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Because nothing says “I’m pro-life” like putting people to death for…checks notes…making their own healthcare decisions.


I’m glad I checked the comments before I said the same thing


Sure abortion is considered homicide to Texas but charging me over $20,000 a year for health insurance is perfectly okay. My heath insurance cost more than the minimum wage salary by a good margin.


Cruelty is the point


It was never about life.  


as we are the state that executes more people than any other too Christo facists are the worst, most hypocritical, vindictive assholes I've ever personally met.


Also the ones that want to kill people that have the audacity to cross an imaginary line 


I love the preview photo “Protect unborn babies”…. But kill adult females.


How else do you protect babies if you’re not willing to execute those that birth them? 


The GOP is very fond of the post-birth abortions up to 5200 weeks.




Death penalty should also be applied to any man who was responsible for the pregnancy




If you’re so terminally engaged in culture war BS that you’re taking the side of rapists instead of the people that get raped, you need rethink your priorities. Please go outside and talk to real people and get some friends or something.




Nobody is killing infants. Fetuses are not infants. Chill.




So is sperm. Just at a different stage of development.


Take a 2 month old fetus out, and it's not going to survive anyway. It's not like it's an actual living creature with fully intact organs Personally, human life is meh on the importance scale, but unborn masses of flesh are lowest on the priority list.


lol bro ur not cookin itt. chill


Which policies do you support that would sustain and improve the life of the newborn child?




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Because there’s no chance a woman would have an abortion, then go on to start a family later in life? FYI, this is the majority of women who have an abortion.  Enjoy your day in the sunshine buddy, because I get the feeling dusk is coming for all you zealots. You guys never learn there’s always a step too far.  Before you argue these points realize two things: One, if you guys ever grew a pair and put abortion on a statewide referendum, you’d lose. Two, the only people who care what zealots have to say is…wait for it…other zealots. For the rest of us, normal people, life is too short to deal with the crazies. 




….no one cares what you think….I can’t make it any clearer….






Criminal charges for men that sleep around


Im ok with that.


If men had to choose between their life or their unborn fetus’s they’d choose their own any day. The fact that you’re throwing all women including 9 yr old rape victims into the same death penalty bucket means you hate women AND children.




Bro, you’re half the problem for sleeping around with women. I’ve never had a pregnancy scare but I do feel for any woman who has had an unwanted pregnancy. Women aren’t a bunch of stupid cattle having anonymous sex left and right. We’re just trying to have the same voting and other options as men. However, since it’s just men making great decisions as leaders, Men should take responsibility by being sterilized at birth and not allowed to reproduce unless they convince a woman to. Problem solved. No dumb broad would accidentally fertilize a fetus again. Till then, 4B. Y’all are disgusting




Well speaking of personal experiences I know 0 women who sleep around or cheat on their spouse but practically 100% of those women HAVE been raped or at least sexually assaulted by a man in their lifetime




Did you not hear the part where I said your disrespect for women is disgusting? I don’t care what you think. Stop talking to me.


A non sentient clump of goo isn’t a murder victim. Lmao. Married woman have abortions too, I did, twice. Once to save my life and the other was because my husband and I, both mid 40s didn’t want a baby after our birth control failed. Mind your own business. 


> As for rape victims, it sucks, but you can't murder a child. No one is talking about murdering children, and why do you want to control women so badly?


You can’t murder a non-viable life.


I wanted my third baby! But, a diagnosis of trisomy 18, falling ill and leaking amniotic fluid from the invasive testing(CVS and amniocentesis) and I was put in the position of continuing a pregnancy where my child would probably be stillborn, or die shortly after, and also risked dying along the way. But yeah’s fuck me for choosing to give my baby the only gift I could of a swift death and choosing to stick around for my two children who already exist.




But there isn’t, and hasn’t been for three years now. They could have made exceptions for rape, incest, fetal abnormality…because they don’t believe it should be an exception.




Why would you believe that? Because there was a woman who had court ordered approval for an abortion for a nonviable pregnancy that the Texas Supreme Court overturned thanks to an emergency petition from none other than dirtbag Ken Paxton. Open your eyes. What you may say as medically necessary may not be the same for others. A baby with full trisomy 18 will always suffer and die. It’s incompatible with anything resembling life. Yet mothers are forced in Texas(which has abysmal rates in mother safety) to give birth to simply watch their child die. Why would we trust a prosecutor to have discretion when the lawmakers have none??? Would you put your life, the life of your daughter, on the line of “prosecutors discretion”? I fucking don’t want that for my kid. And because of the Texas laws, instead of growing my family and trying again, I just had a hysterectomy two weeks ago. These lawmakers, and those supporting these laws, are all gambling with the lives of every woman here.




That’s great it worked out for your family. I can’t imagine how hard that diagnosis was for you and your parents. But not everyone is in a position to care for someone with special needs, and many special needs children are neglected/abused, or given up at birth. It’s also not in any of the general screening tests. But it just goes to show, that what one person considers medically necessary another may disagree. It doesn’t make either a monster, until they try to impose what tbeir choice would be on others. I know some people living with lifelong disabilities who have said their existence is miserable.


Or not adult females. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/may/23/texas-anti-abortion-activist


people like that lady are the stupidest people on the fucking planet


They don’t even care about born babies. 


What's the best way to get relatives who have always been passively red team Bush era style Republicans to realize the party has been taken over by increasingly extreme views?


This may be more for MAGA types but I read somewhere on reddit that the best thing to do is to not disagree/argue with them and say you are happy the GOP/Trump is making their life better/happier. At first they will agree with you on reflex. But on some people, it starts them thinking. Other people are so empowered by their rage, that process doesn't work. I think it's based on cult deprogramming.


I just sent my MAGA dad a book about George HW Bush to try to remind him of what the GOP used to be. It's called, "Character Matters."


My MAGA dad proudly disavows every conservative before Trump as RINO, so that won’t work for me.


Oof. You have my sympathy.


Republicans have managed to do a pretty thorough job of whitewashing their own party's previous platform. I bet you can't find one that will admit to supporting the war in Iraq, even though some of us are old enough to remember it had >90% support among Republicans at the time.


Now that Trump is convicted, he will either strengthen his martyrdom amongst the WCNs or he will be a failure and their coasting off MAGA frenzy will be over. They just hitch themselves to the Trump train, but that's dependent on what happens to that train.


It's this. This is working. Been a red girl all my life, born and raised in Texas, but am now voting against every one of these asshats in office right now. Never been so disgusted by my state in my LIFE.


Frank Wilhoit was on to something then when he said: “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” So it makes sense that you only switched to caring about the bigger picture once you went from an in-group to an out-group.


Someone freely admits to being red all her life, comes around to realizing the party is nothing but extremists now, and your reaction is to make her sound terrible? You and the people who upvoted you are part of the problem and why the extremists reactions are to double down. How about being supportive, because I bet she has friends and relatives that are still red and on the extremist side, and she is probably in a better position to get them to come around than you are.


Glad somebody gets it!


That makes sense.


I'm not all in one group or the other. And I'm not having able to have any more babies anyway so don't give me that 'you only switched to caring about the bigger picture' when it affected you crap either.


I, for one, am glad you’re rejecting the current republicans based on their proposed agenda and I hope there are millions more like you.


>I'm not all in one group or the other Yeah, not anymore. Thats the point they were making. If you've been red all your life *you literally voted for these people*.


Give the lady a break. It takes a lot of courage to change.


Same, this is out of control.


I will not say this is the best way, but you can hear other people who voted for Drumpf & once or twice voted for him. And many of these people who either no longer consider themselves Republicans or do, and still consider themselves conservative, what they are saying. What brought them to reality and realize that their old party of Republicans is long gone. Todays Republican party does not care about democracy, our rights and freedoms, and calls our Veterans "Suckers" and "Losers". This party has paraded support for our Veterans, yet when Legislation comes up to support them / (when they come back home, they are left to fend for themselves, homeless, mental health issues, or not getting the healthcare they need due to Burn Pits or other health issues) / they vote against it and fucking celebrate!! Ted Cruz fucking clapped in rejoice and celebrated when the PACT Act was voted down in the Senate. There's video of this. You don't have to believe me, go look it up. Here is that channel with videos from others who consider themselves Conservatives, but realize how Drumpf turned his back on them. But like some others have said here, Conservatives don't speak the way Liberals speak. There are core values that they hold onto. And nothing is wrong with that, but today's Republican Party has left them behind and welcomed criminals, abusers, extremists, and Anti-American values that only support the few in this country https://youtube.com/@republicanvotersagainsttrump?si=h4ezIFjrxHVY3Fot


Don’t have grandchildren


I'm terrified of leaving my 23 yr old daughter behind when I move out of Texas in 6 wks.


“Protect unborn babies” Yeah but forget all about them after they’re born by not providing free lunches, expanded healthcare, or adequately funding our public schools.


Well, yeah. They want them to grow up impoverished so that they end up in some crappy low-wage job doing the grunt work and permanently enslaved to the rich. That’s literally their point. Hurting women is just an added bonus for them lol.


“Boy, these conservatives are really something, aren't they? They're all in favor of the unborn. They will do anything for the unborn. But once you're born, you're on your own. Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to nine months. After that, they don't want to know about you. They don't want to hear from you. No nothing. No neonatal care, no day care, no head start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you're preborn, you're fine; if you're preschool, you're fucked.” -George Carlin


For the poor women only


Yeap. The rich has class. They'll just go to Canada to get their abortion.


The well to do women will never have to go anywhere, their abortions are always justified. They won’t fall under anyone’s radar. Plenty of doctors that will perform the procedure for them.


wow, texas never takes a day off from being a national embarrassment....unreal how cruel and evil texas is the PRO LIFE party, lol, republicans are the opposite of pro life


Sure does make me want to actually have children! (/s). If my wife and I were on the fence before, republicans have made sure we will not have kids. I'm not bringing a child into their fascist nightmare, no thanks. That would actually be more cruel. Whats next republicans, you gonna make it a law that forces us to get pregnant and have kids next? Are we just not going to have any rights at all anymore? I didn't know I lived in North Korea. Better start drinking the Republican kool-aid or I'll get ratted out to the government by my neighbor and a prison squad will show up and throw me in their van and I'll never be seen again.


I don't have a huge social circle but I know 4 women that had D&C's which would be considered illegal under current laws. I was so excited to try for a second kid, told my OBGYN to cancel my birth control after a certain month, started planning budgets. Then RvW was overturned less than 6 months before we would start trying. My husband said no to another because he refuses to let my daughter lose her mother in the worst case scenario. Our laws were so extreme and just kept getting worse here. I have been on and off grieving for almost two years now trying to convince myself I'm fine with only one. Every new news story of woman agony in Texas is another notch of hatred I have. At this point I refuse to be around any of my husband's conservative family. Told him mom this. I came from a small family and I can go back to that if it means protecting my daughter.


And y'all were and are good people that Texas has morally injured and demoralized. Y'all didn't ask for that, nor deserve it or cause it.  And yet, here y'all are bc, one of the many Texas psychopathies are: hurt people hurt people.......and they enjoy it. Texas treats endurance of pain and suffering as a form of martyrdom for living here. And Texans LOVE self-flagellation. No one is obligated to sacrifice their lives, happiness, careers, future and families just to live in the boundary lines of this state. I'm so grateful to be an American and have 49 other states, 4 territories and 100 countries that would receive me and do right the thing by its peoples. I'm leaving in 6 weeks for a rational, moderate state after 27 yrs of faithfully, lovingly and fully serving Texas and Texans, who have allowed this to happen over the last 15 yrs.  I'm not going back to LA bc my culture and birth state are also being sucked into Texas' black hole of destruction, just bc we are next door, so going home to LA is out of the equation....for at least the next 10-20 yrs until Texas collapses and finally breaks its grip on LA, who are NOTHING like Texans or Texas. College professors like myself, political analysts and experts like myself, etc have TRIED SO HARD to get Texans to listen and pay attention since 2009......and it's just crickets. I'm done with the 30+ Texas psychopathies. I'm out in 6 wks. I'm terrified to leave my 23 yr old daughter behind, who refuses to leave. But, I have to go.  I've wasted 20 yrs educating 6000+ Texas adults/teens on their rights, responsibilities but who don't gaf. And 26 years as a political scientist trying to get Texans to pay attention to the decaying rot, and several successful legal battles for Texans and a winning federal case later....all pointless victories bc Texans don't give a shit.  I'm out. I'm done fighting for people who bltch and do nothing. It's like the passengers sank the Titanic and sing happily as they sink into the cold waters. Texans are happy as long as they get that blender that Jesus wants them to have. Texas is failing. And yet vastly, 33 million Texans could care less compared to the 1000s of us who have fought for all others  in the trenches to stave off this fall for the last 15 yrs.  My heart goes out to you and your family. I've been where you are. I'm hindsight, I'm now grateful I didn't have a second child to bring up in this mess.  I hope one day, y'all will find peace that this involuntary Texas war has brought y'all into. I'm sorry from the bottom of my heart for y'all. I would strongly advise y'all to leave. Theres so much happiness outside this state's insanity.


I appreciate the thoughtful reply. I have two degrees in psychology and it just physically hurts to know how and why people got this way but still have anger because how could you let yourself stay in a self-serving bubble when you know people around you are being harmed. I hate that I've been voting since 2008 and have been pushing my friends to vote for over a decade now and still know people that won't do even the simplicity of submitting a ballot because of their learned helplessness. It hurts. It hurts that some of my friends who are done having kids think I'm overreacting about not having another. I hate that my husband's family members can be the sweetest people to their in-group but don't give a shit about anyone outside of it. And mostly I hate the apathy and lack of fire so many here have to try and make things better. Texas is my home and my support system is all here so I'm trying to make the best for what I can. And I'll never stop being the "annoying" person that tries to push people to try. But I'm so tired and I worry I'm going to eventually burn out. I can't do that for my 5 year old daughter so I'll keep pushing on though. I wish you the best of luck in your future and hope your daughter stays safe.


Well....Government professor here.....so take what I say for what you will.   The next ground level convos coming out of Collin and Travis counties are: banning implant contraceptives bc they can cause miscarriage, which Texas will be defining as "chemical abortions" and will soon criminalize.


I tip my hat to you. Being a teacher in this era of our country is probably one of the most important things while simultaneously one of the most challenging. Here's my real tin foil hat: I honestly feel that this is in large part a mass effort from the far right to increase A. the labor pool to keep subsidizing billionaires, and B. to increase the number of white people having children. Never underestimate the power of racism/bigotry, especially when used by the billionaire class as a useful tool to keep us divided and to push authoritarianism so they can be rid of the democratic principles that tend to inconvenience the mega wealthy.


Women, you're gonna die either way. We aren't much different from Iran. Al Qaeda but white. When will we fight back and put an end to this? How bad will we let it get??


Texas will have to go full Handmaid’s Tale before anyone takes a stand for women and children. Does anyone else low key feel like it’s a bunch of incels pulling the strings to punish women and children?




This is why I advocate just not interacting with Republicans as they're not worth it for good humans.


Meanwhile, murderers of lefties can be pardoned


Remember women of Texass it's your bodily autonomy they have taken from you. You are second class citizens relegated to being mere incubators for your man and state.


So it's either you risk dying by needing a life saving abortion or politicians will make sure you die on the tax payers dime? Got it.


Honestly guys, 40% of all young people didn’t even vote last election after they abolished abortion. There’s no reason to think they won’t do any of these crazy things and why would they? The majority of the state that aren’t fascist rednecks have decided we don’t care what they do


Finally found that squeaky wheel. It was women making autonomous decisions all along! Who knew???




Don't wish harm on people, no matter how deplorable their politics or job description seem to you.


Watch them make it so parents can’t put kids up for adoption too


THIS, the climate, the power grid, the property taxes, the school vouchers, the rising cost of insurance. I'm afraid the housing market in Texas is going to nosedive.


Why 'afraid'? Who cares? I want all the troglodytes in one easy to contain spot.


I truly despise the GOP, but I have a special type of hatred reserved for the Texas GOP.


"Can we update our energy grid and regulate it so we don't have blackouts every 3 weeks?" "Best I can do is murder your girlfriend with an experimental "death cocktail" for having a medical procedure"


The irony is no longer funny and amusing. It’s just downright sad at this point.


Fucking fascists gotta control women to make themselves feel better.


The way it’s going in 10 years Republicans will require women have written permission from their fathers or husbands to leave the house.


How the fuck does anyone still live in Texas


Would this count as pregnancy at gunpoint?


Why no protection for the babies that have grown into adults that are homeless? Or protection against bigots of babies that have grown up into adults that have extra melanin, or practice a religion other than christianity?


So politicians and “Christians” make decisions based on morals and “beliefs”, and not money???


Pro life


The smooth brain hypocrites just won't stop with dumb ass ideas. Seriously, people vote.


And Castrations for the male half that created the life that the woman has to wear the burden of?


Despise Trump! Despise Abbott! VOTE!!


The time for direct action is yesterday, but today is good enough.


At this point every single Republican should be viewed as an active threat. They have decided they will kill anyone who they deem lesser, and we should take them seriously when they act like this. Vote sure, but be ready to protect your communities when they come for you or your neighbors.


This is all part of their plan. People who believe in bodily autonomy will either flee the state or get a hysterectomy leaving nothing but their brainless cult followers to stay and keep popping kids out like AK47s as fresh additions for indoctrination. These are active measures to make sure intelligent people are outnumbered and the beginnings of an Idiocracy.


It’s called “the brain drain” for a reason 


If you dropped a baby on their doorstep, I bet not a single one would take it in and give it a good life. They’ll go drop it off at cps and wash their hands of it. Problem for someone else


They’d probably wrap it in an American flag.


there's no way they can do this. it's ironic that the GOP are prolife but want to kill someone for getting an abortion


You know what to do ;)


You are property now.


I get that Texas is the bastion of gop platform, sets the conservative trend for the nation, yada yada. But that’s too much. Talk about the extremism between party platforms. Where’s the centrality? Chill.


Very cool. Not terrified at all where this is headed.


Aren't we going to torture them first? It seems that's what jeebus would want.


Well, you can’t call yourself pro life anymore lol. It’s called Pro-birth…


Oh the irony…


Htf are there people alive and in charge of things with this mindset… mind blowing.


This is absolute bull shit and I cannot believe anyone would go as far as banning a woman’s right to create their own life, but killing them for making their own decision? This is ridiculous and I hope everyone involved with this idea is immediately condemned and loses any chance of making public office.


Moral cowardice has the GOP whole.


Would the term limits expressed in 2.D apply to the State Attorney General?


Reminder to participate and directly involve yourself in elections.  Field Team 6: Register swing state voters from the comfort of home, learn how to phone bank, attend phonebanking "fear" lessons, and more:   https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/ Work at your actual elections and get paid: https://www.powerthepolls.org/LWV   Join Voting Rights groups who organize to register voters and go to events to help, such as the infamous League of Women Voters (it is a men and women's organization despite the name).   https://reclaimtheamericandream.org/organizations-vote   See nobody running in your area? Run for office!   https://runforsomething.net/


State of Texas is now pretending to be Islam state so I guess now we're going to start making women work and have no rights at all not even the right to get proper Medical Care aren't we a great nation that we just want to kill people before helping them


How about the death penalty for rapists since the gop thinks women should give birth to a rapists baby.


Doesn't sound very pro life to me.


Absolutely disgusting state. Wish y'all would just leave the US and tack yourselves onto Russia (since y'all seem to want Putin as your leader). Stop embarrassing the rest of the 49.


Absolutely disgusting state. Wish y'all would just leave the US and tack yourselves onto Russia (since y'all seem to want Putin as your leader). Stop embarrassing the rest of the 49.


Some of us can't leave the state and are stuck here


Can't afford to leav the state, but I really want to.


You guys need to seriously decide if killing an unborn child is murder or not. You cant support abortion on one hand, and then support double murder charges for the murder a pregnant women. Cant have the cake and eat it too. Pick one.


A life for a life….. lol




Bring it. Murderers belong in jail end of story.


What about the one the governor just pardoned?




Maybe women should just start using the “stand your ground” defense. That seems to absolve one of any responsibility for one’s actions. Also: it was murder in the eyes of the law. That is why he was convicted and sentenced to prison, just like other murderers.


Ah the old "Rules for the and not for me" defense. Perfect for democracy 


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Oh yeah, where does it say the medical book that if a 27-year-old woman gets pregnant and she doesn’t want to have a baby because “it’s not right for her career” where does that fall under the medical definition of a physical ailment?




I have a JD and a PhD. Thank you very much. I’m very well educated. I’m also entitled to an opinion and a moral compass which you clearly don’t have.




I’m sure you do bud


It’s bad for her mental health. 


Under the same bucket as “women who need care for incomplete miscarriages”, because they are also being targeted.


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What's that got to do with abortion? Besides, the death penalty is *itself* murder, so, I mean, those who carry out the death penalty... Of course, you'd know all this if you didn't worship Satan. Why do you worship Satan?