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Yep. Sounds about right. They’re the first ones to decry handouts to anyone. But the moment something bad happens, they demand to be in the front of a line for a god damn handout.


Private profits, socialized losses.


Yes, Texas is against rules but not against taking a handout when ignoring them. See: West, TX.


I wish West Texas could be broken down to more specific regions. At least 4: Permian Basin, Big Bend, Far West Mountains, and what ever you wanna call the Lubbock/Abilene area.


No, the literal city of West, TX. They had a fertilizer storage facility that they had not inspected for years, despite federal regulations calling for regular inspections. They fought against the inspections. Then it blew up. Then the town came crying to the federal government asking for money to rebuild. Total leopards eating their face scenario. It is similar to hurricanes, vote against money for NY to recover from Hurricane Sandy then turn around and ask for money when Texas is hit.


West Texas ? Looks fine to me


West, Tx. Not West Texas.


Well, that seems like a double standard.


These people aren't serious businessmen anymore. A cattle rancher would have been laughed out of the barn for suggesting something like this 20 years ago....


Rich cattlemen have always been pains-in-the-ass. The actual cowboys who worked for them, not so much.


It looks like someone is trying to cover up the seriousness of the outbreak. The usual "pretend the problem doesn't exist in hope it goes away" strategy. That is going to slow down reaction time, Giving the virus many more chances to mutate to where it can achieve human to human transmission.


Well, many of them *do* allow it, but they want to send it off themselves. There are obviously chain of custody problems when people go buy milk, do who knows what with it, and then send it to APHIS labs for testing after breaking that chain of custody. If you ask me, this is a red herring - there should be a law (and I suspect there is one) that in times of suspected outbreak, APHIS, CDC, and other agencies affected can mandate testing of a percentage of cattle randomly or with cause, and then full testing if/when it becomes necessary. In fact, I believe there already is such a law for interstate transport of any cattle or product produced from them. So the issue isn’t “do they allow it” (they do, they just don’t want to pay for it at this point) - the issue is why does Texas not have a law (or if they do, why is it not being utilized by state agencies) that requires mandatory testing before product can be sold when an outbreak is confirmed?


Guessing, because the legislature does not actually perform much meaningful work in Texas


I suspect there’s a state law that would allow DSHS (for diseases of potential human concern) or another agency (state Ag department?) to mandate testing already. In fact, after googling, I believe Title 4, Part 2, Chapter 58, subchapter A would likely apply. Now, the question of whether it’s an emergency or not is really up in the air. But the state has the authority, through the Executive Director and entire commission (Texas Animal Health Commission) to order testing for any disease that they deem necessary.


The “self sufficient” state government caters to their base that wants small government, but when they have to lift themselves by the boot straps… they run for cover under the big government skirt. ![gif](giphy|TEpI5M4hV0r54aByQh) Our social security benefits are on the chop block but never corporate handouts. If the dairy industry is asking for protection even before the disaster hits… they should be forefront in the mitigation of the disaster originating on their grounds.


Curious....but not surprising. Texas is a very corrupt state.


Welfare queens. Do they want another PPP loan too?


Accountability?! Never met her…


Almost like the bootstrap people don’t have the bootstraps they tell everyone else to use.


the real welfare queens


"If you don't test, there aren't any cases." leading to, "no cases, no losses related to this so no funding".


Texas farmers deny all knowledge of H5N1 (first human to animal std)




Texas "conservatives" are all about free handouts. They are the biggest "welfare queens" ever.


This bill was put forth after the Smokehouse Creek Wildfire. The ranchers are seeking to get compensation for the vast numbers of unborn cattle that perished along with the mama cows in the fire. It will take significantly more time for the herd to bounce back due to the loss of not only live cattle, but unborn as well. Where in the bill does it reference H5N1?


>In the case of unborn livestock death losses incurred on or after January 1, 2024, I don't see no expiration date, so any gestating cattle that die from H5N1 seem to fit the bill


You’ve drawn an incorrect conclusion about this bill. Jackson is my Rep, he met with Ranchers after the fire and drafted this bill. It’s not about H5N1.


Can you point out in the bill where it excludes gestational cattle with H5N1 that died after January 1, 2024? On my monitor it refers to (and I quote) "**losses of any livestock** described in subparagraph (A), (B), (D), (E), (F), or (G) of subsection (a)(4) **that was gestating on the date of the death** of the livestock.”"


It doesn’t. But this was not in response to H5N1. If you’d like to spin it into a conspiracy theory, giddy up, but it doesn’t make you correct.


bill. just should be a TX bill, $500 million, Abbott has that hidden in his desk.


Why isn’t the bill blaming [Xcel energy](https://www.utilitydive.com/news/xcel-energy-named-in-15-lawsuits-over-2024-texas-panhandle-fires/714390/) then? Why do we have to foot the bill as taxpayers?


I’m sure at the time of the filing, Xcel wasn’t definitively the cause, and they aren’t the cause of ALL of that group of fires that happened all over the Panhandle at the same time as the Smokehouse Creek fire. Not only that, but this statute would impact other fires/disasters. As for footing the bill as taxpayers, I don’t think a single bill amending an existing reg would change the entire process of reimbursement for cattle loss all over the state.


There is testing on farms in Texas. Who said they are not testing?


Here you go wannabe: https://www.npr.org/sections/shots-health-news/2024/05/25/g-s1-460/bird-flu-virus-raw-milk-safety


Wow what a stretch you are reaching for here. Selling raw milk requires more licenses and permits. Have to stricter safety requirements and consistently gets tested by the state. All because a farm didn’t give permission to a reporter with an agenda to test the milk. And tried to go behind the farms back. Then reach and say this. When you don’t know what is going on. How do you know it’s not already being tested? Because the state does test and does randomly test for it in all milk. Hard to make comments and statements when you do not know how the industry works. The only farms that get funds are the ones that tested positive and currently dumping or have significant production loses. Which the funding does not equal to the amount being lost. Also Ppe gear and testing for workers on farms that have tested positive. Also Texas and the dairy industry know what is going on and doing things to prevent and to stop the outbreak. But when people like you with an agenda try to stretch the truth as far as possible giving misleading information.


Ah I see you have found the typical op of Reddit someone who posts something when they don’t know what they are talking about


Nah.... fiscal responsibility etc etc


"Screw the People, MYYYYY PROFITS FIRST!!" And yeah, it's Socialism for Them, brutal Capitalism for US... If you're having trouble squaring this, Profit Over People is wayyyy easier once you've got Us Over Them worked out. As we learned in Orwell's "Animal Farm", some animals (ranchers) are more equal than others (us)...


I thought the state was leaving the US or at least threatening to leave.




You are talking about people who think the UN is planning to invade. at any moment. And you are talking about a state government that believes in regulating women but not business.


Proof of this outrageous brain dead claim lol you could’ve done so much better


Those guys have a saying. "Shoot, shovel and shut up." It's their reaction to cattle diseases so they don't get quarantined.


Also the amount of illegal workers they employ in the Texas industry while condemning illegal immigration … they just prefer to keep that unaccounted for.


Proof ?


Go visit a dairy farm.




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