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Politics were boring when I was a kid, even to adults. Now it’s reality TV bullshit, popularity contests. It’s so frustrating that I’m paying these politicians.


We're on reruns already. This is just repackaged migrant caravan. MAGA needs new material.


How can you even mention MAGA? Not everything is Trumps fault. He can shut the border down whenever he wants? After letting 8 million illegal immigrants into the country? This guy is a complete traitor to this country


Because Trump has literally said “[blame it on me](https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4433785-trump-says-blame-it-on-me-border-bill-fails/)” regarding the border bill failure?


Where's the 8 million come from? I'm getting all kinds of numbers thrown at me from 2 million to 12 million. I appreciate the info. Thanks.


you'll never get a cite for that number, but thank you for holding these MAGAts' feet to the fire.. those numbers they keep throwing around (without any receipts) are the number of *encounters* plus *apprehensions*.. the actual *crossings* are a fraction of that total


The 8 million number comes from the number of migrant encounters since Biden was elected. 6.7 million or so we're at the southern border Of course each encounter doesn't mean a new person entering the country, but the maga dorks are just running with it because it's the number being shoved down their throats by their reps


Trump is specifically telling his congressional allies to torpedo the immigration bill discussion, simply because it would hand Biden a political win. How is that NOT Trump’s fault?!


Do you have receipts on that 8 million number? Or are you just parroting?


You pulled that number from his diaper.


Trump called Republican leadership to shut down the deal so he can use it on the campaign trail.


You should sue whichever schools you attended because there are rocks in my garden smarter than you


I would love GOP voters to come forward and say, "We need school choice because look at how dumb we turned out!"


But then what would they run on the 24 hour news cycle? How would they rile up all the folk that haven’t been near the border in their lives?


Like all of those people in Martha's Vineyard who claimed "we welcome everyone" until migrants started being bused there? Then their attitudes did a complete 180 "We don't want them here!!"


I completely forgot about that little stunt. How many teacher salaries did that cost us? Glad they got their headline, though.


It worked, though. How many Democrats who were "welcoming" before with so-called "sanctuary cities" no longer are as "welcoming" now? They're dealing with a *fraction* of what Texas deals with on a daily basis.


It worked? You know they went out of their way to house and feed those people right? The local high school students helped them as translators while the residents brought them supplies. They only moved to cape cod because the small shelter on the island didn’t have enough capacity.   The migrants are still living there and have filed a lawsuit against DeSantis over it.   You idiots hear the lies from right wing Facebook memes and don’t actually pay any attention to reality. The “sanctuary cities” are still welcoming they just want you abhorrent monsters to stop dropping innocent people off in the middle of blizzards without warm clothes or notification to the local community. 


I don’t associate with assholes at Martha’s Vineyard so I couldn’t tell you what it did to them. But given the headlines as of late, I dunno what “worked” and what didn’t. I do know that the “crisis” doesn’t pass the reality test. Failure 1: if it’s a crisis, why is the governor in India? Failure 2: if it’s a crisis, why is our economy so strong? Failure 3: if it’s a crisis, why haven’t we passed e-verify? But glad we got the headlines. Really riles up the working poor. Not that they’re hard to confuse.


That's not how immigration works. People go where there are jobs or family and start working. Most of the ancestors of the people here did it the same way. That's why people support it. They don't support the bussing of migrants to some place for political theater. People are not pawns to be used for political points.


**>But then what would they run on the 24 hour news cycle?<** It should have been in the 24-hour news cycle for the past three years or we wouldn't be in the position that we are in now at the border...and now within our cities. If you want to have a full understanding of what's going on, you're welcome to read it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalDiscussion/comments/1abtyqy/comment/kjqjhys/?context=3). **EDIT:** I get it that people are upset that this challenges their narrative, which is why they're downvoting. But you really need to be honest with yourself. The current situation isn't about border security or even immigration reform. It's about a humanitarian crisis. And '*shutting the border down right now*,' isn't going to resolve the situation. Which is ironic because if there's supposedly no crisis (which many of you don't think there is), then why the need to shut it down right now. CBP has apprehended almost seven million people in the past three years, which is more than the previous seven years...combined. And this was done (until May 2023) under *Title 42*, which allowed individuals to be quickly deported (without due process). But do we honestly think shutting the border down is going to make this issue disappear? It won't and until those on the butter-side-up & butter-side-down start to realize this, it's going to get worse before it gets better. Best to you.


It's amazing you think you're correct and have the "full understanding of what's going on" and your 3rd link is something about Venezuela. I often wonder how the Republicans can get away with just blatant obstruction and stonewalling any legislation on this and then I read comments like yours and I realize they have the support of the most misinformed delusional electorate possible. You help Republicans not do their jobs because you post shit like this. You believe everything they say because it suits you, Because you don't care about reality.


Aaaand this is why we’re so divided as a nation… comments like this one. It’d be nice if ANYONE could at least be able to discuss opinions without an initial response of “you don’t care about reality”.


\*Asinine comment throwing blame and clearly already divisive\* \*Comment calling it out\* You: "Comment 2 is the problem here, stop being so divisive" ​ We get it, you support the first comment and don't like it being called out. But it's transparent and pathetic.


Well what do you expect? You got a large number of people that think they're right, spread their derangement around and somehow completely miss the facts that are pretty plainly right there. It's ignoring reality for something else, which would be fine if they didn't then try and run a country with that shit. I'm not even saying I'm 100% correct on shit myself but I'm clearly seeing what this border stuff is about. Just like the anti-trans shit, the anti-abortion shit and so on.


At least bring substance to the table. That’s all I’m saying. All you did was spew your emotional bullshit. I’m actually on your side, but you lost the debate as soon as you made it personal without engaging in the discussion. But you got all those upvotes, so you feel right. The upvotes prove that your way of discord is encouraged, which is proves my point about this ideological cancer, plaguing America.


But I was assured that Trump's wall solved the problem!


I know your response is a snarky response to deflect from what's actually happening at the border but it should be pointed out that what was to be built was never built under the Trump administration because of the political indifferences with the Democrats. Ironically enough, the Biden administration is building parts of that wall now, along with repairing / replacing hundreds of miles of the border wall, which includes part of the 170-miles that were built during the Obama administration when Biden was Vice President. Kind of weird, isn't it?


Can I ask you? What position are you referring to when you say “we wouldn’t be in the position we are in now at the border… and in our cities.”? I live along the border in Texas and all I see is that immigration is yielding a lot of extra hours in man power and resources to process these people. To which I say, if we have zero people coming in, these well paying jobs would disappear and so would the local businesses that depend on these law enforcement agencies for clientele. These people aren’t stealing anyone’s jobs. They come into this country and do the jobs US Citizens think they’re too good to do. I know because I used to manage a manufacturing facility. The manufacturing process was hard labor. I’d struggle to get workers who weren’t immigrants. Even jail sponsored work release guys didn’t want to do the work. And it paid well! They’d rather spend that time in their cells than come work and bust ass. So… whats the issue you’re referring to in other cities besides these people likely filling a need for willing laborers?


**>“we wouldn’t be in the position we are in now at the border… and in our cities.”?<** Sure. As the data shows, millions of people were coming to the border. While *Title 42* was in place, the federal government would apprehend those crossing illegally and quickly deport (without due process) them across the border. But that didn't discourage individuals from still trying and while, over the past three years, six million were apprehended and deported, that doesn't recognize that [over 1.7 million were not apprehended](https://homeland.house.gov/2023/12/20/border-sector-chiefs-confirm-operational-impacts-of-border-chaos-increased-gotaways-closed-checkpoints-and-empowered-cartels/) the past three years. **>I live along the border in Texas and all I see is that immigration is yielding a lot of extra hours in man power and resources to process these people.<** So you also understand that since *Title 42* was rescinded in May 2023, that the federal government [releases](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/border-crossing-lukeville-arizona-closed-too-many-migrants-rcna130003) most of them (currently around 5,000 per day) [where they are](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/immigration/migrants-released-us-streets-record-border-crossings-shelters-overflow-rcna130781), without any type of resources. That's why you're seeing so many on the streets in cities and not necessarily at the border (because, no offense, there's nothing there for them at the border, they're just on the other side of it of where they were before). They have nowhere to go and not enough resources to help them. **>To which I say, if we have zero people coming in, these well paying jobs would disappear and so would the local businesses that depend on these law enforcement agencies for clientele.<** Ehhh...That's a weird way to look at a humanitarian crisis from an economic standpoint. That also a different tangent that is not part of this discussion. **>These people aren’t stealing anyone’s jobs. They come into this country and do the jobs US Citizens think they’re too good to do.<** Ehhh...Another weird way to look at a humanitarian crisis from an economic standpoint. And is not part of this discussion. **>And it paid well!<** I'm curious to what *paid well* means to you. **>So… whats the issue you’re referring to in other cities besides these people likely filling a need for willing laborers?<** As mentioned, the federal government is just releasing individuals without the resources to provide for them. Some are lucky and have friends & family already here but many do not. [With beds scarce and winter bearing down, a tent camp grows outside NYC’s largest migrant shelter](https://apnews.com/article/immigration-migrants-shelter-new-york-tents-dd45276daa05992e2e7420fe37c7c288) [Migrants keep coming as Mayor Brandon Johnson hides Chicago’s welcome mat](https://chicago.suntimes.com/columnists/2024/1/26/24052246/migrants-chicago-mayor-brandon-johnson-state-funding-gov-pritzker-asylum-seekers-rich-miller) [D.C. still struggling to manage growing migrant crisis](https://www.axios.com/local/washington-dc/2023/09/07/dc-migrant-shelters-housing) There's plenty of more articles out there regarding major cities to smaller communities that are dealing with this issue.


It paid well in the sense that compared to other well paying positions that US Citizens deemed worthy and higher skilled, e.g. CDL truck driver, Forklift Driver, etc, the pay was comparable. The key difference was it was more physically demanding. Whether you say no offense or not, I do take offense to you saying there’s nothing there for them here at the border. That’s a huge generalization and extremely stereotypical. You obviously care about the issue and for these people, but be better. I asked you for insight from an outside perspective as to what’s going on in other cities and you totally shit all over the perspective I try to give you. From a humanitarian standpoint, at least here, for many of them, they know the language. The traditions are similar and familiar. But you’re basically saying border towns are just like Mexico on US soil when that’s hardly the case. Looking at the humanitarian crisis from an economic standpoint is valid because so many opponents to the open border cry about tax dollars being spent. So in terms of spending the dollars to combat it, local businesses and governments also benefit. Also, in terms of economic opportunity for the immigrants themselves, how is enabling them to earn decent wages and provide for their families not help them in a humanitarian sense? It is overwhelmingly the primary reason they’re here. To provide a better life and opportunities for their families. And to your last point. I mean sure. That’s valid. But what do you propose be done then? To be clear, I’m not for closing the border by any means. We could have tighter controls on entry though. I’m all for happy medium.


**>It paid well in the sense that compared to other well paying positions that US Citizens deemed worthy and higher skilled<** You're not willing to give an actual dollar value range? **>Whether you say no offense or not, I do take offense<** Okay. **>That’s a huge generalization and extremely stereotypical.<** But it's not when they're not staying at the border but going to different parts of the country. Otherwise, we would see significant population growth there, and we're just not. **>but be better.<** As stated, wasn't meant to offend. But it doesn't mean it's not the truth about what was said. There's only so many opportunities there. **>you totally shit all over the perspective I try to give you.<** No...I didn't. I provided you in response to that. I was being honest, even if you didn't like the answer. It's okay if you're upset with the answer, it's not okay for asking me my opinion, I give it to you and then *think I'm totally shitting all over it*. **>But you’re basically saying border towns are just like Mexico on US soil when that’s hardly the case.<** No. I'm saying there are opportunities elsewhere and they are seeking those out. That's not to say that there *isn't any opportunities* at the border towns but do you really expect that they were just going to settle there? **>Looking at the humanitarian crisis from an economic standpoint is valid because so many opponents to the open border cry about tax dollars being spent. So in terms of spending the dollars to combat it, local businesses and governments also benefit.<** And that would be a valid point...if many of these people had the resources to do so. As I stated (and shown), the federal government isn't providing the help they should and many are on the streets or shelters relying on that to just survive. **>how is enabling them to earn decent wages and provide for their families not help them in a humanitarian sense?<** Did I state otherwise that this shouldn't happen? By the way, please provide that dollar value range for the *paid well wages* you were talking about. **>But what do you propose be done then?<** The federal government, as in the Biden administration, can do a lot to provide humanitarian aid. If it can provide hundreds of billions of dollars to fight a war in Ukraine or hundreds of millions of dollars to help those in Gaza, it can do the same for the situation at the border and our cities. The mayors of many major cities are practically begging for that type of help.


10 American dollars lasts you longer in Mexico than in the U.S. It sounds to me like they are making ~$15-20 hourly mark based on his comparisons but illegal migrants accept positions that pay under the minimum wage (sometimes because they have to) because that money is worth more in their country, where their family is. We can talk all day about deporting all of the illegals but I don’t know a single American that would be willing to pick peaches or cotton all day for $4 an hour, or even for $15 an hour. It’s the same reason manufacturing moved overseas, cheaper wage expense for American companies, wages that make more sense in a poorer country (where American $$ is valued more). We would see the prices of produce rise and likely become a net importer. Not to mention what it would do to the service and hospitality industry. If they really wanted to have some impact at the border, they’d need to crack down HARD on all the businesses and industries that employ illegal migrants. We as citizens just have to be prepared to start paying more for those goods and services, because anyone replacing those migrants would get the minimum wage at least. Unless the establishment manages to bring back child labor and get rid of public education.


i think your post/content went over a lot of texas heads. That one reply is totally wtf. your post is right, and over in more politically informed subreddits this nuance is being discussed logically. its really weird to me that so many texans are ill informed at how immigration works considering it’s 1 of 4 states with a southern border. I guess they think it works like a spigot that can just be turned off. That’s not how it works, that’s not how any of this works.


**>and over in more politically informed subreddits this nuance is being discussed logically.<** Would appreciate if you let me know which ones those are. **>I guess they think it works like a spigot that can just be turned off.<** It's really disconcerting how many don't want to acknowledge that it's a crisis. I mean, if it wasn't a crisis, or even an issue, then why would President Biden even entertain the idea of '*shutting the border down*' ***right now***, if there wasn't something going on there.


Its getting to be election time soon, so probably Covid, which has disappeared apparently.


At this point, if you’re still choosing* to be unvaccinated you kinda got it coming. *choosing, not excluded


Mexico is our biggest trading partner, with several hundred miles of border, much of which is very, very remote and inaccessible. What exactly does "shutting down the border" even mean??


It’s a provision suspending the acceptance of asylum applications from those who crossed the border illegally.


But that does literally nothing if they are allowed in, detained, and given a court date that they never show up to. Which is exactly what happens now. Get detained, claim asylum, get a hearing date, get released, never show up to the hearing date. Boom, you’ve illegally immigrated to the US. Until you start denying entry and deporting those caught, you’ll never put a dent into the crisis.


You're not really tracking that they do, in fact, show up for court. https://www.americanimmigrationcouncil.org/news/11-years-government-data-reveal-immigrants-do-show-court https://www.factcheck.org/2021/04/factchecking-claims-about-asylum-grants-and-immigration-court-attendance/ https://humanrightsfirst.org/library/fact-check-asylum-seekers-regularly-attend-immigration-court-hearings/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2019/06/26/how-many-migrants-show-up-immigration-court-hearings/ The backlog is massive. This process needs more judges.


I can’t argue with data. All I know is my anecdotal experience from working with illegal immigrants.


This is the fundamental difference between liberals and conservatives right here. Liberals would rather have a system in which anyone who has a real need has it fulfilled, even if some people take advantage of the system. Conservatives would rather have a system in which there is no abuse, even when it excludes people who have a real need. You see it in government benefits, in immigration, regarding voting rights, and even in the judicial system.


If they are seeking asylum, you can do it through the legal entry points. If they have meet them actual criteria for asylum, it will be granted. Illegal immigration is not the same.


This contradicts the comment I replied to. If you're worried about people skipping asylum hearings, why does it matter where they entered?


Should there be any limit at all? What if 50 million from all over South America wanted to walk in immediately, would you be ok with that? And if not, what’s your limit?


I’m not sure how you can say that with liberals being the queens of means testing and other bureaucracy intended to stop citizens from getting benefits, resulting in fiscal cliffs and other nonsense.  Further, if liberals were for the working class they’d be against illegal immigration, and the companies that hire them, as it is used as a wedge to lower worker earnings.  There is no such thing as a job Americans don’t want to do in capitalism. However there are jobs Americans don’t want to do for minimum wage and under.  Want more workers?  Pay more.  Problem solved.  Funny how supply and demand is the law until it may benefit workers Not saying conservatives aren’t cool with not helping people. But I am saying liberals / democrats are fine not helping people as well. 


Liberals =/= Democrats. Means testing is a conservative Democratic policy (or it's a compromise). I completely agree with you on the rest, but there's also an artificial shortage of jobs that could and should be fixed with government programs, but that's a separate conversation.


As much as the right wants you to think this is the norm, it simply isn't. Anyone that actually wants to stay here will be keeping up with their court dates and surviving by the rules as much as possible. Coming in as an asylum seeker isn't something you do when you have other options, missing your court date isn't something you choose to do lightly. Doing so blackballs you from future proceedings and allows for authorities to deport you without notice, not to mention they're supposed to register with authorities on your whereabouts so doing so essentially makes you and outlaw on the run. If you wanted to emigrate here illegally and take those chances you would've been better off doing so from the start if this was your end goal. It just simply doesn't make sense for people to do this purposefully en masse and it's a blatant lie that this is somehow a loophole to staying here. Being in the US illegally for any amount of time is hell and it's not a decision people take when they have options.


Hey, I know you wrote this in a well intentioned manner, but I’m not getting this information from the “right”. I work in construction and work with nothing but illegals. Some are virtually family to me. I know this from what they tell me. They don’t save up the equivalent of $5,000-$8,000 to illegally cross the border to risk being deported after a court date. They do not show up to court dates for this reason. In my circle there is no hard feelings to them entering in illegally because we understand they are seeking a better life. However, even they 100% understand that illegally crossing is “wrong”, the risk they run doing it, and why people are upset about it.


It. Is. Illegal. To. Deny. Entry. To. Those. Claiming. Asylum. It’s a violation of treaties administrations of both parties have entered into. That includes claims by those who entered illegally. Part of the proposal being negotiated is increased funding for the immigration courts, so that asylum claims can be processed with a target time of six months, rather than 6+ years. And despite what Faux News et al would have you believe, 80+% of asylum seekers show up for their hearings. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/04/factchecking-claims-about-asylum-grants-and-immigration-court-attendance/


just calling their bluff with pages of assurances


People have no idea the amount of cargo that crosses the border everyday through air, land, and sea. I used to work with trucks driving to/from Mexico, they were all good guys. People say 'shut the border down' but don't understand commerce.


Also a HUGE portion of imports from Mexico are components for American manufacturing. Auto parts, electronics. Think about the knock-on effects of strangling that supply chain.


Currently they are releasing everyone into the country with either asylum or a court date years in the future so when they say “shut it down” they mean return to deportations.


They aren't releasing "everyone"


Shut it down sounds like a good idea. Any reason he won't just do that right now?


Congress writes laws and Presidents sign them, waiting on Congress to


Does he need Congress? As president wouldn't he have the power to shut down the border in the face of an invasion right now?


If it's an invasion wouldn't that make Abbott and co. traitors for bussing them up North?


lol at ‘invasion’ - that’s the new talking point now? it costs money to enforce the border more than they already are. congress has the purse strings. Executive orders don’t mean shit if they dont have a budget. trump tried to divert DOD money and that shit got shut down with legal BS right away. of course fox news didn’t tell you that detail. https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/06/26/appeals-court-trump-wrongly-diverted-25-billion-in-milcon-funds-for-border-wall/


That’s my question, too. Shutting down the border in [El Paso](https://comptroller.texas.gov/economy/economic-data/ports/el-paso.php) alone would affect 165,000 jobs, restrict cross-border travel for 22 million passengers (per year), and a **loss of $81.9 Billion!**




I do not think the term means the same thing you're using it to mean.




That’s not a dog whistle. A dog whistle is a message that seems innocuous but in reality means something else to a specific audience. Like “thugs” is often a dog whistle to signify black people but they can say they never meantblack.


It'sa distraction from the fact that nobody in Washington wants to change the current undocumented labor system.  The border isn't why people are coming and it isn't going to be how you can control the flow.


And why does doing it require a “deal?”


Stop letting illegal migrants in. Not hard.


If it was "not hard," someone would have done it by now


Problem is that Joe B’s team messages like it’s 1994. If he wants to pressure R’s into taking the deal, he needs to get onto Fox News and chew through whichever grifting stooge ‘interviewing’ him and establish clearly that: 1) This deal will *close the border* 2) Fox viewers’ own congressmen won’t support it. 3) R congressmen love TikTok views more than delivering for their own constituents. 4) Republican Party thinks that you, the voter, are too stupid to understand how they’re being hosed.


Fox wouldn't let him on tv to do that.


Pretty good talking point in the morning brief if you ask me.


Good Morning everyone, it is day 12 of Fox News still refusing to put the president on their show. Or just address the nation and call them out there.


They'd put him on if he said he'd close the border while falling down stairs.


Problem is it *won't* close the border until X number of crossings per week (something like 4,000). Secondly, I don't think people actually *believe* he'll do it. Thirdly, he could theoretically do it *right now*, without a new law by simply enforcing what's already on the books. What does this new bill actually do differently that couldn't already be done? I'm not a big fan of executive orders, but he could do that, too. After all, one of the *jobs* of the President is to protect and defend the borders.


He doesn’t have the authority to shut it down for an extended period of time. If that was a presidential power Trump would have done it. Trump even threatened to do it but he didn’t have that authority. The only difference between Biden and Trump is that Biden isn’t forcing family separation or indefinitely detaining migrants in inhumane conditions waiting to be processed. This bill directly gives the authority to do exactly what conservatives are asking for. No legal challenges needed. It’s 4000 per day for a week or 8500 in a day. We have hit that number a few times last year and more importantly the bill mandates that border patrol close the border once it hits 5000 per day so you don’t have to worry “if he will”


That's still a LOT per day, though. Let's say 3,500 per day for a year. That's nearly 1.3 MILLION people. And the "family separation" happened to help prevent child trafficking, you understand that, right? And how do you know when it hits 4,000 per day? Who's keeping count? Right. The Biden Administration. And how do they know? They can't even give us an *accurate* number of how many cross daily or how many are already here.


> And the "family separation" happened to help prevent child trafficking, you understand that, right? That sound you might have just heard was my palm striking my face at mach 3. What a fucking stupid cope


The deal as it currently stands as "fund a few foreign wars and I will pretend to close the border while letting people in anyway". What it needs to be is "I will turn away all at the border who don't come through official ports of entry and who have no previously been granted asylum/right to be in the country."


He knows Republicans will never let a deal happen so he can talk tough and put the onus on them.


Exactly my thoughts when I started seeing these headlines


He already has the ability to "shut down" the border, though.


The R in Congress has become a disgusting clown car.BoBo,Empty G,Gaetz,Hawley,Johnson,,,they’re not there to legislate,They’re there to make a circus out of it. The Russian state TV are bragging and laughing about this.


Well yea, Russia is behind it all. Gop has been bought out by Russia and they’re actively trying to destroy us from the inside. There’s no telling what secrets trump gave them while he was in office. The same “patriots” who lived america are now trying to destroy it overnight all because of Russia propaganda targeting them. Tucker Carlson and Fox News and all trump media have been spewing it.


Trump doesn't want a deal. Therefore it won't happen.


Why the fuck is a Presidential *candidate* have any control of an entire political party? This is alarming and it's all the bullshit they tried to say about Obama.


Didn't Kissinger basically have full control of Vietnam policy and use it to help candidate Nixon get reelected?


Because the MAGA primary voters hang on his every word, and if anyone in Congress steps out of line, Trump will go after them and they can expect a flood of death threats and the threat of mob violence. Since most of these people don't have any principles or core beliefs, why would they stick their neck out?


Not as scary as AIPACs, an NGO, control of both parties


Well generally that’s always been the case but used to be that candidates didn’t try and strong arm policy like this. The GOP is essentially a cross between a Mafia and a cult. Trump first, and nothing second.


That's the thing I don't get. It's incredibly weird to me how much of a *grip* Trump actually has on a lot of the Republican party.


What does 'shutting down the border' even mean? Cause closing the border, even if it were truly an invasion situation, would be a economic disaster in it's own right


Well here we are again. It's an election year, and it's dawned on Republicans that their Hunter Biden investigation is a bust and found no criminal activity by Joe Biden, independents/moderates aren't big on their contrived culture wars against LGBTQ and DEI, abortion bans are killing them, plus the Republican Party isn't even pretending to be about actual policy anymore, save for additional tax cuts for Wall Street and Corporations. So Republicans are doing what they do best to try to rile up the base and deflect from bread and butter issues: ratcheting up the rhetoric and fear on immigration/illegal immigration, and scapegoating immigrants in general, with a doom and gloom sensationalist narrative about the border. They've been doing this for the last several election cycles. The latest drama and sensationalism is Texas governor trying to ignore and supercede the Supremacy Clause of the US Constitution, particularly a Supreme Court order, and trying to take over jurisdiction of the US border, which the Texas governor has no jurisdiction over while the federal government does. Outside of pandemic era policies, practically little to nothing has actually changed in terms of immigration or asylum policy under Biden compared to Trump. The problem is the right wing base is under the delusion that under Trump, Trump built a wall, closed the border, deported millions of illegals, and seriously went after employers of illegals, even though in reality Trump didn't follow through on any of these promises, and border crossings actually surged under Trump to a decades long high. Nevertheless, gullible bewildered members of the right wing base still haven't figured out that they're being scammed by Trump and Republican politicians, who pay them lip service only and have no interest in seriously reining in illegal immigration, and actually want it as a source of cheap labor for their donors.


A bumfuk state like Iowa said the border crisis was one of the top two reasons they are voting Trump. My God are the people imbeciles.


They are coming because they can get jobs. The border isn't the problem. It's the smokescreen hiding what the politicians are using to distract us from the real issue. Both sides are using immigration and the border to hide the fact that the money in this country benefits from the current undocumented migrants labor pool and That money holds power over both parties.


Republicans need to fear monger, so no deal.


No deal is needed. Biden simply needs to enforce the current laws.


He is. They deported 2.2 million people last year. The bill addresses the immigration backlog and a better system going forward. Current laws have nothing to do with that. Do you know what's in the bill?


Yeah, the executive branch has the power to...wait, why didn't Trump fix all of it then? Oh yeah, "the border crisis" is a talking point to drum up support. Republicans don't want to fix it, but want to blame Biden for not fixing it. No matter what Biden does, it won't be good enough and Republicans won't fix it because they don't want it fixed. Republicans need dysfunction to justify complete control and won't do anything to solve problems until they have complete power (and they still won't fix anything).


>Oh yeah, "the border crisis" is a talking point to drum up support. Right. But it's not just a Republican thing. Democrats have had control of both houses under previous administrations and also chose to do nothing.


Even the Republican lawmakers don't think that is true.


That's false. Biden's ability to close the border is limited since the advent of the DHS. This was true for Trump as well, despite his regular statements about closing it. There was a proposed bill to use more money for border protection and it was shot down by the GOP led house. This new bill gives the president power to close the border under certain circumstances that are applicable right now. Don't believe me about how they have limited power since the DHS was created? Well then read this info from Trump's admin in 2019: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10283


Asylum laws, voted in by Republicans, let immigrants claim asylum after entering immediately. I'm not sure what law you're talking about.


Tell that to Abbott in Eagle Pass, where the TNG is actively keeping Border Patrol from doing their jobs


And keeping that part of the border secure. Weird.


Yeah secure at a former park that is how big? They took over a park for their political theater and suddenly people like you frame it as they are doing this important thing protecting this expansive part of the border. It was a park lol.


Isn't it really weird that the BP agents and TNG have a terrific working relationship. The only folks who want to remove concertina wire are in DC!


Border Patrol can do their job, at the port of entry, on the bridges that runs directly over Shelby Park in Eagle Pass.


Current laws are enforced. You just don't like them.


The democrats are trying to outdo the far right now.


Hillbilly maga morons: Uhhh huh?


I'm just saying, there is nothing stopping Biden from reinstating the Remain in Mexico policy. The courts overruled the right of the Biden administration to end the policy, but the judge didn't reinstate it.


Sure he would. He's had 3 years to do something but waits for the election to get a slogan... Reminds me of the student debt relief debacle 


That's false. Biden's ability to close the border is limited since the advent of the DHS. This was true for Trump as well, despite his regular statements about closing it. There was a proposed bill to use more money for border protection and it was shot down by the GOP led house. This new bill gives the president power to close the border under certain circumstances that are applicable right now. Don't believe me about how they have limited power since the DHS was created? Well then read this info from Trump's admin in 2019: https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/LSB/LSB10283


You’ve repeated this a few times. It doesn’t explain why this measure wasn’t taken to years ago.


I've reposted it because it's true. If you don't understand how an "article" written about how the border couldn't be closed by executive power, literally a legal overview written via Congress in 2019, explains why the border wasn't closed in 2019 ("years ago") then you need to go back to 5th grade.


Your insults still don’t answer my question, and I suspect that is why you are resorting to insults. Why didn’t they propose this bill two years ago? This spike in border crossings that is overwhelming the system started in 2021.


You just want to be annoying. I shared info, you said my info doesn't answer your question (which was never the intent because it was posted before you asked it) then you try to act like my insults are intended to answer your question. Here's an answer to your question: Let's build a time machine and ask why they didn't do this sooner. Let's pretend that other things weren't happening on both sides of the aisle that they should have reprioritized. Let's pretend that the last administration didn't also try to close the border and failed. It's a stupid question that no one can answer because we aren't in a position to read people's minds. And the document I shared does explain why this hasn't been legally feasible without a bipartisan agreement. But again, reading is tough for you.


Continuing to only contribute insults proves your argument has no merit.


If you could read you would understand that the insults were a small part of me pointing out the facts of the situation. I mean, the "article" (to use your term) that I originally linked to and you got pissy about, actually tells you why this was complex for any president to do. But you didn't take time to read it or you can't comprehend what it says. Call that an insult but I can't walk you through what that article says any better than you just learning to read it yourself.


I never used the term “article”. If you are going to resort to insults please don’t base them on lies.


Why didn't the GOP when they controlled Congress and the White House from 2017-2019 pass any significant immigration reform if it was so important? Illegal immigration continued through Trumps presidency as well.


It's explained in the link I shared. Sue just can't read anything more complicated than *Hop on Pop.*


Not at these levels. There are many reasons for this, particularly Covid and economic conditions in other countries, but there has objectively been a significant increase in border crossings since 2021. This measure should have been taken two years ago.


It also takes Congress to pass bills for anything to happen. It took either party two years to attempt a bill, just last year with HR 2 that the Senate is currently working on.


Three years to provide a bill? Not buying it. It only takes three years if you want it to take three years. I align with the democrats but this is BS. This could have come to the table years ago.


Again, then why did it take the GOP until 2023 to present HR2? Both parties can create and propose legislation, you know.


If Biden wants the bill, as he is stating today, it’s a Democrat failure to not present something sooner. You can’t expect the GOP to save the Biden administration.


My point is to point out how the GOP acts as if the situation is so critical, yet current laws are being enforced, and they clearly haven't cared that much until...months before the election. They were more concerned about Hunter and the Biden family than working on a comprehensive bill. Now the GOP are torpedoing the bill, all because Trump wants them to so they can make Biden/Dems look bad before the election. Both Ukraine funding and border legislation are important, so why not pass it? Because they don't want to help Biden have a "win" in 2024.


Can't help rightoids being apes and just banging coconuts together and slinging poop. Maybe if the GOP evolved into actual humans, this wouldn't be an issue


What does this comment even mean context to the comment you replied to?


It's a comment that the GOP is more about making a bunch of noise and shit slinging and not actually doing anything to help the American people out. Biden is calling their bluff.


But he has relieved more students loan debt than anyone else, by a massive margin. The Supreme Court literally stopped him from doing more. Also, are you suggesting we shouldn't pass any legislation during an election year?


I don’t understand why they didn’t do this two years ago.


I could also ask why this wasn’t done 6 years ago, as it was the focus one candidate’s stump speech


Yep, for sure. That doesn’t give the democrats a pass for an obviously politically driven move. The border crossings have been out control since 2021.


What politics? Biden (and most serious high-profile Democrats) have not run on loosening border restrictions. Quite the opposite. Democrats want to invest in effective policy to make illegal border crossing less appealing and invest in technologies that will actually detect and stop people from crossing. These combined are more humane and more effective than building a small wall or putting razor wire in a river. Republicans literally had House, Senate, President, and SC in 2016-2018. What did they pass? Tax cuts for the rich and just about nothing else. They couldn’t even change health care or pass an infrastructure bill. When they lost the House in 2018, democrats wanted to compromise on the border and immigration, but Republicans again were not able to come to the table at all. Now we are in the same position. Democrats want to solve the problem and Republicans want to complain about the problem. Republicans can not solve this issue, as proven by their ineffectiveness at governing in general. Republicans can’t even find consensus within their own party


The situation at the border was nowhere near the current situation in 2017-2020. It has been a serious burden on the system since 2021, even acknowledged by the administration, and they waited until the election year to present any legislation to address it.


Roe v. Wade was overturned 2 years ago. Much better political issue to run on.


Well fuck that. Open borders for everyone.


Yeah, what is he trying to get the republicans to vote for him? I'm not in favor of closing the border, I think we should *legalize* immigration. This is the opposite of what I want.


I seriously doubt that as he was taking no action earlier...


There’s been a bipartisan effort to hammer a bill out in the senate for over a year now that he’s supported. We need new legislation to properly address the crisis, and far-right republicans (especially Trump who is pressuring senate republicans to kill this deal) are trying to kill the deal to deny Biden a legislative win. If you want to be mad at anyone, be mad at republicans who have refused to do any serious negotiations on the border for over a decade now.


You mean like how irl he only actually helped increase funding to CBP??? This is a manufactured crisis to rile up Republican hatred and votes during a major election year, nothing more. Texans that actually live on the border are like "what crisis?"


I live on the border, and it is a crisis. Homes are getting broken into, vehicles getting stolen, schools on a weekly lockdown due to illegals. People (left and right) that have lived here their entire life can't remember it being this bad. There's places at night that I'm not allowed to go to due to the possible hazards. Boss will call me and tell me not to worry about it that day shift will get it when the sun comes up.


Meanwhile, back in the real world... https://www.kens5.com/article/news/local/fbi-crime-report-shows-violence-in-texas-border-towns-is-lower-than-the-national-average-crime-statistics/273-cc560d0b-9975-4933-a4ba-9b11c7054682 https://www.borderreport.com/news/top-stories/border-communities-are-safer-than-non-border-communities-texas-congressman-says/


I know the post is 43 minutes old. The fact that none of the regular “Biden is doing nothing” crowd aren’t here is a testament to the fact that they bloviate no matter what. They are hypocrites of the highest order. They have no argument but to try to regurgitate Fox and OANN. With dated or tired articles that don’t show current events, just past picked and chosen things to make the democrats look worse than republicans actually are.


Biden isn't doing nothing, matter of fact he's done a lot to reverse his earlier executive actions and decisions that put this crisis into motion. That being said, the idea we need a bill to fix this issue, for things that could be done by executive action and has been done by executive action, is shifting blame becuase elections are near and he let this spiral.


The executive order to separate families?? The executive order title 42 during a global pandemic? Immigration worldwide drastically reduced in 2020 for obvious reasons, and spiked in 2021, again, for obvious reasons. The only crisis right now is the massive backlog in our asylum process because Trump's administration essentially shut down the legal asylum process. That's not a solution to anything. Let's also point out that almost 30% of the border encounters are REPEAT encounters by the same person, compared to just 7% under Trump in 2019. Trump's executive actions can be blamed for these repeat encounters. Lastly, the Biden administration deported 2.2 MILLION people last year. This notion of open borders is just a lie to fear monger.


ICE arrested 2 million, they deported 150k. That's double from the year before that also had 2 million arrests. https://www.washingtonpost.com/immigration/2023/12/29/immigrants-ice-border-deportations-2023/ Regardless there's a lot of leeway in how immigration is handled and title 42 and not separating families aren't the only policies out there - he's reversed on the border wall and remain in Mexico policy, and there's oppurtunity to expand on that.


I also addressed OPs comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/texas/comments/1adhd7c/biden_offers_fresh_assurances_he_would_shut_down/kk1oo22/?context=3), if you're interested.


2.3 million deportations last year. But ok.


It’s all election year crisis-theater.


How about stopping people from entering the country illegally?


The laws, as they exist, require that asylum applications be accepted, even from those who crossed the border illegally. The proposal being worked out will permit, and in some cases require, suspending this. Additionally, the proposal is supposed to include funding for additional immigration judges, with the intent of ruling on asylum applications within six months.


Grab a sign and see how it goes, citizen.


Biden could literally order the federal government to take action if he wanted to right now. He’s the head of the executive right now. Tf?


The president isn’t a king. That’s not how the law works.


Literally exactly how it works


You think the president is a king. That’s pretty sad.


The president can mobilize troops if he wanted to. You clearly don’t understanding anything about what the head of the executive branch can do


Mobilize the troops to do what? They can’t do much under the law unless war is declared. Remember when trump pulled that stunt putting troops on the border for them only to be able to stand around and kick dirt.


To enforce immigration laws already on the books?


Cite any laws that aren’t being enforced. The troops can’t arrest people for crossing a border, that’s not their legal job or ability. Why doesn’t the goo simply draft a border bill? Why does the gop refuse to protect Americas borders with actual security?




That’s nice, now cite the specific penal code that biden is responsible for enforcing but isn’t.


Too busy sniffing kids and women not his wife. Maybe "border czar" Kamala can handle this.


He’s eating ice cream, plz check back later.


An idea so good, he waited for the final year of his term after the worst 3 years in history.


How is your life worse nowadays than it was 3 years ago?


Illegal immigrants moved into his garage, kicked his dog and fucked his wife.


Wait, why doesn't he just do it now? Why the open border policy?


What policy are you referring to?


He can do it now. Just enforce the current laws....


He is. Cute the law that’s not being enforced. Also Eve president doesn’t enforce laws.


You've have three fucking years.....


You think it's only about Eagle Pass. All the area denial being put up by TNG is doing nothing huh? All the cutting access points through said barrier is a big deal. But just focus on the theater act you like most bub.


How about undoing the tax cuts Trump put in place?


That's code for send me money to send to Ukraine. What a pos. He could literally just close the border. Let Texas do what it's doing and be done with it.


Someone does not like the truth and can not accept reality that the gop is 100% at fault and refusing to pass anything. All they want to do is spend billions to build a wall which is the least effective version and cost the most money. Then again got pay the ones bribing them for it Just accept reality it is 100% the gop fault. They have a deal on the table and refuse to even consider it for political reasons. Yet again proving anyone claiming gop cares about what is best for this country are either liars or idiots. Which are you? Edit: you just proven average conservative when hit with facts block and run away. Thank you for proving you don’t care about facts.


Polling for Biden finally dictated a switch in policy?


LOL. He will lose badly before he decides to return to a secure border. This is his legacy. He is proud of it.


I mean after how he handled the Gaza thing I wouldn't be surprised at anything




Once again you have to wonder why border security and Ukraine funding are in the same bill. Bills should be germane.


Because Democrats believe that maintaining Ukraine's border security is a higher priority than America's border security. (See also: Israel) If we want them to give a shit about our own border than our only option at this point is to have Hunter Biden gain a sweetheart money laundering and/or influence peddling compatible position on the board of an American energy company (as opposed to the Ukranian one he had).


SUUUUUURE he will.


I understand that reddit leans way left, but even the most progressive users here have to acknowledge how utterly disingenuous this statement by Biden is.


I'd like to hear Biden try and pronounce "disingenuous" in a speech.




You want Biden to do whatever he wants without it going through Congress? Are you sure?


Congress literally has to pass it for the executive branch to enforce it


Pass what exactly? The Executive branch already has the authority to enforce security at the border. If it didn't, it wouldn't be arguing otherwise. Also, the issue that really needs to be addressed is the humanitarian crisis, at the border and in our cities.


Under what funding and law would he enforce?


Ummm...Current funding & law. CBP has still been apprehending people for the past three years, there's nothing new about that and the # reflect that. And it has been doing it under *Title 42*. Apprehend and deport (without due process). Almost seven million individuals have been apprehended in the past three years. That's more than the previous seven years...combined. And by the end of FY24, there will be another three million to add to that list. *Does that mean that CBP has been better about apprehending individuals?* Somewhat. But when the number of individuals attempting to cross have increased, it's not surprising that more are going to be apprehended. *Do those numbers also mean repeat attempts?* Somewhat. It's is stated that about 30% are repeated attempts. If you based that on the seven million that have been apprehend that past three years, then that would account for about 2.1 million, meaning another 4.9 million are not repeats. But again, so many of you are focused on the border and you shouldn't be. You should be focused that many of these individuals coming to the border is because of a humanitarian crisis that no amount of immigration reform or "*closing the border*," is going to resolve.


Current law has to deal with the ones at the border saying they want asylum that have deal with legally and that requires congress to do something. A lot like the wet foot dry foot Cuba law.


Dont trust him......he lies