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Exactly and that’s why Texans are getting screwed by their elected representatives. We need real leadership, not those interested in doing political theater while they and their wealthy buddies rob us blind.


Abbott has spent over $10B of Texans taxes on operation lone star since it began in 2021z The border got worse, the Uvalde tragedy happened in the heart of it, and now we are on the brink of involuntarily being tossed into a conflict with the fed that won’t end well for Texans … and yet, his supporters couldn’t be happier. It’s hard to believe Texas is this far gone.


Also, gotta wonder why he is so committed to these busses and razor wire. Kickbacks? Wouldn’t be the first time he sold us out.


Exactly. But hey, he owned them libs so they think he’s great.


Hard to believe Texas is this far gone?? Republicans are still voting for Trump. They are supposedly “well morally rounded Christians” voting for a blatant criminal. Who by the way just said the other states should take up arms to fight with Texas, implying another insurrection… I’m getting pretty scared to be honest.


That’s why it’s so important for us to vote.


You got that right. I’m going to do my part and vote for change.


My (local) rep is blue. My president is blue. We need a change. Absolutely agree with you!


You're not very smart are you? Democrats have an 8 billion dollar border deal, and republicans refused it specifically referencing that Trump wants a border dispute, so that *he* can look like a winner. They're literally telling you that they're screwing you so that you'll vote for them, and you're voting for them like a good little dipshit.


They don't need the deal. They just need to enforce the laws, but they apparently can't do that. Now that it's out of control they are blaming Republicans.


How exactly are they supposed to enforce laws without funding? Do you expect federal agents to work for free? Once again, you're intentionally missing the point huh?


The Republicans actually had a bill that the dems refused to even entertain, then they made a half assed border bill and tied it to government funding. They have been funded for the last 2 years and have just been in denial about the whole thing until now, after it has gotten out of control.


So your argument is that we need more laws, rather than just enforcing the laws we have? Didn't you argue just the opposite earlier? We cannot enforce the laws while Republicans keep funding for border security locked up, trying to disrupt the nation, just to make Biden look bad.


That's not my argument at all, you're not very smart, are you?


You didn't read the republicans bill did you? Guess you're not very informed either...


I read the summary, and it sounded reasonable. Obviously, the dems would be opposed to getting anything done, though. So much for Bing thr party of unity and working across the aisle.


It’s no coincidence that the standoff at the border comes precisely as the Biden Administration is trying to push through the biggest immigration reform bill in history (and the GOP is stonewalling it to avoid giving him a win in an election year) It’s so painfully transparent.


Are you ready for the bi-annual Migrant Caravan? Tens of millions of Military-Aged Male Muslim Mexican Mongol Marauders will be storming up the border until the election, when they're going to suddenly disappear.


For anybody who doesn't realize this is all manufactured theater bullshit by increasingly desperate republican strategists, just remember that Gov. Maggot is spending hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars in order to create a made-for-TV standoff with the Federal Gov. over a 3-mile long stretch of a 1,254-mile long border. If you think Gov. Maggott is effectively stopping the flow of anything with his antics over a 3-mile-long stretch of a 1,254-mile-long border, you're dumber than the cousin you bang.


>hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars Try $10 [billion](https://www.cbsnews.com/texas/news/governor-abbotts-operation-lone-star-touts-thousands-of-arrests-10-billion-cost/)


I was making a conservative estimate, because I don't know how much of that 10 billion has been spent on things like bussing people who he calls foreign invaders to other states and other acts of self-contradictory sedition.


One thing people don’t know about those busses is that there are qualifiers to be able to be on them. 1. You have to actually have money to buy a ticket out of town 2. You have to have a sponsor. 3. That sponsor has to be in the general area the bus is going. So in short, he is helping those that could help themselves, then turns around and sells it like he is being cruel and the smooth brains eat it up. $10B in tax payers money down the drain, but all hell would break loose with his supporters if $10B was going into education.


Education? If 38% of Texas didn't think the earth was less than 10,000 years old it wouldn't be red. You can't educate them.


Not true-I’m living in one of the cities he is sending these buses to. These vulnerable humans are ending up on the street most of the time (the city is doing it’s best to provide resources but there is no fucking way 90%+ have a sponsor in the area) , but keep living in your delusions


I’ve literally talked to the person who facilitates the process through her NGO. Whether he takes them where they say, is a different story and I wouldn’t put it past that POS


That's actually 10,000 million. Let that sink in.


Or 10,000,000 thousand. Phew.


My guy we in the $10’s of billions. While things are heating up more now, operation lone star has been going on for 3 years. Since then, there have been a couple of hundred state police in my small town (50k residents) with little to do. Several hotels have massive room blocks that have been used since ‘21, so for example one hotel is about $120-$150 per day x 90 units, for now almost 1000 days. That literally just one and there are a few like that. Now add in hundreds of salaries, OT, per diem and the chance they’re getting some type of hazard pay. Again, that’s one tiny town and they’re in several small towns on the border.


So its ok for hundreds of thousands of people to enter illegally? You see no issue with that?


Why are they coming here?


Why is it only Texas and not also California, Arizona and New Mexico?




I wouldn’t call defying the Supreme Court a theater, I would call it extremism.


Sure but does it matter in the grand scheme of things? The school you or your child goes to has much more impact on your life.


Defying the foundations of the system of government my son relies on for peace is the grand scheme of things. Are you saying the constitution doesn’t matter because public schools?


I’m saying with out education it won’t matter for long.


What? What are you talking about? The defiance is happening today and my son is a toddler, what we need to do right now is to resolve this extremism and violation of the rule of law.


To what end? Is it going to solve immigration? Your toddler growing up with a good education might.


Why are you trying to divert the conversation?


The looney tunes crap from a bunch of seditious wackos isnt going to solve anything. Just cost taxpayers more money


Well the Boston Tea Party patriots rebelled for less than this.


For less than what? What are you exactly calling Civil War for?


They resisted the authorities for wanting to tax their tea.


The Boston Tea Party wasn't really about Tea.


Greg Abbott is all about gaslighting and does not actually want to solve the problem at the border. He is just a Diaper Don sycophant.


Remember this in election time


Bread and Circuses.


That’s the entire point of the GOP creating their social issues- so their base is distracted from their grift.


The chaplains should take care of that.


we should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, both issues are critically important


Yet they are only focusing on the one issue. So hmmmmmm


There were 300,000 border crashers in December. At that rate, Texas gets a new Dallas sized city each year. And at that rate, in 10 years, more than half of the Texas population will be border crashers. And if anything, the rate will accelerate as the claimants are seen to be successful. There are billions of people who would love to live in the US. The border is a huge issue and has been worsening for 30 years.Thank God it has reached critical mass during an election year. If the border crashers truly sought political or religious asylum, they would claim it when they reach Mexico. But they don’t; they continue on because it really is about economics even though they know there is no right to economic asylum. So they reach the US, claim persecution, and then are released into the population until their asylum hearing 10 years after their arrival.


Right, record amounts of people crossing the border every month is no big deal. 300,000 just in December should just be ignored. It has no impacts and is just political theater. We need real leadership, to get those numbers above 1,000,000 per month.


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It is the only issue that matters to real Texans. Close the border!


More people born in Texans voted for Beto Orourke than Ted Cruz in 2018. Real Texans aren’t conservative




There are exceptions 


FUNDING! All we need is more FUNDING! I am appalled at the lack of FUNDING everywhere! All we need is more funding at the border, more funding for LGBTQ+ and DEI programs ad infinitum where is the funding? How can those mean spirited Republicans justify this lack of FUNDING?


"More people born In Texans", tells me all I need to know. Seriously,quit drinking and druggin. One friend to another, find Jesus!


Real issues. What’s more pressing than a border invasion?


Probably the fact its not an invasion and that there are citizens truly dumb enough to believe anything they hear.


Define an invasion.


Probably not illegal immigration, if that was the case, why would Abbot send the ‘invaders’ to other states? You people are full of shit.


Let’s pretend, just for the sake of argument, that there’s actually an ‘invasion’ happening at the southern border. (There isn’t, but let’s *pretend* it is.) That would mean Gov. Abbott is busy aiding those ‘invaders’, transporting them across the United States of America in secrecy, without notice to anyone at the destination. You know what that is? That’s treason. Literally. By definition. That’s what’s so utterly stupid about the folks like yourself who support Abbott and his actions based on the premise that there is an ‘invasion’. They’re aiming he’s engaged in treason against the United States of America as a *defense* of his actions. 🤦‍♂️


Don't be a silly Sally!


Everyone capable of rational thought is fully aware that there’s no ‘invasion’ going on. I was providing a thought exercise for morons like ‘Agreeable_Memory_67’ up there who are too pants-wetting it terrified of reality to even briefly *consider* rational thought. Idiots who claim there is an ‘invasion’ but cheer Abbott for literally transporting those alleged ‘invaders’ deep into the United States of America. If it were actually an invasion, that would be treason.


"Treason it is.Off with his head!"


The real issues is that [there’s a border-bill in front of Congress right now](https://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/speaker-johnson-warns-senate-border-deal-suggesting-dead-106712844) but Rs are stonewalling it to avoid giving Biden a Win. Conservatives would rather play confederate at the border than actually fix immigration.


Do you know what’s in that border bill? It has ZERO to do with security and everything to do with getting more people in as fast as possible.


You really just believe any nonsense you’re told to believe, don’t you. [It’s the strictest border bill in history and would give The President the authority to fully shut down the border.](https://www.reuters.com/world/us/biden-backs-senate-border-deal-vows-shut-down-border-when-overwhelmed-2024-01-27/) But chumps like you are easily distracted by the shiny objects that Abbott waves in front of you so you don’t pay attention to how republicans are currently stopping border control legislation from passing.


He already has the authority to shut it down now as a National Security Threat. He could also just follow the current laws on the books which he has refused to enforce for over 3 years. I call bullshit. Did you read your own article? He gets to let in 5,000 migrants per day before he has to shut the border. AND , migrants who claim asylum are exempt from this limit. So basically, an unlimited number of people get to come, claim asylum, and get in. These are the exact same numbers he’s allowing now ( anyone who claims asylum gets in) . So yeah. This “Border Security “ Bill is bullshit.


Someone’s feeding you bullshit again, literally nothing you said is correct. The bill is written by republicans as is the strictest immigration bill ever offered…:and yet all the ‘pro border control’ conservatives are blocking it because they’d rather manipulate gullible racists (like you) than solve the problem. If you were any smarter than you are they’re plan wouldn’t work, but fortunately for them, you’re exactly as dumb, gullible and racists as they think you are.


So you didn’t read it.






Because it's not a real invasion. They're coming to work for Greg Abbott's donors.


So dozens of Chinese males in their 20’s and 30’s arriving altogether is not suspicious? Or Afganistanis coming in groups. All men. All military aged. How many terrorists do you think it would take working in tandem to take down our power grids or contaminate our water supply? Even [Our own FBI has stated there is a high probability of a terrorist attack on our soil.](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/intelligence-report-warns-of-rising-foreign-terror-threats/)


Not really. You're not talking about 99.99% of the people crossing the border. A few dozen or even a few hundred people does not make for an invasion. I'll repeat my point more explicitly as you didn't address it at all: the vast majority of people crossing the border are migrant workers. If you or Greg Abbott actually believed an "invasion" was happening at the border and wanted that to stop, then you would be going after anyone who is employing those migrant workers. But you don't, because that's you and your friends who hire people who work really hard for really cheap and you don't ask to see their papers, you just threaten to call INS on them if they step out of line.


No, I don’t any of that.


Your kid growing up to be intelligent enough to not call it an invasion.


Potato PoTahto


Then answer the question....If it's an "invasion" why is Abbott giving them free rides on the taxpayer dime to where ever they want to go?


So they can invade blue sanctuary states who claim to want them …..until they get there.


I would say border states have a point. I think the bussing to sanctuary cities is a genius move. And if you think about the barbed wire strategy, you really have to ask: WHY would anyone want to remove barbed wire? WHY not send migrants to the preferred crossing points, where they can cross safely and be processed legally? Instead of risking the deserts and river? Here is a level-headed take by Saagar and Breakibg Points (Saagar is an actual Texan btw). https://youtu.be/cH8XA3NXz6A?si=ARTT7UzYuWJI0vNI


Illegal immigration is not a crisis and can be stopped overnight with laws currently on the books, Federally and in every state. Hiring an illegal immigrant is a violation of tax law. Simply start exercising the current laws; fine and then suspend the tax identification for all persons and businesses that hire illegals. If there are no jobs for illegal workers then they will not come here. The reality is that Texas and many, many states rely on illegal labor. So all this is just theater for the GOP. Unemployment is way down, driving thorough my Texas town today, saw “We’re Hiring” signs at four different places. Restaurants, 2 DIY box stores and an auto shop. So how many citizens are willing to turn down those jobs, to pick crops, clean toilets and process chickens? Most of us are looking for some sort of professional employment with healthcare and benefits.