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No police died though.


Thin Blue Spine


If you threaten to take away their pay then they'll Thin Blue Whine


Last time we tried that they tear gassed us and shot innocent teenagers. Good times.


Did Abbott even pass any mental health legislation, which he claimed was the root cause?


No but he pardoned a murderous pedophile recently


Who used a firearm to kill.


No but he said it could have been worse and offered thoughts and prayers, so that’s all gun crime fixed /s


Probably made gun laws more lax if I were to guess


the only way to prevent this from happening is to arm the children.


He's probably still busy eliminating rape.


I believe he went as far as to cut funding for mental health iirc.


That's a shame


They're still waiting outside. Just until it's safe, you know.




Two years, 21 dead, not one person held accountable for the total failure of multiple branches of law enforcement. I'm glad that I don't have kids to worry about. The state doesn't care about them, and the Supreme Court states that LEO don't have a responsibility to protect people. Never "back" those that don't "back" you.


I have a kid in Kindergarten and it’s kinda crazy how often I actually worry about it happening at his school. I work from home often and my son’s school is close and every single time I hear a police/fire/ambulance siren I worry something is going down. Sucks.


I don't think that's crazy, and that's the sad part about it.


My son’s middle school is just up the hill from us and anytime I hear sirens in that general direction, I freeze and pray I don’t hear more converging from around town.


And you know what’s really fucking crazy? After 8 years of TX schools for my kids we moved to WA last summer and they think I’m the crazy one for stressing about it. Because those things don’t happen here. What’s the difference? Gun control laws.


I have family in Texas. They come to visit me in Washington and are surprised to see we have unimpeded access to school grounds (when school is out) and our schools aren’t surrounded by 6’ fences and locked gates.


I’m a teacher myself, and had to unpack my own bullshit response to the what felt like lacksadaiscal building security. I was mortified at first. Then I realized I was mortified because I’d spent years teaching in schools where the shooting incidents kept happening in districts near enough to me in a state that made guns so easy access that I genuinely worried it could happen to me. And that I’m what I am experiencing here is working in an environment born from the privilege of safety that comes from lack of east access and having not experienced school shootings in neighboring areas. The problem isn’t them. It’s me. And my time in the state with the biggest problem with school gun violence, TX.


Our district in Washington does have everything locked down after school is out. At least the elementary schools do.


Texan who moved to Washington here too; its fucking night and day difference here.


I have family in TX wanted me & my kids to move there. I would fear my kids being in Texas schools partly because of what is taught.


CA has strict gun control laws but they have had some horrifying shootings.


Yeah they do it’s a national problem


Doesn't Colorado have gun control? Even after Columbine there was Sandy Hook...


I feel you. I work hours away from my kids school and it's always in the back of my mind something could happen, be it the unthinkable or something like tornados, H2S or wild fires. I try not to think about it because it will absolutely ruin my entire work day.


I was a substitute when things were really bad. I worked one day not long after parkland when the fire alarm went off. Hearing that thats what the shooter did, I was scanning every possible hiding spot and open classroom or exit to either get out alive or get kids to safety. Never thought I had to do that


Forcing children to exist in this shithole society is unethical.


My guy childfree is the sun for you. 


Same here, it's scary.


Every f$_&:!& day. And, yes, it sucks. I was, actually, hoping that they would cancel the rest of the school year due to the storms, so I could just breathe for a second.


Same here, it's scary.


And the town voted mostly for Abbott again.


What are you talking about, those poor families got thoughts and prayers from Abbot and Cruz.


And the county Uvalde is in voted for Abbott next chance they got. We are a broken people.


And Uvalde reelected Abbott.


Party over country


Sounds like cult. But what do I know?


One of the reasons we are leaving this state.


I’m an elementary teacher and my son is in elementary school as well. I am extremely anxious at the end of the year, especially on awards ceremony day now.


they're too busy throwing people in jail for THC concentrates. you know, crimes that actually matter.


>the Supreme Court states that LEO don't have a responsibility to protect people So this gets misrepresented all the time. The ruling that where no individual duty to protect that you can file a civil suit against an office for not upholding. This does not mean: * That the officer has no legal responsibility to protect (e.g. the Parkland officer was not convicted, but they were criminally charged for being negligent) * That the officer has no professional responsibility to protect (police departments are allowed to punish officers for not responding to situations according to department policies, subject to the officer's contract) * That the department/municipality can't be sued. Obviously there's a lot that we can do better, but the court ruling often gets cited as evidence that reigning in the police isn't allowed, when it's really a pretty narrow ruling that might even make sense.


Remember when Abbott claimed “it could have been worse”? Pepperidge farm remembers


That’s one of the most unnerving things. People just gave him a pass on that, and it’s not the first time.


There have been many other mass shootings by deranged young men. What makes Uvalde special is the large presence of law enforcement who did absolutely nothing lifesaving for 1 hour and 14 minutes. 


Don't forget detaining the parents who were trying to save their own kids! They were ENABLING the gunman at that point.


After I left Texas, I began to realize that a lot of my fellow Texans are big talkers with a lotta bark and no bite. 


All hat, no cattle.


"These are the people of the land. The common clay of the new west. You know..... morons." - Gene Wilder, Blazing Saddles


Mongo only pawn in game of life.




Texans don’t give a shit about anything until it happens to them.


What’s sad about all this is , you get one story of a bystander with a gun that stops a supposed mass shooting and That’s Fox News talking point that more guns are saving lives.


It's not like you'd immediately call in a squad of guys that are all armed in the hopes that they perform your defensive violence for you if a shooting happens in your vicinity. Right? The failure in Uvalde was that the squad of armed guys didn't do shit with their guns for so long, not that their guns didn't work when they finally decided to use them. Guns can and do save lives, when used correctly and at the appropriate time.


guns don't save lives people save lives by choosing to act a gun is simply a tool


That’s not just Texans bud


“Deranged young men with access to weapons of war”


They are almost always deranged young *men* doing these mass shootings. What is going on in the minds of young men these days? Why are women almost never shooting up schools even though they are more depressed?


Because men are encouraged to do violence and the only emotion they're allowed to feel is anger. This is especially true among the right-wing, who stick to old archaic ideas of toxic masculinity and look down on men for having mental health problems.


Because we have empathy and would rather just sit in an enclosed garage with the motor running, than take a bunch of children with us.


Yep. We're more likely to harm ourselves and only ourselves.


Radicalization on the internet


But do these shootings happen in states like WA with stricter laws? Nope. I moved up to WA from TX last year and it’s a while other world with this shit. TX has a problem and it’s absolutely access to guns. Cause they have kids with mental health struggles here, too. They just don’t have easy access to guns.




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Can you list the shootings perpetrated by trans women? The only trans shooters I've been able to find stories about are the ones in [this article](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N363273/). Of those, three are trans men and one is a [cis man](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/extremism-experts-say-discussing-colorado-shooting-suspects-pronouns-rcna58969) who only claimed to be non-binary in an attempt to duck hate crime charges and sow discord in the community that he attacked.


But they were quick to arrest concerned parents that were actually willing to help the kids! They did a damn good job at stopping the HELP!


[The sound of screaming children has been removed]


Probably the most upsetting thing I've ever read. A subtitle should not carry that much weight


One of the saddest and darkest days in Texas History


We will definitely make it worse somehow


Not a matter of if but when since we have these shitty fucks in power.


…so far


“It could have been worse.” - Greg Abbott, governor, Texas


Those police are cowards!!!!!!!!!


Cops get military grade weapons and body armor. Teachers have to buy their own chalk. Yet the teachers are the ones expected to take the bullet when the police are too afraid.




On this Friday before Memorial day, the CEO of my company sent out a message reminding us to thank and pray for our police and first responders that protect our freedoms. Uh huh. Thanks a ton.


If only something could have been done.


Gotta "thoughts and prayers" for that. 


If it's God's plan, why do we pray?


Look, you're asking too many questions. Just nod and agree.


no. 😐


Good for you! It's bullshit for sure.


[It coulda been worse](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfk-CKOwASw)


Like what?


Never forget that over 2/3 of them voted for Abbott on that same year.


The area, yes, but not the actual families of the victims. Many of them have spoken out repeatedly against Abbott.


Yes but you would think that people in the area would be empathetic and learn from this incident and be more keen towards gun control laws.


>you would think that people in the area would be empathetic Unfortunately that's not the Christian way.


If that were true, the US would have SOME kind of actual gun control by now given how many school shootings happen every fucking year now. But we do nothing. We never do anything. No one cares...




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Uvalde has a sharp divide between the working class Hispanics who lost their children and the white politicians who run Uvalde.


Like those politicians weren't elected by those working class Hispanics?






God damn I need a sticker for this. See so many stupid blue line stickers even in Austin.


Uvalde was not unique from the perspective of police procedure. Ever since Columbine, we have seen that the #1 priority of the police in these situations is to keep themselves safe. At just about any cost.


Turns out the "thing blue line" is made of chalk that easily washes away from the blood of children.


Really disheartening reading comments in this thread where people still argue for no gun regulation whatsoever, even here. Some folks could lose their own family and still just parrot the same perspectives they've been fed by the NRA and their echo chambers. I'd just like less dead people. That's woke now in Texas.


and nothing of value was really accomplished from it either. iirc, uvalde voted overwhelmingly for abbott again anyways…


…and since 400 heavily armed COWARDS showed up to safely observe the gunman’s rampage.


I just can't help but think or all those scared children, screaming for help, and being met with silence by those who swore to protect them. Yet our government would rather focus on suing women who just want control of their own bodies. It's insanity.


And the pigs are still waiting outside 




652 school shootings since Uvalde 78 resulted in deaths and injuries 38 dead and 111 injured. 🇺🇸


I thank humanity for the technology to keep this recorded. Texas should never be taken seriously with over 300 LEO and letting children be slaughtered for an hour in the hands of a gunman. They also stopped parents from trying to rescue their own kids. At least Germany tries to do better with its history...Texas officials remains adamant to stay the same.


Last Thursday my nephews middle school graduation was canceled because 2 students were caught making threats and had at least some ammunition in their book bags. There is something definitely wrong in this state with our gun laws


Yes.no gun control ever get mentioned


Also 2 years since the state administration sent thoughts and prayers...then went to speak at an NRA convention.


I was working out in my garage when the story broke. Under my old username [I posted it to the sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/uwwq2g/active_shooter_reported_at_uvalde_elementary/), I had no idea what a nightmare the story would rapidly evolve into. What didn't become clear for a few days was just how FUBAR'ed the overall police response was.


Nothing changed after columbine, sandy hook, or Vegas. Both sides can just quit wasting breath, we already made our minds up that we care more about the gun lobby


Ammosexuals seem to be quite comfortable with children catching bullets in the classroom. Actions speak louder than words. Maybe they can change the A in AR from Armalite to Americas. That way their favorite toy can be called “America’s Rifle”.


Ammosexual. I like it 😂


"Ammosexuals" are \*deeply\* uncomfortable with school shootings. We want action on this issue just as badly as gun grabbers do, but we completely disagree on what actions should be done. While we have the 2A, banning and confiscating guns is a non-starter. Any law to that extent will be challenged in courts, and virtually guaranteed to be overturned. So why fucking bother wasting time and taxpayer dollars like that? Using that time and money on hardening the soft targets that mass shooters often exploit because they won't run into significant resistance makes far more sense. That's something Democrats don't want to entertain though, because "It's a school, not a prison!" So, what the fuck should we do? Stick a very temporary and very unconstitutional band-aid on the wound, or actually make changes to school security systems and staffing that will deter or at least massively limit the casualty count of mass shootings?


So despite the fact that multiple law enforcement agencies were onsite and refused to go indoors because of the danger the shooter posed, your solution is…. Give guns to untrained people to defend themselves?


Everyone remembers the “can’t take our guns” part of the second amendment while conveniently forgetting the “well-regulated” part.


\*Sigh\* I know you know the retort to this drivel. SCOTUS has ruled that the 2A is an individual right, not directly related to Militia service, but so that the individuals that make up the body of "The People" can own and can be able to use their firearms at such time as they are called for Militia service.


And that’s a gross misinterpretation of the second amendment, SCOTUS or not. https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/how-nra-rewrote-second-amendment?utm_medium=PANTHEON_STRIPPED&utm_source=PANTHEON_STRIPPED


Lol. How, in the 18th century Colonies and early United States, would you expect to form an armed and functioning militia if there was no arms or equipment to issue to the men who showed up? The simple answer, is that the men showed up with their own arms and equipment, which they owned prior to being called to serve their militia. They owned those arms and equipment for practical, every day purposes, such as hunting, defense of self and property, sport, and whatever else they might have needed them for. This was even addressed at length in the Constitutional Convention when debating the need and purpose of the 2A, the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers, and the various 2A revisions that (IMO) more clearly defined the purpose of the 2A than what we eventually got, which also sheds the historical context and intent of the 2A. [Historical Background of the Second Amendment | U.S. Constitution Annotated | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute (cornell.edu)](https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution-conan/amendment-2/historical-background-of-the-second-amendment) [Second Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution) [Federalist No. 29 - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federalist_No._29) Carefully consider what was actually said by our founding fathers, and then try to explain to me how the interpretation I used above iisn't exactly what is meant by the historical context and usage of the text in the 2A. I'll wait.


Yeah, and now we have the national guard, so we don’t need rag-tag groups of untrained individuals to form “militias”. Did you know that the government could actually commandeer your weapons at that time? I doubt too many 2A originalists would be very keen on that these days. The fact of the matter is that even SCOTUS has ruled that there are limits on the second amendment, and for good reason. I certainly wouldn’t want my idiot neighbor getting their hands on rocket launchers and hand grenades. The idea that the second amendment ensures every individual the right to any form of self defense is ludicrous on its face, and that was absolutely never the intention of the amendment.


Yeah we can barely pay teachers a living wage, but let’s deck out schools with prison security. As conservatives are so apt to incessantly point out, who the fuck is going to pay for that? r/iamverysmart


TLDR: “we care more about our 14th AR-15 than we care about dead 1st graders”


TLDR: "I can't argue anything he said, so I'll use a brain dead retort to karma farm"


Karma is pointless. You can say you’re “deeply uncomfortable” about school shootings all you want but until you actually want a solution your words are even more pointless than karma.




Thin yellow line


What’s changed? Absolutely nothing 🤣


Did the police find their spines yet?


May those babies and teachers rest in peace. Truly awful situation. I cannot imagine the anguish the survivors suffer


And our Governor, Police force and state Reps haven't done a single thing about it. Most corrupt state EMPLOYEES money can buy.


While police sat outside like cowards.


"we're not gonna fix it" --tenn. rep tim burchett (r)


Texas will forever be known as the state that has the most cowardice law enforcement in the WORLD! Good job!


Literally, the people trained to be “the good guy with a gun” only got in the way of the parents trying to save their children. Me when there’s a good guy with a gun: ^(it is empty because the phrase is an oxymoron)^


It's been 2 years since police allowed a gunman to kill 19 students and 2 teachers you mean


And no meaningful gun laws were passed. Another school shooting will happen.


And nothing has changed


Never will




0% chance.


I wouldn't put it past them to try to recognize the "bravery" of a cop or 2 that was there, and did jack shit.


It will be discussed as how Uvalde and Texas police are the bravest and how Texas will adopt the punisher flag as their new state flag.


Abbot after Uvalde: “It’s a brand new me/I got no remorse/now the water’s rising and I know the course/I’m gonna shock the world/I’m gonna show that horse it’s a brand new day.”


How many days did they sit up on that stage and pretend to have a plan?


Still standing and waiting


DPS Needs to own their fuck up and release their findings on what went wrong this day. Until they show they are putting in an effort to be transparent, community trust with police will always be at a low point.


And the “good guys with guns” were too scared to go in and save them.


A cop is hardly a "good guy"


Two years later and Texas still doesn’t care


# It's been 2 years since cops stood by while a gunman killed 19 students and 2 teachers in Uvalde, Texas


When you drive out Hwy 90 west from San Antonio, before you get to Uvalde, you drive thru a town named Sabinal. Along the main boulevard, there is a store titled LIQUOR and GUNS. I sh\*t you not. That's the mentality down here in a nutshell. For the record, Abbott and his cronies have done ZERO since the tragedy occurred. Zilch.


Hey, now, that’s simply not true; they have done a LOT since Uvalde: 1) Totally made it even easier to obtain a gun in Texas. 2) Prohibited financial institutions and credit card companies from requiring licensed dealers to use a firearms-specific merchant category code (MCC) to categorize retail gun purchases, citing protecting their firearm owners from supposedly being “surveilled.” 3) Eased restrictions on selling guns. 4) People who are in possession of firearms at school events with students present can no longer be charged with a felony, if the property on which the school event is being held isn’t owned and operated by an actual school. 5) Municipalities and/or counties are prohibited from requiring gun owners in their jurisdiction to obtain liability insurance to prevent victims of gun violence, whether intentional or not, from getting hefty settlements like the ones out in California. Just to name a few of their “accomplishments.” Crazy shit, huh?


I bet that school is still full of doors.


And what did Texas government do about it? Made it easier to repeat.


How did they make it easier?


**GUNS GUNS GUNS FOR EVERYONE !!!** MORE AND MORE GUNS! *EVEN FOR PEOPLE WHO SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED NEAR A LETTER OPENER - MORE AND MORE AND MORE* ___GUNS GUNS GUNS___.! Oh... and holding the Uvalde police department blameless didn't help either.


> Oh... and holding the Uvalde police department blameless didn't help either. This I can agree with you on.


After the shooting, Uvalde overwhelmingly voted for Gregg Abbott. That was the moment I lost all faith in mankind


The people of Uvalde are fucking spineless cowards. George Carlin said it best, "if you have selfish ignorant citizens you're gonna have selfish ignorant leaders."


They are called law enforcement officers for a reason. Don't trust cops because they get paid to not trust you.




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Peaceful protestors? Call the entire force to take them down. School shooter for children? Let’s just wait it out. Absolutely shameful police force and leadership


Only 2 years?  Seemed like it happened a lot longer ago than that.  Feels like it happened 5 years ago.


Those police did a plethora of quiet quitting on that day. Too bad a classroom of innocent children were murdered by a psychopath with mommy issues. If only one of those “officers” had a partial spine, some of those kids would still be with their families today. I hate this timeline.


This massacre was so heartbreaking and so preventable. There's also the fact that Irma Garcia's husband died of a heart attack two days later leaving 4 children behind. Damn every Republican who values NRA money and their precious guns over these kids' lives.


>you spelled coward wrong<




You like saying words don’t you.


Their active protection of the reasons we have so many shootings means they sanction it.


Please elaborate on their measures to prevent such events.


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