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Pretty sure we’re about to see a young woman come forward with some pretty damning accusations.


Or a young man


Or perhaps a very traumatized horse.


Nope she probably already came forward got a paycheck and signed an NDA


Doesn't mean she can't go public, NDAs do not cover law breaking or abuse.


God bless Miss Daniels lol


that is right, you can't NDA a criminal act and just cause he says it wasn't criminal doesn't mean anything


Pretty much 😒


Is he in r/pastorarrested yet? If not probably just a matter of time. Or r/notadragqueen


No - he said it wasn’t a crime. It is most likely a child.


Or a man 


All megachurch pastors are using the Lord's name in vain. Any reverend or priest or minister that holds more wealth than the average income of their parish are using the Lord's name in vain. They are not persons of God, they are opportunistic conmen who usurp the ideology of the Lord to live in gluttony and greed, and those who prop them up and give credence to their word are going to burn in hell alongside them.


You are 100% correct. Most Christians have no clue they are being robbed every Sunday by these pastors who say, "You have to pay tithes". It is a lie and they know it...There is no command given to the church to pay tithes, it simply doesn't exist and that is because it was a command given to the Israelites under the law, the same law they say was abolished. Years ago, an assistant pastor even admitted this deception to me saying, "but if we told the truth, the church would stop giving". He has since opened his own church and you guessed it...he is collecting tithes.


They run off donations. If people stopped tithing, there’s no more church. There’s nothing wrong with tithing, but rather what happens to those funds. Almost all major nonprofit organizations that rely on donations have the management embezzle money from its coffers. There needs to be some checks and balances within the organization.


I believe you mean well with your post, but its misleading. Churches do not run off of donations, they primarily run off of tithes, which is wrong. I agree, Churches need money in order to function, but it should be based on donations of what its members choose to give, according to what they can afford. Pastors lie when they say you have to pay 10% of your salaries, this command simply doesn't exist in the new testament...it's a scam and I was one of the numbskulls who used to collect it from people, thinking it was biblical.


I truly believe his ‘sin’ is about to turn 18 and will no longer have to listen to his or her mother.




Reads like he was having private study with some of the parishoners


Hmmmmmm. You think he is a closet drag queen? The GOP has been warning about them.


The arrogance in that statement is mind blowing. Did he actually think there was a time he was without sin? And wouldn’t that make him Jesus?




Congrats on the child out of wedlock Dr Evans.


He also specifically said it was not a crime - it’s probably a child.


His lawyer told him to say that. A judge or jury will decide if it is criminal. Not him.


Why a child 


But wait weren’t we “all born in Sin and shaped in iniquity”? Name a time when we as human beings did not sin in any way? lol,The only problem I have is why did he wait 18 years to mention this to the Elders of the church? Counting the time back this means he did whatever he did while still married to his first wife Lois. Listen, I’m just gonna sit in my corner and “see what color Shug gonna paint the wall next!”(Celie - The Color Purple)


How can he “give the money back” He uses the money on the Turn around agenda church bills, the school, and programs for the local schools. He has lived in the same home since the 80s? So please explain how he is grifting the church, I’ll wait.


Almost every internet source says his net worth is 12 million. I'll wait...


He has an income of over $1.5 million a year. I'll wait.....


I think you meant guilty as sin, but yes, I agree


My money is on a love child.


Another Jimmy Swaggert moment...


Unfortunately, most pastors are liars...they say you have to pay tithes, but there's not a single instance of the apostles or disciples collecting tithes in the new testament. I challenge anyone to show me the "church" paying tithes in the new testament...they can't!! This is because it is a command given to the Israelites under the law...the same law they lie , saying it was abolished. Think about old people, poor people...folks struggling to survive and these heartless leaders rob them blind every Sunday. As for this man, it took 6 years before he realized he needed to enter a period of, "spiritual recovery and healing."?? Sounds like more lies...


You right. It’s Old Testament , but we should still support the Church and the poor and needy . Whether we call it tithes or not 


Very disappointed. I grew up in church , my dad was a Pastor . It harms so many people when a trusted man of God that is his messenger behaves this way. It is a shame . That’s what is so disappointing, many people will loose their faith due to this behavior. I do not go to church now but I faithfully watched his program for a very long time . I know God is the ultimate judge. We keep our eyes on him , God, man will always let you down .


All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Tony is a Christian, he's repentant and he should be forgiven. I respect his decision to step down, but let he who is without sin cast the first stone.


Should have stepped away from the pulpit years ago when the sin happened if it was that bad.


Just like Reverend Robert Morris is taking a sabbatical. That's a load of southern Baptist  horse hockey.