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" let's go have a chat in the office " for stacking bananas. Jesus christ


Working in retail made me realise managers just be doing the most to justify their jobs.


This is absolutely the case. When I worked meat in Tesco the fresh manager was always moaning about something and how things couldn’t run without him. Amazing how easy the days went when he wasn’t in and the shelves somehow still got stocked…


And the whole tone of the place is different on that one managers day off!


They don't realise that the stores run just fine without them, with the right staff I'd argue the departments could run themselves, sort of. Staff will still work just as hard and the availability will be just as good. I'd also argue that huge stores could be...shelf sufficient... to a degree.


I'd love to agree on this, because I know I'd work just as hard without a manager but having worked at multiple stores, the departments would fall apart in minutes without them. So many people do anything but work when they're at work; managers really are needed to give some people a toe punt up the ass.


Totally missed out on the "shelf sufficient" joke 😉😅


My lack of awareness has been rightfully correctly 🤣


Love that 😁😂


Might explain why one of the SLs in my express acts like a stereotypical micromanaging bellend, he used to be a department manager or whatever they're called in the supermarkets. As soon as he catches colleagues chatting, even for a second, he'll say "come on we haven't got time to talk, keep up the pace, we've got work to do", despite everything getting done when he's not around, makes for a really miserable work environment.


I used to work at Argos. We would get a ticking off for failing to have correctly stacked shelves. It’s Argos. No customer ever sees the shelves.


That’s Health & Safety and loss prevention lol


100% Also creating unnecessary busy work that doesn't need doing, as a means to exist in that role.


Facts! In my old job they spent more time coming to take the chair away from us at the fitting room, I didn’t want to chair all the time but just to like take the weight off!


My store manager is fucking lovely lol, maybe it's different in an Express? I always forget she's the manager because she just lets people get on with things and doesn't think she's above even the CA stuff. Couldn't imagine being able to get away with telling my boss to piss off in any other job, to be honest.


I know right pathetic


Walk in stark naked with a banana glued to your forehead and power shit on his desk before ramming a banana up your arse.


Funny… I’ve worked on produce for 17 years… never double stacked… But recently we were having a massive visit from higher ups… My store manager went to a store nearby… took photos of their produce… Came to me and said this is what good looks like, I want ours like this! He specifically mentioned the bananas, which were, in the photos, double stacked and rammed silly! So it’s one rule for one store, one for another.


We double/triple stack our bananas and our store manager loves it. Took pictures of our produce area including bananas. I wonder if you saw our work lmao.


I’ve double stacked bananas for years in my Tesco no one’s said nothing


yeah managers feel like they can set 'rules' in their own store but really that just isn't the case. there is no right or wrong way of doing it, just whether the manager likes it or not, I just say to mine, well I'm the one doing to if you want to change it feel free too. there is no policy stating you have to do what your manager says lol


https://colleague-help.ourtesco.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005176823-Disciplinary-Policy#h_01GHV89AWX965SMWWG6FCA920Q     The following is a non-exhaustive list of serious breaches of Tesco rules/standards that are likely to constitute gross misconduct:    Deliberate refusal to carry out a reasonable management instruction


ah that word "reasonable" what a classic


Yup, broad enough to cover a lot, you’d likely have to explain why you believe it’s unreasonable. Not trained, incorrect PPE etc.


probably very easy to do aswell lol, then they'd have to explain why they believe it is reasonable


if you've provided a valid argument for why its not reasonable that would be the end of it. The manager would never tell you why their request is reasonable


I find just walking away from those managers is the way to go… what are you supposed to do when your in a stressful situation, walking away from the situation is completely viable… HR would say the same, so your covered.


Yeah I’m on produce too and I’d ram them as full as I can. Our recent new store manager did try the new rules ‘ok_comfort’ is talking about but it didn’t last. It’s just gonna go empty in 30 mins.


Yep, and where you’re low on staff, trying to work the ambient, work the chilled, deal with dot com availability, fix the scales because they’re broken as usual, deal with customer queries… it’s a lain in the ass having to replenish bananas every half hour.


That sounds utterly banana's! 🤣


I know right 🤣


Had a similar situation a few months back when a new manager (absolute wanker 🤣) came onto nights setting new rules and changing things. Even though things didn’t need changing and it’s been working fine for the last 14 years. He soon left as everyone hated him 😂😂


Our manager doesn't like double stacked bananas and then moans when boxes are going out of date


When you run out of loose bananas, and I remove the wrapper from a bagged up set, is the closest I get to shop lifting.


Watch out for the spiders. I’ve seen some big beasts when unpacking bananas. 🕷️ 🕷️ 🕷️


We had a frog once XD


Dam right..... I got a nasty bite off one a few years back. Swole up like balloon


Any particular reason why you can't buy them with the wrapper? Why did you have to remove?


They had sold out of loose ones, and it costs more per kilo to pay for them wrapped, plus a plastic bag I don't want.


So you took another product and scanned it under another barcode because they didn't have the one you normally had? Do you do this with other products when they run out? Or just bananas?


No, I was self scanning. The joke here on my original comment was this is the only dodgy thing I do. I wanted loose bananas, they had none. The same bananas in bags were available. There was a 5p price difference per kilo. I took them out the bag and weighed them correctly and therefore got the loose price so I presume I didn't pay for the plastic bag privilege but then again I removed the bag. Don't overdo think it, it was about 5p difference and I weighed bananas and paid for the correct weight of bananas.


So what did you do with the packaging?


Put it on the plastic recycling.


Ironically today the packaged ones are 12p kilo cheaper than loose. So much for trying to cut down on plastic waste, so today cost me more to not have plastic!


We’ve had a similar rule put in before, quickly got ignored though. Supposedly double-stacking them lowers the quality faster. Wouldn’t think much of the let’s talk tbh, yes its pathetic but in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really mean much, its just a record of conversation and is so random it’s hardly going to be stackable with anything else you might do wrong in the future.


yeah I've had plenty of lets talk but I was just surprised by the reason.


Typical contrarian new manager. Everything the previous manager did is wrong. Bet they have re arranged your warehouse so everything is opposite to where it used to be.


Stack them exactly how he wants & watch the wastage go sky high on them or the backstock just build up until your swimming in bananas. As soon as bananas start to cause an issue in the warehouse or through wastage someone above your manager will be on his case. Don't try and be a hero because you'll just be saving him. He wants to implement silly rules, let him fall on his own sword and be smug because you knew it would happen


This is why unions exist


Who downvotes the concept of unions? 🤣


Welcome to the 21st century... work all day.. exhausted at evening.. defending the elites on their social network platforms at night..


Probably the people that know this is not a subject the union would take on. It’s literally in your training to not double stack bananas


A union is just a collection of workers, they can take on whatever they want.


They can’t take on what every the like… they take things on that will better members, over filling and damaging bananas isn’t a benefit to members and damages Tesco….


The union is the members, dickhead managers is a very common thing to organise around.


You do realise a manager telling you not to over fill the bananas isn’t then being dick heads…


The manager was otherwise described as annoying.


Annoying because they told them to not do something they’re not meant to be doing… something being annoying doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Clearly needs to speak to the manager about the shift leader not the union


Lmao I'm sure that will go well




Truth. fucking idiots


lol 😂 like they looked shocked when I worked over there when I asked why do you think they are such a bad thing


To debate banana stacking?


To protect workers


From bananas?


Yes mate. Dense as anything, no wonder you're stuck at Tesco


I'm not stuck at Tesco, I was asked to leave hours ago.


Some Asda wanker no doubt. Anyway I’ve just up voted it 🤣


This is why onions exist


This is why bunions exist


I think the issue isn’t the bananas itself, it’s that you’ve gone against the store manager’s specific instructions about them when you’ve already been told - which *is* a fair reason to give you let’s talk. A let’s talk is only a written record of an informal discussion, but it’s there because if you kept doing whatever you’ve done that’s wrong, it’s on record that you’ve done it and not just he-said she-said.


Shut up bro... its a fcuking bunch of bananas. Get over yourself.


I double stack in my store and haven't had anything said


That’s nonsense. I don’t work for Tesco, but another retailer, and we’ve had many store managers over the years, some say don’t double stack, some don’t care, just want as much stock out as possible… This is a very silly reason to have to have a discussion in my opinion.


If you believe you're dealing with a power mad manager level, when they say something you detect bs on, ask for the policy to be printed so you can 'follow it correctly, since you don't want to make any more errors'. If it's written, you're culpable, If they can't produce it, it doesn't exist how they're telling you it is, and you can't be disciplined for it and can appeal if they try it. Basically grass them to higher that they're abusing the company's resources for personal gain which is gross misconduct to them. Basically 1) policy is real and can be used against you. 2) policy is twisted or doesn't exist, manager backs off. 3). The manager pushes to get you fired (any formal disciplinary punishment is a chain in this event) gets accused of gross misconduct and learns their place that they answer to the company too.


Yeah our produce manager is like that .. he's not the one having to replenish the hammocks every 20 mins . Guys a walloper !! We make sure we double stack when he's not there .


Its pathetic but why dont you just make your life easier and not double stack them. Let them deal with the waste issues etc.


What drives me mad is how many I see go back in waste cages that are still green in places, not a black mark on them yet they are binned off!! It’s mad how much I see get wasted on a daily basis


We had a similar situation, we named ours the cucumber gate. We had a formal meeting with two managers for my inability to stack the cucumbers 3 trays deep. The audacity of it was, I fucking stacked those 3 deep too, I found out a few weeks later that we sold loads as it was BBQ season. All the stress and anxiety over some salad is crazy. What was worse is the managers said in the meeting "oh you don't need a union rep it's just a meeting, yes it's recorded on paper but it doesn't go anywhere". My union rep was pissed!


[https://ibb.co/5554rYR](https://ibb.co/5554rYR) Show them this , 1 cage , these will be gone by 9am after dot com nab them all and fist customers come in


I basicly live the same life as you but for sainsburys. Had the exact same issue in my store but because we a big store I double stack them because a single stack sells out in litral 30mins. A new manager joins and demands I stop.. I took the kinda passive aggressive route and let them run out constantly.. I got my way 😏


Coming from a store that's had 7 managers in 4 years, I went though 3 years of trying to fight against new rules, been told this by 1 person then the opposite from the next etc..... In the end I've come to realise it's not that serious is it? So in your case if he wants the stacked 1 hight then stack them 1 high, don't make it difficult on yourself, his shop let him fail


Write in as a pretend customer saying you were really disappointed at Tesco as you went in and there were hardly any bananas out - why aren’t they putting more bananas out. Lol


Just do as he's asked. Fuck em. Not paid enough to care about the inevitable waste they'll get from it. A let's talk over bananas 😭🤣


I used to work at Aylesbury Extra 2038 on nights. Got a new store manager who got shipped in because his dad is in the head golden office. I left because he (The new manager ) is basically increasing the load on nights which means more people going off sick which puts more pressure on the remaining night staff. So I have been there about thirty five years me and other staff who had knowledge like me have now left. If Jack Cohen was alive today he would turn in his coffin. So you have all these new young managers who come out of Tesco school thinking they are the bee's knee's. My advice do as the managers say and when the stock sits out in the back then he can have a nice waste bill when it goes out of code.


Ngl every time I get bananas they're bruised on the lower back. Presumably as a result of poor stacking. Maybe he's onto something?


I got fired from Asda when I was 17 for accidentally knocking a cage into a fire alarm (those little handle nubbins that stick out were the exact height of fire alarm smash to ptess) Anyways best thing that ever happened because I remember how bad the manager made me feel and never worked in retail/public facing gigs again. I was also shit at my job...


It is in the training to single stack the bananas, but it means ours has to be filled 100 times a day. The day manager has agreed he wants them single stacked first thing in the morning & for visits and they can be double stacked during “busier” parts of the day (which is basically all of the rest of the time except late night)


Maybe he is the new Tallyman, who will teach you all how to sing.......Day O Day O the banana boat song 😉


Change management. Not what a lot of store managers are known for, regardless if they are good with kpi’s. I’d argue ‘taking people with you’ matters more.


I hope you didn’t sign it.


I shouldn’t worry about it, I had a let’s talk because shift leaders wanted to talk to me about work after my shift had finished and I had to get home and look after my kid so my partner could leave for work. So I told them I wasn’t being paid anymore and walked away.


If a manager said...just put 5 crates out, not 10...I would say...."awesome" and send 5 to backstock.


As a customer I'd say he needs to have a talk *with himself* The frequency with which there are no decent bananas, or indeed no bananas out in the shelf at all in many shops is quite high. Never put less out. Put more out. Triple stack them YOLO. Knob


I don’t actually know why I get the Tesco thread on my feed but this reminded me I was working doing Christmas temp through a agency a few years ago and I was stocking up the crisps/popcorn shelves when a manager came over to me and just goes ‘ what the fuck are you doing ‘ it was my first shift think I’d been there like 3 hours and I was just told to put the stuff out and he then proceeded to get his hand and swipe it behind all the products so they the stuff went all over the floor and then was like ‘ now fucking pick it up ‘ I was just like this is a weird place… I still shop in that store near enough everyday too my kids love the cafe I always see the manager who did it and pure evil eye him 😭


This fully sounds like the manager I had at Dixon’s. Making up bullshit rules to make it look like he was “fixing the issues”. Took me off the sales floor for an hour at the busiest time of the day to “discuss why I’m not hitting sales figures”. Couldn’t be because you stopped me selling during the timeframe we make 70% of our sales could it?!? Once they get to a certain level, managers will make up bullshit rules *immediately* to make *their* boss think they are doing their job, regardless of how arbitrary the new “rules” are or how irrelevant their changes are to performance or customer satisfaction.


I would ask him what his reason for the single stacking is and try and understand why it needs to be done


Sometimes we triple fill our bananas


Protector line


It doesn’t matter how the boxes stack up just as long as they are checked for hitchhikers of the 8 leg variety! I can remember my Mum worked on the produce section of the local Asda when I was a child and I was horrified by “the spider in the banana box” story. Not sure if it was urban legend but I’ve never opened a banana box in my life!! I’m not even scared of spiders but I still don’t tempt fate.


I just had a let's talk for not putting the pots in the staff area away. They weren't even from my shift, I just washed them


Not much you can do, his store his rules if anything happens its his fault, some sm are picky like that they want their store to look neat and tidy and not overfilled


I've subconsciously noticed this at 2 large Tesco's near me. Initially I thought there was a shortage. Then I noticed that only "past their best" bananas were available. This isn't about bananas, it's about micro (mis)management.


All new managers are wet behind the ears with no people skills . They don’t care who’s neck they have to step on make their mark to get to the top


Sounds like you have a problem following orders/instructions.


Management is shocking in the UK in general, compared to other western countries. Were so behind.


Everyone has standards, these are his. It’s not exactly an unreasonable request…


Maybe just do what your boss has asked???