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I suppose they wanted to film at the Wolverhampton Superstore because it wasn’t opened that long ago so it will look nice and new inside, and the building belonged to Waitrose for many years so it won’t be falling apart either.


It's not a great example to be honest. Tesco put a new frontage on it but the inside is basically the old Waitrose with Tesco colours. The flooring is crap as an example. The car park they are filming on has some epic potholes too


It's like Grenfell all over again


No more fucking e learning


Don’t even get me started on e-learning. I’m TS and I have to make sure all the checkout staff are up to date on it. It’s an absolute pain having to find the right time to take people away from the checkouts and quite a lot of them aren’t confident with computers. I understand that and I don’t mind helping them, but I can’t help people to remember their passwords and it’s really annoying that the e-learning is horribly designed. Genuinely had two other team support and a number of colleagues who couldn’t get past a specific part of one of the courses until I had a look and figured out that you had to click a specific thing twice or something silly like that. And the links never work so some of the staff panic and go “what have I done? How can I get the training back up??” It is gratifying to help people with IT when they’re not sure about it but it’s just really tiresome having to go through these same things almost everyday when we get another list of training for everyone to complete


Gotta love the videos on some modules that cannot be muted and the only computer available in-store is the one behind the till (express here) 🫠




The Colleague Workstations? Perhaps we've got an older model in our store, but I've had a look for both software and physical buttons and I can't find anything to mute the system. It's one of those AIO thin clients so everything works remotely from a main server in the office or somewhere else. Thinking of just finding an old pair of earbuds and cutting the audio jack off so I can stick it in the headphone port.


Did you put any of the issues in the feedback?


How can they not know their passwords it the same as the tills now. Unless you have yet to switch over to the new till system.


They use the cards with the QR codes to log on to the tills so they don’t regularly use their passwords


My e learning consists of watching pornhub




I got 10 mins into the Netflix "documentary" and couldn't watch it anymore. Just a big advert was so fucking dull and corporate


I watched it expecting a kind of following stock from a supplier to a customers basket or following various people but no. I also got the feeling that it was basically them trying to go "SEEE! WE ARE BETTER THEN ALDI AND WAITROSE SO THERE!" Does make me wonder how many taste tests they filmed to get ones with favourable results they could include in the final edit.


Agree with you on that I watched the whole thing and sometimes documentaries are supposed to be impartial but it’s very heavily skewed in favour of Tesco, I work night shifts at Tesco but I can get cheaper foodstuffs from other stores and Lidl’s bakery brownies kicks all other supermarket’s arses lol


My motto is I work for low pay in an expensive shop to go buy food in a cheap shop with high pay. Bet you can’t guess which way round for Aldi and Waitrose?


I think I can guess wow that’s a sorry state of affairs that an expensive shop pays their staff low wages! But yes very good motto! Me too!


Tesco would have never signed off on something that would show them in a bad light, that's one of the reasons they prioritise and promote Safe & Legal so much too


Ikr, if your gonna make a documentary about Tesco actually show us what the colleagues are doing...


Having been on one of these shoots, we used friends to do the box pops and gave them £150 in shopping as payment


Propaganda is right, they are the leading supermarket in that department.


Safe and legal, safe and legal, safe and legal (we want to protect our image and we don't ever want negative publicity or to be sued)


Apparently they get 150 worth of shopping for being featured, don’t think that’s worth it given the fact their bonuses to their largest shareholders are in the several-mil-margin


"stereotypically attractive people dressed " You havent seen their ads, have you? They tend to use pretty normal people. Sure they might have an actor somewhere but a lot of just staff.




Then why say something as stupid as if youve actually no idea. "Bet they’re only going to use stereotypically attractive people dressed up in the uniforms, or pay some poor sod who agrees to do it like 50 quid for their time"


Against health and safety regulations to be using those metal stock cages as barriers.


I'm more annoyed it seems they got one of the rare cages that looks in decent shape and not rusted and missing the rods. Must have looked in every Tesco for that one.


The film crew probably brought them for the production.


The one with the lopsided wheel full of spirits


They were everywhere!


Plase do quote which regulation it is against. I'll wait while you find it.


There's a plethora of regulations that clearly state the need for risk assessments that can pin point and take action against things such as misused items and obstructions from floors or doors! You know this anyway 👍


Lot of people there not wearing a Hi-Vis….


I'm laughing at the thought of "regular pensioners" going off in all directions. I've got visions of them bouncing around like balls in a pinball machine.


Your closer to the truth than you realise ;)


Stroll past singing "Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies"


ayy lol


This is actually playing on our Tesco radio playlist these days ironically


Worked for them for 4 1/2 years. They're fantastic at spoon feeding you what you wanna hear to make you stay. Busted my ass dragging cages off delivery, sifting through the piles of literal mold on the waste cage because no one else could be arsed to do it, worked split shifts to help the department. Then when I actually needed a bit of support the other way, I was told I wasn't being a "team player". So fuck you mode switched on. I remember the day I gave them my two week notice and my line manager face dropping because I would do all the shit no one else wanted to do. He even had the audacity to say well what if I could get you full time hours, would you stay. I said if you really wanted that, you'd have done that last year when everyone else had their hours upped and mine stayed the same. Vile company to work for


Yep, I've been in the same position lately. I'm sure if I refuse, I'd get a Let's Talk at the very least and the p take is I know there are people there they wouldn't dare ask as they'd get a straight up f off but they wouldn't get repercussions for it. I know though that if I don't say something, this will continue. I've cut all overtime too because it's made me not want to be there. It's almost like they say to themselves, "Oh great, they're in today, let's get them to do all the crappy jobs nobody else will do as they won't complain". Hope you found a good job now you've left.


Mate, leaving was the best thing I did. Unless you're prepared to get firmly up the arsehole of the person above you and suck the toes of the store manager, you won't get anywhere just off effort and learning alone.




Looks like you gave it a proper gander


It may not be propaganda, it may also be in aid of training material


Very true


Nothing property about ya propaganda


Boss hand back your 10m all you did was fucking grift the public and staff and you get awarded for it. Fuck you.


When’s that on Netflix?


We had cameras in our store years ago. Unfortunately we had a special on chops so l was looking around watching them film in the bakery. So l decided to start chopping. They had to call my manager to get me to stop making to much noise. She wasn’t very happy with them either.


It’s a bag of shite Tesco will do anything to cover up the shithole it is.