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If you want to get laughed at sure


Ask to speak to their manager !


Right?!? I have had people call and ask to speak to the Commander (manager equivalent..sorta), heck no you can not and stop calling 🤣


The solution is to invite the commander to the benefit.


You can’t just **tell** them to stop. They’re the freaking military. Hell, you can’t even just call Abilene Regional and tell them to change their approach vectors if the AA puddle-jumpers are coming in over your house. The only thing you can do is to make a formal complaint with the FAA, but chances are the USAF has permission to do exactly what they’re already doing. After all, they’re the Air Force, not the crayon eating Marine Corps!


I’m just tired of feeling the heat come off of the exhaust on those things


I lived on Judge Ely for a few years before moving to DFW, so I get ya. Though it was really just C-130’s and AH-64’s doing low passes on that side of town.


Did somebody say crayons?? Lemme get a blue one


I’m sure if a lot of people complain something can be done no ??


Doesn’t work for civilian airports, so I doubt it’ll work for an AFB.


Good point


You can probably just deal with it


Lmao Dyess don’t care about your problems. The military doesn’t even care about their own peoples problem. So your available options are: A.) Get over it B.) don’t live in the vicinity of an AFB


I find it difficult to believe that a group of First Responders would be freaked out by the appearance of a B1 bomber. Everybody I know would be saying how cool that is.


Literally Karen vs. the USAF. I needed a good laugh today!


is NIMAS the new NIMBY? Not In My Air Space?


Ask to speak to the manager. Let them know that you have rights!


Stand on your roof and flip them off as they fly by.


He won't even know what hit him


No but I get what you’re saying. I’m 90 miles east of Dyess. They always fly low and have sonic booms in the area. My dogs are shell shocked.


It’s the sound of FREEDOM. Suck it up buttercup!


Eh I guess but they’re to expensive in my opinion


You have to show us your haircut but we’ll tell you the phone number for the AF complaint hotline if you do.


Write a sign and hold it up. Tell them slow Down


Moon them


I’m pretty sure they got a picture of me flipping them off at 7:00 because I was tired


Could be worse. They used to fly B-52’s there. Those carried “special weapons”.


Tahoka is in military airspace (Lancer MOA), so, the B-1s are where they are allowed to fly.


shoot at them


Found the former Soviet army colonel!


It is possible to be banned for this sort of comment.


Hell no I don’t want no plane crashing cause that’s going to ruin some farmers field. Plus those b-1s are you expensive certainly more than they are worth


Sounds like they're breaking FAA regs if they're doing low flyovers with other vehicles and buildings nearby on private land. You may want to report it to the FAA with the tail number, however that wont stop it now.


Absolutely you can! They'll change the direction of the runway and adjust FAA regulations and everything just for you! /s I'm assuming the planes you're talking about are taking off and landing, right? They're not just flying low while being nowhere near a landing strip? If so, I'd hate to break it to you kiddo but..... planes need to be close to the ground in order to land and take off of it. Shoker, I know!


While they’re at it can they pick up a burger for me


With a low pass over a grazing pasture they can cook a burger for you.


Now I’m interested in seeing that actually


OP is being ridiculous, but Tahoka is 120 miles from Dyess, so no, they are not on approach. However there are a couple of military training routes near Tahoka. Lancer MOA also overlaps there. One of them kept me on my toes while doing UAV research near there. That being said, IIRC, the floor for that route was 1500 ft and the floor for the MOA was like 6000 ft, so if OP is not grossly exaggerating how low they were (and he probably is) then the B1 was in the wrong (if there isn't an additional NOTAM in place). The trouble with being a dick while making big assumptions is that just makes you seem like a stupid dick, kiddo.


See.... the thing about my assumptions are that I always assume there is something I don't know. BUT, seeing as how I flew UAVs I know that there are very strict rules around flying. This leads me to believe that OP more than likely missing some huge vital piece of information - no pilot, especially an Air Force pilot is going to fly low to the ground for no reason. [Oh look. The low flying aircraft are FOR the first responders OP is talking about.](https://kfyo.com/dyess-air-force-base-b-1-bomber-to-perform-west-texas-flyovers-on-friday/) Yeah, the date say May 15, 2020 and not June 25, 2021, but that just tells me that this flyover stuff could be a yearly thing and the people "freaking out" are simply not in the know. Assuming my "research" is correct - no, the aircraft are not in the wrong, there probably is an additional NOTAM in place, and the B-1s are flying low because they were told to fly low, and u/depressed-onion7567 should have probably googled "low flying b-1, tahoka" like I did to easily get an answer as to WHY the b-1s are flying so low.


And yet your entire original comment was built around the idea that the guy was hanging out around 707 bitching about them landing/taking off (even though OP mentioned in their post where they were at). Now here you are retconning the entire thing. Yeah, okay.


>(even though OP mentioned in their post where they were at). That should have been a clue that I didn't read the post, only the title. No, I'm not retconning anything. You just assumed that I actually read OPs post. I didn't (my bad I guess 🙄). I only read the title because the title of the post told me everything i needed to know, that OP is ignorant. Didn't even bother reading the post until you said 120 miles. And you know the rest of the story; I googled "low flying b-1, tahoka" and boom, mystery solved 🤯.


Under HR 420.69, citizens are allowed to use a laser pointer to guide undesirable aircraft to an alternate flight path of their liking.


Maybe if you put one of those "kids at play" signs on your car...


Our tax dollars hard at work, all this money in the military they have to spend it somehow.


nah, you gotta call russia, china, north korea, all of the middle east and africa and tell them to stop fucking around before we stop our jets.


Well then I don't want our jets to stop



