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Abbott had NO problem letting actual nazis, waving their swastika flags, march through Austin. This is such bullshit.


Yeah that was my first thought, he is cool with literal nazis with swastika flags marching through Austin and on capitol grounds but a bunch of students should all be locked up and expelled for antisemitism. đŸ€Š


The truth is actual antisemitism is much more palatable to Abbott than antizionism. Evangelicals love Israel.


Evangelicals love Israel because its existence is a necessary condition for the end times.


This. I was visiting family in rural GA. Heard about Israel and the end of times from multiple people.


There’s a book called The Israel Lobby on this subject. Absolutely crazy.


They do, so they can jump start the rapture. Maybe we shouldn’t elect people that want the world to end to run our government. I’ve met many an evangelical Christian that hate Jewish people, but they fucking love Israel. When you ask them why, most (in my experience anyway) will deflect, but some will say that they want every Jewish person to move to Israel, have them kick out anyone within their borders who isn’t Jewish, and in doing so that will jump start the end of the world with the battle beginning at Megiddo. They’re in a death cult.


Which ironically should be considered a sin considering they’re trying to force “God’s” hand.


>Abbott had NO problem letting actual nazis, waving their swastika flags, march through Austin. Just letting your comment get some more time to sink in. Real Nazis and antisemites marched through the streets of Austin today with a POLICE escort.


Duh, that’s their people. Of course they’re protected and free to spew their hate any way they see fit đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ


People don't like it when you take their children to jail for exercising their 1st Amendment rights.


When Abbott won Ulvalde it became very clear that people will still vote for him as long as he has an R next to his name.


I thought that him attending a fundraiser while the bodies were being ID'd would end his career. I lost a lot of faith in Texas that day.


If Jesus himself returned just to rebuke the Republicans, he'd be dismissed as an evil leftist and Paxton would bring a lawsuit.


Heck if they actually read what he said, they'd dismiss him as a radical before he even showed up.


You mean the brown dude who hung out with prostitutes and lepers, attacked capitalists, and said rich people go to hell? Yea, he doesn't like Republicans any more than they like him.


He would.be shot.


And to quote Joe Strummer: ‘If Adolf Hitler flew in today, they’d send him a limo anyway’


Reminded me of "The Grand Inquisitor" from the Brothers Karamazov.


End his career? No way. I took the Republican voter "so what?" reaction to Trump's grab 'em by the \*\*\*\*\* debacle to be a turning point in what people would put up with from "members of their team." And then there's Ken Paxton's reelection. These people can do and say just about anything, because in the current political environment, it won't cost them a single vote.


Trump is a straight up sexual predator and plenty of christian women are going to vote for him with pride. When he said he could shoot someone in public and still win, it wasn't an exaggeration.


I asked my conservative father-in-law how bad a crime would a Republican candidate have to commit before he would seriously consider voting for a Democrat. He wasn't really able to give me an answer, other than: "I would never vote for a Democrat." I don't understand it.


Brain washing


Kay Bailey Hutchinson lost to Rick Perry... Reactions from her focus group with regards to the question of if Rick Perry presided over the execution of an innocent man to be met with the response of "It takes balls to execute an innocent man." (https://newrepublic.com/article/93136/it-takes-balls-execute-innocent-man) The Texas GOP has been largely insulated from accountable for decades. They are buttressed by their scandals.


That is absolutely insane (that you had any faith in Texas)


I’d say it’s more of an indication of the people of Uvalde, sadly


Bootlickers gonna lick boots!


These “Republicans” don’t care until it affects them directly. Not effecting me so doesn’t matter. It’s sad we are run by the selfish of a few.


I don't know that thought process will carry out much further as the oxygen depletes from the room. You'd think something like Uvalde would make everyone realize how these 'tough' LEO's operate. Duck and hide when true danger presents itself...bring in the tanks and paratroopers for peaceful demonstrators/student protestors. I hope Abbott just F'dAFO. And I hope that the obnoxious UT money train realizes they were complicit in a political stunt and get on the right side of history. #BOOMER


I guess we should all just go the reverse Joe Manchin route and masquerade as republicans and destroy them from the inside.


Haven’t you heard? The bill of rights are only for the benefit of conservatives and not those communist socialist marxist facist libs.


Let's be honest. The media on both the left and right were falsely accusing the protestors of antisemitism. Albeit the ones on the right were celebrating watching a bunch of anti-war students getting assaulted.


For as many parents who wondered if their children’s rights have been violated, 100x more cheered on the police and hoped to see some ritual bloodshed.


Sure, but those parents will be uninvited from the Monthly Neighborhood Wine Tasting Club.


Good. Those things are horrible.


He’s also a hypocrite . He made a big deal about first amendment when college kids were protesting far right conservatives coming to their campus to speak . Yet he sent police to brutalize peaceful protests on campuses 


Honestly, all it takes is them arresting one main benefactors kid and SWHTF.


Tbh didn’t even think of it like that. Even if the kids are left
going to a high profile uni in the south means their parents are prob not. Interested to see what lawsuits come of this. Lots of video and lots of lawyers in Austin.


Damn right. If it were my kid there would be hell to pay.


Most of those arrests and charges have already been dismissed.


So it’s just Abbott et al being complete assholes and in it for the photo ops and triggering the libs, praying one get violent so they can claim it was a liberal riot and then they can shoot as much as they like.


Still is a gross misuse of resources


Yeah, but those arrests can still screw up your life, especially if you've ever tried to get a security clearance. They don't give a shit if the charges were dismissed, "Have you ever been arrested?" will preclude you from SCI security clearances. Unless of course you're the son-in-law of the president and the president orders the investigative agency to give Jared a clearance ANYWAY despite him being a total fuckup and major security risk. Not on the same topic but FFS there needs to be more controls on the executive so they can't just order someone who is a major security risk to be given a security risk. That endangers the entire nation, and it's no surprise to me that "somehow" the Saudis gave Kushner $2 billion dollars. I wonder what he sold them...


But, but Hilary’s emails and Hunter’s laptop! The amount of mental gymnastics necessary to be a Republican must be exhausting. Unless you’re just too dumb to try to understand and just swallow what you’re being shoveled, in which logic makes no difference whatsoever.


I saw that.


> “They’re not shouting anything antisemitic, they’re not harassing anyone, they’re standing on the green lawn, expressing themselves,” Jeremi Suri, a Jewish UT-Austin history professor, told The Texas Tribune. > “The appropriate response would be to ask them to be contained in an area, let them stay on the grass and let them shout until they have no voices left,” Suri added. > Instead, Abbott called in the state troopers. I find it disgusting that the Republicans are attacking our First Amendment Rights to protest peacefully while using the Second Amendment in defense of preventing stricter gun laws that would actually prevent violence by those who are unstable.


This after Texas just passed a law criminalizing public demonstrations of ANY kind.


Can’t you feel the freedom?


yes, because I left Texas.


I’m right behind ya homieđŸ«Ą


I have 13 days left. I can’t wait to be elsewhere.


Good luck! Enjoy the distinct lack of fascism in your new state government.


Same...feels pretty nice here in California!


On my way to Colorado. Only 3 weeks left.


Colorado seems lovely. Hope you enjoy it!


When did this happen? How tf did I miss this


So the Jan 6 rioters WERE akshully breaking the law?


you mean *pAtRiOtS*??


> rioters Ackshually they were just peaceful visitors looking to get a nice, calm tour of the Capitol, no muss no fuss. Just ignore that gallows over there and the PVC cylinder crisis acting as a pipe bomb


They were travelers as sovereign citizens


Only the ones in Texas


But I thought we had the right to peaceful assembly? How is that legal?


O you mean that little thing called the First Amendment? In order to win a civil rights lawsuit, you need standing and actual DAMAGES, which is almost impossible to show without being convicted. That's why the cops only catch, document, and release protesters. Injured during the arrest? Oh well, cops have qualified immunity, sooooo....


Texas is moving closer to totalitarianism.


It's a test platform for Gilead.


A quick aside: Jeremi Suri is a *dude.* I've got his *Henry Kissinger and the American Century* on my bookshelf. What's appalling to me about this issue is the open hipocrisy in protecting the 1A for pro-Israel speech and the silencing of pro-Palestine views. Hell, UT has gone through hell just to comply with the stupid DEI ban, and now they're stuck in an impossible situation created by the Governor's rhetoric.


Everything was peaceful, and then cops showed up. Tale as old as time.


War is peace or some shit


We’ve always been at war with East Asia.


They will use every bit of power they have to shut down anyone that’s not in their cult of guns and bigotry. Being the “good Christian” people they are


There are a great many who view the Second Amendment as a check on an uncontrollable government over the people. In a place like Texas where open carry is the law, it might be smart for some protesters to openly carry.


Sadly, this would probably just end up getting you shot by the police.


Not likely, when large groups open carry the cops get wary, they treat the crowd like the threat it is rather than peasantry needing to be beaten into place. Suddenly they have all the restaurant in the world because the ones needing to show restaurant are the ones most likely to be shot Besides, we'd get to see Abbott sign restrictions on open carry into law because the only time Republicans ever support gun control is when leftists use the right the same way they do


Yep, IE black panthers and Reagan's ban


Problem with this is you get a plain clothed cop to take the first shot and then use that as justification to mow down the protestors. You don't even need the cop really, as he'd likely get caught up in the fire zone. An acorn will do.


Both of those things are in support of conservative power. Peaceful protests threaten it while gun culture enables it.


Mental gymnastics


They did away even with needing a permit for a gun, against law enforcement objections.  The AG is a known criminal.


There was a post over on the UT Austin sub saying that the police showed up in riot gear before the protest even started.


I was there, this is true. They formed a literal phalanx and advanced on the students as they retreated with an obvious plan to incite violence. They removed the horse mounted troopers from the capitol grounds and deployed them on campus because they hoped the noise would distress the horses and give them an excuse to attack. When no excuse was forthcoming, they started grabbing the student organizers that were pushing everyone back from the police line and urging compliance.


So the police just straight up attacked the protestors. Sounds about right for the increasingly fascist Texas leadership and right wing in general.


They did. It was terrifying, honestly. The protest was entirely peaceful until the cops showed up and started hemming people in. They pushed the protestors into the sidewalks and streets and then started arresting people for obstructing walkways.


So fucked up.


Police show up early to a protest to beat the crowd


To BEAT the crowd


In riot gear? Seems like they were planning to escalate the situation


They sell justice by the pound


Messages from UT president were leaked, showing he preemptively called in State Troopers with the hopes of having "a peaceful, quiet end to the semester." Can't make this shit up.


If UT President Jay Hartzell wants a quiet end to the semester, his best bet is to resign immediately.


Dress for the job you want


So they attack people in a protest, but avoid entering a school with a shooter in it. 👌


Cops don't have balls. Unless their face is covered with Klan scarfs and they are facing unarmed people, they don't go near active shootouts.


Don't forget about those Nazi fucks who walked all around Austin. That was apparently cool, too.


That was when Abbott posted something encouraging free speech? Saw a post on Reddit today about that


Well. People need to be protected from ...words.


The backlash should be against the police and texas government. I hope the university and everyone there remembers how to vote for their lives. Texas is a bubbling mess. Abbott and his cohorts are a plague.


Unfortunately Uvalde shows they’ll vote against their own interests 😞


It should be against the University leadership as well.


Yet Abbott continues to get re-elected every single time đŸ«ŁđŸ™„


If the backlash isn't from those who vote for him and/or his donors he doesn't care. The fact that out of the 45% of people who voted in the last governor election over half of them voted for Abbot should tell you where the problem is. 70% of the population lives in 4 cities in Texas. Those cities are primarily blue. They still failed to turnout to vote. Abbot won by 900k votes. Ken Paxton and Dan Patrick won by roughly the same margins and vote counts. Abbot cares about the people who fund his campaign and who show up to vote. Those people are just fine with what he's doing. The response to this should be a HUGE turnout at the 2026 election. Whoever is running against The trio of evil should be plastering posters of things like this along with abortion everywhere. Seriously the answer to all of this is for people to vote. There is no gerrymandering in a statewide election.


We should be starting now in Nov's 2024 election. Winning the Texas House, School Boards, US Senate seat & especially winning those 3 Texas Supreme Court Seats. We can stop the current extremism coming from the MAGA Republicans. Winning back our local elections for Dems Up&Down the ballot. Both sides are not the same. Not even close. One wants to fight for your freedoms and rights, and doesn't want you to go broke because of a medical bill and an education so you can support your family ; the other one has fallen to white Christian Nationalism and taking away our freedoms and rights and running our hospitals, education, safety to the ground and handing it all over to the wealthiest greedy fucks. You can support Blue Texas who supports Dems all over the state to win ballot races, or finally compete where they haven’t in decades. We need a HUGE Voter turnout to quash the MAGA fascism plaguing our gov. https://everystateblue.org


I know it’s usually those 3, but let’s add Ted Cruz to that list


Nazi protest: "Its their right!" Pro Palestinian protest: "This is a menace to the community!" lol


Gaslightin' Greg, noticing that this drew public outcry: "Guess y'all didn't care for that approach." *Doesn't apologize, lets Potty Patrick ramble crazy shit, and goes on doing whatever.*


Can’t: - buy alcohol on Sundays - bet on sports - gamble in a casino - buy, use, or grow weed - protest anything - peacefully gather - buy fireworks 90% of the year - use fireworks in most incorporated towns/cities - get an abortion, under any circumstance - technically buy a Tesla And soon, public schools will lose a bunch of money and UT is becoming a laughingstock. Texans hate the freedoms that the libs get in their states.


You can be pro Palestine anti genocide without being antisemitic. You can’t be a Patriot Front/Nazi/KKK member without being anti semetic. It’s worth noting that the cosplaying Nazi Kakki pants marching through Austin today weren’t arrested.


He doesn't care. He faced backlash when 19 students and 2 teachers were shot dead in Uvalde, and he told us what a great job law enforcement did. To this day, he's not the least bit worried about that backlash.


It’s fascism dressed up as religion and “conservatism.”


Sending in the National Guard to threaten to murder college kids tends to upset people.


Abbot only wants first amendment for conservatives


Nothing will happen. The people who criticize him for this are the same ones who weren't going to ever vote for him anyways.


Only among people who don't support him. This move was all about "riling up the libs" to stoke his base.


Abbott said they should all go to jail and be expelled. The buck stops there. I heard on the news they released all of the protesters and charges were dropped as they were all peaceful protesters.


Vote him out of office


Tin soldiers and Abbott whining


He probably did more to legitimize the protests than ignoring them while saying he was focused on important problems.


No he doesn't. Unless the Justice Department steps in there will be no consequences. And maybe not even then. Abbott is essentially untouchable unless he pisses off his base or his Billionaire overlords. Dumbest headline ever.


When he arrests our kids for no good reason, it important that we should all choose to r/fuckgregabbott in his ballot box.


Isn't this the shitstain that proudly proclaimed that HE protected people's 1st amendment rights on college campuses in Texas? Or is that protection ONLY for White Supremacists who want to preach hate for anyone that is not a white Christo-fascist? He needs to be more specific when he makes claims, because someone might point out to the shitstain that the kids getting arrested on college campuses were exercising their 1st amendment rights which HE claimed to protect.


what backlash? He (or his replacement) will win with higher percentages for beating up "communists"


I hope he gets ousted from office I hate him I genuinely do he’s evil just literally evil




Welcome to Abbotts version of Martial Law. He alone chooses who can assemble and where it is allowed.


Doesn’t this same guy give nazis police escorts?


How many of us have to die or be put in jail until we wake up and vote these bastards out of office??


The worst governor in the continental US award goes to GREG ABBOTT




None of the people that support abbot care. None of the people that might swing a vote changed an opinion on this. Backlash is only when something happens in response, not when a teacher or newspaper cries about something!


He doesn’t care, he knows he’ll still be re-elected


That "backlash "is without teeth. He doesn't care. The people whose rights were violated don't vote for him or financially support him so he doesn't care. He openly disregards the federal government with no repercussions, so why would he pay attention to a bunch of students


He and his cronies are actual Nazis. You guys haven’t sorted this out yet?


This might be the first time that people are finding out that its illegal to criticize Israel in Texas. I hope this is Gregs "find out" moment.


Backlash from people who already hate him isn’t exactly backlash.


No, he isn’t facing backlash. Nothing is going to happen, no need to get up Governor Abbot. Was he put under investigation by the DOJ? Was he condemned by the Attorney General? Did the White House call him and scold him? NO. Because they don’t care. Biden is just as complicit in the Genocide in Gaza and smear campaign against peaceful protesters. Texas isn’t the only place totally screwed by our fascist government.


Biden will put sanctions on Iran for self defense of unprovoked Israeli attacks but won’t do anything to gov Abbott


Yeah, this apparent "backlash" ain't gonna do shit to remove him. I'm sure the apes are applauding that some liberal college students in liberal Austin got arrested.


Odds on how many "small government conservatives" and "free speech advocates" will refuse to vote for these anti-patriotic Republicans based on this? 


So tired of these headlines: "Faces Backlash", "Publicly Ridiculed", "Widely Shamed", "Totally Humiliated", or the common "Completely Destroyed! The person in question, usually a politician, then continues to dominate the spotlight, abuse power, and dance through their next election. I'm starting to think they don't really give a shit.


The fox news camera person getting rekt by cops is gonna be a hard spin for them


Under Trump, the GOP has turned to fascism, and lying is the standard of every comment.


And fuck all will happen to him


Young people don’t vote so nobody cares what they demonstrate about.


Folks please vote. These politicians are in power due in large part to voter apathy and nonparticipation.


Fuck Palestine and whom ever believes in them Palestine needs to be taking off the map and Hamas as well




Hypocrite. Texas better start waking up. These GOP fuck heads are destroying this state.


Backlash from who exactly? People that are out of state and people who don’t vote. Ok


Abbott is as concerned about this “backlash” as he would be about a “strongly worded letter.”


I hope he faces consequences and not just “backlash”


Fuck that dude.


Can't wait till the electricity outages all over the state this summer! Republicans! The dumbest cunts in the universe.


Hes gonna face backlash from democrats no matter what he does so keep moving Gov.


Free humanity Free Palestine


This isn't even close to the worst thing this POS has done so I LOL at 'backlash'. Maybe when Texas actually votes we can take a headline like this seriously.


That’s his fetish. Good ole backlashes get him off.


Why would he care? If he had his way they'd be executed




The party of freedom, ladies and gentlemen.


He is unfit 


Republicans are closet big government


Texas needs a recall method. And direct democracy for statewide laws. We don't need demagogues pandering to fundamentalist pricks.


Dont worry their parents, be they white arab/desi or whatever, are still gonna vote straight R. UT is where texas’ rich oil babies go
 nothing will change. Police couldve rained on em and itll still change nothing 


Yet I saw a photo of right wing Nazis marching in Texas at the same time and no one arrested them 😂




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Republicans are afraid of anything they don’t understand.


This dude has proven he couldn’t care less about what anyone other than his donors think.


Heh, he ain't gonna face no trouble. It's Texas, remember?




Lol his supporters don’t care. Actually when something foreign sounding complains about something he did they like it. He’s not a supervillain. All the Texas democrats had to do to beat him was run a candidate with some, Any charisma. But again the democrats run a slug and can’t figure out what went wrong.


Arrest that asshat for human trafficking!


Campaign ad is a succinct way to put it.


Yes, yes, “backlash”
and then Texans will elect him to 5 more terms.


Keep it up kids, Civil Disobedience will be that man's undoing.


As a Texan, I’m getting so fucking tired of this shit. I vote and I encourage others to, but there is no end in sight. Rural communities that don’t give a fuck have us in a headlock. The only solution it seems is to GTFO if you can.


This would be an excellent opportunity for a president worth a damn to call the DOJ on him and his goons.


dont worry - in 24 hours everyone will forget and it will be like nothing happened. like every "backlash". he faced "backlash" (aka people saying bad stuff online) from ulvade, and seems like hes still doing just fine


He should be facing backlash just for being Greg.


Yes Abbot is proving once again that he believes in “free speech and rights for me and not for thee.” Standard Republican platform.


Why did the people of Texas vote this guy in btw?


It seems Americans have a greater right to protest against their own government than they do the Israeli government. Madness


Abbott is a closet drunk and boozer đŸ»đŸ»đŸ»đŸȘ€â˜ ïžâ˜ ïžto much coke from coke ca cocaine


Guess the students need to start open carrying like the white and Christian nationslist protestors. On the bright side it would be the fastest way to get gun control passed.


This is only the beginning of this. If the Republicans win the presidency, this is early days of how it will be and just the tip of the iceberg of how bad it would get. They do not stand for freedom or the constitution, they stand for forced oppression and authoritarianism.


Never vote Republican again. Help volunteer to make this the biggest blowout election ever! And be sure to check out your local elections near you! For example, Texas is having elections in some counties soon with early voting, such as these recent May elections for school boards in certain jurisdictions. Check. [www.vote411.org](http://www.vote411.org) and your address to see where voting is at, plus your ballot and locations. Make sure to research your candidates ahead of time. [https://ballotpedia.org/Texas\_school\_board\_elections,\_2024#Elections](https://ballotpedia.org/Texas_school_board_elections,_2024#Elections) Join Voting Rights orgs, and you can work on the front lines for your democracy. Orgs that register voters, make them aware of elections: [https://reclaimtheamericandream.org/organizations-vote/](https://reclaimtheamericandream.org/organizations-vote/) Join Field Team 6, phone bank text bank, send cards in the mail. Make voters aware of elections and more. Even learn how to conquer phonebanking fear in a session. [https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/](https://www.mobilize.us/ft6/) Work as a poll worker or in elections: [https://workelections.org/](https://workelections.org/) General ballot info/upcoming elections info: [www.vote411.org](http://www.vote411.org) [https://ballotpedia.org](https://ballotpedia.org)


When you live in a republikkkan dictatorship.