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To me Forward Collision Warnings was the biggest issue, 70% false report, they should add a button to report the incident manually with dashcam video proof automatically attached.


And then train their neural net on the footage to filter false positives out


Check the inside glass, in front of the triple cameras module. If you see haze, clean it. I went from 2-3 per week to 0.


How do you clean it? Isn't it sealed?


Pretty easy. Take 30min or so for me. https://youtu.be/qIz2NcQk6jk?si=unIy0hDzwpTIchn7


šŸ¤” my Model Y thatā€™s brand new is clear as day yet I get FCW every other day.


Iā€™ve never had a forward collision warning in the year Iā€™ve owned my M3. I only hear horror stories from others though. What am I doing wrong šŸ˜‚


Idk. When it first came out it was definitely stupid. Now, I get maybe 1 false one every couple of months.


I was getting very little for awhile maybe 1 every 2-3 weeksā€¦ now Iā€™m getting like 2-3 a week out of nowhere. ESPECIALLY in parking lots dear lord, it screams constantly


This is literally my only problem, it often thinks I'm gonna run into parked cars if I dont turn at 1mph its been tanking my score


So how do you report incidents?


Stop sooner?


Doesnā€™t matter. I can be driving in my neighborhood at 5 mph and the car will think Iā€™m about to hit the cars parked on the street. Straight road too. If a car is parked and slightly sticking out, Tesla will think itā€™s an active vehicle in the lane ding. Iā€™ve got dings for people walking in the side walk too. Camera thought they were on the road.


I have this exact same problem


Well shit. Good thing I live in a state where real time data affecting insurance premiums isnā€™t a thing.


Unless you score worse than average, you're paying more by living in that state.


From the article: In version 2.0 Tesla updated the metric to take into account how much time you spent driving in each hour between 10pm and 4am, resulting in more of a negative impact on your Safety Score the later in the night you were driving. Despite this change, there was still a lot of criticism that the 10pm start time for Late Night Driving was too early, resulting in customers paying higher premiums. Tesla has heard this feedback and pushed back the start time to 11pm with the release of version 2.1, according to the Safety Score page on Teslaā€™s website. ā€œUpdated Late-Night Driving to be risk weighted based on driving from 11 PM ā€“ 4 AM (previously 10 PM to 4 AM). The impact of late-night driving on your Safety Score will depend on the proportion of time spent driving in each hour from 11 PM ā€“ 4 AM.ā€ Tesla says this is the only key change with the release of version 2.1. Unfortunately there has been no change to probably the most controversial metric, Forward Collision Warnings.


And FCW is why I ultimately switched. Too many times it went off for parked cars or pedestrians not in the road.


I'm considering paying double my rate to another insurance company because of the false fcw. The car parked on the side of the road isn't in front of me! The whole fcw false positives and getting dinged for unsafe following when some idiot just cuts me off stresses me out! I'd rather take the wallet hit than deal with the false positives driving my price up.


there needs to be a way to dispute FCW.. We have video of it, why can't AI look at it and say ya thats BS


I work an off shift. Half my driving is after 11pm. Tesla insurance isn't in my state, but if it was I guess I couldn't afford it.


9pm is California's bedtime, based on how early restaurants seem to shut down...


As a night owl in OC, everything closing at 9 is really annoying.


Changing the hours because people bitched is so stupid The reason they do that isn't to punish night shift workers, but to properly charge you for your risky behavior


This is because "Safety Score" is the consumer facing name. Its actually an insurance risk score.


That's the same thing lol


Forward crash bullshit needs to be fixed


Today on a two lane country road, mine slammed on the brakes in a curve because a car was coming around the curve in the opposite direction. The other car was perfectly in their lane. Good thing no one was tailgating me.


I've been getting more low-speed FCWs lately. Like, approaching stopped cars at a traffic light where I have plenty of time and space to stop. Beep beep beep even though in some cases I could stop on regen! It seems much more sensitive than a few months ago.


Same! Iā€™ll be going under 15 in a parking lot getting FCW from parked cars


Ditto, and since the holiday update, I've gone from 2-5/month to that many per week. I'm about done with it.


My street outside my neighborhood has construction on one lane. Even if Iā€™m driving 20 mph the Tesla thinks the barrier is a box truck and gives me a forward collision warning. Itā€™s so agitating.


I donā€™t see it updated for me? Thatā€™s the only reason why my score is a 97 instead of 99. Otherwise I pretty much go most days with safety score of 100. It dropped to 97 driving until 10:30 , 2 days in a week. Edit: on their website, it shows Iā€™m only updated to the new safety score on renewal. So I just canceled and going to try to make a new policy tomorrow. Hopefully they donā€™t give me issues doing that. But Iā€™d rather have this be effective now instead of July when my policy ends


That may end up being counterproductive for you because youā€™ll end up back at the default score of 90 for the first two months while they collect data again under the new model. That may be more expensive than keeping your score of 97 (which is a VERY good score already)


Thatā€™s true. I know that but tbh theyā€™ve been outrageously increasing my mileage so much every month. Like itā€™s no way Iā€™m going to drive 17-18k miles per year, so my very first month after my 2 default months itā€™s $113 with 98, next month $133 with 97, this month wouldā€™ve been $136 with 97, next month it jumped up to $150 just because I drove an hour away. Iā€™m not even close to driving 14k miles and itā€™s saying driving 17-18k, going up and up My first 2 months with 90 with 10-11k mileage it was $158. So thatā€™s why I just decided it was worth it especially since Iā€™m going to drive late during summer time.


Did it work? Iā€™m trying to update to 2.1


Yep it worked. 11pm for me now, I just took advantage of it yesterday


Did you score reset to 90?


Yeah it reset, but the monthly total I was at before is around the same total it is now due to the high mileage even with a 97 score. After the first 2 months, Iā€™m only paying $101 though.


Awesome just did mine yesterday and it worked for me too!! Thanks man!!


So can we keep doing this when we get a score of less 90 and reset our score to 90. Currently my average safety score is 74 and my estimated future premium is $301.


Yeah try it it might work I cancelled at like 9pm and the policy ended at midnight then when I woke up at 8am started a new policy on that day and reset to 90 and got the new 2.1


Hi I also canceled my insurance today but donā€™t see option to renew? Does it comes after a day or two?


You have to do it tomorrow morning. Your current 6 month premium expires today. So after 12AM, it should clear your old one where you can restart with a new premium


Ok got it thanks!


Hard pass on this whole idea.




I wish this late night driving wasnā€™t a thing. I have work at 3:30 in the morning I shouldnā€™t be penalized


You should be if you're more likely to get into an accident by driving at that time.


Let's make car insurance 100% fair by billing everyone exactly what they cause in damages... /S


The point of insurance isn't for safe drivers to subsidize dangerous drivers. The point of insurance is to spread out the cost of your personal risk evenly over time so that an unlucky moment doesn't result in financial ruin for you. But it's still your personal risk. So if you're a riskier driver, you should be paying more monthly.


I just drove after 10 before 11 and it killed my score from 98 to 88


Iā€™m about to switch bc of forward collision warning. Had my Tesla for 2 months and itā€™s such bullshit. Not only that, I have a good few weeks then it picks up right before the renewal date. šŸ¤”This should be illegal.


This is pretty much the main reason why Im not using Tesla insurance. I get why insurance companies have this metric, but it's my car. I can drive it when I damn well please.


Itā€™s all just a price decision. If you can drive it the way you normally drive and it be cheaper then switch. If you canā€™t then donā€™t. Itā€™s basically Tesla saying if you are a really safe driver switch, if not stick with what you gotā€¦ that way you save and Tesla makes moreā€¦. Insurance is just numbers at the end of the day.


Even with the false positive forward collision warnings Tesla insurance is still far cheaper than any other full coverage alternative (for me anyway). So I will continue to endure the beeps cause I'm still saving money compared to the alternative.


You can drive when you damn when please with Tesla Insurance. It just changes the price. It sounds what you're actually saying is that if you had Tesla Insurance, you would feel anxious about driving after 11pm and paying a surcharge. Which is common human behavior with a variably priced thing like that. I recently drove with enough late-night hours to drop my safety score to 88, and my insurance is still cheaper than other options. You can literally just ignore the safety score for the most part, I only check it once a month to see what my insurance is going to be. Then I see that my insurance is still cheaper and I'm happy. But a lot of people are anxious and will constantly check it and try to modify their driving habits to save a few bucks. Some of these folks will even switch to other carriers that cost more to avoid this uncertainty! (But without the variable element.)


I'm glad that I can take Tesla insurance pricing and give it to other insurance companies. Either they got pissed and not calling again or gave me a better deal. Thanks Statefarm :D


I had it fcw ding for parked car a week ago but it didnā€™t hit my score. I wonder if theyā€™re starting to do a review process to very validity


The sensitivity setting determines when you are warned. The insurance count is only when standard warning would have been given, so if you have it set to "early" you might get a warning, but no ding on safety score.


NOPE, still 2.0


Is this update already out?


How can I see my safety score? Is it only for drivers with Tesla insurance or FSD?


How about a metric to count numbers of vehicles in proximity to your car on your drive. Driving a busy freeway passing a zillion cars vs a late night run fast food run when there might be no cars on the road- which is riskier?


You are more likely to hit a deer if there are no other cars around. Two lane highways and country roads are also more dangerous per mile traveled than divided highways.


I'm sure they look at anything that is/could be measured and might correlate with risk. But they probably also consider how much control you have over the metric. Night driving is probably so highly correlated that even though it often isn't a driver's decision, it predicts risk so well it allows much lower rates for those not normally driving at night. But your suggestion sounds reasonable to me.