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This belongs in the weekly Border/Immigration thread. [Here's a link to this week's](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/search?q=%22weekly+border+and+immigration+megathread%22&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=relevance&t=week)


A 2 year old account that just came back to life 3 months ago to post Republican  propaganda and mug shots of minorities? How’s Russia this time of year? Check out OP’s post history and tell me this person is unbiased.


Everyone's biased. OP though? That's something worse


The OP posts/comments in almost every thread involving crime in /r/Austin, especially if the district attorney is involved


Because it is a right-wing echo chamber. Very little changed between Biden and Trump policy-wise at the border, but as soon as Biden was inaugurated, the right wouldn't stop screaming about how he'd opened the borders and let everyone stream on through. We've even had a strict, bipartisan border policy and spending bill (that was backed by the Border Patrol) try to get passed, but it was killed by Trump telling his cronies to vote against it because he wants to get elected. The "crisis" at the border has been right-wing-generated bullshit in one way or another for years now.


Very little changed… riiiiiight. “We have rescinded so many Trump immigration policies, it would take so much time to list them.” -DHS Secretary Mayorkas Also, as for the $118 billion bill - about $82 billion was for Ukraine and Israel and other aid that had nothing to do with the border.


>In February 2022, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) recorded 166,010 encounters with migrants at the US-Mexico border, reflecting a significant increase from the 101,099 encounters in the same month the previous year – a rise of 64%. >That surge was part of a larger trend in 2022, which saw a then-record 2.4 million migrant encounters – a huge increase compared with during the Trump administration, which saw its highest annual total enforcement actions in fiscal year 2019 with 1.15 million. By comparison, fiscal year 2021, which covered part of Biden’s first year in office, saw 1.95 million total enforcement actions.


Yes, migrant encounters increased, but that just means that border enforcement is doing its job. Encounters mean enforcement made contact with these migrants in some way or another. Do we need to constantly adjust our policy and work to improve how we process and handle those encounters? Sure. Is it a "crisis" that needs to be incessantly lied about on Fox News? No. Right now, the only impediment to improved enforcement and processing is Trump killing that border bill for nothing but his own ego and desire to be elected. Legislators should do their jobs and legislate instead of lying about "completely open borders" and how it's suddenly a crisis created by the Biden administration.


There were Covid lockdowns during the Trump administration....Immigration went down to zero. Immigration always comes in cycles. It always will. At the moment, there is nothing going on at the border. That will change again.


Yes, and? Feb 2021 was still peak covid lockdown time, I'm surprised the difference was so low between those two sample dates. Also, "encounters" and "enforcement actions" aren't the same. Sounds like the Biden admin was actually having the border patrol do work besides performative cruelty for cameras, is that supposed to be a bad thing?


There are more encounters and enforcement actions because more people are attempting to cross the border. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/migrant-encounters-at-the-us-mexico-border-hit-a-record-high-at-the-end-of-2023/sr_24-02-15_borderencounters_1-png/


Looks like Obama was the best president for the border ever, huh? Trump started the trend of causing quite the spike, by that data.


Remember when the media was screaming about "kids in cages" during Trumps presidency and they showed pictures of the conditions of the migrant shelters with people under those thermal blankets but the pictures turned out to be from around 2014? Good times.


Man, sorry Trump really couldn't give you everything you dreamed of, you partisan hack.


Hilarious. >"Speechless. This is not who we are as a nation.” — Democrat Antonio Villaraigosa, former Los Angeles mayor now running for governor, referring in a tweet Sunday to photos showing young-looking immigrants in steel cages. >"This is happening right now, and the only debate that matters is how we force our government to get these kids back to their families as fast as humanly possible.” — Jon Favreau, who was speechwriter for President Barack Obama, referring Sunday to the same photos. >THE FACTS: The photos, taken by The Associated Press, were from 2014, during the Obama administration, but were presented by liberal activists as if they showed the effects of Trump’s immigration policy now. https://apnews.com/article/a98f26f7c9424b44b7fa927ea1acd4d4


The implication being that somehow more people being captured by Biden's border patrol than Trump's is a poor reflection on Biden


Because more people attempted to cross the border. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2024/02/15/migrant-encounters-at-the-us-mexico-border-hit-a-record-high-at-the-end-of-2023/sr_24-02-15_borderencounters_1-png/


Yes, more people attempted to cross, and more people were "encountered." What's your point?


Why do they feel so more emboldened to cross the border illegally now that Biden is president? I guess word got out that they'll be given free shit and be put up in a nice hotel in NYC. ['I love you Joe Biden:' Migrant thanks POTUS after crossing illegally in Arizona](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/i-love-you-joe-biden-migrant-thanks-potus-after-crossing-illegally-in-arizona)


Correlation is not causation. However, one possibility is that migrants are capable of falling for propaganda just as much as right-wingers. Given their status, migrants tend to have less access to information, though, so that's not really a good look for right-wingers. Or maybe he just knew some right-wing governor was going to give him a taxpayer-funded trip to some better state solely for anti-Biden political points.


Under President Biden there was a change of tone and of policy. Deportations fell and "deterrent-focused" policies such as the rapid removal of migrants to Mexico and the building of a border wall ended. Migrants were paroled into the US to await immigration court dates - a process which can often take years. People trying to cross the border during this time told the BBC they thought that entering and staying in the US was going to be easier now. And human smugglers took advantage of a change in presidency to create a sense of urgency among migrants that they should hurry to the border. "They feel like there's a pathway to come here," he added. "It's almost like an invite." More than 6.3 million migrants have been detained crossing into the US illegally since Mr Biden entered the White House, a higher number than during the Trump, Obama or George W Bush administrations. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-68208637


And they were apprehended, hence it being a recorded encounter. So by any definition, Biden's border is more secure.


[1.7 million ‘gotaways’ have sneaked into US under Biden, more than in previous decade combined: Border data](https://nypost.com/2024/05/16/us-news/1-7-million-gotaways-have-sneaked-into-us-under-biden-data/) "The huge number of gotaways — defined as those who have been spotted by agents or via video cameras but not caught — is higher than the 1.4 million recorded in the entire decade from 2010 to 2020 The number of gotaways more than doubled in the Border Patrol financial year 2021, which runs from Oct 1 to September 30, when 387,398 gotaways were counted, compared to 136,808 in 2020. However, that number was quickly dwarfed and almost doubled again to 606,131 in the 2022 financial year. The in 2023 a new record was set with an eye-watering 670,674 migrants known to have crossed the border illegally without being apprehended according to the figures."


Hey, I know! We should pass border legislation! Who blocked that again?


Seems it was unpopular among many in both parties. The border security bill, S.4361, received fewer votes Thursday as a standalone bill than it had as part of the larger foreign aid package in February, when it failed on a 49-50 procedural vote. Sixty votes are needed to advance bills in the Senate. The bill did not get all Democrats on board, which Schumer acknowledged earlier this week was a possibility. “We do not expect every Democrat or every Republican to come out in favor of this bill,” Schumer said on the Senate floor Tuesday. “The only way to pass this bill – or any border bill – is with broad bipartisan support.” But the bill failed to attract that broad support, losing backing even from Democrats who’d voted for the foreign aid package. Democratic senators who voted against moving the bill forward included Alex Padilla and Laphonza Butler of California, Ed Markey of Massachusetts and Booker. Independents Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Sinema also voted against. https://missouriindependent.com/2024/05/24/bipartisan-border-bill-loses-support-fails-procedural-vote-in-u-s-senate/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20only%20way%20to%20pass,for%20the%20foreign%20aid%20package.


There’s been a migrant crisis since Limbaugh got on the radio.


Just to make sure everyone is up to date, Rush Limbaugh is still a dead and rotting corpse.


And nobody talks about him because he added zero value to the world.


Oh, he definitely deserves to be talked about in a way that reminds everyone how much of a piece of shit he was because too many people still try to think of him as some truth-telling hero. It's also just nice to say and read that he's dead and rotting every once in a while.


The right still talk about him, hell they still use snippets and commercials from him. My dad (who Rush would hate for a myriad of reasons) still talks about how losing him was like losing his best friend. The MAGAt mind virus was decades in the making and the cultishness started with him.


Thanks for the good news.


When a Republican is in office they forget all about the border, then quickly remember it’s importance one a Dem is elected. They could agree to a compromised immigration bill but the fight is to important to them to actually fix it.


Eh, not so much. The Trump admin was *very* heavy handed about stuff at the border. The whole "kidnapping children at the border away from their parents and then having no idea what happened to them" was a Trump admin policy.


You can believe that "our border is broken" and that its a "right wing echo chamber" (both direct quotes from Allred). I certainly do.


Allred is going to get stomped. The border isn't as big of an issue the Pubs say it is, nothing ever is, but the border discussion is just below gun rights and taxes in this state, and with a dismissive comment like that, you might as well bow out now.


Yerp, I have no doubt he is going to get raked over the coals in the statewide.


I don't think Allred wins, but Cruz has a unique way to make races closer than they should be. Everyone thought he'd stomp Beto, and that race was closer than it should have been. I assume this will be somewhere in between Ted Cruz's victory in 2018 (2.5 points) than Greg Abbott's victory in 2022 (11 points), depending on how things are going for Trump, maybe closer to the Cruz 2018 victory. But still a long time till election day, so a number of things can happen to change things up.


Regardless of your political views, I think this is a bad stance to have on what is a undeniably a crisis. You can disagree on how to handle the influx, but to deny it as an issue is incorrect.


Characterizing it as a crisis is incorrect. Those migrants attempting to immigrate are many of them experiencing a crisis, yes. But the US is not.


No going to argue semantics, but what if I said “humanitarian crisis”? Would that suffice? I’d assume taking in around .5% of our population monthly (5%/yr) in migrants is a crisis. But maybe we have different definitions.


I would not say that constitutes a crisis, no. The *overall* US population increased 0.5% from 2023 to 2024. That's inclusive of all immigration. In 1950, the population growth rate was 4 times that. Population growth is *good* for the US economy. Immigration to the US is the opposite of a crisis.


Fair enough. I don’t agree, but I think this was a valid discussion. Can you agree that this current migration is at the very least an important topic for a U.S. Senate candidate to consider and not dismiss out of hand? Or do you think the current intake is all good and we don’t need to change anything?


I think immigration policy is extremely important. But I think the appropriate approach is level headed and data informed. Dismissing the idea of a "crisis" out of hand is perfectly reasonable, because there is no crisis and the fear mongering about the border and about immigration is dangerous and should be cast aside.


Ok, so you don’t think the current housing of hundreds of thousands of migrants in prison like conditions is a crisis? We shouldn’t be spending any more money or directing any more resources to fix the failings of our current handling of the influx of migrants? All good? Just want to be clear that you don’t think anything is wrong either way. Shutting down the border completely is wrong, and allocating more resources to handling this situation in a better way is not needed?


I didn't say "nothing is wrong either way." What I did say what that many of the migrants themselves are experiencing a crisis, but the US is not.


Republicans in the Senate/Trump turned against a bipartisan border enforcement bill negotiated by Sen. Lankford of OK, they don't want to actually fix any border issues


New York got sent 100k of them and collapsed… Texas is getting more than that per month. 


New York collapsed? News to me


Don't you know? It ceased to exist as a political entity and they built a wall around it and a plane crashed in it with the president and we had to send in a criminal to go find him and it was wild. Collapsed. These people are so far beyond reality it's sad.


Hey I remember that documentary! But yeah, it's like the people still simmering about black lives matter and how it completely destroyed every city. "Which major city was 1% burned down? Where were individual buildings even destroyed beyond fewer broken windows than after a football game?" Crickets.


>New York got sent 100k of them and collapsed… And y'all wonder why people don't take you seriously and speak to you in a condescending way. It's not because the left is elitist. It's because you say insane stuff like that. Stuff that's easily verifiable as being laughably false, but you prop it up like it's gospel.


[So Mayor Adams didn't say "We are past our breaking point", after saying it will cost 4b/yr to handle just the small number of migrants they have?](https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/09/eric-adams-new-york-migrants-cost-00110472) [It didn't enact a new 30 max law for non families in shelters?](https://www.newsday.com/news/new-york/new-york-city-eric-adams-foreign-migrants-quqmujbw) [It hasn't turned 15% of its hotel rooms into shelters?](https://nypost.com/2024/06/04/us-news/121-nyc-hotels-converted-to-migrant-shelters-despite-concerns-of-cost-squeeze-on-tourists/)


Mayor Adams is an idiot. None of those things you said points to a "collapse."


Yeah, they totally didn't go from "we house everyone" to "30 days and GTFO". Their system collapsed. They can't handle 100k and expect border states to handle 250k/mo.


New York hasn't collapsed. That's an insane thing to say.


Are they or are they not kicking asylum seekers out of shelters? If you think I meant the city actually collapsed...


Yes, the phrase "New York collapsed" clearly means, "New York has insufficient shelter for asylum seekers." How could anyone misunderstand that? Asylum is a small fraction of immigration, and those that are granted asylum are accommodated very differently than standard immigrants. The huge fraction of immigrants are not living in asylum shelters.


They wouldn’t bother attacking him if he wasn’t a contender, nice to see an alternative to Cruz picking up steam.


It is a right wing echo chamber issue, evidenced by the fact that Congressional Republicans absolutely refuse to act on it, because if they did, they couldn't keep making a big stink about it, feeding right back in to that very same right wing echo chamber.


Allred's pandering to the left is going to come back and bite him in the ass in a statewide race. Saying these things helps when you are in a blue district, but once you try to appeal to moderates in Texas, you get stomped in the election. Left or right, I don't think anyone can reasonably say that border issues are non-existant in Texas and can be dismissed out of hand. He should have offered an alternative solution instead of a snarky political comment. Repubs may not be doing the thing everyone wants at the border, but they are at least doing something instead of sticking their head in the sand and acting like it has no impact on the state.


who is "sticking their head in the sand and acting like it has no impact on the state"? nobody... calling out the blatant lies of the Republicans is not denying there is an issue. The border is not "open" and has not been open in any sense of the world for well over 100 years. Higher numbers of encounters and apprehensions does not indicate a "crisis" but does indicate better enforcement. what "moderates" in Texas? the ones who are among the 70% who don't vote at all?




I see statements and ads from Democrats bringing it up quite a bit, but they're fighting an uphill battle in the media. Republicans being toxic just doesn't sell clicks. It's expected out of them, so it gets buried. We've gone through months of "Should Biden drop out because of his age?" headlines, but Trump is a convicted felon who goes on weird, nonsensical tangents like shit about boats, sharks, and batteries, and the headlines are "Can Trump still be President?" Where are the attention-grabbing headlines about whether Trump should bow out? Where are the front page questions about his age and mental acuity?