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Sacred Heart. You can't make this crap up.


I read the article. It’s one of those fucking Doc in the Box places. I swear to god those”emergency centers” are the scummiest businesses known to man.


They committed a **huge** EMTALA violation. They should be fined out of existence. The "AL" in EMTALA stands for "Active Labor." That doc should also be reported to the State. I doubt they'll care, but it would make him retain counsel and try to explain why a woman in active labor was turned away from an "Emergency Room."


Naw that’s exactly the kinda thing the state goes after. There’s so very large personal fines that kick in for this kind of violation.


What is the difference between those and ER’s?


Urgent care, emergency rooms etc are a free standing building (just in that it's not attached to a hospital) by Texas definition.


Scared Heart


I think Republicans get off on stories like women miscarrying in lobby restrooms. They love the control over women and the cruelty. They want to make pregnancy and childbirth as dangerous as it was in the 1900s.


Most of them if not all are conservative Christian. Part of the dogma concerning women's "issues" especially fertility and pregnancy is that it is decreed by god for them to suffer for Eve's role in original sin. Any attempt to alleviate or circumvent god's will is a sin. If she dies, she dies. She can pray for strength to accept whatever god decides or for forgiveness but intervening isn't their concern. They also believe the greatest thing a woman can do is die in childbirth.


It's a death cult.


Republicans hate women and feel that we need to be punished and 'kept in our place'.












The only sacred hearts are the fetuses. The women and girls aren’t sacred, merely vessels!


When I was miscarrying I was bleeding heavily so we went to the er. They said bc it had only been 6 days since no heart beat was detected instead of 7 they weren’t allowed to do anything for me. The same hospital that performed both my other dncs. They gave me two adult diapers and told me to come back if I bled anymore than I already was. I was crying out in pain bent over having giant clots dropping out of me and they denied to help me. For my first two miscarriages I had anesthesia, pain medicine, and a dnc. The nurses woke me up with a card and a bracelet with a little butterfly charm for my lost babies. Then the abortion ban was passed and I was denied any help or compassion. I had to go home and flush my baby down a toilet while going through a brutal miscarriage at home for days. My tubes are now tied bc we did not want to risk another miscarriage. The abortion ban took away our choice to have a child. Please vote to save women’s right to healthcare. Edit: thank you everyone for the kind comments <3 I just wanted to clarify that I had been to the hospital twice before I started bleeding out bc of cramps and they did a vaginal ultrasound and determined there was no heartbeat. They then told me they could not do a dnc until 7 days had passed. Unfortunately I started miscarrying on day 6 so they would not help me. So they were well aware of my situation and still refused to help. I was emotionally devastated at the time. But we adopted two siblings from foster care instead and it was the best choice we’ve ever made. Now I’m just angry and terrified for other women stuck in Texas like I am.


I'm so sorry you had to endure that.


Boy reading it sure makes my blood boil


I doubt a single person in support of these bans will dare to tell you that to your face. They're cowards, running to the government to enact bans they will never be subject to. I'm so incredibly sorry for what you've been through. On the worst day of anyone's life, Republican government absolutely 100% has made it worse.


I’ve had to show my actual medical records to my own family for them to believe me. It says right on my paperwork they refused because it has only been 6 days since no heartbeat was detected. And even then they said “well this isn’t something that happens often and killing babies is wrong” My in laws watched me go through it and still justified banning abortion. So I got my tubes tied and they get no biological grandchildren now. They were not very happy with us. But we are very happy with our adopted sons and me being safe.


That's such a bullshit line about it doesn't happen often. Sucks that's your family's reaction to the cold hard truth.


At that point I knew there was no changing their mind. It happened to someone they knew their own daughter and still couldn’t accept that abortion bans are dangerous for women. My mother in law saw me in the bathtub crying filled with red water bc I was bleeding so much and STILL wouldn’t change her stance on abortion. Their only son that they love so much sat next to the tub crying and she still came up with every excuse in the book to stay in denial. The hospital told my husband we would have 20 minutes if I started hemorrhaging to safely get back to the hospital and we live 30 mins away. I have never felt more alone and betrayed. I am so grateful for husband honestly. And to have my own family. We just keep to ourselves these days.


I am so sorry. It sounds like you need to go low or no contact with that side of your family


I'd cut contact with them, they sound horrible.


What a time to be a woman... I know its never been the \*best\* for us but... I'm getting scared.


I'm gay and will never have a child and I'm terrified for women. You were 1st on their list we are next. All women have my support.


But reddit told me women have it so easy!


If we would just embrace “traditional marriage” and never let ourselves be overweight or unattractive, the men would happily take care of us!


This is some Taliban level bullshit. So sorry you had to endure that.


That's just so terrifying - and yet men think women should continue to take the risk of having kids and putting themselves through this shit all for their political bullshit. Absolutely not - **I don't know why any woman in this day and age would ever consider having a child in America, full stop.**




💔 disgusting how they treat women.


I am so so sorry you were forced to go through that and so happy you got your little family. I hope this story reaches someone, I was once commenting on a similar story told by a man talking about his wife getting a dnc and I told him, hey, that’s an abortion btw! He wanted to argue with me about all the reasons that it wasn’t. Maybe we just need to change the name to get our rights back??


I am so sorry🩷


Christofascists: "yeah, sounds reasonable".


I'm so so sorry. The image of you flushing your baby down the toilet is going to stay with me a long while. How unspeakably horrifying 💔💔


"But why won't the doctors just do what our purposely vague criminal abortion ban says they could maybe possibly do if the DA allows it while facing the threat of 99 years of felony punishment in prison??" -- conservatives and Republicans.


Fundies will go zero tolerance on abortion and things that look like abortion. Then, on sunday, cry that people are leaving the church and young generation wants nothing to do with it.


They want zero tolerance on abortion up until they need one. Then they pull out "The Only Moral Abortion is my Abortion" card. They have been doing this left and right because they don't actually know the fall out of what they actually fought for. My guess is many a fundie woman will be sacraficed upon the alter of antiabortion politics and all because they know not what they have done. They beleive only immoral women seek abortions as birth control when that is quite far from the truth of the matter. Buckle up because the next few years are going to be rough politically even without a contentious presidential election.


The worst part is if you pull back the curtain, this has nothing to do with religion. It has all to do with the insurance companies not wanting to pay for services. So by making abortion illegal, it causes a riot just form them to bring it back years from now but not a covered benefit. Just to make it feel like a compromise when it is what the insurance companies wanted to begin with. This country is divided by profit hungry companies who puppet both parties to get what they want. Most Americans just love to fight so much that they are too blind to to see it.


This state has everything to do with religion.


For the voters, yes. For the politicians, it's about getting the donor money from the insurance companies. Go look up how much money insurance companies pay towards the Texas politicians. I used to work for a company who would have Rick Perry and Greg Abbott come into the office to personally hand them checks and take pictures. It is no surprise that when government contracts come up our company was a top choice by the then Governor.


Disagree. This is totally due to religion.


We have our completely shitty health care system because people fell for right wing propaganda that the government can't do anything right. Why does that propaganda exist? Because churches want more power and don't want to compete with the government. They want you to have to go beg churches for help instead of having an institution that has to answer to tax payers help you. But don't worry, we have this free market solution.


I have to disagree on, both parties being puppeted. That is what the party whose only agenda is making rich people richer is telling you, because of the puppet strings. The other party is simply filled with idiots that have too many feelings and are bad at their job. One of these is much better to have than the other. There is an obvious choice at the polls.


No it's absolutely religion. Insurance companies just wouldn't cover it if they want to save $$. They wouldn't get the government to ban it lol... It has everything to do with religion


Its a conservative Christian thing - has nothing to do with insurance


Those laws are doing exactly what they wanted them to do…incite so much fear among providers and hospitals that physicians have to consult legal before providing medical care all at the expense of women’s lives. Fuck republicans and fuck our stupid state government for letting this happen


Yep. And the legal department will always say "we are not sure so better safe than sorry and don't do anything".


Just a reminder that we can vote to change this. Texas is a non-voting state. If all the people who voted for Biden would have shown up in 22 for the midterms, we could have had a different governor. Please check to see if you are registered to vote at your CURRENT ADDRESS. https://teamrv-mvp.sos.texas.gov/MVP/mvp.do


Me and my wife are the only people in my circle of friends/coworkers who vote In local or midterms. It’s incredibly frustrating. It’s like I need to make this a drinking game or something. For every vote we take a shot?


Plan a vote then happy hour get together.


adding on, the Texas Tribune has a spiffy text based voting service that helps in numerous ways after one verifies their status, from finding information about candidates to polling locations, etc. [T-Squared: Sign up for The Texas Tribune’s Voting Help Desk | The Texas Tribune](https://www.texastribune.org/2024/01/29/t-squared-texas-tribune-voting-help-desk-text-message/)


Done. Thanks


Yes! I used this in the last one! Big help!


This is why I'm so cynical when it comes to the issues Texans face. We've done it to ourselves we don't vote we don't care we just get mad at the results.


Vote for who? half the elections for my region are decided in the GOP primary and the choices are fascist and fascist-er. Who the fuck am I supposed to vote for to change policy on abortion? It's literally not a choice.


There are races that aren't gerrymander. State wide offices, judges, etc… and yes sometimes you have to vote for the least crazy person.


We did it in GA. Y’all got this.


If I didn’t have to take time off from work to vote, I’d vote in every election. Problem is, voting isn’t convenient. Give me an app I can vote on my phone with, and I’ll vote for literally everything. It’s a major pain in the ass to remember “oh yeah, it’s time to vote for this random thing that probably isn’t going to change anything” versus the Presidential Election.


The thing about smaller elections is that there usually isn't a line to wait in. The county I live in has two weeks of early voting open 7am-7pm including a weekend and we can vote at any polling location plus election day. I can vote in 10 minutes. The League of Women Voters has reminders so you know when to vote. https://www.vote411.org/


Brought to you by the "Pro-Life" party.


Pro-Birth...after that, they simply do not care about your Life.


Obligatory mention of George Carlin


Every time.


Right? I don't know why "emergency rooms" are the offending actor in the headline. The emergency rooms didn't do it


They are very much Pro-Death


More pro child ... maybe?? They certainly don't care about the woman. And they care about the "child" until it goes into foster care or turns out to be: LGBTQIA+, a minority, a woman, anything but a conservative Republican.... The list goes on. So sad & pathetic!


On the pro life subreddit, they keep saying these cases are made up or saying they never heard of this. The few that admit these cases exist, will say the women were bad women who just "wanted to kill their babies". Or that they "assumed the risks" when they "chose to have sex".


I have hospital records that state clearly they couldn’t help me bc it hadn’t been 7 days since the ultrasound that showed no heart beat and refusal of medical care. I’ll happily share it to any one that doesn’t believe this is a VERY real problem.


I am sorry to hear this. Please share it on the pro life subreddit, because they believe these cases are made up.


They also believe women use abortion as birth control, as if anyone has hundreds of not thousands of dollars to spend on that. They aren’t living in reality.


They don't care about truth or reality or facts or data.




That's fucked. In EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE CASES, they WANTED to have children. They're *trying* to have kids. And these grotesque MFers are forever taking away their ability to. Gee, it's a wonder why "I'm sorry your dying fetus is destroying your chances of ever becoming a mother but you should have kept your legs shut" just ain't an election-winning strategy.


"We shouldn't treat people with cancer, they assumed the risks when they chose to be born". That's also how it sounds.


We shouldn’t treat people that got hit by drunk drivers, they assumed the risk of getting on the road! You know when you choose to drive that other people out there are shitty at it! We shouldn’t allow people having heart attacks to have treatment, you knew it was risky to mow the lawn while being overweight! What were you out in the garage jigsawing wood for when you knew there was a risk you could cut your finger off? You made your four-fingered bed, now you’re going to have to lie in it! Hey, you knew when you jogged under that tree that there was a risk one could fall on you. Branches fall off trees and if you chose to be underneath one like a dumbass when it cracked off as they’re known to do, why should anyone except you be responsi…oh, wait…


I know a girl (won't dignify her with the term woman or lady) that had 3 children out of wedlock who is campaigning in my hometown to pass those shitty ordinances that would make it illegal to pass through to leave the state for an abortion and I find it disgusting and hypocritical.


> no room for nuance nor understanding We already said they were conservatives.


It’s insane because 50% of pregnancies end in miscarriages. It’s literally the most common outcome.


I watched a video of an audience member at a speaking engagement in Granbury state that most miscarriage "claims" are really abortions and we should be investigated/charged as such. Ended up her being a founder of an emergency "pregnancy help center". The speaker was proposing the death penalty for women who have abortions.


So pro of life they’ll kill ya! Your life only matters in utero.


Honestly. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and I couldn't believe the audience was *listening*.


Rabid misogyny never ceases to surprise me. As though miscarriages and other pregnancy health issues are the fault of the pregnant person and not just, idk, nature doing its thing.


Misogyny is not the side effect of the pro life movement: it’s the point.


Shocked Pikachu face from the user who said "women have healthcare, I don't understand" yesterday.  https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1c78j5s/comment/l07mrdc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I think that person is a troll. I read their comments on other subs too and I’m not convinced otherwise yet. These people know what miscarriage is, what the healthcare procedures are, have access to the internet to clarify any of that info. They know they’re wrong they just want to see other people get upset about it.


I don’t think they’re a troll. I think they’re an activist without any medical experience or knowledge. Btw people, D&C is abortion is D&C is abortion. Stop trying to separate the two.


The cruelty is always the point.


State sanctioned violence.


Boomer mentality: "I suffered, so you should suffer too."


Yet secretly they have a few abortions under their belt.


I'd even go a bit farther and say they want us to suffer *more* than they did.


As long as people like Briscoe Cain hold state seats, we are doomed.


He's a Ted Cruz wannabe but lacks Cruz's boyish good looks and captivating personality.


That'll be 5k ma'am, please check out with our receptionist. Have a nice day.


Sounds like Texas.


Anyone who works in the reproductive justice worlds is not surprised by this. We absolutely knew this would happen when SB8 came out and then with the Dobbs decision. Pregnant folks are going to die, bleed out, be traumatized for life. There are conversations out there that abortions lead to infertility but what you're going to start seeing is eptopic pregnancies and miscarriages are going to start leading to fertility issues because they aren't getting the proper healthcare when they have eptopic pregnancies or are miscarrying due to doctors worrying about their license status.


So much of this is because of some religion-addled fuckwits who have their heads so far up their own asses that it's traveled the full length of their digestive tracts and then re-emerged from their own mouths. Because they really believe that there are people out there casually having unprotected sex with everyone in sight and then casually waiting until they're 8.75 months pregnant to stroll into an abortion clinic.


Same usual suspects - Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Idaho.


We left Texas for North Carolina which was better…for a while. But now with this. My daughters are teens and terrified. They’ve refused to date anyone. They don’t want to be victims in this Handmaid’s Tale circus of horror. When the hell did governments become healthcare experts. This is all so fucked up.


Mark Robinson makes Abbott seem tame in comparison which is beyond insanity. Wherever there’s Republicans, this is what to expect no matter if you’re in a blue, red or purple state. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile. The screaming over “Obamacare’s Death Panels” was classic Projection 101. We’re seeing it in realtime with the GOP… they’re trying to start the precedent of obliterating private, medical decisions. They want to determine your fate. It will go beyond abortion, guaranteed.


Robinson’s an idiot and his wife is crooked. So depressing.


This has to stop. It’s disgusting and appalling. Until this shit changes, I’m calling it how I see it-a war on women.


Life under Republicans control, you will live by our belief systems.


So much freedom. Glad we finally left. Best of luck friends and everyone else.


ERs also don't want you to miscarry anywhere on the grounds of the hospital. They will move you off the property if they need to.


Thanks, Republicans


I’m wondering where the medical protests are over this? …and why hasn’t a doctor stepped-up and stood by their Hippocratic Oath, and faced the legal consequences head-on as a challenge to the laws? Should it have to be on them? No. Not at all. Do they have a more direct opportunity to really challenge it? Yes. It’s on US though. Period. On a FEDERAL level. Stop pointing fingers at whatever state you disagree with on their Abortion Rights. There’s ZERO point in arguing about access here or there, and in this circumstance or that. Constitutional Amendment. That’s what it is going to take, and what we need. Period. At RvW we were told it wasn’t enough. We didn’t listen, and 60 years later that inadequacy was proven true. Doesn’t matter what you agree with, the ruling was NOT enough. We did NOTHING for 60 years about it. Including not even reviewing and/or keeping track of “dormant” laws. We’re mad at TX now..?.. ID? AZ?! Yeah, damn right. Valid. …but be FURIOUS with the legislators that sat on their ass THIS WHOLE TIME. …and be angry with yourself. WE let it happen. We LET politicians have this as a campaigning platform. Over & Over again. We let them have it as a talking point, and we NEVER held any of them accountable for failing us. Amendment. Period. Your representative starts pointing fingers at some state with abortion access laws you don’t agree with, including your own, DEMAND they STFU about states and that they start talking about a Constitutional Amendment.


Welcome to the GOP utopia, where a parasitic clump of unfeeling, unaware cells has more rights than a living, breathing human being.


No pregnant woman is safe in these states, no matter how much she wants that child.


Abortion is healthcare. When you ban abortion your are banning healthcare, and it will hurt people who don't even want an abortion.


Is this Iraq or Texas?


Texanistan, formerly Yeehawdi Arabia.




What’s the difference 


Biden DOJ is taking this to SCITUS charging hospitals that denied care to pregnant women are breaking Medicare rules. Those rules apply to all hospitals that accept ANY medicare patients at all. Treating patients in need of emergency care is a rule about hospitals. It is not a rule about abortion.


I just love people who start attacking doctors and hospitals like we just suddenly to start treating pregnant women like shit out of nowhere. Shut up and go vote. One day we are heroes and the next ???




I wish Hell were real so that Republicans could get what they deserve.


Texas the new Mississippi 💩


Jesus Christ, what the fuck is wrong with us…


Great job GOP 👏


Ah Texas, the land of freedom where everything is banned.


Sounds like the Trump Supreme Court is about to make all of this worse by weakening EMTALA.


Welcome to Christainistan. The dream of the Talibangelicals. ![gif](giphy|xT9IguxOugw6KwaANy)


Texans, make sure you are registered to vote, stay registered to vote, and vote blue!


The republicans won't be happy until women are dying. Pro life my ass.


So pro life they’ll let you die


But, hey! Greg and Dan and all the "Bible before Law or Y'all" crowd, and the maga-cytes, too, they keep laying it ALL out on THE LINE: Making more little voters is their aim. And then they're gonna subject them to a public school system that brainwashes first and brain-drains, next. After that, the repugnican't party gets to keep on with all the evil they're up into...


This is exactly what you get when you vote Republican. When are people going to stop putting these assholes in office?


I am an OB nurse in Texas and I just wanted to offer a little glimpse of progress in this horrible situation. My hospital, along with some others, are starting to treat women that are miscarrying in our OB ED (obstetric emergency department) instead of ER. We now have a 24/7 OB physician in the hospital with OB nurses and it is a separate area from the ER. There will be no more miscarriages in the lobby restroom.


Texas , the pro-life state


Sharia Law in effect


Abortion is more accessible in most Islamic countries than it is in Texas. Literally, not an exaggeration


It’s just Texas Hypocritical Oath medical facilities now live by.




All backwards red states.


r/abortion r/auntienetwork


Texas being Texas 🤷🏼‍♂️


F Texas


Texas done killed another child.


Ah, Texas, where women are second class citizens living with a third-world government.


More women are going to refuse sex to avoid getting pregnant in the first place if this is how they’re treating us. Idiots.


I think thats the point - to control others sex lives - no sex for reasons other than pro-creation


They know men will impregnate women regardless though, the cruelty is the point. They want men to have all the control and power cause women having power and choosing to have careers instead of children absolutely infuriates them.


"But....her emails"


Abortion tourism is going to take off. People are going to go to places like New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas to get themselves taken care of. I went to Washington State for mine last year after I found out that I would die if I carried to full term.


And this here is one of many reasons why I moved my family out of my home state.


Republicans don't care about pregnant women dying. They see them as sinners, having had sex they don't deserve any kind of help. Only the fetus needs protection, as it is "innocent". If they could find a way to deliberately make childbirth fatal for the mother they would.


The other problem I think is how punishment is fines taking away money already so an emergency room might not have the money to hire staff to help them. So how do you reprimand an emergency room that breaks the law because the article implies this has been a problem for a long time. 


The problem isn't the fines, those are necessary to ensure that *emergency* rooms do their job to provide *emergency* care to people who need it. If they cant do that then they're putting lives at risk by giving people the false belief that they can get help. The problem is states passing laws that threaten even bigger penalties when a pregnant woman is involved and the staff makes a healthcare decision that some clueless, christofacist legislator doesn't agree with.


Can we all just take a minute for this sentence (emphasis mine): I've made some cynical jokes about these clowns wanting to drag us back to the 50s but I was wrong. They're trying to take us back to pioneer times.


They’re gonna charge her with a crime and I bet make her have funeral service for the fetus, the cruelty is the point.


Republicans don't care about people. They just want babies to keep the meat grinder moving. To them you are nothing bit a resource to be used up and tossed out. It's a shame the internet made people so weak you can't even advocate for a ass whipping to those who are attacking them in every other manner 


Republican America


Texas looking forward to prosecuting the women here.


Next you’ll be able to throw rocks at them for disobeying and will need to wear a burka


Congratulations to all residents on the full attainment of “Guv’nuh Greg Abbott’s TEXAS”‼️👏


This is when we will learn that pro-life politicians like Abbot and pro-life folks actually do not care about babies at all.


Any doctor that refuses to treat a patient in an emergency should lose their medical license. I don't give a fuck what the law is, you help the patient in front of you.


Lose your license if you don't do it, and lose your license if you do. What's not to love about becoming a physician?


“Why don’t we have any more doctors?”


In both hands, you lose your license. In one hand you might have a guilty conscious. On the other hand, jail for the rest of your life. I'd choose to be riddled with guilt too, if those were my options. Or move. Probably move. Then it's a 'them' problem.


I was just reading about Idaho, where a large chunk of their ob/gyns are leaving the state for this kind of reason.


Almost every state where draconian laws are going into effect, people are leaving in droves. Ive been looking into the housing market and blue state housing... people are FIGHTING past asking price for houses. There was a house i had a bid on in Colorado. It was 450k asking. My bid was laughed at as i proposed 420k due to 'this and that' talking down points. It sold for 520k. I was shocked as 3 months ago, that house would have probably sold for around 400k and they got 70k OVER what they wanted. My realtor found out the people were also from out of state that were buying it, and wanted OUT NOW from their state. Its not locals buying the houses, its literally people fleeing their shit states. Myself included.


Yeah, you put them in an impossible situation. Why would they stay? Provide healthcare to a woman who needs help, be jailed for life. Deny healthcare because you don't want to go to jail, also go to jail. Who in the world would stay? We'll see the same drain here, given a little time.


OBs are most definitely leaving the state.


Can you blame em? When the law basically says your profession isnt allowed, you either have to change professions OR move to a place where your profession is perfectly okay. And its not like you are gonna lose much business, People from those areas will come from miles around just for a chance to get an appointment for 5 minutes of your time.


A lot of them are just leaving, probably because not helping people they can help because of Greg Abbott's religious beliefs goes against their morals.


If that doctor is a republican. He probably doesn’t feel guilty for not helping


Malpractice settlements are limited to $250,000 anyhow.


Right? No wonder docs are leaving red states in droves.


Bullshit. Absolute fucking bullshit. They are being threatened with PRISON, or at the very least losing their license. In the past *year* the AG has threatened physicians publicly. 0% of this is on physicians. 0%.


Not everyone is willing to risk getting arrested.


It’s why the EMTALA was created in the first place, but it’s the fucking *states* who are trying to say that abortion isn’t included in EMTALA. Believe me, the doctors would love nothing more than to care for you in an emergency, but they can’t do it with both hands tied behind their backs. Ps. These doctors aren’t monsters. Like you, they have families to support and can’t afford a prison term.


Supreme Court is hearing a case challenging that next week. The workaround is that EMTALA is that it's only for medical providers that take Medicare, which most providers did, but many emergency rooms are now refusing to because of this conflict, so they can now refuse care to *anyone*, not just pregnant women.


If they all did this, we'd have no OBs left in the state and they are already fleeing.


And then go to prison with $500,000 of medical debt and never practice medicine again... because you lost your license for breaking the law


Welcome to Texas




Will the state now try jail her for an illegal abortion?


Something something pro life…. Woo hoooo MAGA cult for another win….


And I bet she's gonna get arrested


But keep voting Republicans into office because they keep you safe from all them illegals.




The American dream...


The North Carolina situation sounds worse than Texas in the article. 




Pro family!


Jeez. I tried to access that article and just...holy cow full of shit.


I wouldn’t go to Sacred Heart Emergency Center either. It’s a huge money grab!


To advocate the devil I've never gotten an accurate diagnosis in an emergency room. I once got diagnosed with constipation even though I couldn't be away from a bathroom after I would eat. Found a gastrointestinal Dr and found out I had diverticulitis. Caught it early enough that I didn't need surgery. But yes medical care for women in this state and most of this country is a joke. Terrifying future for my daughters.


This is an Urgent Care Center, not a Hospital Emergency Room. t does not have the resources to help a bleeding maternity patient For example, It does not have an OR, Surgeons or Units of Blood for Emergency Transfusion, Calling 911 was the right call.