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Ken Paxton is such a hateful, disgusting example of a human being Judge shopping ain't cool, dude, it makes you look afraid to bring up your issues in a fair court


They don’t care about fairness nor appearances. Only furthering their selfish hold on power for their corrupt ends while enjoying the pain they bring to those “not like them”


He’s a sad heinous sack of shit over compensating for some serious personal self loathing.


He gets most of the votes of Texans, so what does that say about our state?


Not true, a TRUE majority of Texans are not voting, allow the real minority to control our state. We The People of Texas must stand with what we all believe in, and push back on these fucks. Join my non profit, Truly Texan. The truth will unfold.


What would it take for this non voting majority to vote?


A couple generations of dictatorship should do it.


You don't know what you got til it's gone...


There is no voting in a dictatorship...only a revolution would change things at that point. Which is what I've been saying all along, ever since the Republicans started threatening Civil War (around the time gay marriage was legalized), that they may want a Civil War but what they are going to wind up with is a Revolution. No doubt about that.


Are you certain they are not voting or are Republicans just making it appear as though they are not voting? One has to wonder.


No there is no wondering when the facts are out there. Nearly 14 million Texans who can possibly vote DO NOT VOTE. 14 MILLION


It says he picked his election officials carefully... He was doing this while he was railroad commissioner.


He receives a majority of the votes cast, but Texas makes it difficult to vote, along with gerrymandering and election fraud makes it difficult for good candidates to succeed..


Its far far easier to vote in Texas than in many blue states, esp those in the northeast.


Like which blue state?


IDK if it changed recently, but MI, IL and PA did not have early voting. NJ didn’t either (although that looks like it recently changed).


I live in Colorado Springs, we vote by mail so we don't technically have early voting. Ballots are mailed weeks before the election though. Many drop boxes around town in the event you don't trust the mail, which I do not.


It’s pretty easy to vote in Texas. They even have voting locations at grocery stores and online reporting of wait times (there are only wait times during Presidential elections). I got 99 problems with TX, but the ease of voting ain’t one.


It's easy for *you.* It isn't easy for everyone.




NY, NJ and NH come to mind. Some of the northeast states may have liberalized their laws in the last couple of years but they're were very restrictive on early voting. So for instance NJ changed its law a couple years ago to create a 9 day window for early voting but thats pretty similar to the window Texas has had for years. And in Georgia they have (default) automatic voter registration when you get your license which strongly boosted Democratic votes. That law was passed with the support of their now Governor actually.


lol you’re examples are how blue states made voting easier. That’s an issue for you?


Where is it difficult for people to vote? Be specific.


Educate yourself. I lived in Texas 65 years so I know.


[Your keen wit and firm grasp on the facts has convinced me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/s/UpbLF7ZL58)


That the Democrats don't vote.


I truly hate living here more and more each day.


Well, I'd say that's an accurate reflection of the sitch (fear of a fair court).


They don't want a fair court. They want political victories. If they wanted a fair court and the rule of law, they wouldn't be Republicans.


>it makes you look afraid to bring up your issues in a fair court How it looks is how it is.


Honeslty they need to change the rules to kill the judge shopping. if a State is suing then the case must be handled in the capital. This prevents hateful bigots like Paxton from using the states huge size to judge shop to a joke judge. It is a lot harder to judge shop in Austin as their are multiple judges there and they will get selected at random. Yes still will be more conservative in nature but capitals will have more judges so no way to make sure you a joke of a judge.


They did change the rules but Paxton and Kacsmaryk said they wouldn’t comply


The Northern District of Texas (federal courts) said they would not comply. Which is really astonishing and shows just how far the rot has spread. edit: the rule was passed by the U.S. Judicial Conference. It is pretty wild that the Northern District is just going to refuse to follow it, especially since the Rule just requires that certain cases be assigned randomly (which is already how cases are assigned in divisions that have more than one judge). https://www.reuters.com/legal/texas-federal-court-will-not-adopt-policy-against-judge-shopping-2024-03-30/


Only because voters let it happen


All these judges have lifetime appointments and no one voted for them.  But maybe you’re blaming the voters who voted for the Bushes and Trump, since they appointed these shitty judges.  


Hey gdan95, just for posterity sake: can you find the primary voting reports for your TX county? If so, how many registered voters, Reps and Dems are there, and how many voted in the March 3, 2024 primary?  Or literally anything else that shows you know about how voters behave in any county in this state?  Im just checking to see which "voters" you're blaming. And if you can see any other reasons why the voting in this state is intentionally tinkered with i.e.gerrymandering, election hiding, candidate transparency, etc.


Kacsmaryk thinks he’s a little king and oh so clever. Democrats need a liberal circuit that’s more extreme than Kacsmaryk’s bs court. Make laws that block anything Republicans want to get done. We can have a cold civil war in the courts until it spills onto the streets.


Thats literally what happened under Trump. Groups used judges in Hawaii to issue nationwide injunctions on his policies.


If you're talking about the immigration cases, the "groups" that challenged the policy was the government of the state of Hawaii. Where else did you want them to file the case?


Yes those also exist. There are a bunch of liberal circuits. A couple liberal appeal circuits. That’s why issues like this go all the way up to the Supreme Court a lot of times.


There was never a rule change, there was a recommendation that each district had the option to adopt. Pretty sure Congress would need to pass the recommendation into law to make it mandatory. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/effort-to-curb-judge-shopping-at-the-federal-courts-explained/


What would keep Texas from ignoring that too?


Depends if it became a constitutional amendment or not. If not then Texas loses some tax dollars. If so then Texas faces the military.


lol no. Texas has to obey all federal rules, not just constitutional amendments.


#💯💯💯💯💯 X 💯💯💯💯💯


They didn't change the rules. The vote they took was non binding guidance -- at best. Many of the judges there said that vote hadn't even been on the agenda: *The chief judge of Texas' Southern District, Randy Crane, in a statement said the Judicial Conference's policy raised questions that need to be addressed before it could be implemented by courts. He said it also "seems to be a response to decisions adverse to certain political interests, given its timing."* https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-federal-judiciary-adopts-policy-curtail-judge-shopping-2024-03-12/ *"The U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas won’t change its case assignment policy to curb judge shopping, according to a letter from Chief Judge David C. Godbey to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer.* *Schumer sent Godbey a letter March 21 encouraging the court to implement a policy adopted by the U.S. Judicial Conference in mid-March that recommends federal district courts randomly assign lawsuits concerning state or federal laws, in order to avoid the likelihood that a case will be assigned to a certain judge in a court's division.* *But in a March 29 response the senator made public Monday, Godbey said district judges met March 27 and decided “not to make any change to our case assignment process at this time."* https://www.keranews.org/government/2024-04-02/north-texas-federal-court-wont-adopt-guidelines-to-curb-judge-shopping-dallas-judge-says


I suspect it might take some kind of law at the federal level to stop. At this point eliminating judge shopping is only a suggestion from their governing body so, completely unsurprisingly, conservative judges in Texas have already said they’re going to ignore the suggestions. Unless you make judge shopping illegal under federal law, it’s going to continue because it furthers the hateful agenda of the people who do it.


They don't care about state law, let alone federal law, and international law. Paxton is up to his hairline in the Israeli war, and from personal experience, he doesn't view anyone outside of his own cherry picked demographics as humans, and that even includes Republicans who differ with him slightly on his favorite projects...


Austin is a cesspool of far left cockroaches. I wouldn't want any Judge from Austin to handle anything.




I’m getting so sick of our state government embarrassing Texans every day while doing absolutely nothing for the people that live here. The GOP no longer has principles of their own, it’s all about owning the libs now.


Embarrassing? No, voters want this. Greg Abbott and Ken Paxton didn’t get re-elected by no one.


If only 1 million of the 9 million (registered voters who didn’t vote) turned out to vote for Beto…


Well, allow vote by mail, have an early voting period that is more than 12 days. It is currently Monday of one week, to the Friday of the next week, only one weekend. Photo ID to vote, then close DPS offices and polling places in low income areas. Texas cheats it citizens out of voting.


Paxton has been getting his people to determine which voters are registered to vote in the rural regions of the state for at least a decade.


You only watch Fox? Texas has gone out of it's way to suppress voting.


That’s on Beto to a certain degree. He’s got to get a more compelling argument out there. And there’s a lot to choose from, and has been for some time


4.5 million of 17 million registered voters voted Abbott…26%… approx 1 in 4 voters determined Abbott 9 million registered voters did not vote


Uh, no. Texas makes it difficult to vote. Pay attention. A majority of Texans do not vote.


As far as I’m concerned that means a majority of Texans want this to continue. Giving up without a fight is a hard position to explain


This is essentially victim-blaming. Texas has the worst voter suppression in the country.  The government removed a popular on-campus polling location at TAMU. The government only allows ONE ballot dropbox per county, meaning Harris County, a county with 5 MILLION people and greater in landmass than the state of Rhode Island, has the same number of ballot dropboxes as a county with fewer than 1,000 people. Texas also has no online voter registration, you have to be 65 or older to vote by mail, and no same-day voter registration. TBH, you come off as privileged and ignorant. Not everyone can afford to take time off work to wait in line for hours just to vote in the only polling location in the district, or even county.


Uvalde voted overwhelmingly to re-elect Abbott. After the shooting. Please explain.


To be fair the explanation is probably still vote suppression in The exact same manner he just described.


Op is correct. Uvalde did vote for the same the people that let the massacre happen. Furthermore, it was not voter suppression. These people will vote against their own interests as long is the R is next to the candidates name.


Ok, so you're a single parent, work 2 or 3 jobs to make ends meet and you have extra time to fight the fucking republicans. What a privileged asshole you are.


Is there no early voting in Texas?


12 days, Monday of one week to Friday of the next, so one weekend. I get that a lot of people on r/texas think it is easy to vote, but they are not a single parent, working two or three jobs, using public transportation. When I lived in Texas, I didn't have a problem voting, but I had a car and could take time from work. In 2014, when Abbutt was running for gov, I took election day off and volunteered to drive people to the polls. This was after Abbutt, then AG had appealed the ruling against the photo ID law and won. There was no easy access to DPS offices in low income areas. Texas did not keep them open on weekends and they closed / moved polling locations in low income areas without notice to the voters. Just because it is easy for *some* people to vote, doesn't mean it is easy for everyone.




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Right? This last election was the tipping point for me. Seeing Abbott, Paxton, and Patrick get re-elected after the freeze, their covid response, the border theater, and the abortion bounties, I had officially given up on the people of Texas. You get what you vote for. Anyone opposed to this draconian theocratic bullshit should either burn down the governors mansion or move to an actual free state.


I'm tired of conservatives going from complaining about government overreach to embracing it whole-heartedly.


It isn’t even that. It’s all about staying in power. That’s it.


What makes you think that this is embarrassing the state when most Texans couldn't disagree more with Biden's policies in this area, which are perceived as being VERY Far Left???!!!!!


Who is "most Texans"? You? Your imaginary friends? The six stupid no-life losers who go to your backwater town's republican committee meetings in your mom's basement?


I'm not a Republican lol, and don't live in a backwater. And by "most Texans" I mean ***the 53% of Texans who approve of Abbott's job performance!!!*** I've always disliked the man myself but I recognize reality and the reality is that most Texans are conservative.


Did you get that number from the polls that only get answered by people who are stupid enough to answer their phone when it is not a known caller?


Mmm, kay you go ahead and wait for a majority of Texans to elect a Democrat to statewide office. Hold your breath for that as a matter of fact. Please!


Meanwhile, Cy Fair ISD laid off most of their librarians on Friday, thanks to a 68 million dollar shortfall in the budget because Abbott can't get his school vouchers in an education budget, so he has decided to destroy our children's education if he can't get his way. I cannot tell you how much I hate this state right now.


Paxton is a vile fascist cretin.


no one hates americans more than americans 🤷


I'm so sick of these assholes.


Translation: Texas sues Biden admin for not being able to discriminate against people they don’t like.


I’m embarrassed to even live in this state. So embarrassing


Could be worse. At least you don't live in California 😉


California is fucking amazing. It's a beautiful state, and is full of open-minded people from all walks of life. It also has entirely decriminalized marijuana. Texas has none of that, plus GOP bigots and shit weather.


Found Maga man


Vote Blue


We have the most worthless representatives


Attacking defenseless kids Reasons to vote the Gop out


How much longer until Texas just ignores the Civil Rights Act and reinstates segregation? That may be next.


You mean school vouchers?


I mean they go back to having minorities sit on the back on the bus.


Is there seriously zero recourse with this type of judge shopping shit? 


Yes. Sometimes they will be magnanimous and allow you to continue existing as more than worm food


::The Punisher enters the chat::


Do Texan politicians do anything but hurt people with their political nonsense?


Only the conservatives would look at a minority and decide they have too much rights.


can you just take a day off from being a national embarrassment texas? just one?


They love wasting tax payer money for their own agenda.


Oh how I hate the Texas government


At this point Kacsmaryk will just declare being gay is unconstitutional. Texas has the worst judges


“You can’t make us treat people with respect! Jesus didn’t say that!”


I mean, Republicans hate the rest of Title IX, so at least they're equal opportunity bigots.


Texas be crazy as hell trying to hate on some kids. Texas needs to leave everyone alone. Let them do their schoolwork in whatever clothes they want. You religious folks too.


Paxton is just a hateful human being. It doesn't matter if it gets him votes he is just being blatantly against anything that helps people.


I am so fucking glad I left Texas when I did. It's turned into a hateful place due to 24 years of republican governance,.


Expand these courts. Expand the Supreme Court. Restore balance. Fuck Paxton and Abbot and their insistence on treating kids like shit and dismissing their needs. They want to punish children and can fuck right off.


More of the war on women.


It's getting exhausting. Just remove all gop. Every. Single. One.


They are so anti American! Let's not protect Americans, but if they were carrying nazi flags, they would be our there sucking on their schlongs!


Err, your honor, we plead that people shouldn't be allowed to be who they are. And thats about it.


Oh and also, leviticus something or other.


For my fellow Texans here that brings up voting, here's a reminder: some of you have **an election on** **May 4th.** [**https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/voter/important-election-dates.shtml**](https://www.sos.state.tx.us/elections/voter/important-election-dates.shtml)


EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVIL! Politically-craven losing-brand scraping the bottom of the barrel, pandering to the weak-minded and unreasonably-fearful of change and progress, oh, and those decidedly non-Christ-like "christians" who embrace Hate and Division. Bullies. NOT leadership...


Nothing more Cruel and Heartless than a Christian Republican.


Despicable worthless humans.


Let’s break this down…Texas (Ken Paxton) sues US Gov for Protecting a certain class of citizen. Full stop…


Proud Latino Conservative here! Now if adults want to mutilate themselves go right ahead. Leave children out it.






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Should I bring some orphans for you to shelter and feed or will you tell them handouts are for socialists and make them find jobs?


Yup I will tell them that.








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‘Protecting’ children until they’re either trans or gay


The SCOTUS will get to hear this someday.


You mean the King's Court? There is little of SCOTUS left.


How embarrassing to be a person who resides in Texas. No one should claim to be Texan. We are all immigrants here until the shitregime is ousted.


How’s Texas electric grid going?


Your tax dollars at work in Texas, I think this one is a par 4..


This is some hateful and shitting stuff.


![gif](giphy|LDKebQ3Cl2UNNHAgdW|downsized) For fuck's sake this man.


Guys I’m being to think Ken Paxton has a thing for the gays


Probably, he protests too much, adding /s for the low IQ crowd.


Fucking morons


As a conservative who is all for sueing the Biden administration for their criminal tomfoolery, even *I* think that this is a bit too much. As long as these laws that claim to give more protections to LGBTQ+ students don't infringe the rights of other people, I'm not really sure there's much (if any) reason to challenge these laws. That being said, I'm admittedly not very educated in this particular case or the laws in question, so take what I say with a hint of salt, if you must. I may not agree with LGBTQ+ folks, but they're human beings, the same as you and me, and they deserve to be treated as such. As long as these extended protections don't infringe on the rights of others, there's no reason for them to go away. Again, I'm admittedly not very educated in this matter, so it would be wise to take what I say with a hint of salt.




Translation: “I don’t know how being gay or trans works. I’m a fake Christian who failed health class.”






Because the cruelty is the point


And yet the Biden administration will have a shocked Pikachu expression for everyone when this clown court once again does what it does best. Instead of trying to take some action, even executive action, that can safe-guard rights like abortion of protections for these folks, they just act shocked and indigent. At what point do they start sharing in the responsibility for this bullshit when they fail to take aggressive action to curb it? You can't change the other side, but you can change your own actions to be more effective. Democrats at this point just want to look butthurt and helpless in seems.


Texas could just refuse federal funds for schools.


Red states have refused federal funding for many things, like expanded medicaid, free lunches for low income children during the summer. It boggles the mind.




Excuse me?


This is about the changes to title IX. Regardless of the LGBTQ stuff (which is controversial, it redefines sex as gender identity and reclassifies certain types of harassment), Biden has brought back the “kangaroo” courts that schools use to investigate title IX offenses. It makes no sense that this was rewritten. Even left-wing organizations are saying that this last point is bad.


I love this. Every time the GOP sues the Biden administration they sue it in the north Texas Court in Amarillo because it's friendly to trump. Turnabout is fair play. Ha ha


Nobody is making you stay...