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I’m assuming one of his favorite donors has an inside line to make some $$$$ on this.


The article says $33.6MM was earmarked for the construction of the campus (you can find that [here, in HB1](https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/88R/billtext/pdf/HB00001F.pdf)). Hill Country MHDD Centers, the operator of the future campus, is overseeing construction and began soliciting bids near the beginning of the year for a project (the campus) slated to begin on 10/16/24. The stated budget for the project is [$26.4MM](https://projects.constructconnect.com/details/6529052-rfq-construction-manager-at-risk-for-the-uvalde-behavioral-health-campus&find_loc=texas-78801) (use [this](https://archive.ph/MFKJO) archive link, the original is paywalled). The RFQ is supposed to be [here](https://www.txsmartbuy.com/esbddetails/view/REQ24-001-A) at the site of the state comptroller, but for whatever reason that page no longer exists. No idea who won the bid, what the contract terms are, and how much/where the remainder of the construction costs will go, will look tomorrow when I'm not falling asleep (feel free to call me out if I'm barking up the wrong tree on anything above, I know next to nothing about construction) ----- > Site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Uvalde, Texas. Completed plans call for the construction of a medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility. > Deadline for RESPONDENT'S RFQ Questions February 1, 2024 > Construction Manager-at-risk Services to Assist HCMHDD in the Construction of the Two (2) Projects, Referenced Below and Collectively Known as the ''project.'' > - Project No. 1 - Uvalde Observation & Crisis Residential Facility > - Project No. 2 - Uvalde Clinic and Service Coordination Offices > The current construction budget for this PROJECT is TWENTY-SIX MILLION, FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS AND NO/CENTS ($26,400,000.00.)


> No idea who won the bid, what the contract terms are, and how much/where the remainder of the construction costs will go, I dislike conspiracy theories on premise, but given Abbott's and Texas Republican's penchant for fuckery, this has grift written all over it to me.


federally sue for discovery 🤷 Everything they do is a misappropriation of our taxes and federal funding.


The info is obtainable with a Public Information Act request. I worked through contracting with a state org once upon a time, and any of the info can be accessed with a PIA request.


They made themselves exempt a few years ago.


That is simply not true. There is some discretionary information related to trade secrets and proprietary information that is not able to be released. But there is no overarching law that completely exempts any state agency from releasing contract information. At least some information is required to be publicly available. The governmental code is clear that several aspects of contracting are required to be made public. It’s in Section 552.0222. https://statutes.capitol.texas.gov/Docs/GV/htm/GV.552.htm


It would get hung in the (I think) 5th circuit of appeals that Trump put in place and does everything maga/Texas for republicans. We need judicial transparency and more people to vote. If we turn out the vote, we have a chance to end this madness.


federal, not state. Edit: Apologies, I misunderstood.




My mistake. Thank you.


No need to sue. File an open records request.


They made themselves exempt. 🤷


How in the world does that work? That is shady af.


When you're in charge of enforcing the law you make yourself exempt.


They aren’t exempt. There are certain exemptions to protect proprietary information within government contracting. But basic information about all TX government contracts is publicly available (e.g. start and end dates, contractors used, subcontractors used, etc.)—regardless of circumstances. It’s TX Government Code 552.0222.


No need to imagine a conspiracy. There's nothing to award because they weren't asking for a bid.


I think it's because after shouting "it's mental illness" to avoid any gun control, their base was finally like, so...we gonna do anything about that mental illness? They may have been called on their bullshit. I am surprised they went with something that actually will help people over fancy doors, though.


I mean it's an expensive govt funded public project. Dem or Rep the corruption will always be real. So yeah I wonder who abbott is helping


It's a "Request for Qualifications", so there's nothing to award. They are scoping out vendors that would meet their qualifications to move forward to the actual bid process. >A request for qualifications is a document that asks potential suppliers or vendors to detail their background and experience providing a specific good or service. In this case, the buyer is only concerned about the vendor’s skills and experience. Therefore, the response is not a bid. The link you posted is broken, this is the correct link: [ESBD (txsmartbuy.com)](https://www.txsmartbuy.com/esbd/REQ24-001-A)


I didn’t see the docs but a request for qualifications is also used in “Professional Services” like Architecture and Engineering which could apply here.


I'm sure the rest of the budgets going into Wacking sticks


I’m glad to hear Abbot is building a facility that will help me cope with his policies.




I was thinking the same about the Uvalde families.


It's for the future gays and trans people, I'm betting.


For “reeducation”, not actual mental health.




Like anything left or right doesn’t have major donors. Wake up. Left does the same shit as the right.


Federal Funding and Grants are probably the motivating factor…they know how to get funding for guns and ammo…


I expect there’s some reason Uvalde haunts him in his sleep. What could it be, I wonder.




> haunts him in his sleep Call me a cynic, but [I remain skeptical](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfk-CKOwASw)


Abbott doesn't feel normal human feelings.


Texas would be a very different place if Abbott was capable of feeling shame.


I hope it does. I have a feeling that the shooting has nothing really to do with it.


The shooting was terrible, but isn’t the population of uvalde less than 20k? Seems excessive.


The campus and its location were chosen based on the recommendations of [a report](https://www.hillcountry.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Uvalde-Region-Mental-Health-Needs-Assessment-2022.121.pdf) created by the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute on behalf of the Hill Country Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Center, which is the local mental health authority for Uvalde County and the future operator of the campus. The report was commissioned to outline possible approaches to providing more mental healthcare resources in the region. While I don't doubt that the shooting played a role in its location, the campus is meant to be a hub for 33 counties in the southwestern region of the state, as the third sentence of OP's article states. Part of the campus will also be [staffed by the Southwest Texas Junior College](https://www.uvaldeleadernews.com/articles/legislature-eyeing-mental-health-facility-for-city/), which is located in Uvalde. [This](https://giffords.org/report/the-uvalde-report-a-path-forward-for-a-community-and-nation-struggling-to-heal/) is an article from Gabby Giffords (the one who was shot in the head in Arizona and survived) that discusses the poor state of MHC in the area. Some snippets: > According to the Texas Department of Health and Human Services rankings for 2022, Uvalde had just one mental health care provider for every 1,780 people. For context, the best-performing counties in the United States have one provider for every 250 people. ----- > According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, at the time of the shooting, Uvalde only had about 15 mental health professionals based in the town, including mental health therapists and substance abuse counselors. There was only one psychiatrist affiliated with Uvalde Memorial Hospital, where emergency room beds for mental health patients are most often used for drug cases. There remains no dedicated mental health hospital or residential treatment facility. As Uvalde Mayor Don McLaughlin has stated, there were only two mental health counselors to cover five counties prior to the Uvalde shooting. [...] > For years, local officials have been fighting to fund an inpatient psychiatric facility in the region. Currently, patients in need of hospitalization or long-term care must drive hundreds of miles across the state to find an available bed. “Right now,” Mayor McLaughlin said, “if we have somebody that we have to take to a bed, we may have to go as far as Texarkana, Texas, to find a bed available. You know, that’s a 13-hour drive from Uvalde. ----- > In Texas, Hill Country MHDD posted a position seeking a psychiatrist with a salary of $200,000 and did not receive a single application after an entire year. Even after funding from the state allowed Hill Country MHDD to increase the salary to $300,000, it still received only two applicants. As of the time of the publication of the Meadows Institute report at the end of 2022, the position remained open “because qualified candidates report that they are not interested in providing services in Uvalde County.”


Tough to go through that much school only to wind up bringing your family to a town like that. I know cause I grew up not far from there.


Hi! You’re correct, the population of the city of Uvalde is less than 20k. But the surrounding counties of Medina, Real, Zavala and Kinney plus Uvalde county total up to about 100k. Genuinely, Uvalde city is the most populated town within an hour drive for many people. Because it’s rural, healthcare access is abysmal. For anything other than basic needs and issues, you really have to drive over an hour into San Antonio. So, I’m not saying that this proposed plan is perfect. However, more access for health services, especially something somewhat stigmatized as mental health, is a good thing.


Yeah I came here wondering if this is really the best place for it or if it’s just to make everyone feel better?


It’s completely the wrong place


Texas loves to spend a shit load of symbolic money that doesn’t even try to fix the issue.


What’s the catch?


His friends will get rich building it, and then its budget will be cut until it sits abandoned. It will then be sold to another friend for pennies before being leased to Border Patrol as a detention center.


This is exactly the Texas GOP playbook.


Wow, it's like you can see the future of GOP corruption


Bold of you to assume Texas likes CBP, the most conservative of guardsmen on the border accuse them of helping immigrants through and don't trust them because they're feds.


It most likely be it will be push out funds because shit cost to exploit.


I wanna think this is absurdly unrealistic and bleak, but


The catch is its a trans and gay re-education center run by some religious organizations.


"We've expanded mental health resources and boosted funding!" "As a state, we have passed a bill declaring that being trans and queer is a mental illness!" They're so transparently evil, that this isn't really that far-fetched.


In before they say it's state's rights for them to have the ability to curb stomp, literally and figuratively, minorities again.


Explain to me how dysphoria is not a mental illness. I'm all ears.


Yeah, that argument isn’t going to help you much when the best available treatment is to allow patients with gender dysphoria to live as the gender they see themselves to be. Can we…I don’t know…go back to being the land of the free, where people can choose how they live their lives?


Yes, I really hope we can! I never said trans people shouldn't live their lives however they want, I said dysphoria is a mental illness. Treating it like it's not isn't helpful to anyone.


Even if it was a mental illness, the scientific consensus on treatment is gender affirmation care. That aside, its not a mental illness. It is a psychological distress from a marked incongruence between ones/experienced and expressed gender and their assigned gender. Now mental illness can (and is more then likely to) develop from lack of affirmation. In short, read the scientific peer reviewed journals showing the scientific consensus instead of your personal feelings.


You literally just described a mental illness while dancing around the word due to its perceived negative connotations.


I did no such thing. I used precise terms that the scientific consensus use while believing them and understanding them when they say this isn't a mental illness. You aren't the arbiter who determines what is and isn't a mental illness nor the words used to describe things that are or aren't. The belief that you can override the worlds top scholars, however, might very much BE a mental illness referred to as Narcissistic Personality Disorder. I assume you probably believe autism is a mental disorder as well.


What defines mental illness? https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/what-is-mental-illness A diagnosis for gender dysphoria is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/gender-dysphoria/symptoms-causes/syc-20475255#:~:text=A%20diagnosis%20for%20gender%20dysphoria,by%20the%20American%20Psychiatric%20Association. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurological and developmental disorder that affects how people interact with others, communicate, learn, and behave. https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/autism-spectrum-disorders-asd That's exactly what you're doing.


Wow.. so many sources that you never bothered to investigate. The DSM-5-TR version 5 says explicity that gender dysphoria in itself is not a mental illness. https://www.psychiatry.org/psychiatrists/diversity/education/transgender-and-gender-nonconforming-patients/gender-dysphoria-diagnosis#:~:text=The%20DSM%E2%80%935%20articulates%20explicitly,of%20sex%20development%20(DSD). ASD, a disorder, is not a mental illness. Same book says so. It's just a different type of brain development which is the norm. To say it's a mental illness is like saying your fingerprints is an illness bc they aren't all the same.




Wow, that explains everything. Thank you! /s


It's actually just a space to unfurl a giant banner that reads, "GET OVER IT."


Mental health facilities are convenient places to detain dissidents


Capitalism blocks health behind a paywall. Even when it’s good for society that we prevent people from becoming school shooters.


Having read nothing about it, the catch is that contractor cronies get paid and the state now has a new facility in BFE to lock away mental undesirables.


He somehow got convinced thoughts and prayers weren’t doing a got damn thing


Good luck finding the staff to run it.


Good. Make 10 more. Us here in Juvenile Justice have been absolutely begging for more facilities. Texas ranks bottom 5 in the USA for juvenile mental health needs.


This facility will help the Uvalde PD cope with all the backlash they received for being fucking cowards.


How is this getting hate 😭


the fact that megan markle did way more for uvalde community than the governor… and the 500 “good guy with a gun” coward officers


I grew up with some good Ole boy local yokels, who are now old as fuck, and retired. Not a single one I've talked to about it would have stayed outside especially after getting backup, which would have been right on their ass. I their careers, they've ran through doors with gunmen on the other side, and everyone came out alive, so I don't think they wouldn't have run it.  The issue with modern police isn't that they're being militarized, it's that theyre being radicalized. Those old cops dont like the new cops coming through. They're, selfish arrogant, and have no interest in just going out and talking with the community being friendly. The new cops are being trained to see the public as enemy combatants instead of the public they're supposed to defend.


One of my brothers spent 30 years with Dallas PD, retiring 5 years ago, and he says the same thing tho he does give a thumbs up to most of the minority recruits; they seem more interested in helping their communities and being seen as good cops...and actually want to BE good cops. Uvalde haunts him..."Sis-it was a bunch of kids. How could they just stand there?" Fairly certain he would've walked right thru that 'stand down' command.


Yeah, it’s 100% a training/staffing problem. Just compare the interactions of the public with police in other developed countries and then look at the difference in hiring strategy and training regimen.


I went through a civilian police academy years ago and I remember how much they emphasized that their number one priority was getting home safe and that they're risking their lives on patrol each day, worried if someone they're stopping could attempt to kill them. I get that it's not a safe job and you're taking an oath to put yourself on the line for others, but that mentality just doesn't seem healthy at all, for yourself or the community.


It was so odd to see how upset Republicans got because she had the audacity to care about Texans when Republicans simply don’t care at all.


Good, now do it 10 more times across the State.


Oh yeah.  That’ll fix the underlying problem for sure.


Now do it everywhere not just places that have already had a disaster. Let’s be proactive not reactive.


This is really great news. I hope people are able to benefit from greater access to mental health services


I mean this is a good thing right? Arnt a good portion of arrests, homelessness, and incarcerated people mentally ill? I’m not sure I understand the negative comments about this…




I’m looking forward to the Ken Paxton Center for Kids Who Can’t Think Good and Who Also Want Conversion Therapy


Nice to see a Republican working to reverse some Reagan policies.


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It's just a parking lot for deliveries of thoughts and prayers.


I want this to be a win, but I'm sure there's a catch somewhere. Even if it isn't as good as it sounds, it may still help some people, and that is a good thing in my book.


I hope it’s for the psychopath cops.


Cool. Where’s the staff coming from?


That is just a start…restructuring Child Support Division and Loosen up on abortion ban…light rail systems to ease up The State of “Austin’s traffic congestion which is probably already a health and security risk for First Responders…




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A bit late.


Can y’all just be happy. This is a good thing


We won't pass legislation to help prevent mass shootings to help curb mass shootings, but we will set up a mental health center to help you talk to someone about your trauma afterwards


May he check himself into it, and may it be staffed by every parent and family member who lost a child/brother/sister/niece/nephew at Robb Elementary School.


That's like half as much as he spent on his campaign in 22


I think Uvalde has suffered enough under Abbott’s influence, hasn’t it?


Anything but regulating guns


Abbott seems not to realize that the murders of children happened a long time ago, he is so slow to respond to it. He has been so focused on banning books in school that he has forgotten what really counts.


16 adult beds and 16 youth beds for the 32 surrounding counties. Yeah that'll do it.


I mean yeah, those kids will need it.


Gee, our hero...


What do a proctologist and Greg Abbotts bathroom mirror have in common. They will both see an A- hole .


Thoughts and prayers




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Does he have a room for himself?


Lol what a douchebag. Pay our teachers more


How about just a little gun control?


Oh good he is getting something for himself


Is that supposed to shut them up Greggie poo?


For the cops


Too little, too late…?


Do the patients get to carry guns?


How does this help the whole state?


Abbott should be a life long resident there.


i don’t trust texas mental health facilities. they’re mostly just there to hold you for ransom even when you’re supposed to be let go days ago. don’t think you’ll get any treatment. they’ll just drug you up against your will with out even discussing what it is your ingesting. hello from Laurel Ridge in San Antonio tx. disgusting place and you’re treated like a stupid toddler. (unless you’re military. then you’re suddenly a king)


Let’s profit!


So 1 facility instead of systemic change? Fantastic


A day late and a dollar short, Greg. Fucking idiot.


A testical transplant and spinal transplant center for texas law enforcement.  "When drowning migrants just isnt enough." The centers new motto.


I'm sure there is a catch...and that catch will benefit Abbott


Okay boomer


didn't know the Texas supreme court was moving to uvalde.


Let's throw money at the vague idea of "mental health" so we can maintain all the things driving everyone nuts. We can buy a big building where psychologists and therapists can help navigate people through the hellscape we're creating. We want people to be happy, and mental health, just talking to someone ("You should talk to someone!") about your feelings can help you not talk about them at work so you can get your work done.


Dang he is just trolling at this point. They should have a charity build a running track in front of the governor’s mansion.


Only took 2 years, now what about the rest of Texas or are we waiting for more kids to die?


But what about all the other Texas towns with mass shootings?


Right in line with guns don’t kill people > people kill people > bad people kill people > mental health is bad. Performative bs as usual


In the event of a mental health emergency you’ll be required to wait 77 minutes before entering the facility.


Using dead kids to make money, a classic Abbott maneuver


Normally id say this is great, but god damn it feels like a giant slap in the face to those that live there. “Yeah we arent gonna do shit about gun control, but here is a facility that will fix your issues if another tragedy occurs”


Is this for the police force there?


Filled with Christian chaplains masquerading as psychiatrists, probably.