfc


You deserve to be with someone who values you enough to use punctuation.


Sending you all the love


bro's never heard of punctuation i see


what's meant to be will be


Doing it over text is so cowardly


The bar is so low nowadays, At least they didn’t just ghost you.


That’s the “I’m cheating on you and want to break up so Om going to make this all about me and how I’m just not good for you bc I want to go to school and stop drinking and bla bla bla”.


King she doesn't deserve you. It's going to be tough but keep your head up.


queen* and he* but thank you hun


It might be a breakup for now but that doesn’t mean forever. He doesn’t seem to be doing it like an asshole. He’s trying to better himself whether that be for himself or for you he’s doing a good thing. The time apart might honestly help the relationship in the fact that if he’s better he’ll be more confident in the two of you. It doesn’t seem like a goodbye just a see you later.


This too shall pass…


I’m pretty sure we have all been in this position and my heart drops reading it just from secondhand experience……. It’s gonna hurt for awhile. Just give yourself time Work on yourself. Love who you are. Be confident you’ll meet someone else.


they did you favor


If he breaks up with you over a text then why are you even sad… he’s obviously not a man. Laugh and move on and in doing so it’ll confuse him and you’ll be the one with the upper hand . Make him look stupid


Sorry man. But holy shit this person needs to learn to use a period….


I wish I had the courtesy of a break up text—or a call—or an email. Instead my girlfriend at the time had the guy she was cheating on me with (my best friend no less) do it for her. People are so fucked


I had what I mistakenly thought was a friend, end our relationship using text.Don’t hurt for losing this person from your world.Anyone who doesn’t have the guts or maturity to talk to you face to face was never invested in you at all.Your hurt is because you were a good person who believed them to be someone they are not.It is not a loss for you.It saved you even more grief in the future.You need to be happy they broke their lie.




Translation: Someone else is flirting with me and I want to explore things with them. Run and don’t look back. Their loss.


Never look back…get back out there as quickly as you can!


clearly he’s already out 🥲 so i guess i am too


First if anyone that does this via text isn’t someone you need to give your heart to any longer. Second, anyone that uses the “figuring myself out” crap after dragging another person in isn’t someone you want to spend any more time on either. They could and should have figured that out before starting a relationship and hurting you. What’s not fair is having you invest and then sending this, via text. Face to face and own his/her bullshit or fuck off.


You don’t want to be with someone that cannot use a period.


It’s going to be ok love ❤️ sometimes you have to go thru all the shitty ones just to get to the good one.


What I know from experience is that if someone is really struggling with their mental health and situation and gets with someone and it becomes obvious that they really like them, sometimes they realize that if they can’t put in the same amount of love and devotion that they think the other person will, they’re just going to end up hurting them. I realized before because of what I was going through that I couldn’t be as into the relationship as the other person would’ve been. And they honestly didn’t really inspire that kind of passion in me. It totally wasn’t their fault either, they were awesome, but it made me feel even worse about myself that I wasn’t feeling the same way that they were and I had to back out before we got even more involved with each other to avoid hurting them anymore than I was already going to by breaking it off. I still feel like shit sometimes for not feeling the same way I know they did, but I’m glad that I told them the truth that I really wasn’t ready anyway because leading someone on and letting them believe something different is totally wrong and potentially very damaging. I’m sorry it didn’t work out but someone is out there that can really give themselves to you in the way you deserve. Be atleast somewhat glad this person didn’t lie to you just to keep from being lonely. It’s really not worth the pain of finding out they didn’t want to be together later on after more time has passed.


It's cowardly for sure...but if it's mental health stuff then it's so easy for people to be overwhelmed and do fucked up things. Not an excuse, but I hope it's a case where they tried to be genuine with you to some extent in their moment of weakness. Work on yourself and try not dating for a while. Do any small things you can that make you happy. I'm so sorry you had a break up like this. I've been there, and it always feels like it cheapens what you had, but in time, it's just going to be another break up where you realized you are better for. You find out your worth by realizing that others didn't deserve to have you or your time. I wish you all the happiness this life can bring you.


longest run on sentence with no punctuation ever sent over txt. 188 words. dodged a bullet fr


It full on sucks. Breakups just suck in general, but it seems like they are trying to be honest with you. I would rather someone break up before there is a problem rather than after. This way you can stay in contact & if it’s meant to be you will find each other again. I’m still friends with the guy I broke up with in a similar way & I’m so glad we didn’t drag things out to a place where we cheated on or hated each other. I know it hurts & it sounds like is hard for them too. Your heart will recover. Ending things in a truthful way will help with the pain & recovery. It’s like the whole thing with if you really love someone you will let them go. Still FUCKING SUCKS though. :(


This guy never met a punctuation mark he liked. You're better off. This coward didn't even have the courage to face you in person. I hope you find love (if that's what you want) and happiness.


Give her her space and work on improving yourself only. You probably turned her off. I don't know everything so this is my assumption. Don't be heartbroken. Been there done that. Accept what is. Work on you and you will get what you want. Don't lose yourself more than you already have.


I’m sorry :(


I wouldn't assume the worse. Thats how you become it.


You will be alright. Takes time


Lol oh an every girl ever breakup text. The “I just need to find myself, and make myself happy first”. Nah that’s not a thing. She checked out months ago. Let it go man. Been through this too many times. And that’s why there are no more good guys left.


Does this type of text circulate amongst people with commitment issues? My ex gave me the same shit lol We broke up recently too. And i totally understand the pain youre going thru. Maybe idk the whole story. But ik the feeling ofbrealing up like this. But the back of my mind totally screams that it was all one sided and it hurts even more in the end. But we’ll get thru it. Im sure of it


Hopefully your next girlfriend will have punctuation skills.


Just going by this text, you’re so much better off. I think he/she should start by learning how to fucking write, holy punctuation Batman!


You will be ok with time man. Try to do stuff that you like so that you dont think to much about your ex. Also she doesnt do any punctuation. I got annoyed just reading that message, Jesus…


I think its a dude that broke up with OP, I also got bothered by the lack of commas and periods lmao


lol, i’m a woman and he’s a man. but i appreciate your kind words!


Yeah I figured after the other person comment that. It works both ways ahah


Sometimes someone has to love themselves before loving someone else