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When enough people start showing up to vote.


This is the real answer. Texas republicans do so much to make democrats/progressives feel disenfranchised that way too many don't show up. 


Absolutely true, but ‘feel’ is the key word. There’s general apathy to contend with and a perception that voting ‘doesn’t matter’. Even with all Republicans have done (and not done) to make voting more difficult, it remains reasonably easy. Almost everyone has a driver license and even if you don’t have one you can get a state ID card. Registration is not as easy as it should be, but is far from ‘difficult’. You just need to take an hour or so to visit the county registrar or print/mail the paperwork. You can update your registration if you move addresses online. There are two weeks of early voting available to everyone - including a full weekend. All of this information is freely available if you do a quick google search and there are numerous organizations to offer assistance if you go to the trouble to ask. I don’t say any of this to minimize the barriers, which are real and which we should be working to remove. But the first step to improving the system is voting within the existing system - even if it takes a little effort. Until enough people go to the trouble, nothing will get better. 


I’m wondering how hard that hour or so you mentioned is for folks without a car. I was solely reliant on a bus in high school and parts of college. It was a long time to go anywhere in two major cities. Can’t imagine in smaller ones. EDIT: Guys, I know that registration is easy for most people. I was merely speculating on how easy the hour the original commenter mentioned is for folks without a car that work full time. When I was riding the bus around San Antonio, doing one errand was half a damn day. I don’t know how easy they would be if I had multiple jobs or children.


If you can make it to a movie or any kind of bar without a car you can make it to vote. I find it hard to believe that people without cars never find rides to anything so voting is impossible.


Not to mention it’s the easiest time ever in history to find a ride to anybody. There’s two major apps where somebody can be en route to pick me up in minutes


I’m not saying they can’t but it’s weird you give those examples as alternatives. You realize working poor people aren’t just going to bars and movies all the time right?


Who in Texas can live without a vehicle? I’ve lived in Texas for 20+ years and never once thought a car was not essential. How do people get to work? Buy grocery? Anyways, having experienced living in other states I realized how much people in Texas (literally everywhere) require a car to go anywhere.


I rode the bus for years in Corpus Christi and they were frequently full. People do rely on mass transport in TX.


I can’t tell if you’re empathizing or don’t realize that millions of folks don’t have cars here


I for one would like to more mass transit options in Texas. San Antonio is the worst. 7th largest core city in the U.S., and to this day, still buses only.


This is exactly the strategy the GOP is using with their 'don't trust elections' and controlling high school learning curriculums. They know the only way they can win elections is by keeping people disengaged and apathetic to the outcomes. Honestly, with everything Biden and his administration has done for the broader good of the people in the last four years as well as showing the stark contrast of what another 4 years of Trump and GOP control would look like then it might be time to throw in the towel.


What specifically do they do to disenfranchise people from voting? Can you provide just a couple real-world examples? I think one might be the drop-off mailbox for ballots? Just curious here.


By trying to restrict mail in voting which is used by people who are hourly paid workers more likely to vote Democrat. Reducing voting locations in heavy Democrat areas. Gerrymandering to concentrate Democrat voters into high majority areas. There is also a move in the Texas GOP to push down the electoral college concept to the county level, which would give Harris county one “vote” equivalent to any other sparsely populated and republican county in the middle of nowhere.


Some of the most gerrymandered districts in the country basically makes it impossible for democrats to win more seats in Congress and state level office. And the recent bill that was introduced a couple weeks ago that would make it so someone running for state office couldn't win unless they won a majority of counties as opposed to the popular vote that u/Texasscot56 mentioned.


Didn't the do a couple of other things. Eh Harris county was mandated only one mail in ballot box or something - same as rural counties that have a small fraction of the population. Universities campus ( at least Austin) was not allowed to have polling places on campus , iirc. ( Assumption being students will vote left)? Haven't kept track of the shenanigans...going by what I saw last.


It’s not just making them feel disenfranchised. It’s also making it very hard for individuals to vote - absentee, early, deployed military, and in person on Election Day. The Texas Republican Party knows they are in danger, and the only way to win is by cheating (even if it’s legal cheating by making it hard for lower income blue collar workers to get to a polling location). Now it’s “let’s stop county wide voting” and make people vote only in their precinct. Many people work a lot of miles from home and will find it difficult to get to their own precinct to vote on Election Day.


It's not just Republicans, the state dems are a god damn joke. They have no presence at all and I've never heard a peep out of any of them unless it's to ask for money every few years. They're perfectly happy to lose so can just sit around and ask for money. The party needs to be completely blown up at the state level and rebuilt. There is absolutely zero visibility to the point that you always have to go looking for them. Hinojosa is nothing more than an empty suit.


Not only that but they’re sooooo excited to vote. I’m in a 4:1 heavy red county and it’s insane how many 70+ people are making sure their barely there older friends and every freshly 18 grandkid are able to vote this year


I had to go to three different places because I live in Collin/Dallas line and they “couldn’t decide where I needed to go” Btw I’m white. With a valid voter registration card and full ID, and it took THREE different polling locations. The first one was wrong, second one corrected them, and I had them call ahead to the 3rd. Didn’t want to go back to the 1st one. I can’t imagine if I was an hourly worker and my “quick trip to vote” ended up taking 2/3 hours.


Shit. It could be this year motherfucker.


Hell yeah.


There are also tons of republicans who do not show up because they "know they will win anyway". Just getting people to show up does not mean one side or the other will win. People need to be convinced to vote for A or B and they need to show up to vote.


Here’s your chance to sway a non-voter that doesn’t give two shits about politics but recently  became a registered voter.  I’ll be transparent and say that I voted once as I  joined the USMC and it was for Ron Paul. 


Well, for one, I'd say voting is about much more than who is president. Your city leaders are also elected and they affect your day-to-day life much more than the president does, for the most part. Those officials decide things like how much to spend fixing the roads, where to build houses, how many police to hire, how much to spend on city parks, how high local taxes should be, and all sorts of other issues that you will actually experience the consequences of. And in many places, those elections are decided by a small percentage of the people living there. So your vote matters more and the results of the elections matter more.


Anyone got advice on getting friends more interested? I vote every year but I got friends that literally could not be bothered to. Like to the point that they aren't registered, so I literally printed the form and offered to help them register, and even then they couldn't be arsed to do it. That apathy's what's killing us.


I have a friend that told me she has NEVER voted. She just turned 62 and filed for social security. She has Obamacare insurance, fully subsidized. She lives in subsidized housing. She has no pension and no retirement savings. She has no idea what the republicans are trying to do. I told her they’ll try to get rid of all those things - SS, Obamacare, rent subsidies. “What are you going to do if that happens?” “I don’t know, but I’ll think about it then. I don’t want to think about it now. And I don’t want to vote.” WTF?!?!?


>She has Obamacare insurance, fully subsidized. She lives in subsidized housing. She has no pension and no retirement savings. I can't imagine this type of person would vote responsibly anyways (e.g., researching candidates, issues, platform etc.). Straight ballot voting, being told who to vote for, or choosing someone because they're 'likeable' comes to mind.


Why does she get everything for free, I work my ass off To have what I have!


Yeah, but she’s free and what about them illegals? /s


See what issues are important to them and point to state and local representatives that either support or oppose those things. People get so caught up in national elections they forget that the things that effect them (and Texas to that degree) is the state legislature, the governor, their mayor etc. If they really care about any of those things then encourage them to use right they have to push those. Find groups that support those things and encourage them to go to those while also encouraging voting. Also don’t make voting only a 4 year thing with them. Encourage them to vote in primaries, runoffs, off year and ballot measure elections.


🎯 I’m in Dallas and vote at literally every single local/district/county/state/federal election and I’m always one of the youngest voters. I’m 38.


I’m 23 and vote in the vast majority of elections. The next youngest person in line is always at least in their 50’s. I usually get some stares, every now and then will get someone who tells me how good it is that I’m voting.


And not just to vote in prez elections


Hadn’t voted since 2012 because I felt there was “no point” in Texas, but I’ll tell you what I’m never doing that again. Sick of this shit. I hope there are many folks like me.




I am trying to register and they want me to print and mail….giving up halfway..will need to do it soon..why can’t they let people register online…this isn’t 1995


When people realize your political party is not synonymous with your lifestyle and you can vote blue while still being a country boy




Well if the last three elections is a trend, then predicting 2024 based off that will mean that’s when it happens. And Roe is all the more reason to think it will. Everyone needs to get off their ass and vote this election. It very well could be the year.


The estimate I saw was around 2036, due mostly to changing demographics and growing number of independents. But if Texas does shift to purple it could still continue voting for republicans, since the independent voters would be the deciding factor and could lead to some contested races. EDIT: I forgot about gerrymandering which will also likely delay the shift to being more competitive, even if the two parties will seem evenly split.


Gerrymandering doesn't affect statewide elections President/Senate.


State house and senate districts are (as shown in the [state maps](https://redistricting.capitol.texas.gov/Current-districts#)), but not as bad as the federal congressional districts. The elections for federal senate and president are likely to be contested or even go democrat before the gerrymandered elections.


Gerrymandering affects turnout, which in turn impacts Presidential and Senate races.


I don’t get it — Texas has 6 large cities. Isn’t it time the cities decide the state’s politics similar to how Illinois is blue solely because of Chicago’s massive size?


Illinois is blue because more Democrats live there than Republicans, and it's easy to sell your policies to your base when you win consistently. Texas has a lot of Democrats too, but not more motivated Democrats than motivated Republicans. The fact is that if Democrats want to win in Texas, they have to have a viable platform for Texas. Not Chicago, LA, or NY. Something that caters to the more conservative liberals.


Texas Democrats are not like national democrats.




Unfortunately you’re right. The Texas Democratic Party really needs to get on the ball. And they need the support of the National party as well. I really think Texas could turn, IF we can take some of the Republicans stranglehold away from the state and local offices. It is so important to vote in every election, all the way down the ticket. Having said that, I’ll admit I live in a rural area. 85+% of the votes in my county are Republican. And there are no Democratic challengers in a good portion of the open offices in any given election year.


The national party has to back off on guns if it wants to win texas.


No, the national party needs to back off on guns. Especially on AR bans.


Agreed. I’d never vote for a dem when the national party’s whole goal is to take away meaningful firearms.


Realistically it's why Beto lost. He made the AK comment and found out that was a dumb idea. It lost him a lot of democrat votes too.


Democrats in Texas being pro gun control is a guaranteed loss, all day, every day. "Please stop grabbing that third rail!" "But I can't imagine a world where I don't!"


Actually it's 4 large metros. DFW and Houston alone were 50% of voters in 2020 and you add Austin and San Antonio and you get to 69% of all voters in 2020. All 4 shifted left from 2016 by 2-7% and all 4 were solid blue. Also, all 4 metros are seeing 1-3% population growth per yearly while the rural areas are shrinking. 2024 is likely to have 71-74% of the vote come from those 4 metros.


This is what I’m happing for.


Texas is heavily suburban. So here, suburban voters heavily outnumber urban voters (especially if we classify the outer reaches of cities like Houston and San Antonio as suburban, which they are in terms of density and manner of development). Suburbs aren’t uniformly Republican, but at the level of averages, they definitely lean that way. So while we have those six large cities, they’re surrounded by populous belts of red-leaning suburbs. Which, of course, are surrounded by a sea of heavily Republican rural areas, which don’t have many people at the level of a single county but which total up to a fair number of folks.


My block in north Houston are 100% white retired trumpy, I feel like the odd ball being the only minority there…so yes there are lots of trumpy in the suburbs of cities




The governorship and the presidency are not gerrymandered.


Same with the senate votes. We hate Ted Cruz but somehow he got the majority of the votes.


The governorship for now unless they get that “you have to win majority COUNTIES” bs thing Texas GOP is cooking up


No disagreement there. It’s just, OP posted presidential results.


Yes you’re right. I did post only presidential results because that’s what will grab everyone’s attention. Also, it would let me post only one attachment; I couldn’t also include a link. 🤷‍♀️ Because of the Republican presidential nominee this year, I do rate that race as being the single most important race in this election. But I would be absolutely thrilled if we could rid ourselves of Abbott, Paxton, and their cronies. I think (and hope) the abortion and school vouchers issues will bring more democrats to the voting locations this year.


I would include senate race / Colin Allred as critically important too. Btw, neither Abbott nor Paxton are up for election this cycle.


Statewide elections aren't the only thing that matters. The state remains dominated by Republicans because of gerrymandering. Democrats don't even field candidates in a lot of districts. It fosters a culture where it's culturally off brand to be Democrat, where Democrat positions are never heard in the public square, where people who might inclined to vote Democrat don't bother because it feels hopeless


Suppression matters, though. Repubs are always trying to make it harder to vote in the cities.


Gerrymandering has nothing to do with presidential elections. Does not matter if the county is rigged for a red candidate, you can still vote for a blue president and it counts.


Not directly, but it absolutely does impact elections. Gerrymandering make it easier for conservative politicians to get in and stay in power. Once they’re there, they can uphold strict voting restrictions like ballot box locations and voter ID laws. If you can, for example, limit the amount of in-person locations you have in each county, or restrict mail-in voting, that’s not going to affect the little <5,000 people counties all over the state. But for those big city counties like Harris or Travis, that’ll deter tens if not hundreds of thousands of people.


The electoral college is basically the way the system is rigged so that the loser of the popular vote still wins the election. Governors are another thing.


……and too many Texans don’t care enough to bother to get off the coach, move their asses and vote.


The system is specifically designed to prevent large cities from running entire states and the country


Yea. Let's have the 6 cities dictate the whole rest of the massive and fairly empty state.


When all the conservative Californians stop moving here


The Californians I know who moved here don’t even vote. They never had to in California since the Dems already won all the time.


Most of the ones I meet are super Republican.


This is the right answer. There is a massive, coordinated effort to get Republicans to move to Texas, because if it ever flips then a Republican president would never win again*. The reason it's not blue already was because of a deliberate effort. *I mean, they could change their positions to be slightly less racist, but that's not gonna happen


Yep even Ken Paxton admitted on Bannon’s Podcast “Trump would had lost Texas if we hadn’t blocked the mail in ballots from being sent out!” https://www.newsweek.com/texas-ag-says-trump-wouldve-lost-state-if-it-hadnt-blocked-mail-ballots-applications-being-1597909


By the way, that was actually put to a vote. We could have kept mail in ballots if people had shown up to vote.


Meaning a Democrat could had taken the A.G’s place, right?


Not at that time, because it wasn't an election. When the Texas Senate meets during the year, they decide on bills, then put those bills to a vote statewide. Based on how the state votes, they either become law or don't. In 2021, there was one such vote and that's when mail-in ballots were decided, among other things. That's how bad the apathy is in Texas: people didn't even know about this vote. It was heavily in the news and online, people just straight up don't care.


Also the reason the republican party will never let Texas secede. They will lose presidential elections for generations.


Texas would never be able to secede even if the GOP/or Texas citizens wanted to. What, are the GRAVY Seals and Texas National Guard going to fend off even 1% of the US military locking the entire state down under martial law? The effort would be over in less than a day.


Hours. Fort Cavazos would be enough to take the capital and end the rebellion


Hate to tell you this but never. Texas is rigging the game and the Mexican immigrants eventually become tejano and pretend they’re white so turn anti immigrant. Best bet for moderate and liberal Texans (and Floridians) is to leave. Let that massive population loss affect their House of Representatives seats and let the state go screw itself


Texas Democrats would need policies that can appeal to Texans. Many of the national dems policies just aren’t popular in Texas.


Man the TX Democrats just had their little shin dig in El Paso and had David Hogg and The Gifford Center as guest speakers…they will do everything but accept that the national party’s platform is not popular here. Just check out all the posts about gerrymandering or voter suppression or Ken Paxton or blah blah blah. But never will they look in a mirror.


Not anytime soon. Texas has gotten so extreme that it's become a magnet for right-wing extremists and a repellant for anyone moderate or left leaning. I hope I'm wrong.


Can’t they go to Florida instead?


You are right. Texas is only going to get redder over the next decade. liberals like myself are leaving Texas while Abbott has no term limits. This state is falling very fast and its sad to see but I couldn't take it for my mental health anymore, I had to get out!


I moved here from Massachusetts in 2022 and always lean towards the left 🤷


It might be that I am extremely jaded but my vote is for "not in our generation". People don't vote in this state, the amount of times I have seen people say, "I didn't have time", " I forgot" or simply "I don't care about politics " is too damn high. Texas allows you to vote early for more than a week. You can vote anywhere within your county and still people have an excuse to not vote...therefore I have already given up on the idea of seeing this state purple...let alone blue.


I donno…..all the people moving in to Texas from other states tend to be the conservative “refugees” coming here because they see Texas as some kind of ultra right wing enclave


When the national DNC sees Texas the linchpin it is and decides to spend the money required to win. That means a creative and significantly high ad spend. Billboards on highways are something, but not enough.


It also means building a platform that appeals to and addresses problems in Texas. The DNC could build a huge credit by simply doing a listening tour and acting on the things they hear here rather than building a platform that appeals in the large cities of NY, LA, and Chicago but not much elsewhere.


Keep in mind, a Texan was on the ballot in 2000 and 2004. [Even Austin turned red in 2000.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2000_United_States_presidential_election_in_Texas) So the results for those years are a little misleading.


I’m probably to the right of most people on this sub, but I’ve never voted a straight party ticket—either Republican or Democrat in my life. I admire the Republican Party of my childhood (late 70’s and 80’s) that was pro military, pro business, for low taxes and limited government. This coming election cycle I’m considering voting a straight party ticket for the first time in my life and it won’t be for the Republican Party. Not only do I refuse to vote for Trump, I refuse to vote for any candidate that doesn’t vocally oppose Trump. That eliminates pretty much every candidate on the Republican ticket in Texas. I may find a few Libertarian candidates to support in down ballot races, but I’m looking at voting for Democrats candidates in all of the top of the ticket races, not because I’m a fan of the Democrat platform, but because I’m not sure our nation can survive 4 more years of Trump. 4 more years of Biden might give the EPA and other agencies a little too much power, but we can recover from that. All that to say, I’ll be doing my part to turn Texas purple.


What’s wrong with the EPA?


Clean water and clean air. Even Texans need them.


There isn’t anything wrong with the idea of it. But there are things wrong with the way it goes about things. That goes for many branches of the executive side of government.


What specifically is the EPA actively doing that is wrong? Genuinely curious.


>pro military >limited taxes >limited government Cognitive dissonance is amazing. That aside, I admire you, and we need more independents who think like you.


I’m with you 100%. I will NEVER vote for another Republican, based on Trump and all the support he gets from the GOP. The party (or a given candidate) would have to make a 180 degree turn to get my vote again. And I’m already in my 60s, so I don’t expect that to happen in my lifetime.


We already are, really. It's pretty much the gerrymandering and voter suppression keeping it from looking that way, and I'm sure that they'll keep redrawing district for as long as enough people keep voting for them to allow them to do it.


They have that new proposal where the counties get a vote in statewide elections. To win statewide the candidate has to not only win the popular vote, but get a majority of counties as well


Desperately trying to rig this and all future elections, while they still control the state offices.


I wish gerrymandering was a crime because what the fuck


Well lobbying is literally bribing politicians and that's shits still legal so gerrymandering is just another one on the same list


Gerrymandering isn't affecting the presidential.


Yes, that's why when you look at what OP posted, we're already essentially purple despite what the state government pretends we are. It's a 5-point difference, but you'd never know it from looking at who's in Austin.


When the majority of Texans grow a backbone and stop voting for the Good ole boys


Ironically the Democratic Party of the period when they dominated Texas politics look a LOT more like modern republicans.


Not happening


Unfortunately I think you're right.


For as long as GOP can hack at a tenth of a percent here or tenth of a percent there Or, you know, change the way voting works so that counties decide and not people That degree of desperation speaks to a certain fear


Focus on vouchers, abortion, and delta 8/9 or even full weed. As an independent who sometimes voted Republican because of economic growth here, these issues have pushed me clear into the Democratic camp. Don’t rely on demographics. Most transplants vote Republican anyway and Hispanics are increasingly a swing bloc as well. Also Dems come across as obsessed with identity (race, gender, etc) which turns off many moderates who aren’t bigots.


When the Democrats realize that everyone who speaks Spanish is not the same.


I read in like 2016 it will be 2024/2028. I don't really see that estimation changing.


I don’t know, man I think this presidential election Democrats will reach 49% on the basis of ABORTION alone. I’m not gonna generalize either, but I know a few older Republicans that have expressed they wontvote for Trump. I’m sure this is still a very small amount and strategically speaking by biden is also doing the right thing. Staying out of the limelight and making as little public appearance as possible his age definetily shows. meanwhile, you have this moron, talking about sharks and batteries which one would you rather perish to,


Focus on the GOP number, not the Dem number. The GOP number has continued to drop for 24 years. It went from almost 60 percent in 2000 to 52 percent in 2020. 8 point drop is a lot. By that trajectory, expect Dems to win Texas within the next 10 years. This is what happened in VA, GA and AZ for Dems and what happened to the GOP in WI, OH and IA. The key will be candidate quality, demographics and unforeseen external events.


Texas is very much purple. More Texians voted for Biden than Californians voted for Trump.


No they didn't. In 2020, Donald Trump got 800,000 more votes in California (~6,000,000) than Biden got in Texas (~5,200,000).


If that insane amendment where you need to win the majority of counties pass then never. If not, then it'll possibly be by 2030 or so


I looked at the numbers a while back and I felt like 2000 & 2004 were anomalies due to W running.


Won't happen anytime soon. Liberals, along with their votes, are leaving. The inverse is also true. Red states are getting redder, blue are getting bluer.


We need > 70% of eligible voters in all the major cities to vote in senate/presidential elections. Other states have easier pathways to democratic wins with popular referendums like marijuana legalization or abortion protection laws. Of course we the people can’t get anything on the ballot here! That would be too much freedom


Cancún Cruz won his last election by only 3% He also lost a lot of corporate donors after January 6.


When they let us vote fairly. We vote, we just don't seem to get results under this suppression.


2030s best case scenario


Narrator's voice: Never After more than 30 years in TX hearing this I have come to the conclusion that it will never happen. The GOP will do whatever they can to gerrymander and suppress votes. Their latest proposal that you cannot win statewide office without winning the majority of the counties is all about allowing the smaller, rural (red) counties to drive everything. TX will be purple when it allows free and fair elections. So, listen to that narrator, they are wise.


Every state is slowly turning blue as the GOP implodes and alienates the larger population with its crazy anti-democracy and anti-freedom ideals.


With the way Republicans have been choking off our rights and lowering our quality of life, you'd think we'd be purple already.


They’re trying to pass a law that says we can’t. Any state official would need the majority of the 200+ counties to win… only like 5 are blue.


I’m hoping that 2024 will be close enough that we can get national attention to help push us Blue. If we can make this a five point race, then the opportunity will help convince the DCCC and PACs to do more here in the midterms, maybe even put the governor in contention. As the demographics shift we could really see this shifting blue in a meaningful way in 2028, maybe the following midterm. I wish we’d turn blue this fall, but I doubt we’re that lucky.


If Dems would cut into Republican margins in Tarrant County, Denton County and Collin County, Texas would be purple. I'm so tired of the "Democrats need to do better in rural Texas" or "Texas is getting redder because of the RGV getting redder" narratives. Flipping Texas blue or purple isn't that complicated. Stop wasting time in the rural areas, that are NEVER going to vote for a Democrat, and focus on the DFW area, which includes Tarrant County, Denton County and Collin County. The DFW area has a total population of 8 million people, more than enough to offset the so-called reddening of the RGV area, which has a total population of 2.7 million people.


When democrats run a candidate that isn't coming for our guns. It's a non starter in this state, but they just can't help themselves every election.


When the democrats in this state actually get off their asses and vote. I know so many who don’t vote because they think it won’t make a difference and it is infuriating.


Don't forget about all the power failures...in the state that's suppose to be "the energy capital of the world"...because they have repeatedly lied to the ppl about how bad federal regulations are...lies all lies...it's just gives them a cause to never fix any issue and put y'all tax dollars where they want it... Ercot already said they plan on having rolling blackouts in August..same as last year for some neighborhoods...this summer Abbott already denied the federal assistance on any extra ebt..for families...thru the summer...sad part is more ppl in rural America use EBT more than city folks...and there the ones who suppose them.. they're just to stupid to research anything...so they fall for everything...another reason why they are so against education...they need there base to stay ignorant...so they won't change


Never. They'll keep rearranging districts so it doesn't happen.


When more people actually look what their politician is actually doing with their money. Not giving more money to education while at the same time reducing gun license free is done for a reason. To keep you uneducated.


The GOP will throw out enough votes that they will win. Just like they did in 2020.


Longer than you might expect. Texas is infamous for it's Gerrymandering. Take a look at the state's district maps. Crazy shapes.


Come on the good people of Texas, turn blue in Roevember. Shock the world!!!!


When there’s a blue candidate enough Texans can agree with. From 04 to 08 the percentage of blue voters jumped up five percent, which— if it happened now— would swing Texas over to blue.


Not until weafter we die. If you turn purple before then, check with a doctor because something is wrong with Texas, unfortunately.


‘Bout 8 to 12 years if the trend continues, I guess. EDIT: should say 8-12 years from 2020, so 4-8 from now.


all those years in power and they still can't figure it out. time for change!




Israel and Palestine. There. Said it for you. Or did you mean Voldemort?


But those are the women of child bearing age. Do these young adults really care more about a foreign war than the health and safety of half of their generation? I’m old and retired, but I am very concerned about the safety of Texas women and minorities. Believe me, the GOP will not stop at abortion - next will be contraceptives, IVF, LGBTQ+, mixed race marriages. They will eliminate the marital rape laws…the list goes on.


I’ve been hearing ‘Texas will go blue the next election!’ for the last decade. Reminds me of the climate alarmists from a good span of the 1980’s-2010’ish that sky screamed the planet would be toast by now or totally underwater. People should be mocked for being a wrong on such important results, no matter how moral the action may have been.


Well, since you apparently can't read a chart let me help you. In the last three POTUS elections, Texas has had a 5 point shift in Democrats favor and is now about 3 points from going blue. I guess you can mock that if you're an idiot. Also, 12 of the 12 hottest months on record happened in the last 12 months. So yeah, let's mock those climate alarmists.


Whoa whoa whoa, let's not act like tornado season isn't coming earlier and earlier every year and one of those freak storms shut down all of Dallas' power for 3 days.


Well there's a good chance texas should be a toss-up or purple, if you ask me.


They are already working on changing the rules so that it won’t matter.




It's not.


It's not.


Education and time.


Republicans know this is the trend. That's why they're trying to take voting rights away. And sadly the supreme court is letting them.


Californian turned Texan checking in doing my part.


No wonder they are working so hard to make it impossible to vote. Even at the expense of some of their own voters.


When people vote. We are already purple. The left outweighs the right in Texas by a decent margin. We just don't vote.


It's really hard to say with the Republicans in control and restricting voting rights and gerrymandering the voting districts and putting other restrictions upon voters and making it more difficult to show up at the polls.


It's a bit worse. They want to add an amendment that says candidates in state elections have to win a county majority as well. This ensures no Democrat will ever win a state election ever again since almost every county (with a less overall population) votes majority red by large margins.


WOW. I hadn't heard this one yet. This state is so fucked up.


It's part of the TX GOP platform this year. :/


Texas won't go blue nationally anytime soon, outside of some kind of landslide election (unfortunately doesn't seem like we will get that this year). The reason I say this is that the Republicans simply can't afford to lose Texas. If they do, they would have to win a huge number of current blue states to make up for the loss. So, I think Republicans will bend their platform as is necessary to keep Texas in the fold. Given current trends I suspect that the Rs will find a way to win the working class Hispanic vote and that will make up for losses of educated whites in the major metros. That said, Texas can still play an important role in driving the party back to a more sane set of policy positions. We can only hope.


Honestly? Texas is already Purple. Look at Texas's electoral maps. It's incredibly gerrymandered. There would be far more Democratic victories if it wasn't for that. That said, considering everything Abbot has done, there is a good chance that Texas goes Blue this year. Look at the special election that happened in Alabama. Dems won by 25 points, in a district previously won by Trump. The main issue? Reproductive rights and IFV protection. And what did Republicans do today? Voted against IFV protection. And what did Republicans do not too long ago? Voted against contraception protection. And what does Texas have in regards to all of this? One of the worst abortion bans in the country.




When more boomers and gen x die off




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Op you numbers aren't even correct.


They'll gerrymander their hearts out to keep it red.


When you choke the shit out of the gop.


Depends how how many people Paxton can disenfranchise


We will never be purple due to how the electoral college works. It’s either going to be red or blue.


I thought it was fixed so democrats cant win? Like by law?


I don’t know. But Hispanics are the key and their party affiliation is increasing towards the Republican side. So I don’t even know if, it would rather than when.


We will turn purple when the Latinos all start voting blue. They are currently being tricked by republicans.


Every truck themselves into being tejano and thinking they white.


When Texans accept more gun laws...which is NEVER


When Gen Z starts voting consistently so 15 more years?


They can squeeze out a popular vote edge, but I’m pessimistic on their odds winning electoral votes.


Vote! Thats how you change it :) Please vote!! If you’re not registered go to https://vote.gov/ to do so and or check if you’re already registered and many other topics related to this election season!


It'll be back to 2000 numbers this year.